PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-F^IDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1971 Ringwood News Big Halloween Display Attraction At Bob Mough Home As in previous years Bob and Lois Mough again had a real spooky Halloween display, much to the delight of all the children in the area In fact (his display was so unique that people from other area came to look at it. They have a spot for a bonfire where all the neighborhood kids gather for an hour's chat and of course it must have been spooky stories at this time of year. If prizes were given in this area I'm sure that Bob and Lois would be the winner every time as they have wonderful ideas. NEWCOMERS Mr and Mrs. Harvey Seaborg have purchased the home of Dick and Gloria Aissen and families next to the church. They are newly married and have moved here from Chicago He commutes every day to Chicago to work. Welcome to Ringwood, Harvey and Barbara, we are all looking forward to meeting you both. TRICK AND TREAT! Congratulations kids. * >V i very well this year in oui ... a. There were not too many complaints about damage. The children who went out 'Trick or treat' on Saturday afternoon can be proud of themselves They did their trick or treat on Saturday and then many of the same children went out again» on Sundav afternoon for "UNICEF". ** Oh yes. one special 'trick or treater' was Aunt Nellie Hepburn, and I'm sure no one minded. You see, kids, sometimes one never grows too old to have fun. Hi, Aunt Nellie. GONE BUT NOT FAR Dick and Gloria Aissen and family have moved from our area, but not too far. They have moved to McHenry, on Idyll Dell road to a larger home and closer to work for Gloria. We wish you all well in your new home and community, BAZAAR AND DINNER Ringwood church bazaar and roast beef dinner will be held Saturday, Nov. 13. Bazaar opens at 2 p.m. and the dinner serving time is 5 p.m. to 7:30 p m. Advance tickets are available. ,Call Mary Butler in the McHenry area, Mrs. Walter Wilcox in the Woodstock area or Mrs. Frank Harrison in Wonder Lake -Ringwood area. If you really plan on eating out Saturday, Nov. 13, call for tickets, don't be disappointed. If anyone in area wishes to volunteer to work, sell tickets or bake, call Katie, Mertie or Doris. If we don't hear from you, you will be hearing from us. UNICEF DRIVE BIG SUCCESS Thanks to a lot of generous people in our church area, our youngsters collected $166.13 for UNICEF last Halloween Sunday. With help from parents in driving cars and members of the UMYF going along to s u p e r v i s e , t h i r t y - s i x youngsters left the church to "trick-or-treat" for this worthy fund. When the children returned to the church, members of the WSCS had a hot supper for them with help from some of the mothers. Following supper, the UMYF young folks had games and it was a fun time for all. We want to give a big, sincere "thank-you" to everyone who made this event a big success. UNITED METHODIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP Following the UNICEF party at the church, members of the UMYF met at the home of Ben and Lois Jacobs for a hayride party. While it was a beautiful, moonlight night, the air was crisp and we understand there was quite a bit of jogging behind the wagon to keep warm. When they returned to the house, Lois had lunch for them which everyone enjoyed immensely. CHURCH NEWS The administrative board of Ringwood United Methodist church will meet on Thursday, Nov. 11, at the church. All church members are welcome to attend this meeting at which time the budget will be discussed. WSCS will meet at the church Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 10 a.m.. This will be a work-day to complete projects for the bazaar and dinner to be held at the church, Saturday, Nov. 13. Each lady attending the meeting is asked to bring a dish-to-pass for pot-luck lunch and also to bring her favorite bit of verse, scripture or otherwise, to share with others attending. 