PAGE 6-PLAINDEAl»ERrWEDNESDAY,' MARCH 1, 1972 THE McHENKY WARRIORS take m the Btve SUrealu of Wood stock tonight at West Campus in the regional tournament. The tournament will close Friday night when the winner of this game, . . . . sjoes against the winner of last night's Antioch - Grant game. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) im You don't drive a car very far without needing a break in traffic If you want to back out of a diagonal parking space on Green St., for instance -- or to pull onto Elm St., sometimes we wait and wait Then comes along a good fellow or good gal to wave you out. Believe it or not, three out of four are young people. Another person we were always glad to meet was Joe Gausden's mother We alwavs exchanged more than just a friendly "Hello". Death stepped in a few days EARL WALSH So I Hear SPORTS EDITORJ ago to claim Mrs. Gausden -- one of our favorite people. We know she went straight to heaven -- with that winning smile all the way As the Irish say, "She was a 'foine' woman." Tom Weiskopf was under real pressure with the veteran Jack Nicklaus breathing down his Push a Button! ...and this much TRASH becomes ONE NEAT BAG! General Electric 4% PUSHBUTTON • Compactor compresses paper, cans, bottles, plastic containers, boxes, wrappings and sweepings to less than 1A of their original volume . all in less than a minute! Greatest new product in years' Frees you trorp the messiest chore around the house No more daily trips to the garbage can New GE Compactor compresses a whole week s trash for an average family of four into one convenient take-out bag Protective GE Bag Caddy makes bag handling easier iff itvtin PimI lumti (UKlatfrd ' A.ocstio Harvest Coppfrtow «nd Wfet t t l e t you change cWfMCtot' »PPM'»nce •mill In Installatiod r c qairts no costljr liter •tieii Compac to r t i t s «me space as any 15 ' base cabinet bM**d Rakwt Cuttiitt kart Wortlop optional it eitra cost GE Compac to f w i th Bag Caddy 8 -oz can o t deodoran t sp ray and a mon th s supp ly o t bags CAREY Appliance L 1241 N. GREEN 385-5500 SEEN STBEfcT MAU. TTT neck, but a couple of great putts carried him through to a $52,000 first place. The finish was almost as good as watching Eddie Buss and Art Jackson come down to the wire. Big league baseball is starting off true to form, except that rookies are now holding out for more pay There was a time when they would have been so happy to be invited to camp that they would have walked across two states to get there We find it fascinating to watch those big golf tour naments on TV The windup of the Jackie Gleason tourney at Ft. Lauderdale Sunday af ternoon was one of the best. As we see it, the Sox need a shortstop and the Cubs need a bullpen. Trades may still be coming. The new White Sox power boy has changed his name from Richie to Dick, but that seems to be his only change. If he finally shows up and comes to play ball, his big bat can be a lot of help. Professional sports may still be a game to the fans who pay the bill, but it is big business to owners and players "Pete" Rothermel got back from Florida ahead of the first robin and he didn't fly. A couple of weeks ago we phoned the White Sox office and asked for "Dizzy" Trout. The gal merely told us he was out of the office. Did she expect him back that day? No. Today we learned that the great "Dizzy" died after weeks of hospitalization. He treated Little League Of The Lakes By Carol Alfieri President Peter Meehan has announced an open meeting to be held Sunday, March 5 beginning at 3 p.m. at the Island Lake grade school. All interested persons and parents whose boys intend to play Little League, Minor and Senior League baseball this season are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. Registration for the three divisions (minor, little and senior league) will be held Friday evening, March 10 from 6:30 p.m. 'til 9:30 p.m. and Saturday March 11 from 9 a.m. 