PAGE 8-PLAINDEALER- "Substance " Subject Of Church Rite How important are motives and stancfcjoints to individual progress? This is a question to be con- ^ sidered Sunday at McHenry Christian Science church ser vices in a Lesson-Sermon en titled, "Substance." SEPTEMBER 10, 1971 FRIDAY, Selections to be read from the Bible include the following: •*Do ye look on things #fber the outward appearance? ... But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. For not he that com- mendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commend- eth." From Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures this cita tion will be read: "Toascertain our progress, we must learn where our affections are placed and whom we acknowledge and obey as God. If divine Love is becoming nearer, dearer, and more real to us, matter is then submitting to Spirit. The objects we pursue and the spirit we manifest reveal our standpoint and show what we are winning." Christian Science society at Lincoln road and Eastwood lane holds Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. Everyone is welcome. SENATOR TO SPEAK Senator Charles Percy will be the featured speaker at a dinner sponsored by the Lib- ertyville-Mundelein League of Women Voters Sept. 25 at the Illinois Beach lodge in Zion. 1 The Senator will speak on Con gress, the Pakistan issue, Pre sident Nixon's economic policy and other timely topics of nat ional interest. Reservations will be accepted until Sept. 18 by contacting Mrs. Lyle John son, \ Q t̂fend I in ' > IPS': SERVICES Mount Hope Church United Methodist 1015 W. Broadway Pistakee Highlands Rev. Willis H.Walker, Pastor Sunday Worship, 11 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. BBIP^ ""•PIN! Sunday James 5 : 7 - 1 1 Monday Revelatf l fn 2 : 1 - 1 0 Tuesday Revelation 3 : 8 - 1 2 Not all bridges are built . When the sea pounds its relentless waves against a wall of rock . . . when the icy crust of a glacier spans a mountain chasm . . . when a giant of the forest falls across a stream . . . bridges simply happen. Here perhaps is the parable of God's kind of engineering. Seemingly there are no calculations, no blueprints, no construc tion equipment. But results man can behold with awe and reverence. Yet some men are so wrapped up in their human projects they simply forget that God accomplishes anything . . . until their errors begin to show . . . their bridges start to crumble. Then they need Someone to stop the collapse. It makes better sense to work with God in all that we build -- and in all that happens. The Church has been man's greatest source of help across the span of centuries. Wednesday ^ | Matthew i j 1 8 : 2 3 - 3 5 Friday Saturday Luke Romans 2 1 . 1 5 - 1 9 5 : 1 - 5 Siripiures seletled b> the American Bible Society Thursday Luke 8 : 1 1 - 1 5 Copyright 1971 Keister Advertising Service, Int., Straiburg, Virginia Faith Presbyterian Church West of the Outdoor Theatre John O. Mclntyre, Pastor Church School, 9:15 a.m. for 1st grade thru adults and 10:30 a.m. for the pre-school children (3-5) Worship, 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities available. Fiist Baptist Church 509 N. Front St. 385-0083 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services-Sunday School 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 9:30 Only. 6:30 p.m.- Training Union; 7:30 p.m., Eve ning Worship. Services for Spanish and Deaf. St Paul's Episcopal Church 3706 W. St. Paul's & Green McHenry, Illinois Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar . " 385-7690 Sunday Services-Holy Eucharist 8 a.m., Family Eucharist, 10 a.m Church School & Coffee Hour Wednesdays-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Wonder Lake Bible Church Box 2 - Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard Wright, Pastor Sunday--9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Wednesday--Evening Prayer Service-- 7:30 p.m. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Rev.Leo Bartel, Pastor Rectory Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Saturday night-8:00 p.m. mass Sunday masses: 7:00, 9:00, 10:3(1 and 12:00 St. Peter's Catholic Church Spring (.rove, Illinois Rev. Kilduff, I'astor Sunday masses: 6:30, 8:00 (9:15 Summer only)10:30 and 11:45 First United Methodist Church 3717 West Main Street Nk Henry. I l l inois Church ph. j f^-0931 Raymond'I . . Ahite Pastor Parsonage Phone: 3fs5-1352 Worship, 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 F. Wonder I,ake Rd. Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday \\ or ship 8 and 10:30 a.m Sunday School 9:00 a.m.' (Nursery Facilities Available). St. Mary's Catholic Church Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Sat. Eve. Mass-8:00 p.m. Ful fills Sun. obligation. Sunday Masses--6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 9:45, 10:45,11:00, 12:00 noon Christian Science Society Lincoln Road and Eastwood Ln Sunday Service--10:30 a.m. Sunday School -- 10:30 a.m. Wed. Evening Meeting Every Wednesday at 8:00 Alliance Bible Church ~ 3815 W. John St., McHenry, 111. Rev. Gerald Robertson Sunday- 9:45 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Worship Service, 6:00 p.m. Youth Service, 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangel. Christ the King Church 5006 F. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday masses: 8 a.m., 10 a.m and noon Evening mass: 8 p.m.-Fulfills Sunday Obligation. Ringwood Methodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. W illis Walker, Minister Phone 675-2133 Sunday -- 10:00 a.m. Church Service. 11:00 a.m. Church School. Chain 0'Lakes Evangelical Covenant Church 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. Rev. Wesley R. Olson SUMMER SCHEDULE Sunday Worship and Sunday School 10:00a.m. Church Phone Parsonage Phone 497-3000 497-3050 Guettler's Service, Inc. 818-N. Front Street McHenry, 111. 3H5-9831 McHenry Garage 926 N. Front Street McHenry, 111. 385-0403 Locker's Flowers 1213 Third St. McHenry, 111. 385-2300 Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 N„ Borden Street McHenry, 111. 385-5520 Georgetown Furniture «& Bedding 3622 Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-1800 McHenry State Bank 3510 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-1040 Brake Parts Co. P.O. Box 11 McHenry, 111. 385-7000 The Bath Shop ' 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, 111. 385-0048 Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-0722 St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor Rev. John Cahill, Assoc. Pastor Sat. Eve. (Sun,.obligation fulfilled 7:00 p.m.) Sunday-7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11:00 and 12:15 During Summer, 10 a.m. mass in Church Hall. Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St., McHenry Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Family worship and Sunday School-8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities avail able. St. Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd.,east of Ringwood Rd Sunday masses-10:00 a.m. Father John Strzalka, Pastor Spring Grove Church United Methodist, 8102 \. Blivin Spring Grove, 111. Rev. Willis H. Walker, Pastor Sunday Worship--9:00 a.m. Sunday School --10:15 a.m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. WaukeganRd.(W.Rte.l20 Reverend Herman F. Graef 385-0859 385-1616 Sunday Worship-7:45 and 10:30 Nursery Services provided at 10:30. Education for Eternity Sunday School--Children and Youth, 9a.m„ Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-0063 McHenry Savings & Loan 1209 N. Green Street McHenry, 111. 385-3000 George R. Justen Funeral Home 3519 W. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-2400 First National ^ank of McHenry 3814 W>. Elm Street McHenry, 111. 385-5400 Pictured above, left to right, are Councilmen James Boyer, Erv Staveteig and Mike Benjamin as they contemplate the sixth anniversary of Shepherd of The Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, to be observed Sept. ll2. Members of the Sunday church school staff, \ \?«rv'i ou Ann Blundell, Midge Teuber, Jolene "o^een and Miary Lo Owen as they plan for a "Rally Day" to be held at the church. Church Plans Anniversary Celebration A sixth anniversary celebra tion has been planned at She pherd of The Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street in McHenry, Sept. 12. A ser vice of rededication will be held within the regular worship ser vice at both the 8:30 a.m. and * 10:30 a.m. worship services. The six-year-old congrega tion already numbers 850 bap-< tized members and continues to grow rapidly as it serves the McHenry area. Some of the ac complishments and goals of the congregation will be recounted Sunday in the worship services enhanced by special music pro vided by the junior and senior choirs, under