4-H NEWS A reminder to all members of Busy Three 4-H Club. Monday night, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m., is achievement night. We want to see all of you and your parents at the Ringwood Methodist church for this important meeting. PARTY KNOWN Last week a window was broken in the post office down town, this is being destructive. Foul language has been seen written on buildings. And to those who use public entrances as urinals are very uncouth persons and it so happens that this has happened down town and this person is known. Soooo don't you think you had better mend your habits. SQUARE DANCERS There are two new couples in town who are taking lessons with the Checker Board squares. They are Larry and Darlene Lehmkuhl »and Dick and Jackie Crosby, and I guess they are having a ball. Last week the teacher decided that they were so good that he had them dancing in the dark. Other club members from last year's class were able to earn a Glo-Worm badge at this time if they willed. Next year at Halloween time the Lehmkuhls and the Crosbys will be ab)2 to do the same when the new class (which you could be a part of) gets to be good enough to dance in the dark. ABOUTTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horn and family of Elmhurst visited ift the , Dennis Rich home on Sunday afternoon of this last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Betts and Mr. and Mrs. Rich Gillespie went off square dancing last Friday night. There were other club members from McHenry who went also. Heard they had lots of fun. The Rich Gillespies and the m TIDYcsTuEJs21 ANNIVERSARY ;Sv. We're having an anniversary! For 21 years Tidy Carpets and Rugs has been serving Northern Il l inois and Southern Wisconsin as the area's most complete full-service carpet store... and here's how we're celebrating our anniversary • By bringing to Elgin a new carpet store featuring the same quality and reliability that has made us the area's largest carpet dealer. • By offering savings of 10% to 50% on our entire inventory of 1971 carpet styles and patterns. • By offering the largest and most complete selection of carpet and rug remnants in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. • By offering S & H Green Stamps on every cash purchase. One Block East of Rt. 25 on Business Rt. 20 Elgin, Illinois (312)697-6200 CARPETS & RUGS , 200 Washington (June.Rts. 120&Bus. 14) Woodstock, Illinois (815) 338-1000 X" Albie Adams of Johnsburg played some cards with Walt and Doris Low on Saturday. Helen Wallace spent the weekend visiting with her mother, who is in the hospital in Duluth, Minn. We are so glad to hear that Helen's Mom is improving. Lyle Burns of Clinton, 111., was a visitor at the Art Christopher home over the weekend. Our neighbors Paul and Betti Winston had company from Chicago last week. They were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long. While visiting they called Judi (Winston) Baldwin who is in the Arnot Ogdon hospital, in Elmira, N.Y. All had a friendly chat with her. It was such a beautiful day lasf Saturday - that I ? saw some of my neighbors out having a cook-out?! Bet up one else was having a picnic on the thirtieth of October. BIRTHDAYS Giving out with a hearty happy birthday to you Roger Tonyan on Nov. 7 and the same to Willis Walker on Nov. 9, and the last of the week Nov. 12 we wish Bobby Fossum a happy birthday. You did say 40 didn't you Bobbie?? Well the frost is oh the pumpkins, and the leaves are tumbling down, it's time to pick them up and wait for the snow to come drifting down. Not much of a poet, but my back aches! If we're able to write next week, see you then. The Gang. Here & There In BUSINESS Fuhler Named District Real Estate Officer SETS SALES RECORD (WOODSTOCK) MON., THURS., FRI., T(,L 9 P.M., STORE TUES., WED., SAT. TIL 5 P.M.; SUNDAY 12 to 5 HOURS (ELgin) MON. and THURS. 9 to 9; TUES., WED., FRI., SAT. 9 to 5; SUNDAY 12 to 5 f % JOHN H. FUHLER The Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards held its annual election of officers for IP the year 1972 at the state convention held recently. John H. Fuhler, president of the John H. Fuhler Real Estate Co., has been elected to the position of District 12 vice- president. District 12 covers the following boards: Aurora, Barrington, DeKalb County, Elgin, Fox Valley, and McHenry county. This covers the area of all of McHenry, DeKalb, Kane, Kendall counties and Barrington in the Northwestern section of Cook county. Mr. Fuhler had previously served on the State Board as assistant vice-president of District 12 for the year 1971, and served as a member of the state membership committee in 1969. JOINS FIRM James Payton, owner of Payton Chevrolet in McHenry, announced recently that William "Bill" LaTour has been appointed parts manager for the local dealership. He comes to Payton from