PAGE 18-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1972 C O A S T T O C O A S T S T O R E S j New Owners Grand Opening Sale VAN WICKS CAN OPENER 5.29 WS 568 C3 7" PAINT ROLLS? and TRAY SET 77* 586 4582(2) MASKING TAPE y," X 360" ' A. 39' 1 581 16 82(Z) PROCTOR SILEX 2 SLICE TOASTER 6.97 W(S) ZO 186-1 6" COMBINATION PLIERS DIAMALLOY 6" combination pliers; dull nickel f inish. i ne nanaiesf TUOI in ine house, and it 's always missing when you need it! Get several at this thrifty price1 304 0219(Z) ZEBCO FISHING OUTFIT 7.88 642-0434(Z) GARDEN HOSE Quality 5/8" green garden hose Wi th brass couplings. 50-ft. length. Guaranteed 8 years 485-0392(Z) REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES FREE GIFTS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Sale Starts WEDNESDAY for 10 Big Days ZEBCO FISHING REEL m GAudAGE CAN £ 2.28 21 gallon garbage or ash can of galvanized sheet steel with drop side handles. W(L)Z0320 7 HAMILTON BEACH MIXETTE 6.97 HfiMllTQN BfRtH J 3 speed mixer by Hami l ton Bc^ch Lightweight, easy one hand oper at ion . in wh i te W(S)Z0552 7 PLASTIC -*T WASTE I BASKET \ f 1/ \ J% BICYCLES 44.88 860 1 759 !Zi r- yoOR .CHOICE B60 1 / fc31Zi * (l ies. ?( ] ' men's or ludi t t ' . 11qt l wei( jh t 3 speed bicyc. les feature f ront , tnd re. j r cal iper t i r , ikes Men's, Flame Red f in ish I , id ies, F larnhoyant hlue f in ish In Cdrton 26' " .en's 1 0 speed l" j> r V ' i<) t ' r i ' i r i '1 h ike BIKE TIRES BIKE TUBES Easy to clean plastic wastebasket in assorted colors. 40 qt. capacity. W(B)Z0682B6 1.33 STAINLESS STEEL BOWL SET BletckwdlI I ) ike t i res, s izes ^0 X 1 75, 26 * 1 75. 26 X 1 3 8 865 0111IZi to 865 0210IZ) Safe t ie* h ike tubes Sizes 20 « I 75, ?6 x 1 7b, 26 x 1 3 8 865 1960IZIto 865 2067IZ) COLEMAN CAMPING EQUIPMENT yOOR CHOICE 12.88 2.44 Hits i i 'MI 11 il b.M 0/Jo 3 piece stainless steel mixing bowl set includes ^ quart, 17; quart and 3 quart bowls. W(F)Z0178 7 LINOLEUM RUG 4.99 3.66 LANTERN AND BATTERY Safety lantern head with telescop mg safety flasher arm. Battery in eluded 466 3241 (Z) 6 volt battery only. 466 8604(Z) $2.39 I \ o V I . ' I l l l ]s v» f N . '003 o f N ' . '008 PANASONIC BOLERO RADIO 10.88 AM portable radio in a unique round design C. i i he carr ied on (.hr< 11• u• chain or set on t . ih le Battery powered 207 0647IZ) \ SPORTSMAN FLASH LIGHT Zebco 202 Spin Cast f ishing reel complete with 100-yards of 10 lb. test l ine. 643-4567(Z) CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS Fits most cars, trucks and tractors. 750 0044(Z) 750-21 23(Z) 2.99 FRIDAY ONLY WITH COUPON LIMIT TWO W(B)Z0659-9 SATURDAY ONLY WITH COUPON 5(W SIZE 4-OZ. ELMER'S GLUE ALL 582 1053(Z) LIMIT TWO OIL SPOUT Combination oil can opener & spout 29* MEN'S COTTON WORK GLOVES 466-0619(Z) PLUS BATTERIES WEST BEND PERCOLATOR 6.88 Fully automatic; brews 5 9 cups of coffee. Of gleaming polished aluminum. Easy pour spout. W(S)Z0453-7 960 /00B Z; S59 99 3/8" ELECTRIC DRILL 8.44 Famous Shopcraft quality. 2 amps. 6' 3 wire cord. UL Indus trial rated. 31 4 1215(Z) SPRAY PAINT 16 OZ. CAN Fast drying spray paint for interior or exterior use. It 's lead-free so it 's safe for children's toys and furni ture. 579 4003(Z) thru 579-4458(Z) Strong hard core, smooth surface seat and cover with polyethylene bump ers and hinge. 404-1125(Z) -404 1174(Z) Men's 8-oz. cotton gloves in Clute pattern, knit wrists. 348 0068(Z) TOILET SEAT MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. Me. 120 McHenry 385-6655 I