the direction of Lakeland Park Kay Druml Cub Scout Pack 459 Sponsors Candy Sale On Saturday, Sept. 11, our Cub Scout Pack will be selling candy at various establish ments in town and at the shop ping center. It is hoped you will look for them and make a purchase. It costs a great deal each year for the operation of the Pack, for awards and the necessary equipment to keep the Pack operating. This is one means by which you can help them out and also satisfy your sweet tooth too. Help make their sale a huge success, buy candy from a Cubber. Den - mother, Lucille Way- chunas, also reports that the Pack will have its first Pack meeting on Thursday, Sept. 30 at Valley View school. Starting time is 7:30 p.m. Mark your calendars now with the date and time so you don't forget. Den meetings are in progress and there are openings for boys to join the Pack. Call Cubmas- ter Ray Jensen at 385-6386 for any information regarding en rollment in the Pack. The Pack has a new Webelo Leader, so there will be a Webelo Den for the Pack. Remember to mark your calendar now for the Pack meeting on the thirtieth and please, remember to purchase some candy this Saturday from a Cub Scout. MORE SCOUT NEWS Pat Schooley, Girl Scout Lea der for Troop 320, is still look ing for one more assistant lea der for the troop. The Troop's first meeting is scheduled for Sept. 29 at 3:45 p.m. Many girls may not be able to get in on the Scouting program without the help of another as sistant leader. Won't one mo ther give Pat a call at 385-0533 and offer to keep Scouting at its best? The girl unable to be in on the Scouting program just could be your own daughter. Scribe, Bob Schooley of Troop 459, reported that only three Scouts made it to Go-Carting with Scout master Ray Jensen last meeting night. The Scouts who had a riot with Mr. Jen sen were Paul Cynowa, Don Cox and Bob Schooley. They had races and in general really enjoyed every minute of the ev ening. It seems a real shame that more Scouts don't partici pate in the outings Mr. Jensen plans for them. The troop will go back to regular meetings this Tuesday evening. LAKELAND PARK FUN LEAGUE Karen Crook, secretary for the Lakeland Park fun league asks to remind members that they start bowling promptly at 10 p.m. this Saturday, Sept. 11. The team members are as fol lows, Weight Outs, Roy Apel, Bunny Jaenicke, Bob Steiner and Shirley George; The Tops, Bob Humpreys, Joe Leopold, Marge Mercure and Rosilie Slo- DIAL-A-DEVOfrON PHONE Hear God's Word Wherever You Are. SP PON59RED BY: GUETTLER'S SERVICE STATION 385-0854 nina; Partners, Lee Mai, Dick Butlin, Polly Licastro and Con nie Giacomo; The Exibitioners, Rich Mercure, Stan Slonina, Adelle Stilling and Bev Hansen. The Coffins, RonBierman, John Licastro, Karen Crook and Lois Choate; Boomers, Marv Geo rge, Ken Hansen, Joyce Leo pold and Dorothy Belshaw; Lucky Seven, Lou Arroyo, Lew Belshaw, Barb Meurer and De- lores Connor; Stand-ins, Don Gilbert, Rich Sokolowski, Lou Butlin and Fran DiBlasi; The Up-Yours, Nick DiBlasi, Dom Giacoma, Joanne Gilbert and Dee Steiner; 4-More, Ed Cho ate, Joan Apel, Terry Arroyo and Ray Stilling; Grumpy-Bot toms, Bill Jaenicke, Joanne Mai Tom Connor and Roberta Hum- prys; Do-Nothings, Ken Crook, Judy Bierman, Ron Meurer and Delores Sokolowski. From the sounds of some of those teams names they ought to have quite a season. NATAL DAYS The very best of everything to the following members of the subdivision who celebrate birthdays during the coming week. Mary Ellen Schooley turns 10, Mary Ann Burmann will be 5 and Donald Kaminski will be 17, all share the elev enth. On Sept. 12, Barbara Ann Humann will be 9 (That's your baby, Carole, feel any older?) Karen Slonina will be "Sweet 16", David Johnson turns 20 and Shirley Koch say over 21. Chris Butler will be 6, Allen Plucinski, 16, and Mark Slon ina 9 all on the thirteenth. Ca thy Knor reaches age 9, Dar- lene Gladman, 15, and Karen Johnson all share Sept. 14 with a very important young gentle man in my life, our Godson, John Michael Becker, turns 6. Another very important young gentleman in our lives will have one very precious candle on his first birthday cake, our grand son, Clifford Lee. Sharing Sept. 15 with Cliff are Junior Przet- acznik who will be 14, and Denise Broemm and Mrs. John Thilges. Frank Bartos will be honored guest on the sixteenth and on the seventeenth it will be Mrs. Anthony's