J Lakemoor-Lilymoor f-AGE 5-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1972 ikifci f a % i ? t - * 1 :• ^ %, * ~r~wr Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 Association General Meeting Date February 8 Mark your calendar now as a reminder for the general meeting, Feb. 8, at 8 p.m. Our regular meeting place is 319 N Glenwood Avenue. Tell your neighbor about the meeting and then get together in a group and come out or come alone, your presence is very necessary and important. BIRTHDAYS On Feb. 4, E. Robert Betancourt will be celebrating his natal day, and on the tenth, Roy Tobey will be celebrating his; so to both we wish you a ver\ happy birthday and hope you both have many more. IN CLOSING As you c an see there is very little to write about this week, together with your help we can build this into a bigger and better column, so come-on let 's hear Irom your See vou next week. " M E A N W H I L E B A C K A T i , T H E C O U R T H O U S E " World Of Telescopes •5 Dr. Bennett Berman recently visited McHenry Junior high school and discussed the development :';: jj of the telescope with the sixth grade students. He informed them that the first telescope was in- $• vented in 1608, and the first refractor which does not use mirrors was developed by James'.* $• Gregory in 1689. Dr. Berman, shown at right, explained the Newtonian telescope and suggested it ft as being the easiest to construct for amateurs. The speaker gave the history of the telescope and:::'; disclosed to the group that he has two telescopes and has built an observatory in his own home.::*.: The students enjoyed Dr. Berman's presentation, and District 15 is pleased that he was availablexj and willing to share his expertise v\ ith the youth in McHenrv. & Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 653-9167 Girl Scouts Make Plans For Summer Camp The Kachina Girl Scout Neighborhood - Wonder Lake and Richmond - meeting was held Jan. 26 at Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake with Mrs. Richard Cope, Neighborhood chairman, presiding. Mrs. Janet Bell and Mrs. Dorothy Bazan were elected co-chairmen for the summer day camp which is now in the planning stages. They will be assisted by Mrs Lucy Coleman and Mrs. Mary Jane Ahern. Brownies, Girl Scouts and Cadettes of the Neighborhood will attend the camp. A training sessionr Leadership I, will be conducted in Fox River Grove on Feb. 7, 14 and 22 and will be attended by several area leaders. The next meeting of the Kachina Neighborhood will be on Feb. 23 at the Nativity Lutheran church. NEWLYWEDS Best wishes to newlyweds James Kloeckner and Marie Belch, who were wed on Jan 22 at Nativity Lutheran church. And to Sandy v Raske and Howard Kapelson who were also married on Jan. 22. PARISH COUNCIL Elections for new officers and commission chairmen for the parish council of Christ the King church are scheduled for Feb. 5 and 6 after each Mass in the school hall. A council meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 13 at which time the newly r elected officers will be in stalled. The building and grounds commission has placed a suggestion box in the back of the church as a means of communication between the council and the parishioners. WOMEN'S CLUB CARD PARTY Feeling that "caged in" feeling that January sometimes leaves you with? Well, for a "night out of the house", why not consider the card party sponsored by the Women's Club of Wonder Lake on Thursday, Feb. 3 at 8 p.m. at Christ the King hall. There will be prizes and refreshments will be served. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Congratulations to Torn and Lois Mathews who celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary on Feb. 2. A Mass at Christ the King church on Sunday, Jan. 30. honored the couple at this special time in their lives. CAKE BAKE-OFF When our 8 year old son came home from his Cub Scout meeting last month and said, "Hey dad, you and I have to bake a cake for our next pack meeting", the song, "The Impossible Dream" started running through my mind. Well, a few nights before the meeting, the baking began and some of the stories going around went like this. One father and son were putting the cake in the oven and a kibitzing neighbor walked in the door with a silver spoon tied with a big red ribbon - a gift for the boys first bake-off. Another father and son took a gorgeous cake out of the oven, but when they attempted to remove it from the pan, it turned into a crumble cake. And a mother walked into the kitchen after the men in her family had finished their culinary caper and swore the place had been invaded by Willy Wonka and his entire Chocolate Factory. It was a snowy, blowy night when Pack Night finally arrived and Mrs. Rita Rice, being a cake expert among her other talents, tasted and judged all the cakes. The results were as follows: Best tasting cake award to Vernon Willmann and son, Neil, for a chocolate cake; best decorated cake award to Joseph Liggett and son, Joey, for a cake decorated with an American Flag and Cub Scout insignias; and most unusual award to Robert Anderson and sons, Barry and Brady, for a banana nut cake with chocolate fudge frosting and a valentine tree on top. BRANCH COURT III Associate Circuit Judge Eugene Daly Christopher Wijas, 615 Rand road, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $26 and costs. Lillian J. Wilkey, 318 N. Country Club drive, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $20 and costs. Robert E. Burton, 2919 N. Shorewood, McHenry, guilty of no valid registration, fined $15 and costs. Edward G. Crocker, Har vard, guilty of no valid driver's license, fined $50 and costs, also guilty of open liquor in motor vehicle, fined $25 and costs. Susan Matthies, 614 Hill road, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $27 and costs. Daniel R. Miller, 1614* Meadow Lane, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $24 and costs. Judith L. Heelein, 10201 Covell, Richmond, guilty of speeding, fined $17 and costs. Kenneth L. Schueler, 303 