County Cagers Defeat University Of Chicago The McHenry County College basketball team added another victory to their win column this past Saturday afternoon, December 13, as they downed the Maroons of the University of Chicago 56-46. The win represented a good team effort as the squad pre sented a well-balanced although low scoring attack. The starting five contributed 14, 12, 10, 9 and'8 points. Henry Lamkin cel ebrated his return to the lineup as he pulled in 11 rebounds and led the scoring. nights of the current season as U. of Chicago The Fighting Scots broke in they converted 21 of 51 field O'Brien 1 0 4 2 front at the opening whistle as goal attempts for a 41% av- McLean 1 1 3 3 they hit 4 straight free throws. erage. Boricic 6 4 5 16 They never trailed in the game McHenry fg ft P tot Stampf 1 6 1 8 as they built a 26 to 17 half- Nolen 4 1 0 9 Kroemer 3 0 0 6 time lead over their taller but Burke 1 0 2 2 Bartlett 2 1 2 5 slower adversaries. The Mar Ruchik 3 2 2 8 Wallace 1 0 1 2 oons used a very slow and de Leigh 0 0 0 0 liberate attack as they worked Lamkin 6 2 3 14 Totals 17 12 18 46 methodically trying to get a Taylor 4 2 3 10 46 good percentage shot. This ac Jasperson 0 1 0 1 counted partially for the low Mulvenna 3 6 5 12 1st half 2nd half tot. score of the contest. McHenry -f McHenry 26 30 56 had one of their best shooting Totals 21 I 14 15 56 U. of C 17 29 46 SPORTS R Undefeated Freshmen Beats Caiy-Grwe 40-30 by Bert Hagemann Coach Gary Collins' fresh men roundballers remained un- defeated this past Saturday with low scoring, 40-30 win over vCary Grove. Mark Bentz led * the rebounding with 16 grabs, »while Tonyan gathered the scor- *ing laurels with a 15 point ef- Ifort. The Warriors broke in jMcHenry Tennis Club front with a good first quar Bacon 0 *0 u ter, and then played the op Bentz 3 0 6 position almost even the rest of Cunat 0 0 0 the way to keep their record un Habich 2 3 7 blemished at five wins and no Knaack 0 0 0 defeats. The next contest is Ludwig 3 2 8 this Saturday morning at home, Mauch 2 0 4 game time is nine o'clock. Tonyan 6 3 15 McHenry fg ft pts Afeld 0 0 0 McHenry fg ft pts Afeld 0 0 0 Totals 16 8 40 ; McHenry West campus was -the meeting place Wednesday -night, Dec. 3 marking the begin ning of the second year for the >X5lub. Attending the meeting were the newly elected officers .President, Peggy Lawrence, ^Vice-President, Jack Thomas, •Secretary, Janet Anderson and .Treasurer, George Cole. Also .attending were last year's of ficers, Jim Lightner of the Steering committee and Harvey 'Ahitow, community school .'director. Barbara Gilpin was appointed as public relations director and Ishe will also assist the new •secretary. The membership cards for £he year will be issued upon the payment of the membership £ee. f Reduced rates will be avail able for former members. New- jty enacted is junior membership ikies for those under 21 years J)f age. A balance from the trea sury was carried over from last year. Some of this money will be used to build a glass-en closed bulletin board to be do nated to the W est campus ten nis courts for the use of the school and the club. Bob Sny der and Frank Johnson have volunteered to erect and build this project. It was decided that the club will get bids for the purchase of large quantities of tennis balls for the club's use. A lo cal sporting goods store has a- greed to handle tennis clothing for men and women and the membership card from the ten nis club would enable members to some savings on such pur chases of tennis clothing and tennis equipment. A special project of the, club will be to offer a series of free instructions beginning af ter the basketball season which will be held at the West cam pus gym. A definite time and date will be published later. The instructions will be given by Jack Thomas and tennis balls will be furnished by the club. Tentative activities planned for indoor play are as follows: Jan. 25 - mixed doubles; Feb ruary - men's doubles; March- Women's doubles; April - Fun Fair; meeting and refresh ments. At this meeting, an out door program will be present ed for the approval of the club members. Tennis balls will be furnished for all activities of the club. Fees for indoor playing will be paid by the club for the activ ities scheduled above. A re port will be sent to last year's