Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1972 gOOOBOOOOOaOOBOBOOOPB Coming Events L. IJNDA SUSAN JUSTEN ENGAGEMENT TOLD - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Justen, Sr., of 1410 V Court street, Mcllenry, announce the engagement of their daughter. Linda Susan, to Larry T. Hunt, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt of 301 S. Kidge road, Mcllenry. An April X wedding date his been set. The Ch inese in f luence i s s een in some of t he pew ga r - spurgeons Sale of Uniforms This Week Only! Save More On Two 2 FOR $13 or *7 each, reg. 7" 2 FOR *16 or 8®® each, reg. 9" See other styles at comparable savings, reg. 6.99 to 10.99, now 2/$12 to 2/$18 AH the new si lhouettes in uniforms are here including professional pants suits in al l the newest easy care fabrics. In every size from peti te 3 to misses 18 to half size 241/2 Hurry, stock up now1 c MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. Rte. 120 STORE HOURS; BEAUTY SALON HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9-8:30 Monday-Wednesday 9-6 Saturday 9-6 Thursday-Friday 9-8:30 Sunday 10-4:30 Saturday 9 to 6 Church Women United ments--blouses and d res ses . Pan t s su i t s seem to he passe ' fo r even ing wear bu t a r e s t i l l be ing worn fo r spo r t s and day t ime wear . The snow and bitter cold may have discouraged many from attending the annual meeting of Church Women United -- Lake region, held last week at Christ the King church in Wonder Lake, but the goodly crowd that gathered was richly rewarded by the glowing reports of the many accomplishments in CWU's activities in its short history in this area. Two major projects are well off the ground Meals on Wheels, having now completed » five months, is gaining in popularity but still has need of more helpers. If anyone has a few free hours in the middle of the day and would like to volunteer to deliver these meals, call and register your name with Mrs. Charlene (Henry) Tonyan in McHenry or Mrs Jean (Virgil) Smith in Woodstock The meals are prepared at the hospitals in McHenry and Woodstock. The other work area is the establishment of a supply depot for migrant families. A Migrant fund has also been set up and any individual or organization may contribute any amount. This fund will be used for migrant needs as and when they occur. Checks may be sent to CWU treasurer, Mrs. Virginia (Earl) Thomas, 5318 Lake street, McHenry. A small clothing closet has been established in the Ridgefield Presbyterian church. Room in Crystal Lake is needed in order to expand this facility. A similar depot is being set up in Woodstock. Anyone needing clothing is asked to contact Mrs. Bertha (Wilbur) Tammeus or Mrs. Phyllis (Linus) Wegner. A staff of helpers is needed and volunteers may call either of the above named. Mrs. Tam­ meus, who heads this project, extended a vote of thanks to all individuals and organizations in the county who donated furniture, food, household items, clothing, toys, and other items to make it possible for two migrant families to set up permanent residence in this area. These two projects have been of local concern but the unit has also been aware of need in distant lands. According to Mrs. Lenore (Floyd) Cooley, several shipments of infants' wear and blankets have been made in the interest of World Service. A special surprise treat in the program was the appearance of John Leighty, music director at McHenry high school West campus, with seventeen chorus members who generously and capably entertained with several musical selections. CWU hopes the group enjoyed their outing as much as the audience enjoyed seeing and hearing them. Mrs. N L Meeks, president of Illinois Church Women United which consists of 115 chapters, was an honored guest and speaker. A most gracious lady, in her soft spoken voice FEBRUARY 2 Salad Luncheon - Card Party - St. Patrick's Church Hall - Sponsored By Ladies Guild - Starting at 11:30 -- Proceeds To Sisters Of Mercy, St. Patrick's Parish. McHenry Gram's Club - Regular Meeting -- City Hall - 12:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 3 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting -- 12:30 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. FEBRUARY 5 "Presidential Ball" -- St. John's Home and School Association -- Johnsburg Community Club -- 9 to 1. