Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1972, p. 2

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/ l .To secure & 1 maintain your | confidence through superb quality. NEWSPAPER PRINTERS Tips For The I ! Homemaker | Are you a homemaker who is short on time? Turn "leftovers" into "planned-overs," by making double use of your food preparation time. If your family likes lasagna, why not make a double batch, one to eat tonight, the other in two weeks. Lasagna freezes well either before or after bakings Thaw in refrigerator before reheating. "Leftover" mashed potatoes become "planned over" potato cakes by mixing them with slightly beaten egg, chopped cooked meat or fish, or grated cheese. Then lightly frying. Other "planned overs" can include meat pies, vegetable soups, creamed dishes, and casseroles. Check your cook­ books for freezable foods. AT NEW YEAR'S PARTY Mrs Marie Gorgo was guest at a New Year's Eve party in the home of her grandson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dercole, in Des Plaines. Also present were her son-in-law, James Dercole, his son, Gregory, and Mrs. Gorgo's granddaughter, Tiny, (Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reese and glfls) all of McHenry. Mrs. Gorgo said she took great pleasure in welcoming in the new year of 1972. CONSUMERS' CORNER Got a question about a store's prices? The price commission is now requiring stores to prominently display base prices during the post freeze economic stabilization program The requirement ap­ plies to all food products (except unprocessed agricultural prod­ ucts such as eggs, potatoes, ap­ ples) and to the 40 items in each department that have the highest sales volume, or those items that account for 50 percent of each department's total sales, which ever is less Base prices - general ly the ceiling prices permitted during the freeze - must now be posted. Retail *rtores may increase prices above freeze levels so long as the percentage of markup does not exceed the percentage of markup that existed during 2 of the last 3 fiscal years. Also store profit margins can not exceed those which prevailed during the freeze But no price increases are allowable until a store complies with the price-posting require­ ment. jOOOOOOPOOOOOOOQOOOOCft Coming Events loooooooooooooooooool > JANUARY 8 The Friendship Club Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting - 6 p.m. - Dining Room, First United Methodist Church -- Program -- Helen and Harry Lundy. JANUARY 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Election Of Officers -- Followed by Games Party. McHenry Woman's Club -- Board Meeting - City Hall - 9:30 a.m. JANUARY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop. Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a m JANUARY 14 McHenry Woman's Club - V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour -- 12 to 1 p.m Business Meeting, 1 p.m. JANUARY 16 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Installation Of Officers -- Dinner At Martinetti 's, Crystal Lake, 3 p.m -- Reservations Call 385-1105 or 385-1537. MARTHA HEATHER DIETZ PLAN SPRING WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz of 405 Grandview drive Round Lake Park, announce the engagement of their daughter, Martha Heather Dietz, of McHenry, to Harold Hunter. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter of Crystal Lake road. McHenry. An April 1 wedding is planned in the Lake Region Bible church, Round Lake Park. | (yfl0tenrv C^PlainJealer | Established 1875 13812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 I McHenry, Illinois 60050 I Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry,Illinois I Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry,Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY | Larry E. Lund - Publisher Adele I roehlii h-F.dltorJ MEMBfcR I • Nf W°!AtpER I ( »"»»»• / Association - Founts , 8 8 5 • | SUBSCRIPTION RATES J 1 Vear . .$7.50 1 Year $9.00 I I In McHenry and lake Outside McHenry and County Lake C ounty RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING Fine Arts Group Offers Theatre For Children Woodstock Fine Arts Msoctatton member, Mrs. Robert Mooney. displays a poster publicizing children's plays to be performed by Chicago's Goodman Theatre Touring company at the Opera House Jan. 16. The Fine Arts association is sponsoring the dramatic troupe's two performances at 1 and .5 p.m. bring stage presentations to schools in Chicago and suburbs -- and it was an instant success. It brought entertainment to the children, and also taught them something about morality and love and just being nice to people. In addition to the stage productions the Goodman Children's Theatre Touring company offers a workshop which can be presented anywhere - in an auditorium, a classroom, lunchroom or a hallway - a memorable and educational experience. Sunday, Jan 16, is the day for the presentation of two en­ joyable plays by the Goodman Children's Theatre Touring company at the Woodstock Opera House, for the grade school children of McHenry county. At 1 p.m., "The Th­ warting of Baron Bolligrew" will be presented for kin­ dergarten through seventh grade, and at 3 p.m., "The Hide-and-Seek Odyssey of Madeline Gimple", , for fourth through eighth grades. Each performance will run ap­ proximately fifty miautes. TheWoodstock Fine Arts Association is proud to present these fine productions per­ formed by this outstanding company. The Goodman Children's theatre is part of the famous Goodman theatre located in downtown Chicago in back of the Art Institute. The company presents plays in its downtown theatre during the year on Saturdays and Sundays for young people, and in the evenings fpr adults. The theatre also has a well known school of drama and is Chicago's only resident professional theatre company. Goodman believes that both children's theatre and creative dramatics, when properly implemented in the school and community, can bring beauty and richness into the lives of