Shown above are some of the men who com pleted the instruction school sponsored in the county by the Illinois Ski patrol. Left is an unidentified member of the Woodstock rescue squad. Others are Deputies Dennis Lantis and George Meyers, Instructor Bill Hays of Crys tal Lake and Deputies George Corson and Ray Weber. Sheriff's Police Participate In Special School A large number of men took part in a cold weather emer gency instruction school spon sored by the Illinois Ski patrol to inform them on the proper care of frostbite and other re lated problems. In all, sixteen from the sher iff's department participated. Sheriff John Carroll said. "T am certainly glad tnat I have three station wagons and I am going to get four more. I think this is going to become a re sponsibility of mine and I am greatly concerned. That is why I am trying to get all the peo ple I can to go to all of these schools and instructions". TJke IVotttf Cli true Roxy might have had some hid den justification for her sudden angry flare-up. But her mas ter's reaction is typical of the emotional difference that sep arates children from adults! For pain usually makes kiddies cry but men become enraged. So tutor your children in con verting both fear and pain into proper anger! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE L-592: Roxy, aged 4, is a house dog. ••We had raised her from a puppy, her master Informed me. "And I had usually given her food and drink every day, so she knew I was her chief friend. "But the other night, as I was reading my newspaper, she bit me severely through the right hand and then snarled and bit me several times along the forearm before I could stop her. "The blood flowed from sev eral puncture marks made by her teeth, and the pain was severe. "So I slapped her soundly and would have killed her, ex cept that she ran under the bed. "Then I went to the doctor to have my hand treated, but I told him the first thing I planned to do when I got back home was to kill my dog. "But he warned me not to do so, saying we needed to keep her alive to see if she had rabies. "He said watch her for two weeks and if she was still O.K., then* I wouldn't need rabies shots. "But on that 15th day, I plan to kill her for sure, for I am irate." ANGER VS. TEARS How do you react to sudden pain? Children almost invariably shed tears. Among adults, which sex is more likely to cry - the manor the woman? As a rule, women weep more readily than men. For the usual adult male re action is hot anger when he is pained though young boys may cry. One of the milestones which marks adulthood is this shift from tears to anger when we feel pain. Recently I was painting a scratch on my hand with some iodine while some of my young grandchildren looked on. "My goodness,„ Grandpa," one of them exclaimed, "doesn't that hurt a lot when you put iodine on your sore hand?" And I nodded my head. "But I just grow angry at the pain," I said, "and I al so figure that if it burns me like fire when I am a grown man, just think how it must bum those tiny germs which are much smaller than a speck of dust!" Several emotional attitudes, such as pain and fear, indicate an excessive interest in SELF. They are introvertive emotions. But we can quickly change them by adopting an extrover- tive outlook. For when you deliberately work up your anger, it will ban ish your pain and also your fear. So teach your kiddies to sub stitute righteous anger for their childish fears and pain, forthen they will more quickly have at tained adult emotional status. But in cases where you have been bitten by animals that may possibly be rabid, try to pre serve the animal alive for at least 14 days. Otherwise, to play safe you should take the lengthy series of rabies shots. If the dog is still alive after 14 days, he apparently was not afflicted with rabies. If he dies meanwhile and is proved rabid, you still have ample time for the rabies shots! But don't feel too murderous toward a family pet for just one flare-up! Roxy*s owner might have pat ted a boil on the dog! Send for my "Vocational Gui dance Kit," including an Intro vert-Extrovert test, enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents, and thus learn to Letters To Santa Clans Veterinarians Take Stand On w Feline Leukemia Cat owners should not be a - larmed over news reports that the virus of feline leukemia may be infective for other spec ies, including man, according to the Council on Veterinary Ser vice of the American Veterinary Medical association. Leukemia, one of the many diseases common to man and other animals, is the subject of increasing amounts of re search to determine its causes and methods of control, said the council's spokesman, but dras tic action against cats based on the present knowledge of leu kemia would be a tragic mis take. If the feline leukemia virus were transmissible to man by ordinary means, the in fection rate fljtang cat breeders and veterinanSlis would be ab normally highJ^pparently it is not, however. Until the transmission of leu kemia virus by natural means from cats to man or from man to cats has been substantiated, the council recommends that veterinarians and their cat- owning clients view recent leu kemia research findings as sig nificant but not as a reason for altering the role of the cat in the home. convert fear into anger! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, enclos ing a long stamped, addressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his book lets.) Following are more letters to Santa Claus, printed as re ceived from local youngsters: "Dear Santa" "I would like a Beautiful Chrisy and a P.J. doll. Would you bring me Don't Break the Ice and Dynamite Shack. My brother Larry wants some road race tracks but I had to write it for him. I would like Lem- bo-Legs and Leppin Letter." "Your Friend", Susie Sayles 3802 W. Anne St McHenry, 111. "Dear Santa" "I arto a little bad but I am going to. have a play at school the play is on Wedday I am a Shepherd in the play. I wood like a long cane for Christmas and peanuts set-they our books and Dynamite shack at home football pro bowl Fort Apache. Make the West come Alive - Hot wheels - Action City Matchbox motorway - Mo- torific Midnight special." "From Brian Wagner 902 E. Route 120 McHenry, 111." "Dear Santa" "I thank you for the coloring book. I think you are great and I want you to come to my house. GALA 3f NEW YEARS EVE PARTY VFW POST 4600 McHenryf Illinois • DANCE TO BOB FREUND'S 10 PIECE ORCHESTRA 10 to 2 • DELICIOUS BUFFET 11 to 1 • HATS, HORNS, N0ISEMAKERS $10.00 PER COUPLE PHONE 385-9860 FOR INFORMATION ADMISSION BY IICKET ONLY ALL RESERVATIONS FINAL Can you,-say hiVto rhy'baby brotherNsfease." "Vf-om June English and Jdn Jay" 2$06 N. Beachview Dr. McHenry, 111. "Hi Santa!" Here's what we want for Christmas; Jerry-He's not sure yet. Deb-Pony halter, bridle reigns and a Folksong guitar, pajamas. Elaine-Easy curl, oh nuts game, operation game. Barb-Ken doll, Hide 'n Seek game, and shoe boots size 1. Jo Anne- Beautiful Chrissy, Rings ' Things. Mike-Dirk, Bin Wagon, Combine. Pat-Barn set (share with Mike), See 'n Say. Family toy-Hand Down Game." "From Jerry, Deb, Elaine, Barb, JoAnne Mike and Pat Henning- field. "Dear Santa" "I want you to have these pictures. You gave me the col oring book and I cut the pic tures and now I want you to have them. I want a baby grow- a-tooth doll." "Love, Barbara Weber 2619 W. Lincoln Rd McHenry, 111 Age 7 "Dear Santa" "Are you busy? Can I have 10 more live bunnies? Doll clothes and hangers, doll, Wal- kie-talkie, cry-baby, box cray ons, blanket (knit). Doll that looks like me." "Kelly McCarroll" "Dear Santa Claus" "I would like Easy Curl, a camera, a sleeping bag, hip flip, Don't brach the ice, Bang box." "Thank you" Sandy Smith *^/ Christmas: <x- Better Safe Than Sorry Fall and Winter mean holi days and holidays mean parties, decorations and Christmas trees To keep your holidays joyous, the Insurance Information In stitute offers these fire safet\ tips: Keep the tree away from fire places, radiators and heaters. Place it in a water stand and water it daily. Use only flameproof decora tions. Don't set up electric trains xor similar equipment around ok near the tree. Check sockets and wires of tree lights to see that thev are in good condition. Sec. 2, Pg. 6 - Plaindealer - Friday, Dec. 19,196$ Santa Claus Will Be In His Hut In The City Park Dec. 18, Thursday - 6-8 I Dec. 21, Sunday - 1-4 Dec. 19, Friday - 6-8 I Dec. 22, Monday - 6-8 Dec. 20, Saturday - 1-4 Dec. 23, Tuesday - 6-8 NOW OPEN Main Street Variety j 3909 W. MAIN ST. TOYS-RADIOS-APPLIANCES I AT DISCOUNT PRICES --LAYAWAYS-- Open 9 am - 8 pm Mon. thru Sat. 9am - 6pm Sundays CALL 385-8420 DECORATE LIBRARY TREE -- Jordi Reed, Linda Durkin, Cindy Povidas and Peggy Wright, members of Troop 410, Girl Scouts, are shown after they decorated the tree in the McHenry public library as a special project of the troop. The library tree decorating has been a favorite undertaking of the girls for the past several years. Nye's TRUE-VALUE PHARMACY ^ y AGENCY FLASHBULBS F L A S H C 1 B F December Save FROM OUR HttDWHRE | Reg. 39' 12 oz. can HEET 5/$ 100 25 FT. Heavy Duty EXTENSION CORD $ J 2 » 3-Reg. '2a 6 ft. 9-ft. 12-ft. EXTENSION CORDS $ | 6 9 Save DECORATIONS [Indoor-Outdoor Tinsel Roping $ 1 5 5 •*-reg. 227 -9ft 1100-18" 1® value Lightweight Icicles 44c Xmas Trees Artificial but Natural from $ 1 4 9 5 3"° off i % FREE GIFT WRAPPING Save ICESKATES from *4 SLEDS 41" - J795 45" - *895 55" - J1095 save TOBOGGANS 6 ft - *2395 8 ft - *26* Baccus-Jaquar Black Belt Full Stock of Film Expert Photo Finishing OO 0FF $1 Photo Finishing Order over $400 Received For Processing O.t O." Before DECEMBER 27th... fermnTTnipTp^ COUPONES&QXSQXDQEESCSQC! e's TRU-VALUE PHARMACY 132^ N. Biverslde Dr. 385-4426 GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM MMCCS^ *Balmain *Lanvin *Myrurgia rReplique *Chanel *Dubarry *Coty * Dorothy Grey *Rubenstein *Max Factor * Rev I on *Tussy *Jean Nate *D'Albert *Shu I ton MENSCENT -Passport 360 -Passport 360 Tropical -British Sterling -Jade East -Jade East Coral -Dante Lime -Dante Leather -Russian Leather -Lynne, By George -By George •Bay Lime -Zizani de Fragornard -Chanel -Upper Deck -Kent of London -The Baron -Se Senor -Messire -York Town -Signature -Royal Argenta -Old Spice -Old Spice Lime -Old Spice Bur ley -Lord Briargate -Lord Brairgate Lime •Yardley -English Leather -English Leather Lime -English Leather Timberline -Hai Karate -Hai Karate Oriental Lime -Hai Karate Oriental Spice -Canoe -Pour UN Homme i