I rwj L *T~t UN N WL.i\ i ixiurv I J J UL i I / / • EDITORIALS Warning In Crisis In a neu book on urban crisis. Professor Edward Banfield of Harvard ( " The V'nheavenly City") focuses a much needed light of^ truih on the urban crisis In brief. Professor Banfield shows that there is less poverty in thedties today than there ever has been-contrary to the popular belief In the last decade improvements in housing in the cities has boon remarkable, the author shows, and whereas at the turn of the century onl> one child in fifteen finished high school, today most of them do Banfield ybelieves the present-generation city dweller lives mare comfortably and conveniently than ever before He does not \; that there are problems, which have always been present and bably always will be. to a degree But he believes many of ;ay's problems are caused by the failure of people to properly e care of property, both public and private He also believes that sloppy and pampered mental attitude is -ponsible for much idleness, inferior work and welfare spending ... other words. Banfield Sees the American crisis in the cities today as one of human materia! rather than social services That being his conviction, he warns against the federal government's turning over of billions to often-crooked and crime infested big-citv machines for welfare distribution purposes, and sees the possibility that this can become a payoff for bloc votes in some metropolitan areas Before the social planners and do-gooders in Washington channel massive billions to the cities it would be well to consider these facts and figures Saving A Life Heart assoc iations throughout the country urge citizens to be aware of the CPR technique for saving victims of a sudden halt in breathing and heartbeat In the past three years many lives have been saved by those using the technique, developed by a Baltimore engineer and a physician But heart associations have expressed concern that those who have not had approved training might attempt to apply ("PR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Basically, it involved mouth-to-mouth breathing and massage of the heart to compress it But heart associations say only those properly trained understand the timing and skill needed in ap plication To be able to utilize and take advantage of this technique, learn it under Heart association auspices, if possible. You may save a life The Coffee Break One of the strong American traditions is the cup of coffee. Coffee, in fact, long ago replaced tea as the national hot drink Even in England coffee is replacing tea as the favorite of many. But now comes a chilling note from a researcher that coffee may contribute to the over-stuffed feeling which comes after a big meal. A professor and student at the University Mississippi Medical Center have found indications of this in their expt-i ...ients Coffee, they suspect, delays the movement of food along the digestive tract. Coffee, it is also known, gives many the jitters; there are those hooked on the coffee habit, just as by the cigarette habit. And soon, perhaps, we are to be told that coffee isn't good for us. On the other hand, it doesn't cause cancer and unless researchers come up with a scare at least that good, they aren't likely to change things. Quali ty Over Price One of the most important effects ofCadvertising is its influence on the quality of goods and services. Good advertising has been the vanguard of the modern consumer movement. . The relationship of high quality to advertising can be observed in both manufacturing and retailing. The public, with good reason, bases its judgment of a product or a company on advertising. We correctly assume that the company which advertises consistently is a stable company The amount and quality of the advertising indicate that a company is in a position to back up its inters Advertising also shows the consumer that a firm has con fidence in itself and the product it sells The absence of advertising indicates a lack of confidence and stability. In recent years the American consumer has become in creasingly aware that quality is more important than price-that love cost goods may not be cheap Without this influence of ad vertising. it often would be impossible for the consumer to obtain assurance of quality Lovs price would become the primary basis for buying, if it were not possible for retailers and producers to build and maintair public confidence Inferior goods crowd quality products from the market when price alone governs buying But advertising which builds brand names and maintains the prestige of retail firms give the consumer assurance that a slightly higher price may be the sign of a real bargain. fJitfUtrJ'S SCRAPBOOK ofm "Merr ON THE MOVE O N J ^ . 