Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Feb 1972, p. 10

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PAGE 10-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1972 a o Q WANTED FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES MALE HELP WANTED PETS FOR SALE AUTOS Having Auto Insurance Prob­ lems? Cancelled, Declined, Fi­ nancial Responsibility. LET US HELP YOU. TERMS AVAIL­ ABLE. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328. 2-25 1962 CHEY. 3/4 ton, 4 speed Truck, air shocks, oversized tires, 12 ply, 10" wide on back, 6 ply on front, long bed, in very good condition. 385- 5839 after 5:00 p.m. TF12 1967 Plymouth, Belvidere II, 2 dr. hardtop, V8, automatic, P.S. & P.B. like new. $900. or best offer. 385-2592 2-16/2-25 PONTIAC, '68 Executive, Sta­ tion wagon, new tires, excel­ lent condition. $1,750.00 or best offer. 385-0825. 2-23/2-25 MUST SELL - 1962 Ford Thun- derbird in good condition. Pow­ er brakes, power steering, pow­ er seats, power windows, air conditioning, new front brakes, new rear end, new back shocks and exhaust. $250.00. Call 385-1502. 2-23TF12 SNOWMOBILES Service NEW & USED Accessories Paris ADAMS REPAIR SHOP :t102 V Chapel Mil l Mcl lenrv . I I I . 385-0434 2-2TF12 PERSONALS CRAIG KRAUSE formerly of 7401 South Drive, make ar­ rangements to pick up your miscellaneous furniture or items will be sold within 30 days. 2-25/3-3 AUTOS MUST SELL - 1972 Pinto. Per­ fect condition, fully equipped with auto, trans, plus 2,000 C.C. engines 3,000 miles. 28 M.P.G. Paid $2,500, will sell for $1,900. Call Bob at 385- 0170 or 385-6493 nites and weekends. TF12 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers Route 120 1 blkeast of the River Bridge MOUKS DAILY HAM to fi P.M. Friday Ra m to9p.m Sunday 9a m to 1 p.m. 2-2TF12 CIPR0EN 70 D Special, 4 Door 4 Speed, Mint Condition, $2,250.00 Or Best Offer. 653-9908 or 653-9869 2-23/2-25 POLARIS SNOWMOBILES SALES & SERVICE WORTS TRANSIT Back of Admiral Plant Corners W est \ North Ave. Mcllenrv , I l l inois 385-1500 2-2TF 12 AUTOS AUTOS AUTO PARTS V A L V E S G R O U N D H E A D S A F L Y W H E E L S R E S U R F A C E D B & D A U T O M O T I V E S U P P L Y I N C . 1719 West Rte. 120 McHenry 385-2034 2_2TF12 THINK - - 1971 CARMAN GHIA V0LKSWAG0N? You can't tell this beautiful car from brand new. (Come look at it - cleanest Ghia in the U.S.) Canary Yellow Body - Jet Black Convertible Soft Top - Black Interior - Automatic Shift - Radio - White Side Walls- Bumper Guards, Front & Back - 28 miles per gallon - Y'olkswagons most expensive model. If you see this car, YOU WILL BUY IT!!! Reason for selling: Daughter moved & I don't need another car. For appointment: CALL 587-2100, Ask for Ken or Don (Area Code 312) 2_25 BUSINESS SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE,Quick, accurate, confidential and con­ venient, your home or mine. Robert Belzer. 385-0705. 2-2 PLASTERING AND DRYWALI. repair work. Free estimates. Joseph Turuc. 312-497-3583. . 2-23/3-3 There's money to be made through classified. BUSINESS SERVICES HIGH °RICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. BUSINESS SERVICES I N C O M E T A X S E R V I C E SINCE 1955 DAILY 9 to 9 385 4410 • Fast and ef f ic ient service •Year around assistance •Computer ized Returns • Indiv idual ly Ver i f ied We have been doing td* se- . ice m^tf i is area for 16 yea" a I t ime staff working yeai a 'Cund assis t our c l ients P a u l A . S c h u e g e l & f o . 4410 W. ROUTE 120 385 4410 McHENRY 2-2TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES WETT ELAND PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR PA PER HANGING Estimates Cheerfully Given. 4808 .Jeffery - McHenry, 111. 497-3900 2-4TF2 MARTIN ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE Professional Service year round. Tax and bookkeep­ ing service available. Book­ keeping weekly, monthly or quarterly. Call 385-7625 for an appointment 2-4/3-17 Vi PRICE SALE ON ALL WIGS Men and Womens Bring your old wig in for a wash and *0 CA set for fit the * VOID SALES BARN %mile West on Rt. 12 on Route 120 2-25 REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions Rascments Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TCM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 2-2TF,° J.