Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1972, p. 5

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POET'S CORNER THANKFULNESS As I lay in my hospital bed Many thoughts go through my head Of all the things I took just in strife Thinking it is just another day of life. The rising in the morning to a new day, - Being able to see, hear and earn my way Then one day you find you cannot do The things that day held for you. As now I am recovering I thank you God for reminding. by Marie Espey WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ECOLOGY A lonely flower on the runway Why have they taken them all away? Pollution will be on us soon We won't be able to see the moon. The people's lungs are full of pollution On the streets there is £ mass confusion. Even the ocean is covered with oil This is producing so much turmoil. There aren't many birds left to know If there are, where would they go? Think about your raw, sore throat And chalk up one for the ecology vote, by Patti Murray I ASK YOU, PLEASE. I ajk you, please Don't tai:e my love, then smother it With infidelity. Don't hold my heart, then crumble it By insincerity. Don't put me on a pedestal, Then make a fool of me. Just hold me close in heart and mind, That's as it ought to be. When others slip and fall, be strong So they might see, That only when they walk with God They are truly free. Don't let the sham of glitter Rob your soul of purity. And when temptation lurks, Think of home and family. By Maureen M.J. Frantz MEMORIES AND MILESTONES Memories, Ah! How sweet and lingering Ever burning in my shrine so bright Are but milestones, of the past, dear In my reminiscence tonight. Memories of my childhood hours Spent beneath the shady trees In the country quiet and wholesome Among the cloverbeds and bees. Ah! The past could I recall it Sad and beautiful tho' it be, I would live anew each hour In the land called "Memory". For sweet memories mark the milestones Of each fleeting hour gone by, Leaving only ashes' embers Of the smoke rings in the sky. Memories-none can take them from me They are mine to have and hold, I would not exchange my memories For a mansion made of gold. Yes, the milestones will keep on adding To our memories prized and dear, For each memory is but a milestone And each milestone, but a tear. Memories and Milestones linked together For in\sypipathy they are wed They^-aj^so a kin! Like partners They are gone when we are dead. . Maymie H. Burns 1929 Grandview Cir.,S.E. Atlanta 16, Ga. (Mrs. Burns is a sister of Estelle Harmon Baldwin of McHenry) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF Just a year ago; how sweet the time. It seems You left the fluffy clouds And came to me on moonbeams. On your way you walked in flowers and Touched by a rose, It left its pink upon your chubby cheeks And little nose. Further along, the sun shone brightly Where you tread, So you could have its gold for hair Upon your tiny head. You brought along three twinkling stars you Picked from out the sky, A big one for your heart, a small one For each eye. God sent a little angel, a baby just to be Flowers, moonbeams, sunshine, A twinkling star for me. By Maureen M.J. Frantz Hospital Notes New Arrivals PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1972 Tips For The Homemaker i Have a complaint? Many consumers are unhappy with fabric and garment performance. If you are, speak up! Let the manufacturer and the retailer know why. Begin by asking yourself these questions:^! -Did I follow care and use instructions? -Did I use the item for its intended purpose? -Did I have reasonable ex­ pectations for the product's performance during use? If you answer "yes" to those questions, you may have a legitimate complaint, says Patricia Sullivan, University of Illinois Extension home economist. She says it's your respon- ability as a consumer to notify the merchant or manufacturer about your specific dissatisfactions so that he can take constructive steps to improve his product. Begin at the retail level by talking with the person who sold you the item. You can expect that it will be exchanged or that the store will take it back and return your money. If talking gets no results, take the next step: letter writing. Write to the manufacturer, distributor or head office of the company. All items should carry the manufacturer's address so you know where to send a letter of complaint. You can also find the correct name and address in the library's copy of Thomas' Register of Manufacturers or the Standard Directory of Advertisers. Miss Sullivan suggests that you take the letter to your merchant and check its ac­ curacy with him - model number, address, and so on. Begin your letter with a short paragraph explaining your complaint. Tell what you have already done lu gel redress, giving the name of the local merchant. Then make a polite request for help. Remember, no manufacturer wants poor customer relations. Keep a copy of your letter for possible reference. If you don't receive a response within a month, take further steps. Be someone special. In the Army Reserve. We are pleased to announce... DONNA PAPACEK Will be joining our staff. She wiH take appointments on Fridays from 9 to 6 and Saturdays from 9 to 5 -9?