\ PAGE 10-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1972 a o D AUTOS 1968 CORVETTE, 4speed,con vertible, 2 tops. $2,700.00. 385-8973. 1-28/2-2 ' 68 FIREBIRD Sprint, overhead Cam. 6, stick shift, 4 barrel carb, 4 new H-70 radial tires, air shocks, driving lights, low mileage. $1,400.00. 815-455- 0372. 2-2/2-4-72 1965 Dodge Polara 4 dr. sta tion wagon good condition, new tires. Call after 5:30 p.m. 385-7144. 2-2/2-4-72 1961 Buick $85.00. 1968 Dodge Van walk in truck $500.00.815- 385-7278. 2-2/2-4 11972 Jeep truck, 4 wheel | |drive, Y-8, autojnatictrans- • Imission, power steering, _ custom cab and 2 tone paint. I |7" wide traction tires plus| |spare. | ISpecial Price ... $3,650.001 I I | Inside show room, many! | trucks to choose from. • ADAMS JEEP SALES I 2100 N. Central | Rockford, Illinois | I 9680818 | | 2-2/2-4 | AUTOS AUTOS SNOWMOBILES Service NEW & USED Accessories Parts ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill McHenry, III. 385-0434 2-2TF12 SNOWMOBTES"! SKI-Z00M and I LITTLE SKIPPERS also all Terrain Vehicles 14 models to choose from, J includes models for child- I ren, 5 years and up. Come | see our display . Compare prices. STARTING AT $295 Open daily,Fri. eves. & Sun. J McHENRY WELDING SERVICE | 2912 W. Route 120 Across from the Dog & Sudsl 815-385-4929 2-2TF121 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers Route 120 1 blk east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A.M. to 6 P M. Friday 8a.m. to9p.m. Sunday 9a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-2TF12 AUTOS AUTO PARTS V A L V E S G R O U N D H E A P S & F L Y W H E E L S R E S U R F A C E D B & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC . 115 N. MAIN ST. CRYSTAL LAKE 459-0541 1719 WEST RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-2034 2-2TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE - yuick, accurate and con fidential While you wait ser vice Robert Belzer. 385-0705 1-21-2-2-72 BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc A Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236 2-2TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE SINCE 1955 DAILY 9 to 9 385 4410 • Fast and efficient service •Year around assistance •Computerized Returns •Individually Verif ied Ap have been doing lax service work in th is area for 16 years wi th a fu t ime staf f working year around to assist our c l ients Paul A.Sehwegel&Co. 4410 W. ROUTE 120 385-4410 McHENRY 2-2TF12 LLOYD'S ARC0 20 Years Experience In Mechanical Work LLOYD TOMLINSON Wheel Balancing Oil & Filters New Car Service Tune-ups Brake Service Exhaust 385-9894 LLOYD'S ARC0 3602 W. Elm Street I I I I I I I I I I I I I McHenry I 2-2/2-4 I JIM HUNTER Lubrication Tires Batteries ' AUTOS POLARIS SNOWMOBILES SALES & SERVICE WORTS TRANSIT Back of Admiral Plant Corners West & North Ave. McHenry, Illinois 385-1500 2-2TF 12 BUSINESS SERVICES Excellent interior & exterior painting; Paper hanging. Top References Reasonable rates. Call Line 385-0930 1-21-2-2-72 REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TCM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 2-2THS J.-L. MAINTENANCE TOTAL JANITOR SERVICES WINDOW WASHING FLOOR MAINTENANCE OUR SPECIALTY 815-385-7689 RON C0RNWELL 1-26/3-8-72 A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right- Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 Call After 5:00 Hoofing Repairs. 'Roofing 'Carpentry TWB (ARTISTS) Do you have a problem that takes artistic ability?^ WE'LL SOLVE IT INEX PENSIVELY -- ILLUSTRA TIONS, DESIGN, MURALS etc. 815-385-9690 1-26 & 2-2-72 FOR SALE REMINGTON 4 electric shaver, 2, 9" Stereo Speakers, Bowl ing ball and bag, golf clubs, cart and bag, phonograph al bums. Best offer. Call 385- 6669 between 9 and 5. 2-2/2-4 BRAND NEW 8 foot kestell Turn of the Century style pool table. Worth $700, sacrifice $400. firm. 385-7296. 2-2 1971 Polaris Mustang, 488 C.C., excellent condition, wide track, good family machine $900.00. Folding nylon mesh play pen. $15.00. Pony saddle. $10.00. 385-4204. 2-2/2-4 OVERSTOCK in mens, w omens and childrens ice skates. All styles and sizes. Also large selection of toboggans. 25% OFF. Ace Hardware Store, 37 29 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois, 385-0722. 2-2/2-4-72 Challenge full page proof press. 16x22. Model 21P Rubber blanket, grippers, electrically operated ink rollers. Excellent condition $1,000. Varityper Headliner. good condition McHenry P1 a i n d e a 1e r . McHenry, III 60050. 815-385- 0170. 2-2TF12 ICE SKATES in excellent con dition. 1 pr. girls white fig ure , size 3 - $3.00, 1 pr. men's black figure, size 10 - $5.00, 1 pr. men's hockey, size 12 - $10.00. Can be seen at Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm Mc Henry, Illinois. 