Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Mar 1972, p. 7

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McHenry Girls Win In Volleyball Sportsday PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1972 i Comment On Sports Kneeling left to right: Brian Miller (12), Tom Toaynn (14), Bob Kilday (32) Center: Coach Jerry Glosson, Guy Weber (15), Jeff Thompson (13), Mike Niti (55), Tim Miller (3), Bob Buss (1) Back: Denny Choate (24), Mike Tonyan (53), Steve Koerber (33), Dan Knox (41)- ; (PLA1NDEALER PHOTO) Montini Mustangs Win Diocesan Regional The Montini Mustangs won a nerve-shattering victory last Sunday afternoon, F^b. 27, at the Rockford Diocesan Regional basketball tournament when they defeated the talented St. Patrick's of St. Charles; 52- 50. WE MARRIAGE-GO-ROUND By LESLIE STEVENS Dates MARCH 2,3,5,9,10,12 [ •7 ca INCLUDES >/.DU EVERYTHING Dinner-Play-Tax and Tip RESERVATIONS NECESSARY Just A Reminder THE SCOTCH LADS Are Here Friday & Saturday 9 P.M. TIL 1:00A.M. *2 CHICKEN FRY 00 I WED. EVENINGS" ALL YOU CAN EAT! Call (815) 385-1072 In the final three seconds, Brian Miller stepped to the free throw stripe and sank two free throws, clinching the up­ set victory. The action took place last Sunday afternoon at St. Edward's Elgin. During previous tourney play, the Mustangs under the coach­ ing of Jerry Glosson, elimin­ ated St. Thomas of Crystal Lake, 54-27 and St. Joseph of Elgin, 52-40. Montini will travel to Aurora Sunday, March 5, where the Rockford Diocesan Tournament of Champions will be held at Aurora Central Catholic high school. Winners of the four re- gionals will be pitted against each other to determine the diocesan champs. * Teams scheduled ftQmeet are Elgin Regional-Montini; Rock­ ford Regional-Holy Family; Au­ rora Regional-Holy Angels and DeKalb Regional. The Mustangs will meet Holy Family of Rockford at 2 o'clock with championship and runner- up games continuing on to the evening. Two Montini Mustang basket­ ball players were named lead­ ing scorers in Tri-County Lea­ gue play this week. Brian Mil­ ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert "Hezzie" Miller, was named high scorer in the sev­ enth grade league while Steve Koerber, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Koerber, earned eighth grade league high scoring hon­ ors. During the past month, Mon­ tini basketball players brought home the following honors for their school: sixth grade Mus­ tangs, first place in the Fox Valley Tournament; seventh grade Mustangs, tied for sec­ ond place in the Tri-County con­ ference and third place in the Tri-County tournament. The SPORTS FANS! WARRIOR8 WIN ROUND ONE - Tte McHenry Ugh school basketball Warriors were successful in their bid in the first round of the Illinois High School Class A A regional tournament. The regional games are being held in the McHenry high school gym for the first time in history. McHenry was an easy winner over Woodstock by a score of 66-55 and were ahead of the Blue Streaks the entire game. Prazak (44) is scoring a basket as Fenner (52) waits for a possible rebound. (PLAINDEALER PHOTO) DIDN'T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Brought To You By John Jepsen Did you know only two men in sports history have played in both a World Series and a Rose Bowl game...The two who reach­ ed the top game in each sport are Jackie Jensen and Chuck Essegian...Jen­ sen played with Califor­ nia in the Rose Bowl and with the Yankees in the World Series....Essegian j was in the Rose BqwI with | Stanford, and made the World Series with the Dod- I gers. • * * Here's an amazing fact] about Stan Musial I bet i you didn't know...In all his | years in big league base­ ball, Musial was NEVER I thrown out of a game for I arguing with umpires That record is remarkable | when you consider that Stan i played in 3,026 different | over a period of 22 years! * * * Alan Shepard hit a golf I ball for a long distance on the'moon--but what's the | farthest any man has ever i hit a golf ball on earth? | ...Most golf experts bel- I ieve the record is held by ' golf pro George Bayer... I Bayer is reported to have once driven a ball 500 yards. * * * I bet you didn't know ...that we have been located in McHenry, serving the customer's needs for 20 years. We stock the com­ plete line of Cooper tires at new low prices. The McHenry Girls Volleyball teams travelled to New Trier East high school in Winnetka on Friday, Feb. 25. McHenry defeated New Trier East 2-1 in the "A" division to end the Volleyball season. However, thev lost to L i b e r t y v i l l e h i g h school in a close con­ test. The "B" division team had difficulty in out-spiking their opponents as they lost to Libertyville ^§n2b»New Trier. Playing in the "A" division were Linda Bender, Linda Brown, Sue Cooley, Roni Bierman, Marlene Dowell, Helen Ericksen and Lori Sturm. Competing in the "B" division were Bunny Berendt, Carol Cashin, Dawn Ewald, Debbie Freund, Dawn Klassner, Kathy Morenz, Cindy Podgorski and JoAnne Sher­ man This is McHenry's first year in Volleyball competition. Coming competititive events include badminton, softball, and track and field. McHenry is currently a member of the Girls' Far North Suburban League which includes Libertyville, Lake Forest, Waukegan, Warren, and Barrington. 