Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1972, p. 5

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/ January, 1972 SECTION 1-PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESTiAY. JAN. 5,-1972 HOLD OPEN HOUSE - At MCC's open house for former students, Mrs. Darlene Hoffman, Director of Developmental Services, offers refreshments to two graduates, Jean Gende, of McHenry, now attending Sangamom State university, Springfield, and Richard Phannenstill, also from McHenry, currently a student at the University of Northern Colorado. The Office of Student Ser­ vices, McHenry County college, held an open house for alumni Dec. 28. The purpose of the open house was to talk with graduates and former students concerning their educational progress after leading MCC. After attending MCC, these students said they felt better prepared to cope with the transition from a small college to a large university. They said they liked the smaller classes at MCC and that they thought the college compares favorably with senior institutions in the quality of education received. The former students ex­ pressed appreciation for the personal attention given at MCC, where the help received from counselors and in­ structors in academic and personal guidance assisted them in planning for the future. $Iost of the former students have gone on to four-year colleges and universities in various parts of the U.S. Interest was shown in a wide variety of subjects, and students are now majoring in TEENS 'N WOMENS ORNAMENTED LOAFERS HEAD FOR A COOL, CASUAL FALL... In classic-style moccasin-toe loafers, with shiny metallic vamp decoration. Wipe-ease uppers, smart new 'slightly higher' heels. HEAVY-DUTY...CHL0R0PRENE OIL-RESIST SOLE MENS SHOES Reg. 3.39 MOSS GREEN AND LEATHERY for good looks and extra service. Scuff proof for work... Cushioned insoles for comfort. Sizes 7 to 12. HORNSBYS f a m i l y centers ^ 4400 W. Rt. 120 DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-6 accounting, crt, psychology, physical education, counseling, engineering, speech, business administration, and com­ munications. There is snow on the windowpane Framing my room, And the trees are heavy With frosty bloom. *--Anne Lawler January in the modern calendar gets its minie from the two-faced Rom an god Janus, god of the begi lining of things. (Its first-month designation derives from the church, which in 487 set aside January 1st as a religious festival com­ memorating the circumcision of Jesus.) Historically, there have been many dates recognized as the begin ling of the year. The ancient Egyptians began the year Septemlx-r 21st, the Greeks June 21st, etc. January is the first fiill month of winter, sometimes the coldest yhonthof theyear(if February isn't) and, in America, the month of football bowl games. The 1st is New Year's Day and also Emancipation Day--dating from 1863. (Lincoln didn't actually set free slaves in Union states on that day but the slaves in Confederate states, where his proclama­ tions often had little effect.) Washington won an important-victory at Princeton. N.J., o n t h e 3 r d i n 1 7 7 7 . T h e f i r s t b o a t t r a v e r s e d t h e P a n a m a Cahal on the 7th in 1914. The 7th is also the birthday an- niversary of the nation's 13th President, Millard Fillmore, born at L.ocke, New York, in 1800. Fillmore sought ardently ( a s P r e s i d e n t , 1 8 4 9 - 5 2 ) t o a v e r t t h e C i v i l W a r , o p p o s e d Lincoln and supported General George McClellan for Presi­ dent in 1864. The 8th is Jackson Dav in Louisiana, in memory of Andrew Jackson, who commanded the Americans forces which won a victory over the British at New Orleans (after peace had been signed, unknown to the warriors) in 1815. The victory made Jackson a national hem and he later be­ came President. \ County Sheriff To Use Tracking Dogs McHenry ( ounty Sher i f f , Ar t Tyrre l l , has announced his in tent ion to employ the services of t ra ined t racking dogs in fu ture searches for los t or miss ing persons The abi l i ty of a t racking dog to locate a person l>\ fo l lowing the t ra i l of the i r scent i s a wel l known phenomena. However , to make the most ef fec t ive use of these dogsf there a re two fac tors of which the publ ic should be aware . F i rs t , i f someone is miss ing or los t do not