PAGE 3-PLAINDEALLER-WED. JANUARY 20, 1971 Can I? MANASSEH GASANA AF5 Student Enrolls In Motors Course With no previous practical exposure to mechanical de vices, Manasseh Gasana tack led an evening course in "Small Gas Motors" last semester at McHenry high school. "Manas" is one of the three American Field Service students McHen ry is hosting this school year, staying with the Alvin Benoy family. He comes from Uganda Africa, where everyday life is By Anne Ashley Q. How can I deal with to mato juice or catsup stains on fab?ics? A. First sponge them thor oughly to dissolve any solid particles, then work some gly cerin into the stains, and wash or sponge with soap and water. Finish off with a goodrjrising. Q. How can I, when cooking cauliflower, insure its remain ing white and tasty-looking? A. By adding a teaspoon of vinegar "to the cooking water. Q. What can I do when I need an "extra wide" piece of waxed paper? quite simple, compared to ours, and probably beyond the concept of most of us. Certainly mechanical gadgets are not to be found in his vil lage. Though he is academi cally well versed in many sub jects, it is here in America that he is experiencing the ac tual operation of his educa tion. The course was enlighten ing to all who participated. With even a screwdriver new to Manas, to the others invol ved it made real the fact that things people in the United States take for granted, many other people have never seen. A. You can make one very easily by sealing two or three pieces of normal sized waxed paper together with a hot iron. Q. How can I add more strength to a rag rug I am cro cheting? A. If you'll carry a strong cord along with the rag strings while crocheting, your finished product will be much stronger. Q. How can I remove mil dew stains from white linens2- A. Boil the linens in, wafer in which two tablespoons of baking soda have been adted for each quart of water. Q. How can I repair broken marble? J# At First, if the fedges are dirty, wash them and let dry thoroughly. Then apply some epoxy glue to one edge and press the broken parts together for at least twenty-four hours. Q. How can I remove bluing stains from fabrics? A. By soaking in some strong ammonia water. Q. How can I prevent milk from scorching so easily when it is being heated? A. By heating it in a pan that has been rinsed with water before the milk is added. Q. How can I re-whiten some discolored looking handker chiefs? A. By immersing them in wa ter to which you've added a pinch of cream of tartar. -- Q. Is it possible or feasible to lay new concrete success fully over old concrete? A. Yes...being sure that you get the old surface perfectly clean with soap and water and haveut thoroughly wet when you apply the new concrete. Q. What is an easy and simple way, when hanging a new door, to insure. plenty of clearance underneath it? A. Before screwingthe hinges in place, rest the bottom of the door on several thicknesses of newspapers laid between it and the threshold. Q. How can I elean some plaster-of-paris statuary? A. By smearing a wet-gooey paste of laundry starch and wa ter over ft, alllowing this to dry thoroughly, then brushing off the dry stuff. Q. How can I polish a mar ble tabletop? A. By use of some putty pow der or jeweler's rouge. U n D S T D N E SHOE SALE January 21, 22, & 23 Thursday-Friday-Saturday Evening gowns for the winter season come in a variety of styles and fabrics. One of the smartest is the black, long dress, sleeveless and with a low neckline. The skirt is jjot full but has a peplum and' ' is worn with a scarf. Other costumes combine a very full skirt with a ruffled blouse. Frilled sleeves are smart as are decorative hemlines. 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