Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1969, p. 9

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER v FRI., DEC. 19, 1969 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 9 REAJ. ESTATE REAL ESTATE •-§ I •5 iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil POLLOCK PHILLIPS Otlu 4MI West Shore Driv« 3 bedroom, 1% lots, and 1100 square feet of living area. Includes beach rights, rotary TV antenna, and doll house. 8881 Shorehlll Drive 3 bedroom, full basement, 2 baths, 2 car at­ tached garage. Excellent buy for the money. 4W8 Ashley $36,900.00 will buy this one year old with 6 r o o m s , c e n t r a l a i r , a n d s i t u a t e d o n l o v e l y wooded lot. Quick Possession. 5715 N« Meadow Lane (Pistakee MigMainfa) How about 3 bedrooms, full basement, 1% car garage, swimming pool, air conditioning, carpet­ ed living room -- $12000.00 down? lilt State Route 176 % acre -- and price reduced to $19,900.00. Grand setting with lots of trees, 3 bedrooms, family room with fireplace, loads of extras. PHONE 385-2500 POLLOCK-PHILLIPS REALTY SERVICE "Ifcj 121969 = NORTHERN ILLINOIS REALTY SERVICE. INC •M&n IfEJRfr- d % t '*: V>- 'V:J NOW • DASH AWAY - DASH AWAY - ALL As quickly as possible to see this outstanding 3 bedroom ranch situated on a 140* water front lot. After skating, enjoy hot cider before the fire- place in the 23 foot living room. Kitchen has all appliances. An excellent buy at $39,500. CALL FOB A FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME. Tttt»iaeiir dafiyndlo ihowil < 11:55 un. on WTVS. \ O K I I U K \ I I I I N O I S Rh il l V SI RVKT 3815 W. Elm St, McHenry, 111. (Corner Rt 120 A Rt 31) OPEN EVERYDAY - CALL ANYTIME 815-385-2340 Exclusive Listing Service in McHenry, Illinois NATIONAL MULTI LIST SERVICE - NATIONWIDE 121969 JOHN FUHLER REAL ESTATE CO. Has the Best Buy for You! ̂'V CHRISTMAS BY YOUR OWN FIRE-SIDE You'll find a beautiful marble fireplace in the spacious carpeted living room with dining area. There is a large cabinet kitchen with eating area plus 3 large carpeted bedrooms and 1V6 baths. The full basement has a finished family room and % bath plus loads of storage room. A 2 car attached garage also comes with this brick ranch on a beautifully landscaped lot Priced in the mid '$30*s THINKING OF SELLING? f We have buyers waiting for your property, us today. List with PEN SUNDAY -- 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. JOHN FUHLER I REAL ESTATE CO. Co-Operating Member EXCLUSIVE LISTING SERVICE Member of the Nationwide FIND-A-HOME Service, Inc. Downtown Crystal Lake, 111. 101 N. Main Street 459*0658 465 Route 14 (formerly Amundson's) Crystal Lake, 111. 450-1780 SS21 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 885-3250 1219 69 REAL ESTATE WE HAVE BUYERS who would like to consider your farm, vacant acreage or estate property. Call Our Rural Property Dept. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE run Curry e n f t y l \C. WISHING YOU EVERY HAPPINESS AT CHRISTMAS AND THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR. Ask about our new monthly publication, "OWNERSHIP" containing new home ideas, tips on decorating, and new products for the home. ^MEMBEREXCLUSIVE LISTING SERVICE OF McFITNRy' r 385-7190 3106 W. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois• REAL ESTATE YES there is a Santa Claus. $200 down for a i3 or 4 bedroom home if you qualify. --LISTINGS WANTED -- Telephone 385-8180 1303 Richmond Rd. McHenry, HI. 1219 69 TWO BEDROOM HOME, Won- der Lake, 4 lots, 2 car garage, gas heat, full basement Lots I of extras. Immediate occu­ pancy. Call 653-4971. 1217-1219 69 I T.P.MATHEWS J REALTORS 815-658-2061 or 815-885-6841. | 12 8 69TF12 | BEAUTIFUL large corner lot just 2 miles north of town. The size 107x183 and beauti­ ful landscaping, will enhance any future home. Low taxes in a progressive area are a plus. For information phone 385- 5839, 8-6-69TF12 Open 7 days a week till dark T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS McHenry 4 bedroom aluminum sided, bargain, gas heat, good size lot As cheap as rent. Terms, $7,300. 