Willow, McHenry, guilty of prohibiting the purchase or acceptance of a gift of liquor by a person of non-age, fined $25 and costs. Howard Weiss, 310 N. Country Club drive, McHenry, guilty of dog running at large, fined $25 and costs. Richard C. Dulaney, 3813 E. Wonder Lake road, Wonder Lake, guilty of curfew violation, fined $25 and costs. Allen C. Swanson, 1415 S. Lily Lake road, McHenry, charged with purchase or ^ceptance, amended to disorderly conduct, fined $25 and costs. Fantastic Wet Road Handling The Road Holders '•$ IIRELU , Radial Tires For American, European and Japanese cars EUROPA MOTORS "The Saab Place" 3318 W. Pearl St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 _^PhiJ£5;0700-_--B Branch Court I Associate Circuit Judge Leonard Brody Dennis L. Hamil, 906 N. Center, McHenry, guilty of speeding, fined $35 and costs. JURY TRIAL In a jury trial held before Judge William M. Carroll last week, the jury returned a verdict assessing damages in the amount of $36,377 for Marcus W. Melzer of Charles road. Woodstock, against Dorothy A. Beckenbaugh of McHenry. Melzer asked judgment of $150,000 against Mrs Beckenbaugh, charging two counts of negligent driving after an accident which oc curred Dec. 9, 1970, on Charles road near Woodstock. Mel2 was operating his pick-up tctick in an easterly direction at 10519 Charles road when a vtest- bound auto driven by lilrs. Beckenbaugh collided with his vehicle ATTEND LUNCHEON Royal \^.elcome, Inc., recently hosted its semi-annual luncheon. Held at the In dependence House in ILiber- tyville. 111., it was attended by hostesses from twenty-five towns in northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin. Mrs Jerome (Fran) OlsenWid Mrs Richard (Joan) Stull attended from McHenry. ACTIVE AUXILIARY - Working hard on the Memorial Hospital for McHenry County auxiliary membership committee, are left to right. Mrs. Ken Schuh, Mrs. Norman Remich, Mrs. Ken Decker and Mrs. John O. Hoch. The auxiliary has many and varied activities to interest any woman. These range from; in-hospital service including Snack Bar. Gift Shop, Trundling and Gift Cart tending to the Gift and Thrift Shop staffers, and the creative expressions of the Weeders, Coners and the handmade item ladies. Anyone of any age is welcome to become an auxiliary member and may do so by contacting Mrs. Kenneth Decker or by signing at either the Gift and Thrift Shop or the Hospital Snack Bar. 1 Nominations To Academies Are Announced Congressman Robert Mc- Clory (R-Ill) has announced his nominations to the United States Air Force academy and Un\ited " States Military academy at West Point. These yeting men will now undergo irther screening on scholarship, leadership potential, and physical stamina prior to the selection of final appointments. The following are candidates to the Air Force academy at Colorado Springs: Albert J. Wankel, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wankel, 117 West Franke, Cary; Steven J. Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Becker, 1118 Main Street road, Cary; and Robert J. Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lewis, 470 Essex Js^ne, Crystal Lake. Candidates for appointment to the United States Military academy at West Point, New York, are: James A Hubbard, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W Hubbard, 14 East Paddock Street, Crystal Lake; David H Kristensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Kristensen, 115 Fremont Street, Woodstock; and Kenneth P. Saladin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Saladin, 434 Becking Avenue, Wood stock. Congressman McClory's selections are based on merit ratyigs on which school academic records, Civil Ser vice qualifying examinations, school aptitude tests, school counseling appraisals, and individual character and achievement records are rev iewed_ COLLEGE MEETING The public is invited to attend an open meeting at the Cary- Grove high school cafeteria Wednesday, Feb. 2, at 8 p.m. for discussion of the upcoming college bond referen dum.College trustees, ad ministration and Citizens Advisory committee members will be present to provide in formation and to answer District 12 Teachers Attend NICE Winter Meet New arenas and innovations for learning will be the concern of approximately 250 elementary and high school personnel at the Northern Illinois Cooperative in Education (NICE) winter meeting. NICE, formed in 1967-68, is an e d u c a t i o n a l s e r v i c e organization composed of sixty- five public school districts in northern Illinois. One of its goals is stimulating the ex change of the best educational practices. Thirty-nine of the school districts will be represented at the Feb. 1 meeting by 211 elementary administrators and teachers and thirty-eight high school personnel. Two representatives from Johnsburg Distrct 12 have registered to attend the day long program. questions concerning this urgent and important issue. " /C£MAKERiP£CMt Store Hours Mon.-Fri. 9 to 8:30 Saturday 9 to 6 Sunday 10 to 4:30 Beauty Salon Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9-6 ^ Thurs.-Frl. 9-8:30 Saturday 9-6 spurgeons MARKET PLACE SHOPPING 4400 West Route 120 CENTER SHOE SALE! FINAL CLEARANCE OF ALL FALL AND WINTER SHOES- LADIES-CHILDRENS BOYS-MENS NOT EVERY STYLE EVERY SIZE BUT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. BUY NOW - BUY SEVERAL PAIRS. Every Fall and Winter Style Included. C M Imagine!... a big 14.7 cu. ft. GE NO FROST REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER with AUTOMATIC Delivers all the ICE CUBES you'll need for summer thirsts and all year 'round - automatically - dependably! PRICED ONLY No Defrosting Ever - Refrigerator OR Freezer! Hungry-Family Capacity - freezer itself holds up to 148 pounds of food! Only 30W wide, 64" high. You' l l seldom need service on a GE refr igerator- f reezer, but i t 's nice to know we're near MANY OTHER GE ICE MAKER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. CAREYAPPLIANCE 1241 North Green McHenry 385-5500 GgENSTftETMAk TTT