4. Faculty Flops 5. Reverse Gauchos 6. Alley Cats 37-47 33,398 36-48 32-52 31.947 32,536 McHENRY TEACHERS' BOWLING LEAGUE 2-23-72 Team Standings: W-L tot. 1. The Stars 53-31 33,622 2. The Funky Foursome 51-33 34,813 3. Pin Pals 43-41 33,928 Varsity team also took first place in the Rockford Dioce­ san Regional tournament last Sunday. High Series: Bud Street 140- 208-174-522; Wil Farrell 131-175- 159-465; Gaye Boland 178-115- 167-460. Splits: Mike Postlewait 5-7. TUESDAY THIRTY NINERS 2-22-72 Frances Matchen, 216-538; Dorothy Freund, 472; Billie Mackinder. 221-530; Elsie Winkel, 492; Joan Buss, 191- 511; Bitsy $chaefer, 188-500; Mary Beth Fuchs, 487; Gail Madden 433; Adeline Pedersen, 185:436 The Freund Oil team came up with 921 actual pins in their third game. Cathy Schlitt's average (147) was used in her absence. She could have gone above her average, especially with the inspiration of Frances Matchen's 216 game (Bowling ahead of her). Sure she could! Fabulous Fran had a 538 series. In that big third game, Billie Mackinder mowed down those pins to the tune of 221. WUN- NERFUL, WUNNERFUL. BILLIE! That third game: Fran Matchen, 216; Cathy Schlitt (absent), 147; Dorothy Freund, 162; Billie Mackinder, 221; Elsie Winkel, 180. C D . of A Tuesday 7:00 Lauretta Homo, 171-480; BOXING * * • BY PETE FRITCHIE Washington, D. C . -- Janu­ a ry ' s championsh ip brawl be­ tween heavyweight k ing Joe Fraz ie r and Ter ry Danie l s , who can ' t be so smar t in f ig ­ ur ing he would t ake Fraz ie r , o f fe red a good example of wha t ' s wrong wi th boxing . PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Christesen of Chicago and Miss Evelyn Kortun, Arlington Heights, were visitors on Saturday in the Faltum-Seborg home in Wonder Lake. Barb Leight, 172-481; Clarice Buenzli, 195-489; Dorothy Koleno, 196-450; Lorraine Freund, 444. Pam Kosior, 443; Bette O'Brien, 490; Jo Rizzo, 443. Splits: Pat Fischer, 6-7-10; Lauretta Homo, 6-7-10; Lil Miller, 2-7-10. Natural Blender Some octopuses can change from shades of light aqua to a deep red brown within seconds, blending with the sea or mimick ing a coral mass, to fool their prey and enemies Though the k id was game --if no t too b r igh t--he was obvious ly bad ly ou tc lassed and the f igh t should have been s topped in the th i rd round a t the l a tes t . In tha t round Danie l s was knocked down twice , los t h i s mouth­ p i e c e a n d w a s o b v i o u s l y dazed . Had Fraz ie r ' s t iming been a b i t m o r e s h a r p h e m i g h t have decap i ta ted the former foo tba l le r bu t the champion missed wi th mos t of h i s punches . Never the less , Dan­ ie l s--as one of t e lev i s ion ' s announcers admi t ted to mi l ­ l ions--took more punishment t h a n a n y m a n s h o u l d b e fo rced to take in a so-ca l led spor t . Why should such a mis ­ match con t inue tha t long 9 Some might have hoped Dan- W£, l s cou ld sneak in a hay­ maker in the second s tanza a f te r be ing knocked down in the f i r s t . But Danie l s ' f lu r ry in the second was soon end­ ed and by the th i rd the f igh t was a p i t i fu l spec tac le . One more commerc ia l , be ­ t w e e n t h e t h i r d a n d f o u r t h rounds and a minute or two more of exc i tement a ren ' t w o r t h t h e r i s k o f s e r i o u s in jury . JEPSEN TIRE " COMPANY | 3331, 3314 West Elm St. | Phone 385-0424 J 1972 BUICK ESTATE WAGON 1972 March Is "Parade Of Values" Month At Mitchell Buick-Olds-Opel. It's The Time Of The Year When Super Deals On Super Wheels Spring Up To Save You Hundreds Of Dollars! OLDS 98 LUXURY SEDAN . . .See What We Mean When We Say "Mitchell's Not The Bet Because He's The Biggest-He's Biggest Because He's Best" RED MITCHELL If Economy Is What You're After. . .See Red For An Opel. Looking For A Truck? GMC Is Your Answer And Mitchell Is Your Authorized Dealer. LOW PRICED 1ATE MODEL 1971 CADILLAC COUPE de VILLE Full factory equipment from Cadillac motor division. Original $8450 *5995 1970 LeSABRE CUSTOM 2 DR. H.T. Full Equipment Air Conditioning *2595 1968 ELECTRA 225 WITH FULL EQUIPMENT $1795 1968 CHEVY NOVA 4 DOOR AUTOMATIC *1095 Mitchell ffiHarHUfl Buick - Olds - Opel 1970 OPEL G.T. FULL EQUIPMENT '2095 1969 MERCURY Colony Park l"-.gon Ar Cond. Full Equip. 1970 CHEVY IMPALA 4 DR. H.T. Air Conditioning Full Equipment '2095

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