Expand Day Core Aid i /- Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 653-9167 Lakemoor-'Lilymoor *t>r. August Rossetti, (left), consulting physician, and Wagn Sundergard. registered physical therapist, confer in the diagnostic phase of the physical therapy program. Seven New Members Join K Of C Council The Knights of Columbus of McHenry held its monthly meeting Sept. 9, with improved attendance. The meeting was highlighted by the initiation and introduction of seven new members into -the fraternity. These new members are Gary L. Adams, Chuck P. Miller, Dick Williams, Lester Smith, Bill Miller, Bob Lamz and Larry Sbertoli. The highlight of the meeting was a motion to contribute $250 to the newly formed Rescue squad for McHenry. The motion was seconded and unanimously passed. A per sonal contribution to the Rescue squad of $50 by Albert J. Holtfodt was also accepted. Plans were finalized for the Oct. 9 dinner dance to be held at the McHenry V F W The next meeting will be held Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. at the K.C. hall. Aided by registered nurses, Mrs. Theresa Duffy and Mrs. Elizabeth Popovich, Dr. August Rossetti, consulting physician, examines a child as a part of the diagnostic team that works to set up in dividualized physical therapy programs for handicapped children in the Day Care program offered hy the Mcllenry County Association for the Retarded. DON PEASLKY PHOTOS Professional skill of a physical therapist has been added to those helping han dicapped children at the Day Care center operated by the McHenry County Association for the Retarded. "Services of a physical therapist is vital to help develop the children physically as the curriculum program strives to develop the children mentally," explained Robert Lambourn, executive director. One key factor is the daily contact the nurse has with the children. Each child is seen regularly by a team which includes a doctor, registered physical therapist and registered nurse. TTie program is conducted in cooperation with the child's family physician and in regular contact with him. In dividualized physical therapy programs are developed by this professional team. The doctor and physical therapist are on a consulting fee basis, and the nurse is on a full-time basis to assist with this program and other ser-,, vices for the pre-school and s<;hool-age children at the Center in Christ the King church classrooms, Wonder Lake. "Physical therapy is one of the supportive services that we must provide for the handicapped child. The children who are of school age range have han dicaps or problems of such a nature that they are not able to be taken care of in the Special Education district established by the county schools," said Lambourn. Existing physical therapy services at hospitals and other agencies cannot handle the cases at Pioneer center, Mc- Cullom Lake, since it is vital for the therapist to see the children in their classroom environment and on a daily, lengthy basis each day. "Individual needs of each child are recognized. Liabilities are noted and the team works with the youngster's assets to help him function as in dependently as possible," he continued. Personnel in all departments keep careful records and communicate with each other so the child obtains maximum benefit of the team approach. Involved are the curriculum teachers, speech and physical therapists, psychologist, social worker, nurse, and ad ministrative personnel. Summarizing the role of the physical therapy program, Lambourn gave these general purposes: 1. To identify the severity of the physical disability. 2. To initiate a program that will enhance the child's ability to move around. 3. To initiate a program that will facilitate the child's range of motion. 4. To attain a goal of in dependent motor movement, when possible. 5. To coordinate the physical therapy program with classroom experiences. 6. To coordinate the physical therapy program with the family members and the child's personal physician. Games, Birthday Cake Feature Goulet Party ' Games, birthday cake and a broken window made up the fun of the day at Kevin Goulet's birthday party. Kevin, son of Larry and Sharon Goulet of Oak wood Shores, entertained Tom Huff, Michael Utes, Dana Scheib and Jeff Jackson on Saturday, Sept. 11, in honor of his eighth birthday. A third grader at Harrison school, Kevin is also an about-to-be Cub Scouter and a proficient wheelie popper. NEW DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. John Benson, 7603 Orchard, Wonder Lake, are welcoming their first daughter, Mary Iris, who was born Sept. 7 in McHenry hospital. Mary weighed 8 lbs., 3 ozs., at birth and has three big brothers, Michael, 6, a first grader at Harrison school, Mark, 4 and Matt, who celebrated his third birthday last Saturday, Sept. 18. Maternal grandfather is James Byrnes of Niles, and paternal grandparents are Mr . and Mrs. Robert Benson of Chicago. Great grandmothers are Mrs. Yvette Rugel, Berkeley, Calif., and Mrs. Helma Hagstrom, Ashland, Wis. BELATED BIRTHDAY A belated happy birthday to Roger Stilling of Richmond who celebrated on Sept. 15. Roger and his best gal, Pat, were among the many local dairy farmers who recently