-L. MAINTENANCE TOTAL JANITOR SERVICES WINDOW WASHING FLOOR MAINTENANCE OUR SPECIALTY 815-385-7689 RON C0RNWELL 1-26/3-8-72 Home Owners Special Protect Your Home While at work or play With A Low Cost 24 Hour SECURITY PATROL Business and Vacation Service Available SUNNYSIDE PATROL GUARD 1706Grandview, McHenry, III. 385-6870 - 385-6871 B--_^_-3iniFl2>£3i24^ HANDY MAN FOR RENT Let me do all those jobs you've been putting off. Remodeling, Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Roofing, Brick, Stone & Con­ crete Work. Appliance In­ stallation. Very Competent, Very Inexpensive. Call 385-3373 2-4TF2 McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person­ alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W Pearl Street McHenry, III. 2-4TF2 FOR SALE HONDA - 1966 50 C.C. Sport Motorcycle. Excellent cond. 4,000 miles , fine for camper or young boy. $150.00. 385- 4292 TF12 ESTIS TELEVISION SERVICE Expert color & Black & white service. 25 yrs. experience Servicing All Major Brands Phone 385-3646 2-4TF2 COFFEE AT ITS BEST You purchase the coffee. We furnish the machine. McHENRY COFFEE SERVICE Restaurants, Industrial Office, Stores, Homes McHenry, III. 60050 DON FLUGER (815) 385-5218 385*9734 2-4TF2 • SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON • PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 885-4929 or 885-5920 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Route 120 (V* mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 2-4TF2 FOR SALE CHROME kitchen table and 4 chairs $15.00. Philco elec­ tric stove $10.00. Phone 385- 8454. 2-25-72 TYPE BALLS for IBM Com­ poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con­ dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc­ Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 2-25TF12 1 SET Peoples American Ency­ clopedia, to volume 120, in­ cludes 4 medical books. To year 1965. 653-9762. 2-23 YAMAHA trail bike 90, $150. and Honda Mini Bike 50, $150. 385-3372. 2-23/2-25-72 HAMMOND Spinet Organ with bench, $750.00, G.E. Portable dishwasher $50.00. 385-8383. 2-23/2-25 1966 CHEVELE, $400, 1961 Buick $50, 1968 Dodge Van $450.00 2 wheel trailer $100. heavy duty drill and stand $60. 3 stone crocks & 5 kerosene antique lamps. 815-385-7278. 2-23/2-25 GO-KART - Rupp with Home- lite engine. Needs minor work. Padded seat, disc brakes, mag. wheels, 2 new rear slicks. $60. 385-4292. TF12 HARLEY - DAVIDSON chopper 49, 900 cc, good condition. Best offer 385-1446. 2-23/2-25 2 ELECTRIC GUITARS, $100. each, or best offer. Call 385- 1446. 2-23/2-25 SNOWMOBILES, close out sale. Save up to $200 now. Clothing and trailers, also used bargains. Ed Wendt Marine on Rt. 12, Richmond, 111.(815-678-3231)daily 9-5 Sunday 12-5 Friday 9 -8 Closed Monday. 2-4TF2 Harvest Gold Appliances *3 mos. old Admiral Frost- iess Refrigerator $150 *Tappan Stove, 2 ovens, self cleaning, 3 mos. old $25n •Norge Washer & Gas uryer, Super Deluxe model, 3 mo: old, $125 each. 312-543-0810 2-23/2-25 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Is land Lake. I l l inois 312-526-2210 2-2TF12 1 LARGE old pot bellied stove approximately 5' tall. Good shape. $100.00 or best offer. 653-5631. 2-25 oak Firewood, well seasoned, split and delivered. $27.00 per ton 385-3560. 2-4TF2 FOR SALE CHEAP *20' Magn. Ladder •Jacobsen Sno-blower •Lawn Mower •Electric Grinding Wheel •Oster, hard top, hair dryer. •Wheelbarrow & Mise'l items. 653-5686 2-23/2-25 CARD OF THANKS A special thank you to the good Samaritans who had the courage and conviction to come forward and volunteer their in­ formation, regarding the Jan. 27, 1972 , devastation of my sons car by the City of Mc­ Henry Snow Plow. LLOYD E. WAGNER 2-25 I wish to express my sin­ cere thanks and apprecia­ tion to all who sent flowers, cards and gifts and to Fa­ ther Bartel and Father Ku­ lak, doctors, nurses and per­ sonnel for the wonderful care I received at McHenry Hos­ pital during my recent ill-, ness. Also thanks to rela­ tives, friends and neighbors for their prayers and cards. MRS. A. P. FREUND 2-25 CARD OF THANKS May we extend our heart­ felt thanks to the McHenry Police Dept. & the McHen­ ry Rescue Squad for their prompt action. Thanks also to Doctor's Levinson, Eck­ stein and Bautista and the Nursing Staff of McHenry Hospital for prompt and ef­ ficient service. PETE HELLIOS AND FAM!LY 2_25 FEMALE HELP WANTED CHECKER WANTED, age 21 or over. Call for appointment. 