PAGE 16-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1972 HELPING PAWS i J This handsome male Golden S^abrador Yizsula mix pup was lound in the Jewel store in Crystal Lake He is housebroken. very friendly and gentle He will be up for adoption if not claimed Please call 455-0566 or 459-0511 if in terested The picture really does not do him justice We would like to remind you that our new office will be open from 10 a m to 12 a m and 1 p m to 3 p m . Monday through Friday The office phone number is 455-0566 One of our volunteers has consented to take care of the ljost and Found reports on weekends and that number is 459 8163 Up to now, our gals have been kept quite busy on our home phones so we will try to keep the calls as short as possible Please be patient and call again if the line is busy The pets up for adoption this week are Two tiny black terrier type puppies, a black Labrador female dog under one year old, and a 1 year-old black terrier type dog Call 455-0566 for more information A McHenry family is caring for a 5 month-old male, tan and black part Schnauzer. He has curly hair, is housebroken, very friendly and would make an ideal children's pet Call 385- 6095 A 4-month-old male Beagle mix puppy is staying with a family at ?85-5849 He is very well behaved, housebroken and loves children An assortment of puppies and good looking stray grown dogs can be seen between the hours of .') and 9 p.m by calling 312 587 i>488 m Fox Lake A 2 month-old male, possibly part Cocker Spaniel puppy, is staying ,n Crystal Lake at 459- K419 He will be a small dog and has curly silky ears, very cute' A 21 - year -old male black and white Spaniel, housebroken and very good with children can be seen by calling 815-568 8934 in Marengo In McHenry at 385-2259 is a 7- year-old Sealpoint Siamese cat This declawed. spayed female cat has always been kept in doors so must continue to do so when adopted At 385-0309 is a 3'- year-old female sable and white Collie type dog She is housebroken and is good with children In Richmond at 815-648 2989 is a young adult male German Shepherd up for adoption. At 4F>9 7648 are two female kittens that arc inseparable One is a pure calico while the other is an orange, white and grey tiger They have been wormed and have had their first distemper shot In Woodstock at 338 0205 is a two-year-old male Shepherd Malemute mix t ha t is very gentle and a one-year-old female brown and black short haired dog the size of a terrier Please call for further in formation In Harrington at 312 381-5431 is a 6 month-old male miniature Poodle, silver grey, housebroken. loves children and very friendly. In Woodstock at 338 4655 after 5 p.m is a spayed female Malemute. AKC registered, great w ith children and prefers to be outside and also an AKC registered male Malemute, loves children and has had some obedience training The owners are moving and are not able to keep them anymore In Crystal Lake at 455-0566 or 459-6325 is an assortment of stray kittens and cats. There are three ft week old part Siamese, soft grey, three 7 week-old fluffy soft grey kit tens, an 8week-old male grey and white tiger, a 5-month-old female calico, a 6 month-old female tiger, and a one-year- old female ocelot with black stripes and white feet At 459 4390 are three 8-week old female Springer Spaniel puppies At 312-426-2575 is a 14-year old male part Beagle, medium size, housebroken, good with children and needs room to run as he was raised in the country. At 459 7566 is a 5-month-old female tiny black mixed breed puppy that has had puppy sUots In Wonder I^ike at 815-653- 6922 is a registered 9-month-old male, declawed, all white cameo Persian kitten An 8 or 9-month-old female black and cream tiger kitty is staying at 459-8163 In Algonquin at 658-5913 is a one-year-old female AKC r e g i s t e r e d B e a g l e , housebroken, good with kids, and has had her puppy and rabies shot In Pistakee Highlands at 312- 497-3966 are five 6-week-old Shepherd Elkhound mix puppies and also a two-year-old female border Shepherd. Lost Lost in Hebron at 312-344-0348 is a one year-old Shepherd Poodle mix named "Trixie". Lost at 459-5057 is an 11- month-old male all black part Labrador named "Raufer". U)st in the Griswold Lake area is a two-year-old male Pekingese mix dog. Call 312- 827 1670 "Simba", an 11-year-old cat has been lost since September in the McHenry area. He is a neutered male, is an orange and white tiger with white paws and chest and hazel eyes. He may be trying to return to his former owner in Barrington. Please call 455-0566, 459-9426 or 312 381 4397 if you know the whereabouts of this cat. Found An English Setter was found in DeKalb and brought to Wonder Lake as he was ap parently lost. The number to call is 653-3476. Found in Carpentersville at 428-6540 is an adult male Beagle mix. He was found near Route 31 and 72. A fairly young female, mostly German Shepherd, was found in McHenry. The num bers to call are 385-2391 or 385 8585 Coal Production Ullinois coal mines produced 2,(>72,248 tons of coal during November, according to David L Gulley, director of the state Department of Mines and Minerals Production was highest in Perry county with 459.787 tons mined Mines Director Go\ Richard B Ogilvie has named Dayton McReaken acting director of the Depart ment of Mines and Minerals. He will succeed David L. Gulley. who is leaving Jan 1 to return to private employment. M E A N W H I L E B A C K A T T H E C O U R T H O U S E " BKANCH ('01 RT I Associate Circuit Judge l^eonard Brody Gregory W Rogers. 