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meets For Bowling -- McHenry Recreation - 7 p.m. FEBRUARY 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - Landmark School ~ 1 p.m. Senior Citizens Club - Board Meeting - Landmark School ~ 1 p.m. FEBRUARY 9 McHenry Woman's Club - Card Party - V.F.W. Hall - 12:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 11 McHenry Woman's Club - Business Meeting - V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour 12 to 1 p.m FEBRUARY 12 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting - Dining Room, First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. FEBRUARY 14 Senior Citizens Club Meeting - Followed by Richard Lehto speaking on "Income Tax and The Senior Citizen. FEBRUARY 23 Bus Trip To Loop -- Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. -- Call Louise Geil, 497-3646 For Reservation. FEBRUARY 28 Senior Citizens Club Meeting - Entertainment By Oscar Huotari, Magician. she held the attention of her audience and though she acknowledged the ac­ complishments of CWU in its 30-years history, her mind and eye are on the Years Ahead and urged the local unit to increase its enrollment to further the work just begun. CWU is in her words "a visual fellowship of love" to embrace all women, to function in the world as a channel of God's love, to overcome Fear with Faith and though "one woman's hands can't tear a prison down, two women's hands can't tear a prison down, but if two and two and fifty make a million, we'll see the day come 'round." Mrs. Meeks invited and urged attendance at the Illinois Assembly of CWU to be held in Champaign May 16-18. Church Women United ob­ serves three special days during the year the first of which will be World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 3. Day and evening services are being planned in various churches throughout the area Committees are at work with details and further information will be made available at a later date. The next business meeting of the local unit is scheduled l'or Friday, March 24, at St. Mary's church in Woodstock. L ll •P! MS HE N R V Pi. A I N D E A L E R i •••BH I s \wi0t enry Publisher Larry E. Lund S MEMBER ; Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER NtWA } \ v v V v i 't'j'r,1' > I Ik 't P t i NOTRE DAME GLEE CLUB Notre Dame Glee Club Will Appear At Marian Central The University of Notre Dame Glee club, "The Voice of the Fighting Irish", will bring forty of its members to Marian Central high school Feb. 19. The concert, beginning at 8 p.m., will feature the nationally famous vocalists who are in demand from coast to coast. Organized in 1915 for the purpose of entertaining at informal campus song fests, the Glee club today performs nation-wide and travels an average of 9,000 miles an­ nually. Some of the highlights in the club's history are ap­ pearing on the Ed Sullivan show, entertaining 85,000 people at the Philadelphia Music festival in 1953, and appearing on the Andy William TV show. The Glee club has also made four albums in the past two years. The Glee club's repertoire contains musical selections of all types, from the religious to the humorous. Under the direction of Professor Daniel H. Pedtke, the club has recently performed in Boston, New York City, Fort Lauderdale, Detroit, St. Louis and San Francisco. Tickets may be purchased at several business firms in McHenry. May Fun Fair Plans Made At Valley View The Valley View PTO is making plans for a Fun Fair which will take place May 20 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is the one fund raising event for the PTO each year. Proceeds are used for library books, field trips, playground equipment and other things which will enrich the education of the students at Valley View school. This year every parent will have an opportunity to par­ ticipate in the Fun Fair in a special way. Each family is requested to donate one or more new, ready made or homemade, craft items to be sold at the Fun Fair. These things can be sent to the school now. There is a collection box in the school office. The donation should be labeled with name and ap­ proximate cost of materials for easy pricing of the items by the committee. Watch for dates and times for a preview showing of craft ideas and an "Idea Pool" meeting. Senior Citizen Club Braves Cold^ For Installation The annual installation of officers of the McHenry Senior Citizens Club, Inc., was held last week. The following of­ ficers were installed: President, Kenneth Fairchild; vice-president, Cyril Allen; secretary, Emily Fairchild, treasurer, James Jansen; financial secretary, Louise Geil; membership chairman, Ann Carlson; program chairman, Alice Wilke; social co-chairman, Ann Rehfinger. The following officers were elected but were out of town at the time of installation; George Binder; co-chairman of program and in charge of tours; Helen Strandquist, social chairman; and Lyda Radisch, historian and publicity. The following are on special committees; Frank Geil, Bowling; Alf Heggeland, square dancing and art class; Carl Carlson, cards and discussion group; Dolly Mazzerella, kitchen band. Past President Baker did an outstanding job as installing officer. Because of the very cold, icy night, only forty members attended the im­ portant meeting. Carl Carlson suggested that the cards and discussion group Friday evenings b^* discon­ tinued until the weather im­ proves and members return from winter vacations. It was agreed to