m rn » Mens Lealher,|67 Polaroid r108 76 Driving Glove • Color Film *+ First quality top grain cow hide. Ideal for work or driv ing. Full range of sizes. wQm v/A Easy, snap in packet fit any color Polaroid camera. Ladies Head Scarf Fine quality 27" squares. Lovely nylon chiffon. Choice of color? in soMd5 prints. 56' SALE STARTS NOW thru Tues., Mar. 28th Quantities limited while supplies last. We reserve the ,inh> | Ladies Colorful Panly Brief Sheer Acetate Rayon in choice of beautiful colors. Regular sizes (5-6-7) and extra sizes* (8-9-10). Ladies Canlrece II Panty Hose 67 pr Fine quality, choice of lovely shades. Sizes: Average; Tall; X-Tall. ' Mens Cotton Work Socks Reinforced cushion sole. White. Sizes 10V2 to 12. 3 Pr. JL 7 c 0/ ALL HORNSBY'S STORES OPEN 9 to 9 DAILY & 10 to 6 SUNDAY s (Except Streator . . . 9:30 to 9:00 Daily, 11:30 to 5:30 Sunday) 110 Waverly St. Market Place Cntr. U.S. 6 & III. Rt. 6 May Mart Cntr. Route 136 WestgateWaza Morris, III. McHenry, III. Princeton, III. Rochelle, III. Havana, Ml. Streator, III.