1057 Poplar, McHenry, guilty of making a false report, sen tenced to seven days in jail w ith credit given for-trme served Herb Cook. 3941 W Main street. McHenry, charged with deceptive practice, found not guilty Kenneth Anderson, 555 Ivanhoe. Wauconda. guilty of purchase or acceptance, fined $100 and costs; also charged with theft over $150. amended to theft under $150. fined $150 and costs Another charge of transportation of alcoholic liquor was nolle prossed by the state s attorney William Koske. 708 Peters. McHenry, guilty of disorderly conduct, sentenced to 3 days in jail with credit given for time served • BRANCH COURT III AssociateCircuit Judge Eugene Dsriy William P. Schuerr, 3308 W. Elm. McHenry, guilty of reckless driving, fined $200 and costs: also charged w ith fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, amended to failure to > ielcf to an emergency vehicle, fined $100 and costs. BRANCH COURT II Patricia R Summers, Route 2. McHenry guilty of theft, fined $20 and costs BRANCH COURT I Associate Circuit Judge William Gleason William Klitsch. 8139 Lin colnshire. DeKalb. charged by city of McHenry for driving while intoxicated, amended to reckless driving, fined $500 and costs also guilty of disobeying a stop light, amended to im proper parking, fined $50 and costs Another charge of transportation of alcoholic liquor was nolle prossed on a motion by the city attorney. A REPORT to the COMMUNITY A financial institution can not really be successful and prosper unless the community it serves also prospers. Nor can a community prosper if there are not adequate services provided by a strong commercial bank. The Greater McHenry Community and the McHenry State Bank have grown and pros pered together during the year 1971. f The progress made by a bank is only a reflection of the progress made by the Community it serves. It is pride in this community that prompts the publishing of this abbreviated report on the progress of your bank during 1971. We have faith that Greater McHenry and the McHenry State Bank will con tinue to grow during the year 1972. Because of the achievements of the past and the faith in the future we will continue to strive for methods to serve you better to continue to merit your patronage. During the Year 1971 YOUR BANK YOUR BANK granted over six thousand loans (new and renewals), including nearly four million dollars in new Real Estate Loans on homes and business properties in the McHenry Area. Also, a million dollars worth of new auto loans were made during the year. YOUR BANK'S total loans actually increased 4 million dollars during the year. Most loans are on a monthly reduction basis. paid $340,000.00 in taxes of which $75,000.00 was paid in local taxes to help support our schools and local governments. YOUR BANK YOUR BANK'S Opened almost 5,000 new accounts swelling the bank's totals to an all time high. total resources increased more than eight million dollars in the last year. YOUR BANK YOUR BANK issued around 40,000 bank checks and money orders and handled five million separate items. YOUR BANK is constantly alert to ways to serve you better. New extended drive in hours have been established to serve you better and to help improve the flow of traffic. The drive in windows are open from 8:15 to 5:00 on Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 8:15 to 7:30 on Friday and from8:15to3:00on Saturday. The entire bank is closed on Wednesday. paid out $1,536,746.42 as interest to savings depositors and continued to pay the maximum rate of interest compounded daily. -M ""4 %-mm, & X*§g -RESOURCES- c Cash and due from Banks 5,498,604.63 U.S. Government Securities..... 1 0,311,111.41 Other bonds and securities 8,497,337.03 Loans and Discounts. 28,006,490.56 Banking House and Fixtures ...496,436.70 Other Resources 404,21 1.43 Total Resources S53,214,191.76 -LIABILITIES- Capital Stork..,., $ 800,000.00 Surplus.. 1,000,000.00 Undivided Profits.. 1,812,826.40 Reserve Accounts 753,162.22 Demand Deposits 12,963,828.34 r ime Deposits 34,905,577.22 Other Liabilities 978,797.58 Total Liabilities $53,214,191.76 ( e*z Condensed Statement of Condition as of December 31, 1971 Your bank is staffed by your neighbors, experienced bankers as well as those anxious and willing to learn. Many staff members attended various banking schools during the year acquiring knowledge to serve you better. The 16 officers, 44 full time employees and 26 part time employees represent such areas as Country Club Subdivision, Johnsburg, Fox River Grove, Ingleside, Wonder Lake, Hunterville Park, Ringwood, Whispering Oaks, Wauconda, Richmond, Pistakee Bay, Eastwood Manor, Spring Grove, Orchard Heights, Cary, Cooney Heights, Edgebrook Heights, Woodstock, Kent Acres, Holiday Hills, Highland Shores, Pistakee Highlands, Irish Prairie, Volo, Pistakee Terrace, Country Club Estates, Lakeland Park, Pistakee Hills, and other areas in and around McHenry. THEY INVITE YOU TO LET THEM SERVE YOU BETTER IN 1972. McHenry State Bank McHENRY, ILLINOIS Gerald J. Carey Robert L. Weber -Directors- William A. Nye, M.D. Thomas F. Bolger Richard J. Zieman William J. Cowlin