PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 Set Election Meeting For St. Agatha Court HONORED FOR SERVICE - For twenty-five years of continuous membership in the McHenry V.F.W. auxiliary, a recognition pin and corsage were presented Tuesday to Gertrude Barbian in her home on Riverside drive. Shown with Mrs. Barb inn, sitting, is Mary Kuemmel, president of the V.F.W. auxiliary; Vi Schuble, patriotic instructor; Ila Hogan. senior vice-president; and Marge Moreth. treasurer and membership chairman. Mrs. Barbian served the organization as president three times and was very active in ail of its activities until her illness a few years ago. The election of new officers for St. Agatha Court 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters, is on the agenda for the meeting Monday evening, March 20 The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock in the Community club hall. Because the hall is also the polling place for the primary election Tuesday, the meeting has been set for the previous day. The last round of the current card tournament will be played following the business meeting. Mrs. Richard Dehn is chairman for the following committee Mrs Lowell Anderson, Mrs. Bernard May, Miss Rose Stilling, Mrs. Bonnie Nelson, Mrs. Alfred Oeffling, Mrs. Fred Fuchs, Mrs. Sally Anderson, Mrs. Walter Kalemba and Mrs. Charles Majercek. The eighteenth annual diocesan conference of the National Catholic Society of Foresters will be held at St. Joseph church and school in Aurora Sunday, April 9. St. Stephana Court 529 will be hostess court. The conference Putting finishing touches on table centerpieces for Wednesday's luncheon-fashion show are members of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake, Mrs. Grant Ernest and Mrs. Charles Maier. Set Theme For Fashion Revue The Woman's Club of Wonder Lake will sponsor a luncheon- fashion show based on the theme. "Baskets of Fashion", to be held at Floyd's restaurant. Rt 31, Dundee, at 11:45 a m Wednesday, March 22 Continuing its effort to provide service to the com munity of Wonder Lake, the Woman's club has announced that partial proceeds will go to the scholarship fund. Two Wonder Lake students. Susan Ohlrich and Patrick Higgins, received the 1972 scholarships and the club is eager to rebuild the fund for 1973 awards The public is cordially invited to attend Tickets may be purchased from all club members Posters, made by Mrs John Sorenson and Mrs. Matthew Paradowski, may be found around town with further information, or call Mrs Maier at 653-5022 or Mrs Houda at 653-9389. NEW 4 H CLUB A new 4-H Club for high school girls of Wonder Lake was established recently at the home of Mrs Henry Schau The name "Wonder Lakers" was chosen by the girls and the Creamed Chicken 2 c cold chicken cut in smal l p ieces 1 c cold cooked peas I c s l iced cooked car ro ts 1 can cream of mush room soup Sal t and pepper 1 loaf uns l iced s ta le whi te bread Stuffed ce lery Radishes Mix chicken, peas , car - r ( t t s and mushroom soup Season to t as te with sah and pepper . With a sharp kni fe , remove crus ts f rom loaf of b read so that you have an even box shape . Hol low out the center of the box leaving a wal l a t leas t Vz inch th ick . Dry the box in a modera te oven, remove and b r u s h i n s i d e a n d o u t s i d e wi th mel ted but ter . Return to oven and toas t unt i l a golden brown. When ready to serve , p lace the box on a p la t te r and f i l l wi th hot chicken mixture . Surround wi th s tuf fed celery , rad i shes . s tuf fed o l ives and smal l peeled tomatoes . following officers were elected to serve: President, Norine Summercamp; vice-president, Sue Schau; secretary, Karen Fallow and recreation chair man, Lila Doran. vmrr SPECIALTY w nastet PLUS OUR COMPLETE MENU Chuck and Gene cordially invite you to Stop in and say Hello during our Grand Opening Bring the Family! o \Island House Restaurant in the Island Lake Shopping Center McHenry Man Claims Bride A wedding of interest was solemnized in St. Joseph's church, Round Lake, Saturday, March 11, when Marcia L. Thompson, daughter of Mrs. Rita M. Thompson of 55 So. Sha- ddle, Mundelein, exchanged nuptial vows with Thomas L. Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawrence of 1105 N. Chapel Hill road, McHenry. Rev. Edward MacCarten officiated at the 5 o'clock af ternoon services. Special musical selections included "For All We Know" and "We've Only Just Begun" The pretty bride chose a floor length gown of white organza enhanced with imported Venice lace featuring a short sleeved bodice and cathedral train. A matching mantilla completed her ensemble. Karen Van Buren of McHenry was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Linda Lawrence of McHenry, the groom's sister, and Joan Hesse of Chicago. Little Kristine Damato of Ingleside was flower girl. The attendants wore empire silhouette gowns of lime green voile and dotted Swiss. Serving as best man was Bill Fischer of Elmhurst. Groomsmen were Phil Krebs of McHenry and Jan Kotynek of Oak Park. