- (-ofa* sjyiesHov- ty Vraata.( to 'rover* Ctfitw &W1 PAULA PARKER f m " M r a n d M r s R o * » e r t L P a r k e r o f 4108 E Lake Shore drive. Wonder Lake, announce the engagement ot their daughter. Paula, to Wilbur Boike. son of Dr. and Mrs. Boike of 3600 McCormick. Brookfield, III. Paula is a student at .' 'T,1. ,:'1"" ':ak' ForMt' 111 Her "*"« '» teaching and coaching at McHenry high school. No wedding date has been set. SflUSflQr£\&/cnEESC HflUS 3412 W. F.lm Street McHenry ' 385-6349 • HOME MADE SAUSAGE * IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CHEESE Bring this ad with you for 50</ off on a Dound of Roast Beef or Baked Ham. While ŷ u'rê re Register for our free night to Germany. -CATERING & PARTY TRAYS- Youngster Has Two Parties On Leap Year Birthday Eight-year-old John Smak of Brandenburg Lake, Ingleside, celebrated his second birthday Tuesday, Feb. 29. A second grader at Big Hollow school, John is not quite sure how Leap year works as he insists on the eight years of age he deserves. Last Sunday, a family party was held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smak, when he received a three-speed, two-wheel bike from an aunt and uncle. The cake served was decorated with an aircraft carrier and the words, "USS Leap Year". On the actual birthday, John entertained eight friends at his home after school. Philip Thennes Is Honored On 85th Birthday A surprise birthday party was held last Friday evening to honor Philip Thennes on his eighty-fifth birthday, which was Feb 24. The family gathered at a Richmond restaurant for dinner and later for a social evening and bir thday cake at his home. Attending the gathering were Messrs. and Mesdames Bud Thennes, Leonard Thennes, Leo Diedrich, Harold Justen, Robert Vogt, Clarence Gaylord, Annette and Keith, John Thennes and Clifford Kiehl St. Patrick Luncheon And Party Planned The annual St. Patrick day party and luncheon will be held at St. Peter's parish hall, Spring Grove. Tuesday, March 14. Serving starts at 11:30 a.m. On the menu will be chicken- ala-king. jello salad, dessert and coffee Following the luncheon, favorite card games and bunco will be played, for which there will be a prize for each table and special prizes. The public is invited to attend and may purchase tickets at the door Tha t p la in c repe evening dress of the pas t season can be g iven a new look by add ing long s leeves of ch i f fon or of a jewel led fabr ic . Tips For The Homemaker Make family mealtime a looked-forward-to habit. Patricia A. Sullivan, McHenry county Home Economics adviser, says it's important for family members to enjoy being together sometime every day if a strong and close relationship is to develop. Many families find that evening mealtime is an excellent period for togetherness. Miss Sullivan offers some suggestions for developing family meal-time looked for ward to habit: --Establish a regular time for the evening meal and expect the entire family to be present. Adults and children should be expected to schedule their activities "after dinner." -Make mealtime pleasant so that everyone can enjoy it. Children will dread the dinner hour if it is a time when they are nagged or ridiculed. And it's wise to ban criticizing and arguing. -Include everyone in the dinner table conversation. You can start by asking each person to tell an interesting experience he had during the day. Miss Sullivan also recom mends that families decide what is acceptable behavior and then practice at mealtime. Children learn basic behavior traits such as politeness, at home. Although some may question the relevance to good manners and social graces, most will agree that in terrupters, grabbers, sloppy eaters, and thoughtless people are generally unwelcome. ANTIQUE SHOW Visitors to the fifteenth an nual Fox Valley Antique Show and Sale may be assured of a nostalgic trip into the past as they view the delightful antique treasures displayed before them by forty-two selected dealers from several states. The show, which runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 10, 11 and 12, is sponsored by the Batavia unit of the Woman's auxiliary of Com munity hospital, Geneva, and is being held at the Kane county fairgrounds on Randall road in St. Charles, between Route 64, North Avenue, and Route 38, formerly Alternate Route 30. MR. AND MRS. JOHN G. JONES WED 50 YEARS - A recent party for relatives, friends umi Mftgfc* bors honored Mr. and Mrs. John G. Jones of 3102 Charlotte aveiM, McHenry, on the occasion of their golden wedding, celebrated at the V.F.W. hall. Sixty-six persons enjoyed a delicious dinner, dancing, and entertainment furnished by Cyril Dvorah of Berwyn, a professional magician who is a close friend of the conple. A beautifully decorated cake was served at the close of the meal. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were married in River Forest by the Rev. Collins of the River Forest Methodist church in 1922. She was a lifelong resident of that area, and her husband came to Illinois from Aberdeen, S. Dakota. A variety of gifts included a money tree given the couple by friends, and assembled by Louise and Frank Giel of the Senior Citizens club. Out of town guests attended from Maywood, Melrose Park, Bellwood, Berwyn, Elmhurst, Lombard, Westchester, Round Lake, Antioch, DesPlaines, Iowa and Wisconsin. PAGb 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1972 Artifacts Continue To Make County History Newcomers Style Revue Next Tuesday The McHenry Town and Country Newcomers club is making plans for its second annual style revue, an event which also includes a card party and the serving of dessert and coffee. Mrs. Carl Grinstead, club president, announced that Mrs. Kent Trucken^rod and Mrs. Paul Gavlinski will serve as co- chairmen for the event. This year's theme is "Happiness is... a Newcomers style show". It will be held Tuesday, March 7, at 8 p.m. in the American Legion clubhouse on Ringwood road, McHenry. Proceeds from the show and the Newcomers cook book sale will be donated to the Pioneer Center