Hum- phery Chevrolet in Milwaukee, where he was assistant manager of the parts depart ment for two years. He at tended the Marquette Prep school and University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and several accredited General Motors management training schools. LaTour resides in Wonder Lake. WM NEUMANN, JR. William Neumann, Jr., 1504 West Sunnyside drive, McHenry, has sold more than $1 million of Prudential in surance protection in 1971. He is a special agent in the com pany's LaSalle agency, located in Chicago at 175 West Jackson boulevard. Neumann's sales record for 1971 marks the second such production achievement since he joined Prudential in July,, 1967. A 1964 graduate of McHenry Com munity high school, he con tinued his education at DePaul and Northwestern universities and YMCA Central college. Banker Attends Conference As State Director THOMAS F. BOLGER Thomas F. Bolger, vice- president and cashier of the McHenry State Bank, recently attended the mid-year meeting of the Executive council of the I n d e p e n d e n t B a n k e r s Association of America. The two-day conference was held at the Royal Sonesta hotel in New Orleans. Donald Carlson, the IBAA HUMIDIFIERS for the ultimate in wintertime comfort.. Comfortable? Well winter is just around the corner...Let us check & clean your heating plant today, so you will have dependable heating all winter...You will be surprised to know that the average cost of a home unit is less than $20. CALL 385-5700 for immediate for •health •comfort •protection president, presided over the meeting which included reports from chairmen of the standing c o m m i t t e e s . E a c h s t a t e director was asked to give a resume of new banking legislation proposed for his particular state. Bolger reported as state director of Illinois, that most of the new legislation being proposed in Illinois was consumer orien tated. He stated that the usual branch banking bill had been introduced, but there is not much enthusiasm from either bankers or the general public for changing the banking system in the state. Illinois ranks first in total membership in the In dependent Bankers Association of America. The local banker represents almost 600 Illinois banks on the Executive council. The total membership in the IBAA includes 6,680 banks from forty states. A separate association serves the in dependent banks in the western part of the country. INSURANCE EXPLAINED Insurance plans for older persons will be explained and valuated by John J. Kennedy, insurance consultant for the American Association of Retired Persons, at a meeting of the Chain O'Lakes AARP Chapter 873 at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the Grant township hall in Ingleside. Members of AARP who are interested in insurance matters will be welcomed at the meeting. A question-and- answer period will provide opportunities for individual cases to be explored. NEW FAMILIES New families at Wonder Lake are Sidney R. Tarkaff, 4908 E. Lake Shore drive, Lookout Point No. 1; John D. Vanek, 7401 E. Wooded Shore drive, Oakwood Shores; Raphael Diederich, 8606 Ramble road, Highand Shores No. 1; Raymond J. Faucher, 8612 Ramble road, Highland Shores No. 1; William C. Weber, 3603 W. Lake Shore drive, Sunrise Ridge; and Everett G. Holm, 7919 Widoff drive, Wonder View. 1. Where is the world's old est railroad junction lo cated? 2. How many members make u p t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s world body? 3. How old is the United Nations? 4. When is Columbus Day? 5. In what year was Harvard founded*7 ¥ 6. On what day will the Twentieth Century end? 7. What was Buffalo Bill's real name? 8. Who wrote; "The measure of a man's life is the well spending of it, and not length"? 9. Where is the Yellow Sea? 10.What is the only crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution? •uosBajj/oi •«0JO5i pire BU|qo uaaMjag *6 -ipJBjnid -8 •*poo U ujbtiitm 'L OOOZ ' l€ jaquiaoaa '?q2Tupnu jv *9 '9C91 '8Z Jaqoioo S •qiZI jaqo?oo 'qif>2jaqopo'xis-iCjuaMj, Z 001 Z vu\\ -OJBO qjnos 'anuqouuJH 1 llhniisoii hall! Mexico City or Acapuico$iQn FIVE NITES I3«J MEXICO CITY & flCflPULCQ 5 NITES *209 2 WEEKS *279 Inc lud ing A i r Ticket. Fi rs t C lass Hote ls , T rans fe rs . S igh t see ing and more ' A> ALTHOFF INDUSTRIES 809 Front McHenry CHAIN-0-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone 385-7500-Area Code 815 Chicago Phone 631 -1&231 7