boys and girls. Thus, the Children's Theatre Touring company was formed in 1970 to MADELYNN MAL8TROM RON RITZMANN ENGAGEMENT TOLD -- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Malstrom, for­ merly of McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Madelynn, to Ron Ritzmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritzmann of Glenview, 111. The wedding will be solemnized in St. Thomas Catholic church, Crystal Lake, Feb. 5 at 5 p.m. PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1972 Pamela Justen Debutante At Hospital Ball Miss Pamela Joy Justen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. Paul Justen of Glenview, was one of seven debutantes at­ tending the sixth edition of the Presentation ball which celebrated the tenth an niversary of Holy Family hospital, DesPlaines The social event was held in the Gold Coast room of the Drake hotel Wednesday, Dec 29, at 8 p.m. The Very Rev Comerford J O'Malley, CM, chancellor of DePaul university, presided A papal gift from Rome was given to each of the seven young women participating For the presentation, they wore white gowns, carried red roses pinned to fans and donned white mantillas from Spain The 1970 debutantes were in the receiving line Pamela is the granddaughter of Mrs Ben Justen of McHenry* ANNA MARIE McCLATCHEY ENGAGED -- Mrs. Mary McClatchey of 3801 W. Ellen road, McHenr\. announces the engagement of her daughter, Anna Marie, to Dave Backhaus of 30H South Crystal Lake road, McHenry. Miss McClatche\ is a senior at West campus high school. McHenry. Her fiance attends Western Michigan college, Kalamazoo. Mich., where he is a senior No Wedding date has been set. FUND RAISING St John's Home and School association is preparing for the annual fund raising danc^to be held Saturday, Feb. 5, from 9 p.m. to 1 a m in the Johnsburg Community clubhouse. Proceeds from the event will be used to purchase much needed equipment for St John's elementary school. /afN. McHENRY Country Club McHEl YRY PLAYHC IUSE "GOODBYE CHARLIE" D I N N 1 R 6 : 3 0 P I A Y 8 : 0 0 W R I T T E N B Y G E O R G E A X E I R O D 5 PERFORMANCES ONLY DATES: JAN. 27, 28 30 FEg. 4. 6 THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SUNDAY OPENING NIGHT ONLY FLOOR SHOW BY Larr\ Lcafblarl and His SCOTCH LADS B r a n d N e w S h o w ! 5 l ) \ n a i n i c ( j i i \ s 56.50 INCLUDES EVERYTHING DINNER! PLAY! SHOW! McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB OPENS THURSDAY. JAN. 27 RESERVATIONS NECESSARY Call (815) 385-1072 JANUARY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria - In­ stallation of Officers. JANUARY 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. JANUARY 27 McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Home Of Mrs. Jack Walsh, 3814 W. Main Street -- 1 p.m. JANUARY 29 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Cards At Home Of Mrs. Lillian Bolger, 1308 N Richmond Road -- 7:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 3 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. FEBRUARY 5 "Presidential Ball" -- St. John's Home and School Association -- Johnsburg Community Club - 9 to 1. St Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Bowling - McHenry Recreation ~ 7 p.m. JANUARY 21 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Monthly Meeting -- St. Mary Oak Room. 7:30 p.m. / The meeting of Jan. 4 opened with thirteen members present. Balloting was held. The auditing of the books was held and everything was found in excellent order. Mrs James (Eileen) Hodgson is having her green beanie night Feb. 15 at 8 p.m. sharp Girls, formals please. On Jan 13 at 7:30 there will be ritual practice at the Moose Hall Elgin Chapter 610 is celebrating its fiftieth an­ niversary. It will be held Jan. 16 at the Moose Home at 70 N. State st., Elgin at 2 p.m The special award would have been won by Anna Arreger had she been present. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting -- Landmark School - 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting -- Dining Room, First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. There's enough gold in suspension in the oceans of the world to make everybody on earth a millionaire, if it could only be recovered economically. The attendance award went to Mrs. T.J. (Myrna) Talle. Lenore Freund, Publicity Chairman JANUARY 19 McHenry Woman's Club - Bus Trip To Sara Lee Bakery - For Reservations Call 385-0621. La Leche League Opens Year With Jan. 13 Meeting The next monthly meeting of La Leche league will be held Thursday, Jan. 13, at 8 p.m. The league is an organization of mothers dedicated to helping other mothers successfully breastfeed their babies. This is the first of a series of four informal meetings, which acquaint women with the "Advantages of Breast­ feeding", "How to Succeed at Breastfeeding", "Childbirth and the Family", and "Nutrition and Weaning". Mothers are encouraged to bring their babies, and pregnant women or others who are interested are welcome to attend For further information, contact Mrs. Robert Hum­ phreys. Women Of ---- <----• The Moose BETROTHAI. ANNOUNCED - Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Bam of 1210 V Riverside dri\e, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter. Susan I... to David B. Stippich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Balph E. Stippich of 23^PPomeroy, Crystal Lake. Both young people are graduates of McHenry high school. No wedding date has been set. The Village Dress jShoppc; 50% OFF On Our Remaining Stock Of Long Skirts. . .Dressy Blouses. . .Knit Co­ ordinates. . .Body Shirts. . . . --AND-- Shoes From California Cobblers (Sizes 6^-8^ Med.) FOR THIS SALE ONLY. . . . Our better dfesses and pant suits for Spring will be Reduced $10.00 1 ..Mile North of Johnsbuig On Wilmot Road 1612 W. May Avenue All SUSAN BAUR MAJESTIC FLAME GAS LOGS "For Winter Comfort and Beauty" 815-459-6200 Crystal Lake Open Daily 9-5 Closed Sunday owerwo

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