members which will include the minutes of this meeting, a trea surer's report of last year's business and a renewal appli cation for the coming year. Anyone interested in further in formation or in obtaining mem bership blanks, pleasecall Mrs. John R. (Peggy) Lawrence or Mrs. Glen D. (Janet) Ander son. Also please remember that there are three indoor courts available for use at the West campus every Sunday afternoon. For reservations call 385-7210 or just come over and play. Marian Central Girls Earn Physical Fitness Awards The following» girls have earned the Presidential Phys ical Fitness Award this year at Marian Central Catholic high school: 1st year award: Lorette Gal lagher, Barbara Gosser, Chris Krueger, Jeanne Shimota, Julie Westphal and Mary Wines. 2nd year awards: Cathy El liott, Jane Miller, Mary Ellen McConnell and Sharon Schaid. Mrs. Alice Bieschke is in charge of Girls' Physical Edu cation at Marian Central Cath olic high school. "V f BOWLING 1 NEWS The Senior Citizens of Mc Henry bowled to beat the Cham pion at the McHenry Recrea tion. It was fun to take part, or watch this great game be ing performed by the Sr. Cit izens 55 years and older. Af ter bowling a few games at this age makes one feel ten years younger. How about you? Let's put that rocking chair aside. Come and watch us bowl, you are always welcome. The highests scores listed below including Handicap - 3 games are: Edward Heller 688; George Binder 633; Nick Kauth 628; Edward Karoff 615; Elmer Stange 601. Ann Karoff 616; Clara Slegar 603; Mae Eltoft 600; Marion Kauth 598; Adele Conlon 593. If intersted call secretary Frank Giel, 497-3646. C D of A BOWLING LEAGUE Tuesday 7:00 League , Pat Rflwnelin 476; Lorraine Freund 455; Nancy Kracmar 458; Sue Low 455; Jo Ann Plu- cinski 424; Bette O'Brien 483; Marion Donnelly 476 (6-7-10 split); Clarice Buenzli 477; Dee Overton 495; Cathy Boro 513; Helen Gondeck 479. Coach Bill Hutchinson congratulates wrestler co-captains John 3baskowski and Jim Sobacki. Both being four year veterans and Jood leaders were selected by their teammates for this honor, dphn, the 145 pound senior, has a 5-1 record this season while ihe 107 pound Jim is undefeated with a 6-0 record. Hutch re minds us of the quadrangular wrestling match at West campus this Saturday afternoon. The match will be held in the upper gym beginning at 1 p.m. Participating with McHenry will be Batav- ia, Round Lake and Crown. PLAINDEALER PHOTO p t .^Pictured from L to R are Buz Thompson, Bob Bitter man Oeorge Thompson, Jim Patzke and Georgie Thompson displaying •'fine 8 point buck shot by Patzke this past weekend in "White Mbnster country" Bull Valley. Many deer were sighted by this ££oup, but they reported no sight of the monster in the early (Horning haze. V VISION SCREENING * An increasing number of pre school and school age children are given vision screening tests, afcch year, Dr. Franklin D. Yo- ^er, director of the Illinois De partment of Public Health, said. According to recent figures, 652,699 Illinois school children and 32,154 pre-school children, ages 3J$ to 5, participated in approved vision screening pro grams in 1969, compared with 504,198 screened in 1968^ POLICE NETWORK Illinois law enforcement a- gencies will have the first state wide police radio network in the nation by the end of next year, Public Safety Director Herbert D. Brown said. Funding of the plan for total commun ication among state, municipal and county peace officers was announced by Illinois Law En- f o r c e m e n t C o m m u n i c a t i o n Chairman Arthur J. Bilek. The commission has budgeted over $2 million to fund the project that will provide individual mo bile units for local police. Most police departments now com municate only within the boun daries of their jurisdiction. Brown said that with the new Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Netweork (ISPERN), any policeman can talk with any other policeman in the state on a special frequency'during e-~ mergencies. Agents of federal law enforcement units, such as the FBI, will also be able to call ISPERN when they need assistance from Illinois police. Brown, who will administer the project, has named William H. Ives of Seward project director. PG. 6 - PLAINDEALER FRIDAY, DEC. 19,1969 ENDS THURS. DEC. 18 "BONNIE & CLYDE" STARTS FRIDAY DECEMBER 19th Dean Martin Matt Helm Wrecking Crew TECHNICOLOR" -fif wdXBLmm Fri., Sat., Sun. 7:00 & 9:00 Mon.