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Thompson chose a floor length gown of multi-color print voile. The groom's mother wore a floor length yellow chiffon gown with matching sleeveless lace coat. Following the ceremony, a reception for 200 friends and relatives was held at the American Legion hall, McHenry. The new bride attended the College of Lake County and is now employed as a registered nurse. Her bridegroom at tended the University of Illinois Circle Campus and Medical center. Presently, he is a medical student. After a wedding trip to Florida, the newlyweds will live in Oak Park. We have had ins tant cof fees and ins tant teas and now we have on sa le , in some depar tment s tores , in s tant dresses . These are lenghts of c l inging fabr ics tha t one drapes around the body and fas tens in to p lace . These come in kni ts , wi th t ies or p ins . will open with a Mass at 10:30 a.m. for the living and deceased members df the N.C.S.F., with the Mostly, Arthur J. O'Neill, Bishop of Rockford, as celebrant. Dinner will be at noon followed by the program and meeting, with adjournment at 3 p.m. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Paul Pitzen by March 20. Hospital To Present Scholarships Two scholarships to en courage people to enter nursing or a related health care profession will be presented this spring by the auxiliary to McHenry hospital, Mrs. Harold Spruth, chairman, has an nounced. Application forms have been sent to five area high schools, McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock, Marian Central and Grant. In addition, applications will be sent to interested per sons in McHenry county for consideration of these scholarships. "We encourage applications in addition from those who are high school seniors," said Mrs. Spruth. "One of last year's winners was a young woman who had worked in the hospital as a nurse's aide, and decided she wanted to become a registered nurse." Winners last year were Christine Biggr, the nurse's aide, McHenry, and Diane Engeln, Lake Villa, a high school senior last June. Applications for this year's scholarships should be sent to Mrs. Spruth at 4619 Sussex drive, McHenry. Application deadline is April 5. The scholarships are $200 a year for three years to help nursing aspirants and $100 a year for three years to help those seeking a related health care career. Winners will be announced before high school commencement exercises this spring. Miss Pitzen Selected For Social Sorority Patricia Pitzen of 3904 W Grove avenue, McHenry, has been selected for Alpha Omicron Pi social sorority at Western Illinois university. Pat, a junior in special education, was elected as ritual officer. The new sorority chapter house which will be dedicated this spring, was just opened for its first quarter of occupancy. The sorority started as a local organization at WIU, the Sisterhood of Western Women; became an Alpha Omicron Pi colony in October, 1970, and was officially installed as a chapter in April, 1970. Its national project is the Arthritis foundation. Infant Son Of David Smiths Baptized Sunday Thomas David Smith, first child of Mr. and Mrs. David Smith of 2502 Villa lane, McHenry, was christened in a baptismal service which took place Sunday, March 12, in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. The Rev. Roger W. Schneider officiated at the 10:30 service. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kotiw of McHenry, were godparents for their new nephew. Fifteen relatives and close friends attended the church rite and later gathered at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith of McHenry. Thomas David was born last Dec. 30. LOOK AHEAD. . . . Riverside Can Help You Look Past These Last Few Days Of Winter With A Style As Fresh And Exciting As Spring Make Your Easter Appointment Early! RIVERSIDE HAIRSTYLING Open Tues,, Thurs., Fri. Evenings 2020 Rte. 120 Phone 385-7010 -Ample free parking- Coming Events 000900000000090000090 MARCH 17 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Regular Meeting - 7:30 p.m. St. Mary's Oak Room. MARCH 17-18-19 Montini Middle School Newspaper Drive -- Collection Place, Hornsby's Store, Market Place -- 3:30 to 4:30 March 17; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 18; Noon to 5 p.m. March 19. MARCH 18 