5 room frame home on double lot corner, 2 or 3 bedrooms, 2 gas space heat­ ers, included plus range. A give away at $7,500. T.P.MATHEWS OFFERS Wonder Lake Cozy small family home. 2 bedrooms with closets, living room carpeted, handy kitchen-dining room, cera­ mic tile bath with shower and vanity, beautiful trees. $11,000. Six room deferred mainte­ nance home. Birch wood" cabinet kitchen, large din­ ing area, knotty pine den with french doors, 2 bed­ rooms, attached garage, part basement, $12,200. RENTALS - WONDER LAKE Lakefront -- 4 bedroom home. Across the street . from lake. Ideal for snow- / mobiling, ice skating, etc. $300 monthly. White Oaks Bay - 2 bed­ rooms -- $190.00 monthly. Lookout Point - 2 bed­ rooms -- furnished $150.00 monthly. 1 year lease -- Security deposit required. See Our Ads Dally A Sunday In the Tribune T. p. MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake, 111. 815 885-6841 815-658-2001 1219 69 Male Help Wanted TWO NIGHT FOREMAN Heavy experience in supervision Immediate placement $800- $900 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 1219 69 Male Help Wanted Programmers WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 1219 69 Male Help Wanted COMPUTER OPERATORS WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 1219 69 TRUCK DRIVERS SEMI To load and haul hay. Year around. Good wages. John Henricks, Inc. Arlington Heights ft Rand Rds. Arlington Heights, 111. 812-258-0185 ^1212-1219 69 Female Help Wanted \ Housekeepers FULLTIME 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Excellent starting salary plus fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Dept. McHENRY HOSPITAL 8516 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry Call 385-2200 ext. 645 1217-1219 69 FULL TIME woman wanted. Combination marking and sell­ ing. Employee benefits. Apply in person to Harry Dean. Befi Franklin. . > 123 69TF12 WAITRESS WaIjTEDv9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Apply in person. Jim's Snack Shop, 1206 N. Green, McHenry. 1219 69TF12 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted E X S E R V I C E M E N JOBS OF ALL KINDS WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock Female Help Wanted WOMAN to work part time, Monday thru Thursday, doing paste up. Typing necessary. Good working conditions. Ap­ ply in person at McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St. 12 10 69TF12 PART TIME girl for Riverside Laundry, days. Apply in per­ son, 1304 Front St. McHenry, IU. 1217-1219 69 CHECK OUT girl, full time. Company benefits. Apply in person to Harry Dean, Ben Franklin, McHenry. 12-3-69TF1-2 HELP WANTED FULL TIME SALES PERSON Experience not necessary. Profit sharing, employee discounts, paid holidays. Apply In Person GLADSTONE'S 1219 N. GREEN McHENRY, ITiL. 815-885-0182 1217-1219 69 338-3200 1219 69 ADVERTISING SALES REP-| RESENTATTVE for work in newspaper advertising depart-1 ment (sales layout). Good op­ portunity for aggresive young man with solid future. Must be draft free. For appointment! call Tom Miller. 385-0170. 1212 69TF121 Flexowriters to $425 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 121969 Accountants all kinds to $13,000 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 12 19 69 ELECTRONIC TECHS. to $800 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 285 Benton Woodstock 338-3200 1219 69 O A K has immediate DAY SHIFT openings for MODEL MAKERS with tool and die background. 8 A.M. to 4:80 P.M. Apply In Personnel Office 8 a.m. to 4:80 pan. V O A K V MMWSCmiM «•. * MM. *• OAK CLacTWc/Nancs to" South Main SttMl Phon. 459-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 1210-121269 Female Help Wanted EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY in our Wonder Lake business office for one full time service representative with apptitude for general office work. Some typing experience re­ quired. HOURS: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Numerous fringe benefits, automatic wage progression schedule. APPLY TO MANAGER: 3810 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, 111. General Telephone Co. Of Illinois "an equal opportunity employer" .. Key Punch Operators Alpha-Numeric -- to $550 . Office Girls All kinds. Immediate Placement to $600 . Secretaries to $450 . Executive Secretaries to $650 WIDE SCOPE PERSONNEL 235 Benton St. Woodstock, 111. 