- (£Vrf Elegant Distinctive Hairsiyung SALES - CUTTING - STYLING 3929 W. Main Phone McHenry, 111. 385-4777 4^ 4?* ^ THE DIFFERENCE IS Skinner Has Served As McHenry County Treasurer today -- A Probe exclusive Idle county funds lose millions! Link pojftlcians, bonks It didn't happen in McHenry County under Skinner. He earned over $700,000 by Investing up to 99 percent of available funds at interest rates averaging up to as high as 7 4 percent Paid for by Skinner Campaign Fund, 555 Woodland Dr., <9«iystal Lake, Illinois At age 24 Skinner was elected McHenry County Tre­ asurer. He found things needed changing and he changed them. County funds were put out for bid and fully invest­ ed at the highest interest rates available. The county's tax collection system is being com­ puterized because of Skinner's efforts. The personal property tax is on way out be­ cause of efforts of Skinner and other county tre­ asurers. By enforcing this hated tax, people be­ came mad enough to get the legislature moving. Skinner helped taxpyers who complained about un­ fair real estate taxes in spite of opposition from the vested interests who are grossly underasses­ sed. Vote For Cal Skinner, Jr. For Sfcte Representative March 21st ^ 4^ Send copies of your letter to important local and national figures involved in consumer issues. Be sure to notify the product manufacturer that you are taking further action. Companies obviously do not want bad publicity, and the fact that your complaint is legitimate and that your ex­ pectations for the product's performance do not exceed reasonable limits. One national figure in­ terested in consumer problems is Mrs. Virginia Knauer, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer Af­ fairs, The White House, Washington, D C. 20506. To register a complaint concerning advertising and poor trade practices, write or phone your local Better Business Bureau. Or write to your congressman or one of your senators. Trade associations are also becoming increasingly in­ terested in hearing about and reducing consumer complaints. When appropriate, write to the American Textile Manufac­ turers Institute, 1501 Johnson Building, Charlotte, North Carolina 28202; or to the National Retail Merchants Association, 100 West 31st Street, New York, New York 10001. Church Women United Church Women United - Lake Region will hold its regular bi-monthly meeting at St. Mary's rectory in Wood­ stock March 24. "Coffee and" will be served at 9:30 and almost immediately business will be conducted by the president, Mae Stinespring. Adjournment is promptly at 11:30 a.m. Progress reports will be given by Bertha Tammeus and Phyllis Wegner on the work in establishing a clothing deput in McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Lois Anderson, Joyce Miller, Debra Shastal, Ruth Ann Miller, John Barnes, Marie Kintgen, Mathew Croke, Theresa Schultz, Susan Smith, Bridie Martin, Gottlieb Kloepfer, Virginia Posthuma, George Perrewe, John Eisele, Helen Schmitt, Everett Defenbaugh, Alfred Mc- Cutcheon, John Tyminski, Walter O'Connor, Alma Nielsen, Mitchell Nosal, Katherine Hamilton, Baby Scott Petersen, Elsie Rosenquist, McHenry; Eric Zoost, Island Lake; John Arnd- t, Jr., Lynn Patterson, Arline Patterson, Helen Burlack, Margaret Grady, Wonder Lake; Donna Barker, Ringwood; Florence Biesadia, Bert Hansen, Richmond. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Among patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, were Mary Nihill, George Slater, Edward Tieman, Josephine Biesecker, Betty Kennebeck, Kurt Easton, McHenry; Rose Deckert, James Murphy, Wonder Lake; and Mary Kattner, Spring Grove. Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this week included Druscella Mueller, Helen Sullivan, John Delpino and Stephanie Gale, Wonder Lake HARVARD HOSPITAL George Haack, McHenry, was a patient this week in Harvard hospital. Woodstock to benefit migrant workers in the area. Volunteers are needed to help repair used clothing and set up shop. "Meals on Wheels", a service for shut-ins, started in the McHenry area last September under the chairmanship of Jackie Tobin, is gaining in popularity. It is now being initiated in Woodstock under the direction of Jean Smith. The meals are prepared at the two hospitals and delivered five days per week by volunteers. Drivers are always needed so why not call your chairman and register your name for full- time, part-time, or on an emergency basis. A chairman is still needed in the Crystal Lake area. The Woodstock or McHenry hospital will prepare the meals and drivers will then be needed in that area. Also on the agenda will be