'til 1:30 p.m. at the Island Lake grade school. Parents or guardians must sign the registration form. All boys, both new and previous players, must register. Any boy in the 9-12 year old bracket who does not reach his thirteenth birthday before Aug. 1 of the current year is elibible to try out for the Little League. From 13 to 15 years of age, a boy is eligible for the Senior division. An adult Leadership Training program has been initiated to widen the scope of and improve the standards of leadership at all levels. It was brought to my at tention that the previously mentioned dates of registration conflicted with the Fun Fair being held at the Island Lake Grade School. Therefore the dates for Minor, Little League and Senior League Registration have been changed. They will now be held at tfile Island Lake Grade School on Friday, March 17 from 6:30 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 18 from 9 a.m. till 1:30 p.m. Parents please do not forget to ac company your child for we need your signature on the registration card. We will be looking forward to seeing you all at the Open Meeting on March 5, Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Island Lake Graade School everybody as a friend and called you by your first name. The Sox lost a good will man. HARVARD THEATRE 21 23 N. AYER ST. HARVARD, ILL. 815 943 4451 I OR 24 HOUR Rf CORDt t ) INFORMATION A t L F ILMS SUBJ fCT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICf A UNIQUE, NEW. COMFORTABL£ MOTION PICTURE THEATRE CATERING TO THE VARIED TASTES OF ALL TYPES AUDIENCES Our Concession Items Are for Your Enjoyment in the Auditorium FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM AT 7 PM DAILY - 5 PM Matinee Sunday STARTS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 TH FOR 7 DAYS Walter Mattnau in a role only he could make so excitingly different.. .you'll start talking about it from the opening scene. WALTER MATTHAU "KOTCH" An ABC Pictures Corp Presentat ion A "Kotch" Company Product ion • Color Subsidiary ot the American Broadcast ing Companies. Inc , Distr ibuted by Cinerama Releasing Corporat ion • Directed by jack lemmon »•••••••••••••••••••••••••» f - a m i l y E n t e r t a i n m e n t P r o g r a m s a n d A d u l t A r t F i l m s a r e S e p a r a t e P r e s e n t a t i o n s a n d R e q u i r e t h e P u r c h a s e o f S e p a r a t e A d m i s s i o n s . * D O U B L E F E A T U R E PRESENTED EVERY DAY AT 9 PM STARTS FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 TH FOR 7 DAYS 3 5 m m T R I P L E ' X ' C O L O R A R T F I L M ft Dirty Pool * Plus ' 16mm UNDERGROUND ART FILM A Full Length West Coast Feature • Color & Sound FOR MATURE MEN & WOMEN 18 & OVER PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED AND INSPECTED SORRY MAYOR, but only members of the firemen of Company 1 are eligible to suit up for the game against the Chicago Bears on March 10. The game will be held at West Campus at 8 p.m. and all proceeds will go to the McHenry Rescue Squad. Since Mayor Doherty is ineligible to play, he is showing Coach Chris Bennett of the firemen some pointers on ball handling. Mayor Doherty will be at the game to see if his advice helped. K (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) Trojans Place Second Warriors Win In Crystal Lake Invitational By Jerry Miller The McHenry Junior High Trojans, took 2nd place in the Crystal Lake Junior High Basketball tournament over the weekend. The Trojans met the Lakers of Lundahl Junior High for the championship game Saturday. They defeated Perry Junior High of Car- pentersville last Tuesday night, then on Thursday they defeated North Junior High. But on Saturday the Trojans met a very tough team from Lundahl, and were defeated by a score of 71 to 54. The Lakers jumped off to a 11 to 2 lead before the Trojans started to work. At the quarter the Lakers were leading 16 to 6. Then in the second quarter J,. Knaack and R. White brought the Trojans ck to within two With their tside shooting. The score at halfvstood 24 to 22 in favor of Lundahl. At the start of the 3rd quarter Lundahl quickly opened up an 8 point lead and maintained it through the rest of the third period. The 4th wasn't any better for the Trojans and Lundahl went on to win by a score of 71 to 54. J. Knaack led the Trojans in scoring and was named to the All-Tournament team. The Trojans are now going to have to get ready for the legion tournament coming up this week. BOX SCORE McHenry vs Perry McHenry vs Perry fg ft tp Knaack 5 0 10 Freund 1 0 2 Lund 8 2 18 Nelson 0 1 1 Ludwig 5 2 12 Christy 2 2 6 Peterson 2 0 4 Smith 1 1 3 Burke 0 2 2 White 4 0 8 66 Perry - 37 McHenry vs North Jr. High Knaack 9 4 22 Freund 3 