attended the AMPI convention in Chicago. Some of the in teresting events of the weekend included the famous buffet dinner for 40,000 which they enjoyed very much and was followed by President Nixon's speech The Stillings were among the fortunate ones who were seated within a few feet of the podium. Other speeches they attended were by Senator Adlai Stevenson and Paul Harvey They also took in the Saturday night White Sox Game. One of the most in teresting features of their weekend, they reported to us, was getting acquainted with and sharing ideas with farmers from various parts of the country Alma Hueckstaedt Auxiliary Association Elects Officers The Women's auxiliary of the Llymoor association held an election on Monday, Sept. 13, at their first fall meeting, which was held in the home of Shirleann Krich in Lakeland Park. All officers were elected to remain the same as they were, with the exception of one. Wanda Minton was elected as vice-president. She will replace Marylyn Lo Presti. NEW SON A son, Eric Roland, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hoff man, 8607 Sunset Drive, Wonder Lake, on Sept. 9, in McHenry hospital. Eric weighed 8 lbs., at birth and has a sister, Sherri, 9, and a brother, Tommy, who is 6. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. William Freitag, Fox Lake, and paternal grandmother is Mrs. Jeanette Hoffman, Wonder Lake. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. T. O'Brien, Wonder Lake, and great grandmother is Mrs. Agnes Heuvelman of Round Lake 385-5689 PAGE 17-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 BIRTHDAYS Here's hoping the following have had and will have a very happy day on their birthdays, Fred Thorn' - . on the six teenth ; Mark Betancourt on the eighteenth; Marylyn LoPresti on the nineteenth; Terri Povidas and Lu Gravenstuk on the twenty-first, Candy Freeman on the twenty- second; Alice Povidas on the twenty-third; and last but not least to Bud Hueckstaedt on the twenty-fifth Installation of officers will take place at the next meeting on Oct. 4, at 8 p.m. in my home. Anyone wishing to join the auxiliary I am extending in vitation on behalf of the other members for you to do so. Please call me and let me know if you would like to join us at our next meeting. LADIES LEAGUE The Ladies held their social meeting, Wednesday evening, Sept. 15; prize winners of the bunco games were, - first, Nettie Sarley; second - Eunice Tobey; third - An Brzezinski; fourth - Rose Zelenka; fifth- Bueleah Smoger; booby prjze went to* Jo Johnson. The members wish to welcome Mary Crudele. Hostesses for the evening were Connie O'Rourke and Ann Brzezinski. BELATED PARTY Guests at the Tobey home were Mr. and Mrs Bud Caho also Eunice's aunt and uncle, Ruth and Art from Sauk Village helped Eunice celebrate her birthday also Debbie Peterson from Twin Lakes, Wis., was there for the occasion on Sept 1 1 . ANNIVERSARY Belated wishes are sent to Mary and Dick Sebesta who celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on Sept 8 by taking a two day tr ip to Michigan Here's hoping Mary and Dick will celebrate many many years together. See you next week Stinks' A drunk lyit ig on thf f loor of a bar began to show si wis of Life , so one of th*> customers s m e a r e d a l i t t l e l i m h u r g p r cheese on his upper l ip. The drunk arose s lowly a n d w a l k e d o u t o f t h ^ d o o r . I n a f e w m i n u t e s h e c a m e b a c k i n . T h e n h e w e n t o u t a g a i n o n l y to return in a few minutes . Shaking his head with h s - g u . s t , h e s a i d : " I t ' s n o u s e the whole world st inks." Kiaape rated The harassed driver was busily engaged with a spade in the mud beside his car when a stranger hailed him. "What's the matter . . . Stuck in the mud9" asked the stran ger. "No," replied the driver. "I just swore to myself that I'd bury the first fool that ask ed me that question • • . and this is your grave." ORNAMENTAL IRON Ralllngs-Columns- Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783 HIGH-RISE DWELLERS MEDIUM-RISE OCCUPANTS * LOW-RISE RESIDENTS: NOTICE: II you rent an npnrtment or a house, a Stato Farm Tenant Homeowners Policy can prelect your furni ture, clothes and other personal belonrjinns against many perils. It can protect you against legal l iabil i ty, too, Call me lor details... and low State Farm costs. Granville Sornson 3104 W. Rte. 120 Ph. 385 1627 (Circle Building) t > S T A T I U I M I N f U R A N C I flU STATE FARM Stale Farm I ire and Casualty Company Home Ottice: Hloomin<|lon, Illinois State Farm is all you need to know about insurance. Dixon Spring x̂ m WALKER GIN Gallon 0®® DIXON SPRING Blended Whiskey 49 Fifth HAKIM'S BEER 241 2" cans 12 pak 12 oz. cans |93 PHY LESS! PIER 9 RUM 6 6» Vi Gal. Offer good Sept 22-Sept 28, 1971 THREE FEATHERS WHISKEY 339 Fifth HFR Reg. .59 Box GIANT TWIN PAK BOX CHESTY POTATO CHIPS c •CLIP AMD SAVE COUNTRY FRESH heWeek Imported SCOTCH Gal. Regular or Diet PEPSI 816 oi.g* A, Bttls. Ov HAMM'S BUCKH0RN BEER 24 IT 249 GALLIANO ...FROM OUR FINE SELECTION OF DOMESTIC & IMPORTED WINES... IMPORTED IMPORTED FINE MATEUS 89 FOREMOSTTMNER WINE Mellow Red or Vin Rose YOUR Fifth GERMAN WINES IkAc Adv. Beer and Bev. Not Iced