385-8097. 2-25/3-1 Nice Grandmother to help Dad­ dy with the family until Mom­ my gets well. Reply to Box 413, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 2-23/3-3 GALS! Do you need money? /Would you like to have fun, clothes and friends. These all can be yours with Bee-Line Fashions. Call Geri. 312-695- 3997. 2-4/2-25 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCER needs efficient Steno-Typist with pleasing personality and neat attractive appearance. Must be an excellent typist with top shorthand ability. Call 459-9370 after 9: A.M. 2-25-72 "AT LAST! I'VE FOUND A WAY TO EARN EXTRA MONEY - AND CARE FOR MY FAMILY, TOO!" As an Avon Sales Repre­ sentative, you can c+ioose your own hours to make money for the things you want. Get the facts by callinB: 815-385-8020 Experienced Retail Sales Rep­ resentative for established Mc­ Henry County Newspaper, to do layout , copy writing, selling. Position includes salary, com­ mission and car eiqiense. Call for an appointment. Mr. L. Lund. 385-8111. 2-23/2-25 ROUTE SALEMAN, excellent opportunity, send resume to Box 414, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 2-23/2-25 TOOL MAKER Part time, day or night Call 385-0972 or 815-459-2330 2-23/2-25 GENERAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Able to wire 220 - 440 sin­ gle and 3 phase motors. Must be capable of hand­ ling all types of mainte­ nance work. Experience necessary. Apply to personnel office. SINGER CONTROLS CO 110 Woodstock Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-3200 an equal opportunity employer HELP WANTED PARTY PLANNING MANAG­ ERS. SALARIES $100 to $500 plus. Nationwide party planning company now opening , in Chi­ cago and Suburbs. Branch man­ agers being offered weekly sal­ aries from $100 to $500 plus overides. Profit sharing and expense account. Quality pro­ ducts and absolutely no invest­ ment of any kind. Ground floor opportunity for experienced managers to walk into top po­ sitions and to work for a sta­ ble, established company, Salaries plus commission also being offered to demonstrators, Call Mrs. Phillips at 312-372- 4829. 2-23/2-25 HOUSEWIVES & STUDENTS 16 or Over Turn your spare time into Cash! By working full or part time in our Woodstock Office. No typing required. Hourly salary plus bonus. For personal interview call: 338-1747 9:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 2- MEN - WOMEN No experience needed Good Pay - Top Benefits US Army trains you at full pay for more than 300 job skills. New higher pay now in effect Three year enlistment. Can lead to fine professional career. Ex­ ceptional wage and benefits program. Special tax privileges. Travel opportunities. See your Army Recruiter at: Jef­ ferson & Jackson Streets, Woodstock, 111., or call 815-338-2974 2-4TF2 •thru the Classified Ads FEMALE HELP WANTED - SALES DEPARTMENT - Interesting position open in Sales Department of Hard­ ware and Building materials manufacturer. Must be good typist, good with figures, be familiar with office machines and have a pleasant telephone personality. Job has variety, duties include taking phone orders and customer- service calls, pricing and checking, typing orders and writing standardized business letters. Permanent position Insurance plan with major medical provisions. Paid holidays, 2 weeks vacation. Apply 8 A.M.-4 P.M. or phone for an appointment 815-678-2031 JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois Follow U.S. Rte. 12, North of Richmond, past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. "SSSBSSBBBB 2-23/2-25 SS 3 FEMALE, German Shepherd puppies, A.K.C. 4 months old, excellent blood lines, good watch dog, good with children, 312-546-3424. 