Styles and prizes will be supplied by local merchants. Tickets may be purchased from merchants or members of the club. held Tuesday. March 7, In the Legion home on Ringwood rand. pLAINDEALERpHOTO Fashion Sihow March 23 To Benefit AFS One of the important fund raising events for the McHenry chapter of the American Field S e r v i c e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Scholarships (AFS) will take place Thursday, March 23, at the McHenry high West campus Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. The sew-it-yourself fashion show will include more than fifty outfits falling into four categories and will be com mentated by Mrs. Cy (Charlotte) Broman, host mother of this year's student from Brazil, Deneval Filho. Tickets may be obtained from any student or adult chapter member as well as at some business firms A l ace ruf f le on a mid i - length sk i r t wi l l g ive i t a new look . Change Date For Luncheon Of Lake Club Dinner Dance Woodstock, now of Cos Cob, Conn. --- Mrs. Phyllis Koeppel. Algonquin, presented a brochure, "Remember When", put out by the Algonquin Founders Days committee for last August and containing sketches and stories of early Algonquin days. The State Historical society is urging the local unit to tape interviews with persons in the various communities who might remember some of their early days and add first hand ob servation of any events such as fires, unusual storms, crime, etc. Mr. Nelson, a member of the society, is beginning to tape such interviews and so far they have been in Woodstock. Soon he will go to other parts of the county. Anyone knowing of any old timer who might have an in teresting tale to tell or whose family were long time residents should contact the society and an appointment will be made to do the taping It ususally takes about half an hour Write Box 30. Woodstock, or call 338-1985 Newcomers President Mrs. Carl Grinstead, left, views poster advertising the club's style show with co-chairmen of the event, Mrs. Kent Truckenbrod and Mrs. Paul Gavlinski. The revue will be JACK CH1CCA NANCY WINTERS ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winters of 3108 W. Kinley blvd., McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Nancy, to Jack Chicca. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chicca of Chillum. Md Nancy is a 1969 graduate of McHenry high school, and will graduate in June from Chicago Wesley Memorial Hospital School of Nursing. Jack graduated from the University of Maryland in 1970 and is presently employed as a civil engineer with the United States Public Health Service in Chicago. A July wedding is planned. The Union School building will not be available to the McHenry County Historical society, as artifacts continue to come in to the society and space is becoming limited Among recent acquisitions: Mrs Harte Diggins, Wood stock. six beautifully bound leather volumes of "The Bulletin" the house organ of the Oliver Typewriter company for the years 1902 through 1912 There is a wealth of in formation about persons working at the Oliver company during its early years From Harvard, Mrs Thresile Guhrke donated a McHenry county school directory for the years i909-10 and a Wood- cohi year book for 1911 A hand made booklet. "Ostend Recipes -Christmas, 1948". made by the pupils of the old Ostend school out on Route 120 under the guidance of their teacher, Miss Leta Clark, was donated by Mrs William Tittle of Wood stock From Crystal Lake: Mrs Claude C. Miller, a former resident, sent a black straw bonnet, trimmed with black jet beads and feathers dating from about 1890; a black leather purse, early 1900's; a receipt book (now called recipe) dated 1870; a red silk tea gown which belonged to mother of Mrs. Mae Dike, early settler, with date of 1880 and a black silk and lace trimmed dress that belonged to the mother of the donor, dated about 1890 A fragile old program on rice paper - "Esther the Beautiful Queen" presented at the city hall, Woodstock, 1891, and a program of "The Mikado" also given at city hall, December, 1891, was sent in by Mrs. Frances Garland, former teacher and resident of The Woman's club of Wonder Lake announces a change of date for the annual spring luncheon and fashion show. "Basket of Fashions", a preview of spring and summer fashions, has been changed from Tuesday, March 21, a primary election day, to Wednesday, March 22. Lun cheon will be served at Floyd's restaurant, Rt 31, Dundee, at 11:45 a.m. Tickets are available from all club members and the public is cordially invited to attend. For further information call ticket chairmen, Mrs. Charles Maier, at 653-5022 or Mrs. Frank Houda at 653-9389. PATT1 MOERSCHBAECHER ENGAGEMENT TOLD - Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Moerschbaecher, Jr., 4506 W. Lake wood. McHenry. announce the engagement of their daughter, Patti, to Robert Frett, son of Richard Frett of 291® W. Victoria. McHenry. A July 8. 1972, wedding is planned. I V L SUNDAY, Dinner 1 p LUNCHEON MARCH DINNER Starts 11:30 Starts 5:30 1 Vi Mies No. of Fox Lk. on Rte. 12 ANCHOR HOUSE RESTAURAN .312-587-0081 To Bob Freund and his Orchestra Per Person Does Not Include Gratuit> By Reservation Only... Tickets Must Be Reserved By March 15 PENELOPE LOU REYNOLDS PLAN WEDDING - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds, 7707 Wooded Shore drive, Wonder Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Penelope Lou, to Edwin L. Dolan, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Dolan, Sr., North Scituate, Mass. A July 1, 1972, wedding is being planned. Saturday March 18 HUNTER COUNTRY CLUB Robert J. Buchert Owner Richmond, Illinois Phone 678-2631 GO INTO MARCH LIKE A UMa. ..AND GO OUT 7 THE SAME WAY. With oouncy, beautiful styles from the experts at Riverside RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING Open Tues., Thurs., Fri. Evenings 2020 Rte. 120 Phone 385-7011 -Ample free parking-- ...at Hunter Country' Club • Complete Dinner... Roast Roll of Beef Served from an Electric Cart. Served 7-8:15 p.m. • Dancing...