-Tue. 7:30 (CLOSED ON CHRISTMAS EVE) Sat., Sun. Mat 1:30 Seats 50^ Jerry Lewis "BIG MOUTH" HHEHV The "Ole hidden ball trick" appears to be in progress here as McHenry and Dundee cagers look in all directions for the ball. Dundee's No. 23, John Horn, seems to be having a conversation with Tom Hurckes of the-Warriors. Even the fans are looking in various directions. 1 PLAINDEALER PHOTO McHenry Warrior John Smith, a 5*11" senior, maneuvers around John Horn of Dundee in fourth period action at West campus last Friday. The Warriors retained the No. 1 ranking by winning over Dundee by a 81-58 score. Tonight the Warriors battle the Blue Streaks at Woodstock in a conference game. Saturday night the Warriors will play a nonconference game at West campus against the always tough Mundelein. PLAINDEALER PHOTO "CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE" Delegates to the Illinois Con stitutional Convention face a complex task, filled with polit ical booby-traps and legal snarls, Gov. Richard B. Ogil- vie told members of the print ing industry in Chicago. He add ed that the task demands the kind of statesmanship and vis ion which created the original document. There is a "crisis of confidence among our peo ple in government, a decline of faith in its operation, its ef fectiveness, its responsiveness to public needs and demands, and its ability to adapt itself to changes in our society," the governor said. Gov. Ogilvie proposed philosophical and structural changes in the new constitution, including es tablishment of strict account ability in the office of gjvern- or. He proposed removing four state offices from elective pol itics and strengthening the of fice of state auditor as an in dependently elected official. RELIEF FUNDS Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie an nounced the release of$250,000 in disaster relief funds for Ill inois by President Nixon. The money, requested by Gov. Ogil vie to repair essential public' facilities damaged by heavy flooding last spring, was re leased Dec. 3. It will be al located to communities in Ad ams, Calhoun, Carroll, Han cock, Henderson, Jersey, Jo Daviess, Mercer, Pike, Rock Island and Whiteside counties. Col. Donovan M. Vance, direc tor of the Illinois Civil Defense Agency which administers the emergency funds, said this re lease brings the total disaster relief monies granted to Ill inois during 1969 to more than $3 million. Would you believe? Friends held a surprise birthday party for Scott Nickels, a senior at MCHS who has been active on the baseball and football teams, last Thursday night. Highlight of the party was a congratula tory telegram from President Nixon. Former McHenryite Percy Lodtz and his wife were seen recently walking around our city and taking in the sights. Funny they didn't stop to see us. Must tell 01' Perc about that. We were worried. Our first Christmas card always comes from Loren Thomas, former McHenry High athlete. Now it has arrived and our worries are over. 'EARL WALSH- SO I HEAR -SPORTS EDITOR- imagine a player telling him who should play and when? i -------- h Maybe the Bear front office or coaching staff needs re vamping, but we go along with the idea that authority must be respected. Those Chicago Bears are having more trouble than the old woman who lived in a shoe. Too many quarterbacks and not a Bart Starr or Johnny Unitas in the crowd. When you read that college athletes----and now high school boys issue demands and set down rules, it gives us a pain in the neck. A fair, but firm stand is needed. ' The Bears Lombard! in should have Vince charge. Can you Somebody asked us if we would be working the afternoon of Dec. 24th. We sure willl There will be Christmas shop ping to be done. We receive news releases from many colleges and always watch (Marie does) for names of athletes from our area. John Reihansperger is listed on the swimming team at Ripon Col lege. Kathy Bolger is playing basketball for N.I.U. \ HUNTERS You mutt have an ILLINOIS FIREARMS OWNERS Identification Card FOR Further Information Call or Visit McHenry Gun Center 3622 W. ELM STREET 385-7320 onRte.f20 Optional Cone Ticket m m RSTO. COLOH by P«Lu* Prehistoric Women' Color by De luxe A SEVEN ARTS AMMER PRODUCTION V, ft t