2-25 REG. A.K.C., Champion Sired,. St. Bernard, lH years old, $150 Weight 200 lbs. Very intelli­ gent. 385-3135. Call after 5:00 p.m. 2-25/3-1-72 Doberman puppies. Show pros­ pects available, A.K.C., black and rust, male and females, $200. to $250 each. 312-497- 3018. 2-16/2-25 BOXER for stud. A.K.C., ex­ cellent markings. Call 385- 2296 ask for Cheryl Patterson. 2-23/2-25-72 PUPPY SALE: Pure white Ger­ man Shepherds, 5 weeks old. $15.00 and $25.00 385-8546. 2-23/2-25 NOTICE SCHR0EDER METAL CRAFT EVERYTHING FOR THE FIREPLACE • Screens - All Types • Custom fitted screens • Glass enclosures • Grates andirons, fire sets and bellows. GIFT ITEMS • Glass, Brass, Wood and Metal. MOB. thru Sat. - 9 to 5 Sunday - 12 to 5:30 1713 S. Rte. 31 McHenry, III. " 2-4TF2 Companion for elderly lady, live in, light housekeeping, cooking private room, board and salary. 653-6507. 2-23/2-25 WANTED RIDERS to DeKalb, Northern Illinois University for Thursday night. 385-4669. 2-23/2-25 3 DRAWER steel filing cabi­ net, must be in good condi­ tion, Call 385-0170 and ask for Mildred. TF12 SITTER wanted: Mother works days, 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. 2 children. Call after 5: p.m. or weekends. 385-3924. 2-23/2-25 Classifieds Get Results NOTICE REDUCE excess fluids with FLUIDEX. $1.69 - LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Diet, 98c at Bolgers Drugs. 2/4TF2 (4 times) WANTED 10J0MES NEEDING PAINTING Due to building slow down, Contractor has on hand enough white insulated alum­ inum siding and trim to co­ ver 10 homes. Will sac­ rifice all or part at unbe­ lievable price while it lasts. Including labor if desired. Special 5 year bank financ­ ing. Call 815-455-0577.. FOX RIVER SIDING CO., Island Lake, III. 2-11TF2 NOTICE ERNIE'S REOPENED for SERVICE call ERNIE SCHOOLEY'S STANDARD SERVICE - Complete Auto Service - • TUNE-UPS • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • BRAKE SERVICE • MINOR REPAIRING • TIRES • WASHING • LUBRICATION • SUMMERIZING • WINTERIZING PICKUP & DELIVERY COMPLETE SNOW PLOWING SERVICE COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE 3522 W. ELM 385-9832 McHENRY Next to Bank - N.E. Corner Rt. 31 & 120 2-25/3-3 FOR RENT DELUXE 2 bedroom apt., in town. Immediate occupancy. Lease and references required. 385-2260. 2-2TF12 FOR LONGER wear keep car­ pets clean with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Nye Drug. 2-25 ORCHARD APTS, Round Lake, 2 bedrooms, carpeted, deluxe appliances, heat, water, gas, included. Ample storage and laundry. No pets. $185.00. After 6: P.M. and weekends. (312) 328-6674. 2-23/3-3-72 2 - b room apartments un furnished. 2 - 2 room apart­ ments furnished. 385-1079. 2-2TF12 STORE OR OFFICE in McHen­ ry. 2 small rooms. Pri­ vate lavatory. Good location. Air conditioned, all utilities furnished $75.00. Call 385- 1327. 2-18TF 12 S0UTHGATE Fully carpeted 1 & 2 bed­ room apts. w/private decks, electric heat, stove, refrig­ erator, garbage disposal. Oi>? year lease. No pets. Model open daily at: 810 Front St. (Rt. 31 S.) Mc­ Henry. Rentals $180. -$185. - $205. See Or Call Lee J. Cooney 385-4345 2-2TF12 FOR RENT NEW 3 br. home for rent, un­ furnished, McHenry Shores area. Attached garage, car­ peting. $215 month. 312- 543-0810. 2-23/2-25-72 4 ROOM HOME in Wonder Lake no pets. $50.00 security depo­ sit. 653-9374. 2-25/3-3 Sleeping room, private bath and entrance. Call after 5:30 P.M. 312-JU 7-2453 2-4TF2 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included. Rental $185. Bayshore Realty 3440 W. Elm McHenry 385-3620 and 385-7508 2-2TF12 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT with private patio, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rt. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 2-; 2JJJ12 FOR RENT -- 5,000 sq. ft Commercial = Can be divided. Suitable for light industry or warehouse. 1 year lease. Immediate occupancy. FIANELING LUS 907 N. FRONT ST. (RTE. 31) McHENRY, ILLINOIS 815-385-5511 TF12 %

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