8-PLAINL-EALER FRIDAY, MARCH 12, I9?l Ringwood News ^ JOINS HOSPITAL STAFF -- George Wille. left, has been namea -' administrative assistant at Memorial Hospital for Mc Henry Coun- j ty. He has served as personnel director since October, 1968. With Wille is Bert Hanson, administrator, who made the an- -* nouncement. « '^eorge Wille, who has been personnel director at Memor ial Hospital for Mc Henry Coun ty' since late 1968, has been named administrative assis tant, Bert Hanson, administra tor, announced this week. Wille joined the hospital staff after serving as district mana ger for the Orkin company for twenty years. At the time he was hired, Hanson pointed out the hospital's staff of full-time and part-time employees has grown to 246. Today the total numbers 280. Wille was the first full-time personnel director, (.rowing number of part-time employees, especially in the nursing department, requires greater attention to personnel details. Yoga Classes Offered Women Women who are interested in registering for beginning yoga may now sign up at the Lake Region YMCA at 95 N. Grant St.. in Crystal Lake. There are two beginner classes con ducted at the YMCA on Thurs day s beginning April 1, at 10:30 ard at 11:30 a.m. Each of the classes is taught by Mrs. Nancy Roberts of Cary. Classes meet for one hour for eight weeks. Additional information is available by contacting the Lake J-fcgion YMCA by telephone on weekdays from 9 a.m. until "5'p.m. and on Saturday from f-a.m. until noon. Scott Rules On Compensation Of Officer Holder Attorney General William J. Scott held this week that under the new Constitution the lieu tenant governor can not receive added compensation for tem porarily acting as governor. Auditor of Public Accounts Michael J. Howlett asked the Attorney General whether, af ter the new constitution be comes effective July 1, Lieu tenant Governor Paul Simon could receive more than the $25,000 annual salary set for the office by the legislature. Under the existing constitu tion, the lieutenant governor be comes acting governor when ever the chief executive cross es the state line. For everyday during which he is acting gov ernor, the lieutenant governor receives added compensation at the same rate as the governor's salary. Attorney General Scott's opinion said that the new con stitution does not permit added compensation when the gover nor is absent from the state. In such cases the chief execu tive will retain the powers of his office. Happiness for a wife is' de ciding the gorgeous, glamorous young blonde examining the empty house next door is only the real estate agent. Weekend Travelers Experience Snow, Icy Road Problems ' While the weather prediction for the weekend did not sound too promising, it didn't keep some of our folks from ventur ing out in the snow and blow. Howard and Betty Temple with children, Karmella and Duane, drove to Ottawa to \isit How ard's folks and attend the wed ding of a friend. Bilf and Shirley Cristy headed in a southerly direction with" daughters, Terri and Sherri, to visit their son, Larry, who is a student at the U of I. The Art Christophers headed north and spent the weekend in Appleton with the Howard Linstads. Diane continued on into Door County with friends for some skiing, intending to return to Appletort to make the trip home with her folks. How ever, driving conditions were so bad the peninsula, the high way department told them to stay put so Diane got an ex tra day in her weekend. Art and Katy did manage to work in a quick trip up to Green Bay on Saturday to visit Art's sister and family, the Leonard Berths. Irregardless which direction people traveled, they allhadthe same problem on Sunday, drift ing snow and slippery condi tions on some of the highways. - We're happy to report they all made it h me safely. 500 CARD CLUB Mae Wiedrich entertained the ladies' 500 card club at the home of her sister, Mrs. Flora Carr, last week. High scorer for the afternoon was Vivian Jackson and Bertha Peet with low score. Bertha said she was going to play again the next day with another club for more practice. RUBY'S VISITORS Monday evening Mrs. Kathy May and children of McCullom Lake visited Mrs. Shepard. On Tuesday Mrs. Shepard's dinner guests were Mrs. Helen Page of Mc Henry, Mrs. Anderson of McCullom Lake and Mrs. Shep ard's daughter, Mrs.AJanAing- er, of Alden. GONE VISITING Frank Kempfer is spending this week with his daughter, and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simon, in Chicago. LENTEN SERVICES The first in a series of len- ten services was held in the Spring Grove church the eve ning of March 3. The next will be March 17 at the Mt. Hope church and at Ringwood on March 31. These are informal sessions for the study of the \ IS IT SCHOOL -- McHenry's three American T- ie!d Service students, Juan Yallet of Chile, \rmin Schwolgin of Germany and Manasseh 'asana of Uganda are shown with their West campus supervisor, Larry Dennis, at the time of their appearance at Edgebrook school. They en tertained the entire student body, telling about life in their respective countries and an swering many questions of the children. INCOME TAX SERVICE (IN BUSINESS SINCE 1955) Y EAR AROUND No 4 month/or part time operation. Every return is calculated and printed by COMPUTER or individually typed after COMPUTER verification. Fast and efficient service. i PAUL A. SCHWEGEL & CO. 4410 West Route 120 McHenry, Illinois Phone 3854410 - 9-9 Daily Psalms. Rev. Walker leads the discussion. This is an. "equal opportunity" course so make yourself available at the spec ified place, the specified date, at 8 p.m. ^CONFIRMATION TRIP The Ringwood, Mt. Hope Con firmation class went to Lib- ertyville on Sunday afternoon to a confirmation rally. They took two banners to displaythat they had made in class. This was