4 6 9 4 E.«VO(X ".A'NE S «vA7E£ :* pPiViNG A A^ P^YPKiNWLE p ""t.NEAP XQKCY £7 6 V „ES A '•K A C6SHK> HOT PANTS ' -- , ON THE EARLIEST RAILROADS, SPARKS FROM THE ENGINE 5H0WEREP PASSENGERS AND THEY BEAT OUT THEIR BURNING CLOTHES OR RAISED UYBREUAS' ; „ NOtS7 «S"REE"s" 'P ' ; Afp AN 'NC'ECENT i / J •} T, 3 NO , Hearts may break from suffering, uncertainty, sorrow, sin. . . *. God's Word Heals Broken Hearts Hear i t every day when you DIAL-A-DEVOTION 385.872ft CHeD MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Through the courtesy of Family Health Service and Mental Health Clinic #0 9O0OOO9O • 0»G*v,«>0 ' • THE WORLD OF O •ENTERTAINMENT C o • f O • O c 0 9 0 9 0 # 0 t 0 # 0 9 0 WILD ROVERS Parent4 Know the Drvg Threat Minds & Emotions The Child You Save May Be Your Own by Kenneth Espey Chief of Police Today's Subject: Marijuana--The "Innocent" Drug Marijuana is probably the best known drug to most parents because for years we have been hearing about it. Marijuana has long been in use in what we now term minority groups, but now it has spread across the land like cancer. Its manu facture and distribution is, of course, prohibited by law except for approved research purposes. Marijuana is the dried flowering or fruiting top of the plant Cannabis Sativa, L., commonly called Indian Hemp. Usually it looks like fine, green tobacco. It is smoked in pipes or cigar ette form. Hashish, also a preparation from Cannabis, is taken orally in many forms, it is made into candy, sniffed in powder form, mixed with hon<_., tc. drinking or with butter to spread on bread. The primary effect is a feeling of great perceptiveness and pleasure and an exaggerated sense of ability, resulting from even small doses. Erratic behavior, loss of memory, distortion of time ~p-tiai perceptions, and hilarity without apparent cause occur. There is a marked un predictability of effect. Of course, these reactions are usual in the user of alcohol, too, but with the drug user there is no alcoholic breath odor. Breath odor though is most always unpleasant. Because of the visions and exhilaration which result from the use of Marijuana, abusers may lose (all restraint and act in a manner dangerous to themselves and others. User is usually accident prone because of his time and space sense upheaval. Dependence leads to anti-social behavior and could be the fore runner to use of other, far more deadly drugs. Street terms (names) for Marijuana are: joints, sticks, reef ers, weed, grass, pot, muggles, mooters, Indian hay, locoweed, Mu, giggle-smoke, Griffo, Mohasky and Mary Jane. By the millions, and rightfully so, parents are more and more concerned or even panicked about drug use. Most disturb ing is that drugs, especially Marijuana, are becoming popular even among junior high and high school students. One 37-year- old father said in a recent interview, "My seven-year-old daugh ter can spell Marijuana. I never heard of it until I was in col lege." On and near by high school and college grounds, raids and arrests for possession of Marijuana and other drugs are increas ing across the country. Simple possession of Marijuana is a felony --' rightly or wrongly -- that can be punished by jail terms of 2 to 10 years or more. Drug use is, without doubt, becoming a way of life for some young people -- and, for an untold but large, if not larger number of adults also. And so, think about these things, my friends -- we are all in this to gether. As adults, it is up to US to head this thing off in our community. To do this we must all know more about drugs, their use and misuse. Will you be with me next week? I hope so What we are studying is for a very