a film, "The Fellowship of the Least Coin", and discussion directed by Win Cain. Church Women United board members are representatives of churches in the McHenry- Crystal Lake-Woodstock area. Is your church represented? Attend the meeting and be sure it is. MARTIN HOUSES DOUBLE RUBBER PLANT NOW $g95 BONSAI TREE KIT *398 LARGE TERRARIUMS $000 Stop in and have a tree planted FREE! II you're as concerned as we are.. about America's green resources, let's do some­ thing! Our store is proud to participate with Greenfield and the U.S. Forest Ser­ vice in a program that permits you to have a tree planted in a national forest free. Come in and get your request form today. Nothing to buy . . . no strings attached. So, what's in it for us? A greener America! GRAVE MEMORIALS With or Without Stands AFRICAN VIOLETS $179 JL anc and up POTTED AMARYLUS BACCTO POTTING SOIL 50 lb. >2 99 •sSi: BROOKWOOD GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 Phone 3854949 (Across From Foremost) McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Enrique Talamantes are parents of a daughter March 12. A son was born March 12 to Mr. and Mrs. David Curtis. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK On March 14 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Malsch. The muntjac, a deer found in India, barks when excited! CABARET Jus t abou t eve ry th ing tha t cou ld be done wi th the s to ry o f Sa l lv Bowles in the 1930 ' s has been done in mus ica l s , p l ays and f i lms . So much so , tha t t he l a t e s t , a f i lm , "Cabare t , " changes the na ­ t iona l i ty o f t he ac to r s . L i / a Mine Hi s eems to be the pe r fec t cho ice to por t r ay Sa l ly Bowies a s she now becomes an Amer ican wi th a Br i t i sh boy f r i end , Br i an Rober t s (Mickae l York) . Whi le "Cabare t " canno t be c l a s sed a s a mus ica l f i lm , i t ha s much mus ic in i t w i th songs no t found in fo rmer pe r fo rmances . Mos t o f t he f i lm t akes p lace in the Ki t Ka t Klub where the Mas te r o f Ce re ­ monies i s Joe l Grey . L iza LOUISA'S LETTER Dear Lou i sa , I have been go ing s t eady wi th a boy fo r two yea r s and now he has moved to ano the r town and I don ' t s ee h im a s o f t en a s 1 u sed to . We saw each o the r eve ry day when he l i ved here because we wen t to the same schoo l and games , e t c . Now my p rob lem i s th i s-- I was sa t i s f i ed wi th th i s s i tua t ion when he was he re bu t I n eve r go t t o be wi th o the r boys . Now, a l tho* we s t i l l c o n s i d e r o u r s e l v e s bound to each o the r I have go t t en to know o the r boys a t games and pa r t i e s and I have to admi t t ha t I l i ke the change . I ha t e to b reak up wi th J because we made p romises so I don ' t know wha t t o do . I am a f ra id I w i l l b reak h i s hea r t i f I go back on my word . Wha t mus t I do ' ' G .P . -Tenn . Answer : There a re ce r t a in ly two s ides to th i s p rob lem of go ­ ing s t eadv wi th one pe r son fwhen a g i r l o r boy i s ve ry young . The advan tage , o f cour se , i s in a lways know­ ing tha t one has a da te fo r spec ia l occas ions tha t come up and wi th someone you l ike . The d i sadvan tage fu r a g i r l i s tha t o the r p e o p 1 e cons ide r he r J ' s g i r l and she neve r ge t s to compare h im wi th o the r boys a s these boys wi l l no t a sk he r fo r a da te . Ano the r d i sadvan tage i s tha t ou r t a s t e s change a s we g row o lde r and the boy we though t wonder fu l when we were f i f t een may seem someth ing e l se when we add on a few yea r s . I f I we re you , 1 wou ld have a good t a lk wi th my f r i end . I t may be tha t he i s th ink ing the same way a s you a re . Lou i sa . ca r r i e s ou t t he pa r t we l l i n song , d res s and f ac ia l ex ­ p res s ions . En twined in the s to ry i s a segment where a handsome German ba ron (He lmut Gr iem) suduces bo th Sa l ly and Br ian . There fo re , t he f i lm i s r a t ed "PG--paren ta l gu id ­ ance sugges ted--espec ia l ly fo r t he p re - t een -age r . ' ' I CUP i [TmSCOUPONj PHILLIPS' LIQUOR STORES SOUTHERN COMFORT 100 Proof Liqueur Address your letter to Louisa, P.O. Bo* 532 O r a n g e b u r g , S.C .29115 Fifth MONDAY ONLY MARCH 20th t McHENRY STORE ONLY 4610 W. RTE. 120 12 BOTTLE LIMIT Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer i CUP I THIS COUPON! 1972% PINTO WAGON! r $3 The Ford Pinto Station Wagon shown with the Squire Option (top), end the Pinto with the Sports Accent Group Option (bottom) are two ot several 1972YS offerings from Ford Division. Other new options for Pinto include a sunroof, a vinyl roof for the three- door Runabout and an electrically heated backlite. Pinto, Maverick and Mustang now are available with a Sprint Decor Option~a red, white and blue paint and trim package. USS FORD SALES and SERVICE 3936 Vil. McHenry 385-2000

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