quite an experience for some of these youngsters and the highlight of the afternoon was when they heard the Bishop speak and got to shake his hand. The whole class, except for one, was able to attend. SUNDAY SCHOOL The Sunday school class trip to Valley Hi will be this com ing Sunday, March 14, instead of March 21. Those wishing to go be sure to be at the church at 11 a.m. Be prompt please. WEEKEND CALLERS Tom Walkington and friend, Bob Miller, flew in from their base atQuonset Point, Rhode Is land, for the weekend with Tom's family, the Paul Walk- ingtons. The main reason tho, Tom wanted to take his car back to Rhode Island so that he will have it to drive home when he gets to come again in Ap ril, for good. FAMILY PORTRAITS You wouldn't believe how many people are camera shy, but then there are that many more who love to be in the lime light. All kidding aside tho, the special we have had at the church for family portraits hasi gone over big. Saturday after noon was a big success, and if you didn't get in on the sched ule yet please call and see what time we have left for next Sun day. Yes next Sunday, March 14. Call us, remember this pro ject benefits the Ringwood church decorating fund. CALLERS Althea Walkington called on Blanche Howe at the Woodstock hospital on Sunday afternoon. She is doing fine and looking forward to when she can come home. You know those doctors, they just don't tell you a darn thing until they get good and ready. Especially about going home. DINNER Linda and Bill Billikas of He bron and Patti and Dave Mil ler and little Lee had dinner in the Walt Low home on Sun day. RUMMAGE SALE Remember that March 26 and 27 is the church rummage sale. All of your junk (so you think) may be just the treasure that someone else is looking for. Also it's about time that you all thought about cleaning out that closet and getting a new midi, maxi or what have you. If you need stuff picked up call one of the WSCS members and they will be happy to help you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Our birthday people for the coming week are Mrs. Donna (Low) Meyer and Mrs. Susan (Fossum) Thornton who share the same day of March 14. Onj the fifteenth Gary Harrison cel ebrates his birthday, and last but not least Susie (Low) Er- win will be another year older on March 20. CELEBRATION On the sixth which was a week ago today Clayton Bruce had supper guests surprise him for his sixty-second birthday. They were Mrs. Jessie Carlson and Mr. and Mrs, Delmar Shook of Woodstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Culvey of Belvidere. On Sunday Clayton's whole fam ily cp me to dinner bearing many good things to help out the waist line, and gifts from all and lots of help from the grandchildren. Those for dinner on the sev enth were: Leonard and Phyl lis Ackerman and five children, Charles and Beverly Ackerman and five children Wes and Wan-, da and two children, Larry and Joanne and two girls, Ken and Judy Beck and children, Roger and Bonny Petska and Roger, John, and Cindy Ann who is at home. Quite a house full, but happy to helpgramps celebrate. BOY SCOUTK1EWS CUB PACK 11 Just about now thaboys and fathers of the pack Ihould be working on their Pine&od der by cars. The race wilibe run at the pack meeting MAch 18. Be sure to give specia&tten- tion to the weight. Any ca over 5 ounces will be disquaVied. Virgil Pollock is chalrmii of this year's event. If theranre any questions or probl^ns please feel free to call hii your den mother. Sustaining membership is here. As it was previously 63 plained, the cost of keeping boy in scouting for one is $27. Some of the items cov ered in this cost are insur ance, printed materials, salar ies of the two paid executives in the district, central book keeping for the awards, cetc., and training sessions for the un paid leaders of the pack. All of these are used to run our pack. Each family is asked to contribute what they can to help cover the cost of keeping their boy in scouting. Some dishes and serving u- tensils were left at the Legion after the Blue and Gold. These will be at the pack meeting to be claimed. Bowling for the pack will be held Saturday morning at 10 on April 3 at the Richmond bowling alley. The den moth ers will fill you in on details. Scout-O-Rama is scheduled for Saturday, May 15, at the Crystal Lake high school. More on that later. Please hold open the date. The goal for coupons and box tops is nearly reached. Be sure to turn them in to your den mother. Cub Reoorter m Does the sun heat the atmos phere, the air around the earth? Is the sun's heat the force which sets in motion our weather? Oddly enough, as Eric Sloane points out in his "Weather Book," the sun doesn't heat the air. But it does heat the kearth and this heat is reflected id heats the air. And this teat starts the motion of our \eather. LHeated air rises, causing c\)ler air to move in laterally te its place, which is wind, .the heated air rises into theWights and is cooled, its wat* capacity is reduced and clodU are formed. The clouds prod%e rain. Th^piouds themselves cause more Weather motion. They shadeVhe earth below them, causinl uneven heating on its surface* The warmed areas-* not shiWd by clouds-heat the air atxm which rises. Cooler air from ie shaded areas flows in. to r^ace it--wind again. Therefore; the heat of the sun is responlble for most of our weather miement. U ; \ '0 'S*b* M. f.m {r* 2 5 W E E K L Y W I N N E R S W I N F R O M $ 1 t o $ 5 0 PICK UP YOUR LUCKY DOLLARS FROM ANY OF THE PARTICIPATING ISTORES. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY EVERY DOLLAR HAS A NUMBER. WINNING NUMBERS WILL BE POSTEB IN EVERY STOREx SAVE LUCKY BULLARS spurgeon's A Department Store (QUICK WASH) • a y D R U G N HORMSBYS ^ f a m i l y centers ^ One Hour mminni THE MOST IN DRY CLEWING «•m \