worthwhile cause! Know {J ,3" / T m Wfcalfier What i s the mi lk bot t le baro meter 9 The old-s ty le g lass mi lk bot t le , covered wi th a paper wrapper- top , makes a good barometer . Put a rubber band around the paper top to make the wrapper a i r t ight . Next take a toothpick or a penci l or smal l s t ick and glue to the f la t paper top--so tha t the glued end of the stick rests in the center of the top. Note what the barometer pressure is when you glue the stick on. Thereafter the stick's outer end will move up and down as the pressure of the air inside the bottle remains constant and outside pressure changes. When a high pressure system is overhead the end of the stick will point up, since the paper top will be pressed down in the center. In low pressure periods, the end of the stick will point down as the pressure inside the bottle pushes the center of the paper top upward. For Your Information Dear friends, A funeral directors college further states, "An analysis of a successful funeral director will reveal him as a person who inspires confidence, who is considerate, deals honestly with his patrons, is sympathetic, courageous, patient and tactful. He is intei ested in people, makes friends readily and retains their re spect." • Each funeral director hopes he approaches these qualifications. •o Respectfully, McHen ry, r PETER M.JUSTEN & SON .FUNERAL HOME 385 0063 Most people are swayed by their emotions, not their intellects. ^ This statement is accepted as the truth by astute poli ticians, some newspapers and by other individuals who consciously set out to per suade the people of this country to follow a given course. Let no one imagine that people swayed by emotions rule this country . The nation is ruled by the clever few who create situations which result in emotional reactions. Back of the popular emotion, however expressed, is a mind which takes advantage of the nature of human be ings, to secure a definite, specific result. Set Meeting Schedule For Conservation Unit The McHenry County Con servation district, at its organizational meeting this month, approved a schedule of regular meetings for the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30, to be held at 210 S. Throop street, Woodstock, at 7 p.m. Meetings are scheduled Aug. 5, Sept. 2, Oct. 7. Nov. 4 and Dec. 2, 1971, and Jan. 6. Feb. 3. March 2, April 6. May 4 and June 8, 1972. Helping The Troubled Opportunities for volunteer work in community mental health are broader than they have ever been and the needs are great for many more work ers than are now available. Under the national commu nity mental health program, new services to prevent mental illness and to help its victims are being developed in many localities all over the country. The work of mental health centers, clinics, and hospitals with schools, courts, churches, and other community organiza tions and agencies now offers the volunteer--no matter what his age or inclination--new and fascinating ways to contribute to community betterment. How much the contributions of volunteers can*mean to men tal health work is exemplified in program after program all over the U.S., as, for instance, in 16 rural communities in Vir ginia, where former State hos pital patients live too far away to go back to the hospital for outpatient treatment and after care. Western State Hospital in Staunton, "which did not have the funds to employ enough so cial workers to tollowup on ex- patients, enlisted volunteers. In each of the 16 communities, a "Community volunteer" is des ignated to be chairman of a unit program. This volunteer attends weekly staff conferences at the hospital, WHO KNOWS? 1. What is an addax"7 2. What parellel runs between Canada and the United States from Minnesota to the Pacific Ocean" 3. How many passports were issued in 1970. 4. Who wrote "Son of Hia watha'"' 5. What is a hygrometer? 6. Name the first President to give an inaugural bail in Washington, D.C. 7. Who was the first President to travel by jet? 8. Identify a yak. 9. With what does Paleontology deal? 10.When did the Mormans reach Salt Lake City, Utah? ' L t8 l '£Z *inroi •siTsaoj jo iCpnjs aqj, "6 •uosiq u^Duauiy am jo 3ATTBI -3J V 'BTSV JO XO PJTM 9IIX '8 • jaMoquasxa ' a ?q» iMa ' L '6081 ui'uosxpuw sauiuf *g •ajaqdsourjB aqi ui ajnjsiotu jo aaj8ap aq; 3uunsuaui JOJ aoiAap v 'S •MonajSuoq *JU3H •ooo'oei'z ^la^ujixojddv •£ •lanBJBd W6* am. 