1-28TF1-2 FOR SALE PEERLESS ELECTRIC exhaust fan. 36"x36" complete, in good working condition. Call 385- 0172, ask for Dick. * Antique white French Pro vincial twin canopy bed room set complete, 6 months old $175. * Refrigerator $25.00. *3/4 bed complete $15.00 * Double bed complete $35 With matching triple dres ser $40 & Chest of Drawers $30.00 * Mahogany China Cabinet with Hutch $75.00 * Dressers $20.00 & $25.00 385-0233 2-2 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 2-2TF12 HELP WANTED Make money at home address ing envelopes, circulars, etc. for firms. Details send stamped self addressed envelope Dreis- bach Co. Drawer BD,Anthony, ew Mexico - 88021 2-2 Ne MALE HELP WANTED SALESMEN Leading Distributor needs Snowmobile Salesmen to call on dealers. Full pro duct line, Illinois Territory Knowledge of snowmobiles necessary. Send resume to: BOX 412 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 2-2/2-4 FEMALE HELP WANTED FULL TIME saleslady to work in fabric shop. Experienced in sewing desirable. Apply in person or call. Fabric Patch, 3611 W. Elm, McHenry, Illinois 385-7927. 2-2 Experienced Beautician Full or Part Time Fol lowing Preferred Good Hours- Fringe Benefits RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING 4 2020 Route 120 McHenry, 111. 815-385-7010 2-2TF12 RETAIL STORE Full time year around work. 5 days, 40 hour week No Sundays, Prefer some ex perience, but will train. Must be reliable and a self starter. Age 25-45 Apply in person to Mr. Dean. BEN FRANKLIN STORE 1250 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 2-2TF12 WAITRESS WANTED Full or Part Time Experience not necessary THE HERITAGE HOUSE Harvard, 111. 815-943-6153 1-21/2-9 NOTICE If carpets look dull and drear, remove spots as they appear with Blue Lustre. Rent elec tric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store, Market Place Shopping Center. 2-2 FOR RENT 2 - 5 room apartments un furnished. 2 - 2 room apart ments furnished. 385-1079. 2-2TF12 2 ROOM apartment in town, no children, no pets, elderly lady preferred. 385-1154. 2-2/2-11 ROOM FOR RENT. Working gentleman preferred. 385-0053. 2-2/2-4 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 1 year lease, 1 child, 1 pet, First and last month in advance. Eastwood Manor $180.00 per month. 815-675-2072. 2-2 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt., in town February occupancy. Stove & Ref. included. No pets. Lease and references required. 385-2260. v 2^TF12 OFFICE in McHenry, 2 small rooms, Private lavatory. Good location. Air conditioned, all utilities furnished. $75.00. Call 385-1327. 2-2TF12 IT'S inexpensive to clean rugs and upholstery with Blue Lus tre, Rent electric shampooer. $1. Ace Hardware. 2-2 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included. Rental $185. Bayshore Realty 3440 W. Elm McHenry 385-3620 and 385-7508 2-2TF12 S0UTHGATE Fully carpeted 1 & 2 bed room apts. w/private decks, electric heat, stove, refrig erator, garbage disposal. One year lease. No pets. Model open daily at: 810 Front St. (Rt. 31 S.) Mc Henry. Rentals $180. -$185. - $205. See Or Call Lee J. Cooney 385-4345 2-2TF12 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with private patio, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co, 9716 N. Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 2-2TF12 OFFICE SPACE 2,000 square feet on ground floor. Central Air Conditioning. Heat Furnished. Available January 15th Phone 385-0170 2-2TF12 FEMALE HELP WANTED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS full time EXPERIENCE PREFERRED BUT WILL TRAIN. DAY* WORK 8:00 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS. APPLY IN PERSON. STRAND DRESS MFG. CO. 3011 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, III. 2-2/2-4 REAL ESTATE CHARMING 2 bedroom Ranch with garage. 1 block off Won der Lake. New vinyl siding $15,000.00. Call 653-7756 af ter 5:00 P.M. or weekends. 2-2/2-4 Exceptional land site for sale Lot nicely landscaped. 107 x 200. Phone 385-5839. tional Phone 385-5839 NO BROKERS Investment Opportunity Leaving State Offering 8% 1st mortgage on McHenry Area Home. Balance due approximately 1/3 of equity. For Details: Write McHENRY PLAINDEALER Box 411 McHenry, Illinois 60050 2-2/2-4-72 PERSONALS Reduce safe & fast with Go Bese Tablets & E-Vap "wa ter PILLS". Bolger Drugs. 2-2 There's money to be made through classified. WANTED TO RENT SPACE for one vehicle, dead storage. Either garage or barn. 385-4134. 2-2/2-4 BANK ENVELOPE with $380 cash, lost near Foremost Li quor or Marie's Laundromat. Reward. 385-7377. 2-2/2-4 -thru the Ads CARD OF THANKS To the McHenry Hospital Aux iliary Women. The family of Emily Schmidt thanks ybu so much for your memorial con tribution to the McHenry Hos pital. 