terminate meetings until April 1. President Fairchild ex­ pressed his gratitude to the membership for a vote of confidence in reelecting him a second time; also to officers and committee members for their fine work in 1971. The group was entertained by accordion music, after which all joined in community singing. Sorority Plans February Meeting At Grinstead Home Pi Alpha Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority met Saturday evening at the Chateau Louise for their husband and date party. President Mrs. Dale Sprouse welcomed members and guests. She announced that the next regular meeting will be held Feb. 7 at the home of Mrs. Carl Grinstead. Those in attendance Satur­ day were Messers and Mesdames Dale Sprouse, Rus Parker, Frank Mazzone, Jr., Miss Adele Sabel and John Williams. The heavy shoes wi th l a rge hee l s con t inue to be f avor i t e s . Comfor t i s the g rea te s t c l a im for t he i r p res ­ en t popu la r i ty . ^llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHINIIHINIIIIIMIIIIIIIi: CtP I at ndealer \ Established 1875 £ 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 ^ McHenry, Illinois 60050 ^ K Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois K Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois K 3 By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY ^ \PER\ Association - Founded 1885 J fi SUBSCRIPTION RATES 5 K 1 Year $7.50 1 Year $9.00 9 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and | County Lake County MR. AND MRS. J. PATRICK KNIGHT GAYLORD PHOTO Nancy Adams, Merle Knight Wed Saturday Nancy K. Adams, was a pretty bride as she walked down the aisle to meet her bridegroom, J. Patrick Knight, at the altar of St. Mary's Catholic church, Saturday, Jan. 29. They repeated their nuptial vows before Rev. Joseph Kulak at the 2:30 afternoon services in a church decorated with bouquets of yellow gladioli and white pomps. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Adams of 303 W. Lincoln road, McHenry, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Knight of 517 Second street, West Des Moines, Iowa. Special music at the ceremony was presented by soloist Sandy Forbish, ac­ companied on the organ by Janeen Cole. The bride chose a full length ivory crepe gown fashioned with a scoop neckline, hi-rise waist and an A-line skirt Scalloped Venice lace enhanced with tiny yellow floral embroidery trimmed the deep band of accordion pleats around the hemline, the shallow neckline and the waistline. Her long sleeves featured a deep accordion pleated pouf extending from the elbow and caught at the waistline. An ivory horsehair picture hat banded and tied with olive satin ribbon, com­ pleted her ensemble. She carried a colonial bouquet of white roses, yellow carnations and baby's breath. Lila Yaeger of Des Moines, Iowa, attended the bride as maid of honor, attired in a formal length culotte gown fashioned of deep brown crepe with beige and brown floral embroidery trim interlaced with brown velvet ribbon which enhanced the high neckline, cuffs of the long bishop sleeves and raised waistline. She wore a dyed to match brown hor­ sehair picture hat banded and tied with brown velvet ribbon. Her colonial bouquet consisted of yellow carnations, bronze pomps and yellow star flowers. The groom's brother, Timothy J. Knight, served as best man. Another brother, Thomas Knight of West Des Moines, Iowa, and the bride's nephew, William Adams of McHenry, were ushers. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Adams chose a floor length poudre blue crepe dress with silver trim. The bridegroom's mother wore a melon colored crepe pant dress with gold trim. Following the ceremony, a reception for 120 guests was held at the bride's home. The bride attended McHenry schools and is now employed as a pharmacist at King's Pharmacy in Antioch. The bridegroom is now serving in the U.S. Navy. After a short wedding trip, the young couple will reside in Antioch. COLLEGE DANCE The McHenry County college Student Government is spon­ soring a dance Saturday, Feb. 5, from 8:30 to midnight in the Student Union at the college in Crystal Lake. K0ENEMANN Country Made Sausages, Hams and Bacon IGERMAN IMPORTS AND CHEESES A Full Line Of Delicatessen | 815-385-6260 Just •'2 | ^illllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllllltlllllllllli;tllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||illllllll||r? GET THE FRIDAY NITE HABIT!! NO BETTER FISH FRY in the McHenry Area Your Choice •Tasty Perch or Chopped Beef dinner *Delicious Haddock Dinner *A11 meals include all you can eat Salad Bar. Other selections available reasonably priced * Hamburgers •Chicken *Shrimp ^Others FAMOUS MOOSE STEAKS -- 1 lb. average T-bone & P o r t e r h o u s e a s a v a i l a b l e . J Q Lennie John plays.... McHENRY MOOSE LODGE 2816 W. Rte. 120 PH. 385-9770

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