Registration for McHenry Youth Baseball League -- 12 Noon to 4 p.m. - Fire Station. MARCH 20 Pi Alpha Chapter Beta Sigma Phi - Party Meeting - Home of Mrs. William Boyle -- 8 p.m. Business & Professional Woman's Club Meeting - Long Horn Steak House - Social Hour, 6:30 p.m. - Dinner, 7 p.m. V.F.W. Auxiliary Meeting - Initiation Of New Members - Presentation Of Continuous Membership -- V.F.W. Hall - 8 p.m. MARCH 23 "Sew What's New" -- A.F.S. Fashion Show -- West Campus Auditorium - 7:30 p.m. MARCH 24 Bi-Monthly Board Meeting of Church Women United - Lake Region - St. Mary's Rectory, Woodstock, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. MARCH 25 Registration For McHenry Youth Baseball League - 12 Noon to 4 p.m. -- Fire Station. St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meet For Cards - Home of Martha Cossey, 1807 N. Richmond --7:30 p.m. MARCH 24 & 25 Ringwood Methodist Church Semi-Annual Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Church -- Friday Hours, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. MARCH 27 Senior Citizen Club Meeting -- East Campus Cafeteria - Card Party For Members - 7:30 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club - Board Meeting -- City Hall - 9:30 a.m. APRIL 3 Pi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority - Home Of Mrs. William Haddick, 8 p.m. APRIL 4 McHenry County Past Oracles Club Meeting - K. of C. Hall, 1304 N. Park Street, McHenry ~ 12 Noon. Hiawatha Gem & Mineral Club - Second Floor Dining Room, West Campus - 7:30 D.m. APRIL 6 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 p.m. - Election Of Officers - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset Drive. APRIL9 Annual General Meeting - Lakeland Park Property Owners Association - 2 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive - Election of Board Members. APRIL 11 McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club -- Business Meeting And Guest Speaker - Shepherd of the Hill^Lutheran Church - 8 p.m. APRIL 12 Annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party - Lakeland Park Women's Club - St. Patrick's Parish Hall -- 3500 W. Washington Street --11:30 a.m. APRIL 13 Panel of American Women Discussion On Personal Ex periences On Discrimination - Sponsored By Ladies Guild, St. Patrick's Hall - Free Will Offering - 8 p.m. APRIL 14 & 15 Job's Daughters Rummage Sale - Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street. Friday hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. APRIL 17 Pi Alpha Chapter, Beta Ready For Style Show All ready for the Wonder Lake Woman's club fashion show are Mrs. William Fitzgerald, commentator, Mrs. Paul Germain and Mrs. Jack Moore, models. The event will\ be held Wednesday, March 22, in Dundee. American Legion Auxiliary News UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper Members Mrs. David (Doris) Henken, Mrs. Glen (Dottie) Messer, Mrs. Stephen (Theresa) Huska, Mrs. Ed (Eleanore) Reid, Mrs. Jay (Evelyn) Osmon and Mrs. Jack (Pearl) Cooper will attend the forty-fourth annual department Patriotic conference of the American Legion auxiliary, Department of Illinois, which will be held Thursday, March 23, at the Sherman House in Chicago. Mrs. Firman ( R a m o n a ) H e n d r i c k s , department president, will preside at this conference. The state-wide meeting is usually attended by approximately 800 delegates. John H. Geiger, national commander of the American Legion, who resides in DesPlaines, will be one of the featured speakers. Com mander Geiger is a special assistant to the vice-president of facilities and property for United Airlines. He is a combat veteran of World War JI, and served with the 11th Armored division in the European theatre of operations. His speech will be related to Americanism in action. Lorenzo James, a young Indian, 18 years of age, who is the leader of his platoon in the JROTC at the Phoenix Indian high school, Phoenix, Ariz., will speak on "National Security". Cadet James is brought to Illinois through the sponsorship of the national headquarters U.S. Marine corps, in Washington, D C. Cadet James speaks several Indian dialects and translates into English in a matter of seconds. He is one of the outstanding cadets from this high school, which was established in 1891. The U.S. Marine Corps decided to establish an ROTC unit at the school and it is under the jurisdiction of a retired colonel, Clay A. Boyd. He is assisted by two retired Marines. There are 142 members in the ROTC unit right now and they are working toward a strength of 168. They have a special dormitory at the school which is provided for the cadets, which includes a recreation room, a TV