'I "TSOXJJV MJJON JO sjjasap am ui saAT] qaiijM adojajuB uy *1 SM0U)j 0i| M 01 SJ9MSUY during which the patients in his unit program are discussed. He assigns jobs to other volun teers and himself visits some of the patients regularly in a neighborly way. Volunteers often call Oin a patient's family before he re turns home, helping to pave the way for understanding and ac ceptance. When necessary, they make arrangements with com munity agencies that might help out. They see to it that where clinics are accessible, appoint ments are kept, they try to lo cate jobs for the mentally re stored, and they aid in many other ways to help the patient readjust to being out of the hospital. The theory and practice of the Western State Hospital vol unteer program seem to work. After the first 18 months of the project, every one of the 75 ex-patients was still living at home. Com P fZ<9 M , f H £ , 0AV gUMTREt! After instant fame in "Love Story," Ryan O'Neal can be seen in the Western, "Wild Rovers." A little of all situs tions contributed to western films are found in this one co-*" starring William Holden. Al though there's a wide span of years in their ages, the two cowboys have a particularly close comradeship. Holden and O'Neal portray a couple of happy-go-lucky Mon tana cowboys who prove they're not too bright especially in their sudden decision to rob a small town bank. Incidently, it 's no great difficulty. They take off for Mexico with their $38,000 fortune where they e x p e c t t o f i n d " c o w b o y heaven." If it 's action you seek, you'll find the conventional barroom brawls, poker games, not to mention the colorful local prostitutes and posses chasing bandits. Then there's comedy, especially in the scenes where Holden attempts to break a wild bronco. Karl Maiden and Leora Dana portray the rancher and his wife for whom Holden and- O'Neal work for a time. This Western is set amid beautiful scenery. It's rated "GP" but local theater man agers don't recommend the film for children. 0o*3s,° IS*" OPTOMETRIST Dr. John F.Kelly At 1224 X. Green Street McHenry (C losed Wednesde; ) Eyes examined .. Glasfos fitted C ontact Lense.^ Hrs: Daily 9:30 a.m. t( 5 p.m. Friday Evenings - 8:'J0 p.m. Evenings by appointment PHONE 385-0452 Dr. Leonard Bottari Eyes Examined - Contact Lens Glasses Fitted 1303 \» Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs.and Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tues., Thurs., & Fri Eve. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sat.: 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday PHONE 385-4151 If No Answer...Phone 385-2262 OFFICE EQUIPMENT •liriliHHiiiiiiiimimiiimmiiiiiimimmiimiiHMiiiiMHiiiHiHiiiimiiiiiiHiHmmiiir£ IMcHenry CoiUlty 1 Office Machines Are You New In Town? Do You Know Someone New In Town We wou Id INSURANCE Earl R. Walsh Fire, Auto, I arm Fife Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Nsed Insurance o l Any K ind PHONE 385-3300 or 385 0953 3429 W. Elm St., McHenry. 111. George L. Thompson General Insurance FIFE WFTO * HEALTH I IRE H ASFAFTY BOAT Phone 815-385-1066 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry In McHenry Plaindealer Hldp. Dennis Conway AUTO, LIFE, FIRE STATE FA?M INSURANCE COMPANY 3315 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois Rhone 385-5285 or 385-7111 Sales-Service & Rentals Typewriters - Adders Calcu !ators Mon.-Sat. 9:00-5:30 Friday 'til 9 p.m. PHONE 459-1226 93 Grant St., Cyrstal Lake, 111. 1 In i ke to extend a welcome to every newcomer to our communi ty . . CALL LETTER SERVICE ft under Lake Gen Weisenburger 653-3792 ROYAL WELCOME Fran Olsen | 385-5740 § Joan Stull | 385-5418 J Ann Zeller I 385-0559 I Mimeographing - Typing Addressing - Mailing Lists & McHenry Letter Service 3509 W. Pearl St. Mc Henry PHONE 385-5064 Monday through Saturday» METAL WORK Craft - Weld Ornamental Iron Work • RAILINGS • COLUMNS • GATES HI-POINT RD. \ s.R'l. :ji MCIIENRY,ILL." 1'IK >NE 3N.0-W4I! If No Answer, 3H"> r i l 4 M GET ATTENTION