turn. Very, very special greetings go to California to our daughter-in- law Donna who will be adding another year on the eighteenth. To each and everyone, may all your wishes become reality. HERE AND THERE George Heuer, Jr., became a big five years old on Aug. 27 and the occasion had the Heuer back yard used as camp grounds for the following fri ends of Goerge's, Tom and Chris Kreutz, Scott Fish, Greg and Terry Mates. Understand dad George didn't get too much sleep that night as he camped out with the young man. George had another celebration on Aug. 28 with relatives paying honors to him. Besides his mom, Mary dad George, Sr.. and sisters. Beth and Kristie there were grandma and grancfca Bertucci of Chicago, great grandma An dersen also of Chicago, Geo rge's God-father and uncle Len Peplyn and aunt Carol Peplyn of Elgin, uncle Dennis and aunt Marge Heuer of the big city and Hero and Jo-Ann Lakema- cher of Buffalo Grove. Sounds like he was a mighty busy young lad blowing out candles. The Heuers have been residents here for five months and think our subdivision is just great. Rosemary Tiffany had to take a trip to N. Olmsted, Ohio, re cently. The trip was not a plea sure jaunt, Rosemary's sister, Edna Burkitt, had suffered a coronary and Rosemary's trip was (me of deep concern. She was very happy to report that her sister is now in a regular room at the hospital and no longer in the intensive care unit. Hope her progress im proves with each day and that she'll soon be able to be back home. Mrs. Rosemary Schneider and Norm Macdonald. In addition to the anniversary observance, the parish will also sponsor "Rally Day"> Sept. 12 according to Pastor Roger W. Schneider. "Rally Day" is a day when all members of the parish are asked to rally back to the church fropi their sum mer vacation periods to become immediately involved in the fall program of the church. A spe cial feature is the promotion of each of the classes in the Sun day church school to their next class level. This aspect of the day's activities is being coordi nated by Sunday School Supt. Mrs. Midge Teuber, and Parish Education Chairman Mike Ben jamin and Pearce Konold. A highlight for the Sunday school children will be a "Rally Day Express" which will be pre sent to give the children rides before and after their school periods. On the afternoon of Sept. 12, the congregation will hold its annual church picnic at the VFW grounds from noon until 6 p.m. Games and prizes have been planned for both children and adults. Adult games are being supervised by Mrs. Mary Jane Boelens and children's games by Mrs. Midge Teuber. The en tire picnic is being planned by George Kammerer. The special observances at Shepherd of the Hills are being coordinated by the church coun cil, including Erv Staveteig, chairman; James Boyer, Art Matthies, Richard Blundell, William Kagel, William Hadd- ick, Mike Benjamin, Pearce Konold, Gene Honning, Norm Macdonald and Pastor Roger W. Schneider. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lewis Frindell. Mr. Frindell passed away in Chicago last week. They had been residents of Lakpi* i Park for many years. Anyone wishing to con tact Mrs. Frindell can do so by writing to her at 4208 N. Clark, Chicago, 60613. At a 9 a.m. Liturgical ser vice held in the new chapel in St. Therese hospital last Aug. 29, Paulette Rizzo was one of the four students to receive her diploma and pin as a graduate of St. TTierese Hospital School of Medical Technology. Paul ette had attended St. Xavier College where she received her year's internship. The other three students were, Sister Sha ron of DePaul university, a student from the Women's Co llege in the Philippines and another student from the Univ ersity of Bombay, India. Paul ette's family were in attendance for the ceremony. Would like to add the subdivision's congratu lations to Paulette. Congratulations are also in order to Tom Wagner. Rose Delelio of Wonder Lake and Tom were married on Satur day, Sept. 4 at Christ the King church in Wonder Lake. The ceremony took place at three in the afternoon and was fol lowed by a reception at the Wagner home here in the Park. Among the attendants were Tom's sister, Sharon, who was a bridesmaid and Tom's broth er, Dave, who was an usher. Rose and Tom are making their home in Indiana where he is stationed in the Air Force. Our very best to them. Glad to report that Wayne Kamp, the injured quartermas