2-2 We wish to express our grati tude to all our friends and rel atives during our recent sor row. A special thank you to the Sheriffs Dept. and the res cue squad of McHenry, their quick response was wonderful. To Father's Petit and Cahili, the C.D. of A., Dr. Wilt, the Nursing staff of McHenry Hos pital and the members of V.F.W. Post4600 & Auxiliary. Words can never express our feel ings. To all we give our thanks. The family of Anna Leonetti 2 - 2 We wish td^express our heart felt appreciation to the McHen ry Hospital, Dr. Wilt, and Fa thers Petit, Cahill and Ramae- cker. A special thanks to rel atives, friends, neighbors, and the Peter Justen Funeral Home, during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Peter Miller & family 2-2-72 YOUR kind expressions of sym pathy are gratefully acknow ledged and deeply appreciated by the family of the late Dr. Edmond G. Brust, Sr. We would like to thank the nurs ing staff on the 3rd floor of the McHenry Hospital and Doc tor Wilt and Doctor Bautista. Mr. & Mrs. Karl R. Tomm & family. 2-2 PETS FOR SALE MINIATURE POODLE puppies, 8 weeks old, Apricot, male. $35.00. 385-6483. 2-2 SEW WHAT? T H I S W E E K S P A T T E R N 8 B Y A U D R E Y L A N E 3270 10 18 New Life For the Tent You' l l b e glad to know tha i the tent is coming back when you re member how comfor tab le i t is to wear No 3270 comes in s izes 10 to 18 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2Va yard4 ' o f 44 inch fabr ic . 361 CROCHETED AftHAN Crocheted afghans are dar l ing pres ents tor new babies This s ty le , No 361 g ives d i rect ions for making the s t r ips separate ly Then, just jo in them together . Send 50< for each dress pat tern, 30< for each needlework pat tern Iadd I5 f for each dress pat tern, ?0« for each needlework pat tern for mai l ing and handl ing) to AUDREY LANE BUREAU, Morr is Pla ins, New Jersey 07950 PIT CENTER P̂ /t 60* A P(f f0R yoO ' PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. ^ TO BE GIVEN AWAY BLACK miniature Collie, male, 8 months old. Call 385-0892 2-2-72 How Can I? by Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove scorch stains from white fabrics? A. Scorches are really burns, you know, and if too deeply burned, there is nothing at all you can do about it. If, however, the scorch is light, cut a piece of tissue paper large enough to cover the spot, then drop a little peroxide on the tissue and, while still wet, place a heated iron over the tissue. Often, when the tissue is removed, the scorch will have vanished. Q What is a quick and easy way to remove ink stains from the fingers? A. After moistening the stains with water, rub over them with the sulphur end of a match, then wipe off with a dry cloth. Q. How can I add more body to an organdy dress I am washing? A. If a tablespoon of sugar is added to a gallon of water when rinsing the dress, it will add more body without making it too stiff. Q. How can I remedy some paste shoe polish that has dried and hardened in its container? A. By pouring a few drops of turpentine or mineral spirits over it. Q. How can I do a good job of cleaning the insides of vacuum bottles? A. Tear up a few scraps of paper, drop these inside the bottle, add a little bicarbonate of soda and warm water, then shake the whole business well. Then, after your cleaning job, be sure to leave the bottle uncorked, open to the air. Q. How can I remove rust from utensils and tools? A. Rub them with a cork dipped in olive oil...or with a typewriter eraser.Also, lemon juice and salt are a good combination for removing rust stains. Q. How can I make a good furniture polish9 A. One very good one consists of equal parts of raw linseed oil and turpentine. Another good mixture consists of equal parts of boiled linseed oil, turpentine, and vinegar. The chief thing to remember is to apply only a very thin coating, following with plenty of elbow grease. If you use too much polish, you are liable to end up with a gummy, dust-catching surface. Q How can I save wear-and- tear on the buttons of clothes that bang around in my dryer? A. By buttoning the garment first, then turning it inside out, and drying in the machine. Q. How can I remove the hardened grease from the aluminum filter of my kitchen exhaust fan9 A. Try using the "solar system". It's a snap. Place the filter on a thick pad of newspapers in the hot sun. After several hours of exposure to the warmth of the sun, all the hard grease will run off onto the paper Q. How can I cut an angelfood cake without crushing it or breaking the frosting? A. By using a piece of silk thread to cut your slices. Q. How can I clean gilt pic ture and mirror frames without tarnishing them? A Beer does a fine job for this. They can also be rubbed with a cloth moistened in turpentine or mineral spirits. -- 7 TAKE NOTICE . . . pvt. Richard D. Bradfield, a 22- year-old triple amputee from the Army's Letterman General Hospital, is accompanied by nurse, Lt. Christine Larson, as he walks across Golden Gate Bridge in attempt to inspire other wounded veterans to fight their handicaps. Accord ing to physiotherapists at the hospital, Pvt. Bradfield, who lost both legs and an arm in a land mine explosion in Viet nam last Mar. 22nd, is very de termined and able to do things th&^a man so severely wound ed isn't supposed to be able to do. V