ALL THE MEN IN YOVR LIFE McGregor & Wind Breaker Solid and Plaids with warm pile lining *2©##,„*5©## Nylon Ski Jackets Solids -- with or without belt Buxton Wallets andkerchiefs x in Box of 3 %\ Fine Linen Smart Slim Style \ In Various Fine Leather Evans Slippers Fine Kidskiirkeather With Soft *795 $Q95 Padded Soles 4 ^ f/ Select a Smart New Coat in 2 button with side vents or traditional 3 button models with center vent. Warm slow tones in luxurious Wool and Mohair and Wool and Orion. 9S0°° to 96000 Curlee Slacks *1> to blend with the New Sport Coats JVFL Blazers Single & Double models *55 Leather Soles With Rubber Heels *995 Freeman Deer Skin *I29S Phone 385-0047 Brookfield sport coats pmC c in Young Men's styles Single and Double Breasted S'" «»«•* iVecfc Shirts i Stripes New Flares & Stovepipes f Men's Sizes $800 to f1300 Jantzen or McGregor Cardigan and Pullovers ^ *1095 to '3000 |fe| Sleeveless jmm •Rip Sweaters fm I »f J j H Is M mL in Pullovers or Vest models > m FM Van Heusen Pajamas Wash & Wear fine cottons in a great selection *500 to *900 |vNvlon Tricot Wash & Wear r »i2M Hugger Gloves 30 Fine Leather ^nJgg with warm orlon, W wool or fur lining^®! *5 00 to Hi95 1 Short sleeve and long sleeve--cotton and banlon and orlon. Perfect to match with Cardigan Sweaters. VanHeusen Hampshire House Shirts Never needs ironing 80% dacron & 20% cotton In all the new colors: FRENCH & 2 BUTTON CUFFS $7°° to $io°° We also have Tie & Cuff Links to match. \anopress White shirts Cotton & Dacron, and Cotton f\ Mill »5S0 to *7S0 Additional Gift Suggestions JOCKEY SHORTS-. JOCKEY T-SHIRTS TIE RACKS Sport Shirts The latest in Patterns and Colors *500 to $7°° LEATHER BELTS 0 \ Swank JEWELRY BOXES *2 MEN'S HOSE (Jockey & Esquire) SWANK LINKS t TIE TUCKS....'4 WELL SUITED FOR The gift that can't miss . . . give the man in your life the suit that gives the air of elegance at a moderate price. Acomplete selection of sizes colors and patterns. FROM FROM Curlee AND Hart Schaffner Suits A Marx Suits SHOES (Freeman & Floisheim) MADE EAST After Shave JADE EAST Cologne WIND BREAKER WEATHER COATS (W/zipout liner) FREE GIFT WRAPPING Mc Henry Daily 9 to 9 Saturday 9 til 6 Closed Sunday J.245 N. Green Street bee. Z, Pg. 5 -Plaindealer - Friday, Der 19,1969