organize a search par ty This w i l l onlv resul t in foul ing the a rea wi th assor ted scents . Secondlv , ^mie is of u tmost impor tance . Act quicklv in contac t ing the Sher i f f ' s of f ice . P ic tured above are a few of the cer ­ t i f ied t racking dogs tha t wi l l be used in th is work Thei r owners and t ra iners a re Jul ie ( epul is . (1511 \ \ Hound Ip road. McHenry, le f t ; Jeannet te Kvere t t , 1915 Ringwood road; and John Ol iver , Algonquin , a t r ight Second f rom r ight i s Sher i f f Tyrre l l . BROTHER JUNIPER L«n R«no and McCtrttiv So says tne VIL^s w i t h ALIMONY- HIGH COST of- LEAVING-... o -s 1 ° • "Is it the paper boy or the letter carrier?" -Poxf Kim* T -TO Ttu- HI* Hi CAW TAK£ Fu*r T*AlNIM6 TH£ C, l BlU Gladstone's Thursday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday 6th-7th-8th-9th Complete Stock MENS-WOMENS-CHILDRENS Coats - Jackets Sno-Suits John Dennis, New Jersey auctioneer who specializes in an­ tiques. gingerly handles a 36" plaster "Samoset Chocolate In­ dian" figure as he arranges over 300 items for an auction of nostalgics. Three Hundred Attend New Jersey- Auction To Buy Nostalgics, Ephemera, Old Advertising John Dennis , a New Jersey auct ioneer , took a deep brea th and sa id , "O.K. Let ' s g ive i t a t ry!" A col lec tor of turn-of^ the century miscel lany had jus t le t h is col lec t ion go "under the auct ion hammer ." "As most auct ion-goers know," says John, " I opera te an ant iques auct ion every Sunday a t my gal lery in Hampton, New Jersey 1 learned the ant iques t rade f rom my dad who s t i l l opera tes a shop near Phi l l ipsburg , New Jersey , and our t radi t ion has a lways been tha t "ant iques" means old g lass , ch ina , furni ture and other a r t i s t ica l ly wel l made ar t objec ts This i s the sor t of th ing my cus tomers expect to f ind a t my auct ions ." "What would they do when 1 of fered them a four hour auct ion , over 300 lo ts , cons is t ing of gasol ine tank top s igns , mechanica l window display c lowns, d iscarded old s t ree t markers f rom the beach resor t town of Margate , N.J , o ld sheet music , a Herber t Hoover pol i t ica l pos ter , a col lec t ion of f i reman 's convent ion medals , severa l ear ly radio se ts , beer , sof t dr ink , whiskey, tobacco, movie house and a dozen o ther types of s igns and pos ters , and over : t t )0 o ther s imi lar i tems w i th not a s ingle pre t ty th ing in the lo t ' " ' The answer rang ouj^ . . loud and c lear on a Wednesday night when the specia l auct ion was held . ( John d idn ' t have the nerve to inc lude these lo ts a t dne of h is regular ant ique Sunday auc­ t ions ) Over three hundred people packed the Dennis ga l lery which normal ly sea ts only 150. I t was "s tanding room only" for four so l id hours Buyers who love "camp" i tems and old nos ta lg ia came f rom Maryland, Virg in ia , Delaware , New York, Con­ nect icut , Pennsylvania as wel l as New Jersey and severa l o ther s ta tes And they pa id subs tant ia l but not r id iculous pr ices for e v e r y p i e c e p u t u p J o h n D e n n i s ' f i r s t s e r i o u s exper ience wi th nos ta lg ics in New Je rsey proves tha t E a s t e r n e r s h a v e f i n a l l y d i s c o v e r e d w h a t W e s t e r n e r s ha \e known for years : There are co l lec to rs fo r any th ing le f t over f r o m a n y p r e v i o u s g e n e r a t i o n . T h e v c a l l t h e s e i t e m s " a n t i q u e s . " A n d n o l > o ( l > h a d m o r e f u n at nos ta lg ia auc t ion than John D e n n i s h i m s e l f ( 7 1 . 1 7 uhich i l i -ndars o f i l ov e r the . i s t of them 4 x 12 se l f t<> Joe l Open Monday and Friday Evenings till 9:00 p.m. Sunday 9 to 1 LFII35TDNE n % 1219 Green St. 815-385 0182 McHenry CO NTRO I CKNT KK Tyf f tu cond i t i on - , on t h f e e hVa^j ly t rave l ed f reeways in Southern 1 ah fonua j t e mon i tored on tn t s surv e i l l a nce and contro l sv s t j rm In format ion l oming f rom sen ­ sor s bur i ed i" roadwa>> cove t s de n* . i U o f t i a t l n a t po i n t s sho wn on pane l in ba ckg ro und . In c id en t s caus ing b . n k u p s or s toppage o f t ra f f i c a re presen ted on the pa ne l and ver i f i ed hv c l o sed c i r ­ cu i t t e l ev i s i on f rom a h e l i cop t er

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