0 6 Lund 8 1 17 Nelson 1 1 3 Ludwig 4 0 8 Christy 0 1 1 Peterson 0 0 0 Smith 0 0 0 Burke 0 0 0 White 2 0 4 61 Regional Tune-Up Over Tigers 63-50 by Fred Kusch Ken Ludwig's rambling Warriors traveled to Crystal Lake Friday night and easily sewed up a victory as they crushed the Tigers 63-50 The victory gave the Warriors an 8- 6 record in the NSC as they finished the season in 4th place behind Zion Benton 9-5, Barrington 12-2, and North Chicago 14-0. The Warriors victory was a tune-up for the Regional Tourney which they are hosting this week Feb. 29, March 1 and 3 Tuesday the Warriors face the Woodstock Blue Streaks who won their last conference game Friday night also. Tourney pairings appear in today's issue. Tickets can be purchased at the door at West Campus. REGIONAL - SCHEDULE GRANT February 29, 1972 WINNER ANTIOCH McHENRY March 3, 1972 Champion to Waukegan Sectional March 1, 1972 WINNER WOODSTOCK North - 55 Safe Boating Course Will Start March 5 Registration For McHenry Youth League If you're looking for something to do until the rain stops and the wind lets up so you can get out in your boat or someone else's boat again, consider attending the free Safe Boating Course. Each year across the nation, flotillas of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary offer free boating safety courses to the public. Auxiliary courses are taught by experienced boatmen. Instructors have been trained in all the latest techniques, and since they are boatmen like yourself, they understand your problems. Today boating is a family sport. The wife and children no longer stay at home while the head of the family is out en joying the water. For this reason, the Auxiliary believes it's wise for the women and children, as well, to learn boating safety. Everyone is welcome at the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Safe Boating Course. The course will cover boating laws and regulations, equip ment, rules of the road; boat handling, marlinespeke seamanship. The course will take three Maintain That "Just Been Styled Look" At Home RK Groom & Set. A specialized finishing lotion that gives your hair extra added strength and body. It contains herbs, proteins and the full complement of amino acids to insure the health of your hair and scalp. This unique finishing lotion contains absolutely no resins, shellacs or lacquers to gum-up your hair. RK Gel and RK Groom & Set contain absolutely no alcohol and are acid-balanced to maintain a healthy pH, compatible with your hair and skin. Ask to see RK these and our other fine RK products. Come in today! WE USE AND RfCOMMIND RK PRODUCTS You CAN Tell The Difference. J AXE'S Styling For Men By Appointment 385-7771 Registration for McHenry Youth League, formerly known as McHenry Little League, will be held for the next two Saturdays. It will be held at the VFW clubhouse from l p.m to 4 p.m. on March 4 and 11. It is expected that over 350 boys will register for this year's program and no registration will be taken after March 11. Tryouts will be held on Saturday, April 8. All boys must have a birth date between August 1, 1959 and July 31, 1964. A proof of age must be presented at the time of registration. Any fathers in terested in managing a minor or miniature team may submit their names during registration time. Officers of the Youth Sunday afternoons, March 5, 12, and 19 at 2 p.m. The course is given by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 6-5 at 17 League this year are: Andrew Steinsdoerfer, president; Jerry Sharp, player agent; Jim Lennon, vice-president; Don Meyers, treasurer; Tom Clentan, secretary. South Route 12, in Fox Lake, Illinois, U.S.C.G. Base. If you would like further information call, Dean Kolthoff Public Relations Officer (312) 497-3311 or Mel Pedersen Flotilla Commander (312) 497- 4115. Mid-Town Mayor LFT'S G!VF LI7TERER5 DEMERIT OV- OUR e>BST LITIGATION. THEY PESERVEF IT...I Fantastic Wet Road Handling The Road Holders & l l R E L M Radial Tire? • For American, European and Japanese cars EUR0PA MOTORS 'The Saab Place" 3318 W. Pearl St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph. 385-0700 ORNAMENTAL IRON Railings-Columns- Custom Fabricating Welding & Structural Frozen Pipe Thawing STEEL SALES ADAMS BROS. (Next to Gem Cleaners) 3006 W. Rte. 120 Phone: McHenry 385-0783