PAGE 12-PlAINDEALER-WtD; : JAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1972 ite believe ttVSTMVX Prove it to you USDA CHOIC USDA CHOICE MeaP! Delicious fresh meat cooked juicy and tender satisfies families with big winter appetites! And Value-Way Trimmed meats from National let you save as you please those those big appetites. This week there are a variety of delicious meats on sale at National...Rib Steak...a taste delight Juicy and lean broiler-ready, a great favorite for those "hard-to-plan meals. Rib Roast, ...lean, luscious, and so tender...cut from Colorado Corn-fed Beef, perfect for those big week-end get-togethers.Both at very special savings this week at National - The UNDERPRICER! Steak USDA CHOICE BtAOe CUT Chuck Roast USDA CHOICE &IADS CUT Quick Steak USDA CHOICE BONEtESS • • • • • • • • 0 • • • * • lb. Lb. USDA CHOICE LEAN Short IKbs SlOTKOWSKl SMOKED Polish Sausage 4 * * * * • * • • • • • • SWIFT LAZY MA* « « • • « • » « C R t A M S T t U . OLDEN CORN wesson 29 Oi. Every Saturday Night On WGN-TV National Presents *192,500 IN TOTAL GUARANTEED CASH PRIZES!* SLICED OR HALVES Libby Peaches Wesson Oil WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM STYLE Del Monte Corn 17 Ox, Can Shtsho* f,v. VW"/""" 9 12,500 In Cash Prizes Every Week! 1 PRIZE Of $5000 3 PRIZES Of $1000 10 PRI1ES OF $10000 25 PRIZES 01 $5000 40 PRIZES 01 S 2500 50 PRIZES 01 $1000 150 PRIZES Of $500 Plus Two *15,000 Grand Prizes ONE TO BE AWARDED EEBRUARY 19 1972 AND ONE TO BE AWARDED APRIL 8th 1972 i «EBE'S HOW roU CAN WW P»"ch... n.ce..V,/ny No,,ono1 2. card has f j v t No 3- • 'inishec In f(rit p|«cB " '« •«» nU^r,cu'" card for that race on your 'or the wee"kirSwe«°nU.»iiV# ,U-Ilf,,d Ch#ck each of the the ffva racea 24 Oz. Btl. TOP TASTE ASSORTED CAKE OR FROSTING Jiffy Mixes HAWTHORN MELLODY 9 Ox. Pkg. 14' Navel 72 Gill. Sandwich Bread UNSCENTED, REG., SUPER Style Hair Spray HAWTHORN MELLODY Vita Skion Milk 1V2 Lb. Your Chances of Qualifying are 1 in 8. Your Chances of Winning One of the Cash Prizes Will Depend On The Number Of Qualifier Tickets Submitted For Drawing. All Qualifiers For All Six Weeks will be eligible for the Grand Prize of $15,000. * WHEN RUN FOR 13 WEEKS WEEK RS-5 CARDS ARE NOW READY! Qoo^!ngy7QrrdRemd S-;^'okes Cords now op until (Wed , Feb 9 ,97?°^ °' ony -'II be announced on pr'Ze Wln "ewspapers A|, Hem.on and ln the COMPUTE INFORMATION PWri N eick ticiif SveifiMej Cirt vv Racing Sweepstakes vr The Winnerk Circle 13 Oz Can 88' V2 Gal. $1,000 WINNER 5000 WINNER Emma Mueller .Forest Park, HI. LARGE 88 SIZE Oranges VINE RIPE Salad Tomatoes sir 1000 WINNER Evelyn Benjrmin Chcrlt; Cctlc!!: Joliet, II. Chicago, HI. $50 WINNER Leroy Heune A urora, HI. $10 WINNERS Veronika Keller Marion J. LaPointe Waukegan, HI. Elgin, HI. $5 WINNERS lames Seanor Mrs. Lawrence Nelson Earl J. Weckerley Geneva, HI. Sycamore, HI. LibertyviHe, II. Shirley Lueder Mrs. Carole Mrozek Viola E. Spatz Wauconda, II. Cary, II. Elgin, II. Edward Hagelberger Adeline C. Rodriquei Grace Wagner Zion, II. Aurora, II. Waukegan, II. Maude McGuire AI Eschbash A .S. Jones Woodstock, II. Elgin, II. Marengo, II. Marge Chappie C.R. Ekholm Streator, II. Elgin, M. i 000 WINNER Angclc Sccrsella ?/ Norridge, II. Complete Family COOKBOOK RED CRISP 6 UI. | A Radishes Pkg. 10 We Reserve The Riqht To Limit Quantities Prices Effective Thru Feb. 5, 1972 GREEN LARGE 85 -90 S IZE CHERRY a J | Peppers.. Lb. £r§ Tomatoes & Pints I FANCY WHITF "90%* RED R,PE J \ Mushrooms Lb./V Strawberries..J Pints I It's A Collection Off America's Favorite Recipes! SECTION 5 29 Each ^ /C9X pj^COMPLETER PIECE OF THE WEEK S Save s1" On TKjpPurchase Of A Johann Haviland Fine Porcelain China Gravy Boat Limit One Coupon Per Customer