338-3200 1219 69 O P P O R T U N I T Y for personable woman of mature judgment to be­ come supervising secretary for family service and mental health clinic. Must be able to greet patients pleasantly, handle appointments for psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists and supervise work of clinic secretaries. Accuracy in typing necessary, shorthand desired. FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC FOR McHENRY COUNTY McHenry CALL MRS. ROBERTS at (815) 885-6400 1212-10-69 FOR MEN OR WOMEN Earn extra cash now. Part time work with a guaranteed salary. Pleasant working conditions. Convenient location in-town McHenry. HOURS: 0 a.m. - 2 pan. or 5 p.m. - 0 p.m. Call Gen 385-1070 1219 69\ IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AVAILABLE Male and Female WANTED PUPPIES, litters only, for pet shop. Will pick up if brought to McHenry area. Good horhe guaranteed. Call 385-7897. 12-3-69TF1-2 GARAGE SALE RUMMAGE SALE DEC. 18th, 19th, 20th Noon 'ai T T ? Clothing, tools, new yard goods, china, misc. items. In the Dining Room at Mc's Pub (at Michelob sign) Volo, Illinois 1217-121969 Wanted To Buy BOY'S ice skates, size 4. Must be in good condition. Call 385- 7515. 12 10-1219 69 VACANT land in or near Mc­ Henry. For information write to Box 277 c/o McHenry Plain- dealer. 1217-121969 SITUATION WANTED SANTA CLAUS will visit your children at home. Call 385- 7864. 1217-1219 69 CARD OF THANKS I WOULD LIKE to thank my many friends for the cards and well wishes I received during my recent illness, to the staff of McHenry Hospital and to Fathers Petit, Tierney, Baumhofer and Urbaniak I am most grateful. TOM BIRMINGHAM 121969 I/WE WISH TO EXPRESS our yuheartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, Masses, bards and floral offerings re­ ceived during the passing of our loved one. Special thanks to the McHenry Fire Depart­ ment and City Policemen for their prompt services. The Family of Martin Wegener 1219 69 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED " Y O U R F U T U R E " What Does It Hold? Where Are You Going? Come to SUN, where you can SEE YOUR FUTURE. OPPORTUNITY is yours at SUN. Why not come in and talk over YOUR FUTURE? We have an excellent opportunity for the right people qualified to work at SUN. Top starting salaries and a benefit package topped by few. Why wait? Come in and talk over YOUR FUTURE? INTERVIEWING HOURS: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m. Saturday or call: 815-459-7700 for your convenient appointment. As you drive by, check the SUN sign for current job openings. ̂BRAKE PARTS CO. MM N. INDUSTRIAL DRIVE McHENRY (MM H» McHmt IM PUe.) ~ 12-1T-69 PART TIME WORK. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS We have one route open AM. and P.M. and 1 P.M. route WORTS TRANSIT 385-1500 1219 69TF12 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Ladies coat, Masonic Hall or Job's Daughter style show. Taken by mistake. Call 385-0115 or 385-0098. 321969 PART TIME grill man or wo­ man to cook at Little Chef Restaurant. Call 385-9752. 1219-1270 NOTICE GARBAGE McHeny - Wonder Lake Area Garbage pick-up on Christmas and New Year's will be on Friday and Friday pick-up will be on Saturday. 1219-12 23 69 PERSONALS TOO MANY friends for . . . Home Party? Al's White House is available for New Year's Eve after 8:30. Call now. Phone 385-9892. 1219-12 23 69 TOM, Thank you for 5 wonderful months. Merry Christmas. 12-19-69 IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE NOTICE I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts other than my own as of December 5, 1969 KENNETH WRIGHT 1219 69 HOME TOO SMALL FOR . . New Year's Eve? Al's White House is available after 8:30. Phone 385-9892. 1219-12 23 69 NOTICE NOTICE ADVERTISE IT PAYS TO ELECTRIC CORPORATION 3011 EAST ROUTE 176 CRYSTAL LAKE. ILLINOIS 00014 815-459-7700 AeroSpace Division "aĵ qua ̂opportunity^mgĵ e£|--------I 1970 LICENSE PLATE SERVICE Drivers & Chauffeur's Renewal License and Bonded by State of Illinois GEORGE S SINCLAIR Rt. 120 & 31 McHenry, Illinois 385-9894 12569TF2

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