ter of the Viscounts is home from the hospital and on the road to complete recovery. Those Viscounts sure could use a new vehicle for the tran sporting of their uniforms and gear, seems such a shame such a fine unit representing our county can't get help from someone, some where by pro viding them with the badly need ed vehicle. They worked so very hard all on their own to obtain the one just demolished. Sympathy is extended to Jo anne Plucinski. Her father pas sed away last week in Chicago. Family togetherness was the order of the evening last Fri day when the Serritellas took in the circus at Crystal Lake. From Cecilia's conversation I gathered mom and dad had as much fun as the younger mem bers of the family. The whole family was seen early Sunday morning taking bike rides through the subdivision. One of our column's readers asked me if I knew of any way to rid a basement of crickets, I don't, do any of our readers? SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Helga and Richard Broemm chose blue as the color of their dress and suit as they had their marriage blessed by the hus band of Helga's cousin, Evang- list Rudy Baumle, of Elgin. The service took place at the New Apostolic church in Elgin at 10 a.fh. on Sept. 5. Helga looked radiant in her blue dress and corsage of one large sil ver mum surrounded by small white mums and white sweet heart roses and Richard's white boutonniere on his blue suit on ly added to his good looks. Fol lowing the renewal of marriage vows and the blessing, dinner was held at the Iron Skillet in Algonquin for thirty-four rela tives. Chicken, roast beef and all the trimmings were served family style. Among the guests were Helga's sister, Mrs. Lu- ise Teichman, and son, Ronald of Chicago, cousins from Elgin, Hanover Park, Monroe, Wis consin and many second cou sins from Chicago. From the Broemm side there were Ri chard's sister-in-law, Mrs. Maude Broemm of River Grove his nephew and his wife, Albert and Nancy Broemm from Chi cago, his niece and her hus band, Nick and Judy Sclaffani of Wheeling. Duane Winn from Nondove, Wis., and Mrs. Anna John of Tarpon Springs, Fla., Mike and Rita Djubenski from here, Naomi and James Winn and their three daughters from Fox Lake made up part of the fifty guests who honored the couple in their home. Taking great pride throughout the great day was the Broemm's daugh ter, Denise, who sounded so very proud when she called to tell me about the party honoring her parents. The Broemms live at 4321 W. Clearview. May they have many happy, healthy years between their fiftieth. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All reservations and cancel lations must be made with Mrs. Jo Rizzo for the community house. Contact her at 385-2728. Saturday, Sept. 11, Five-Wat- ters Meeting at 7:30; Tuesday, Sept. 14, Boy Scout Troop 459 Meeting 7:30 to 9 p.m.; Wed nesday, Sept. 15, Regular Board Meeting at 8 p.m. Form Committee For Improvement Of Long Lake Area A special committee was for med at the Aug. 25 meeting of the Long Lake Improvement and Sanitation association to look into the future of the Long Lake community. The stated purpose of the committee is "to recommend a course of action to improve the envir onment of the Long Lake co mmunity and to restore the recreational value of Long Lake in the most economical and ef ficient manner". The renewed interest in san itary sewers for the Long Lake area was triggered by the re cent activities of the Pleasant Hills subdivision located on the east shore of Long Lake. The meeting was attended by residents of the many subdivi sions surrounding Long Lake, who expressed that there was, in fact, community-wide inter est in obtaining sanitary sew ers for their area. It was this interest which initiated the for mation of the special committee by the Long Lake Improvement and Sanitation association. AT HEALTH MEETING Over 100 H.I.A. members and friends attended the fall conference in District 1 of the Illinois Health Improvement as sociation, held Sept. 2 in Sugar Grove. This educational meet ing was attended by H.I.A. peo ple from nine counties includ ing Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Mc Henry, and Will. Among those attending were Norman Lied- berg, Woodstock; Mrs. Albert Ebel, Genoa; and Mr. and Mrs. Florence McCauley, Harvard. WKATS THE most YOU can give ME FOR A QUARTER? A DIME, TWO NlCKLES and five PSMHlES.. .