lounge, and a laundry room. The cadets do their own washing, ironing and hair cutting. Most of the cadets are Navajo, followed by Hopi, Apache, Papago, Pima, Hualapai, Cocopah, Ute, Warm Spring Oregon and Mohave. The cadets are entitled to wear the Marine corps uniform. These Indian Cadets are proud of their heritage and of the Marine uniform. Cadet James is certain to aid a special Sigma Phi Sorority -- Home Of Mrs. Leonard Siatta - 8 p.m. APRIL 19 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club - Spring Luncheon & Card Party - V.F.W. Hall - 12 Noon. APRIL 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Spring Smorgasbord Dinner For Members - 6:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. LAS VEGAS $130 ~~-------------------- tox inciUded Round Trip Via United Air Lines. Plus Stardust Hotel Package and Additional Features. Chain-O-Lakes Travel Service 3405 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7500 Area Code 815 highlight to this Patriotic conference as he is an out standing young man. A special film on Civil Defense will be provided by the Civil Defense office. Mrs. James R. Williams of Kingwood, West Virginia, national vice-president, Cen tral division, the American Legion auxiliary, will be the featured speaker at a special luncheon to be held at noon. Awards for membership will be presented to the winning district presidents at this luncheon. UNIT NO. 491 By Pearl Cooper The 11th district Junior convention will be held Sunday, March 19, at the American Legion post home in Elgin. The convention will convene at 10 a.m. and end with the in stallation of new Junior district officers in the afternoon. Noelle Reid, McHenry, will be in stalled as the new district Junior president; Joan Fabian, Joliet, will be vice-president; Felecia York, McHenry, will be installed as secretary, historian will be Donna W a k e f i e l d , W h e a t o n ; s e r geants - at - arms to be in stalled will be Holly Kuhns and Cassandra York, both of the McHenry Junior auxiliary. Mrs. Ed (Eleanore) Reid, mother of Noelle and a past president of the McHenry unit, will be the installing officer. Bernadine and Charlene Reid, sisters of Noelle, will be assistant installing officer and installing chaplain. Other Juniors from the McHenry unit who will be at tending the convention are Laura and Julie Kuhns, Leah Congdon, L&urel and Dawn Latimer and Linda Durkin. Members of the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake have been practicing poise and posture for their modeling duties in the club's annual spring luncheon and fashion show. "Basket of Fashions" will be presented to the public Wednesday, March 22. Luncheon will be served at 11:45 a.m. at Floyd's restaurant, Rt. 31, Dundee, with the fashion show to follow at 1 o'clock. Partial proceeds of this event will go to the club scholarship fund, according to chairman Mrs. Grant Ernst, and the public is cordially invited to attend. Tickets are available from all club members. For further information contact Mrs. Charles Maier at 653-5022 or Mrs. Frank Houda at 653- 9389. Tasty -Topic Peanut Butter Balls Vt cup lard Vi cup peanut butter ^ teaspoon salt Vt cup confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups sifted flour % cup finely chopped peanuts l/i cup confectioners sugar Cream lard and peanut but ter until light and fluffy. Add salt and Vi cup confectioners' sugar. Blend well. Add vanilla, flour and peanuts. Mix thor oughly. Form dough into small balls, using approximately 1 tablespoon for each. Place on cookie sheets and bake in a moderate oven (375°F.) 12 to 15 minutes. Roll balls in Mt cup confectioners' sugar while stili warm. Yield. 2Vfe dozen cookies. The first bunch of bananas ever seen in Britain was grown in Bermuda in 1644. " ITEM: There are nine sizes of prunes you can buy, ranging from large--size 25 to 35, to very small --size 90 to 100. Prunes are grad ed and the grades are Fancy, Choice, and Standard. ITEM: Polyethylene bags for fluid milk have caught on, espe cially in Canada, where a third of all fluid milk is sold in them. Mf Hi N R Y PL A J N D E A L F R •/ I •w pxH£|H!nli DlQt̂ rs SPlmJeol, er 8 s Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 8< Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Publisher Larry E. Lund Adele Froehlich -• Editor MEMBER Association - Founded 1885 SUBSCRIPTION RATES B »' $7.50 1 Year $9.00 3 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and I ^ County Lake County ^ EOlUWSHD.l miLlttl *D OPEN FRI. SAT. SUN. Spring Dinner Dance Sat. March 11 O n t h e N o r t h S h o r o f L o n g L a k e I R O L L I N S R O A D RESERVATIONS JU 7-0741 I n g l e s i d e I l l i n o i s