PLUSH RABBITS Choice of Stylet Crouching Sitting The folks at Moresby's Marched all over to bring you something extra special, such as this super plush assortment. V t SUPER CUDDLEY FOAM PLUSH BUHNY Special Easter Value Choice of delightful styles ... colors tool Each has big button eyes, silky lined patterned ears and colorful ribbon bow. INFLATED EASTER BUNNY \\ IIKIM Freshly Packed with Toys and Goodie? EASTER BASKETS r.v.'M 9 & Priced From 57'»$4.87 The Hornsby folks have created something special for you this Easter. Delightful made up Easter ' you this Easter. Delightful made up Eester ikets. The ingredients are many, including pleti- , of imagination and a bountiful supply of Easter treats and novelties. They're certain to be a color ful surprise come Easter morning -- and one sure to keep on giving happiness long after Easter is This Sale Only 73 Plastic Bunny And Wagon WnvV'V0 U" Durable vinyl. Easy to inflata. o* anortad color*. ,c* only Cuto pull toy. Fill wagon »iv* Eastor morning. Make This The HAPPIEST EASTER EVER We accepT your BankAmerica and Master Charge cards. PLASTIC LOVE RABBIT BANK Special • 76' 12" long. Colorful. GIANT PLASTIC E6GM0BILE HERE'S THE PERFECT INGREDIENTS TO MAKE UP NOVEL CREATIONS FOR EASTER GIVING USE YOUR OWN PERSONA. TOUCH - OR SELECT YOURfcAI-READY MADE-UP. Cute "as-all-get-out" Vi Peck BUSHEL BASKET Ideal far making Easter b a s k e t S t r o n g b a l l handle. Brilliant colors. 44 FILL 'N THRILL PLASTIC EGG only 37 12 colorful 2Vz" plastic eggs. Fill 'em with goodies. BO-LO PADDLE BALL only 23 12" x 5Vi" paddle with IV4" rubber return ball. Ideal for making up Easter baskets. lilt lll|l niiium CHICKS'N EGG PETS SAND PAIL ft SHOVEL only 37 Metal 1%" pall with 1ft" shovel Fill with goodies and give on Easter. 1.13 value 96 IDEAL CANDY FILLER Bright colored poly with comic face decal. Exciting pull toy that egg opens to fill with candy. 34 Old Fashioned Water Pump Special 93' 'It really works/' Unbreak able pump, pail and bucket. Trim up your Easter gifts with cuddly chicks & rooster. 1 | . t* V • only 33 4% oz. bag. A must for making up Easter baskets. Flameproof shredded cellophane. RUBY'S EASTER EGG COLORS only 53 Colors 100 eggs. As sorted Easter colors. Complete with wand. "Stand-outs" for Easter Sunday 'e Gir'S ('"3) <3-«> Big Girls (7-,4, EASTER DRESSES Others to 6.54 Sleeve and sleeve less styles in new miracle "easy care" fabrics. Choice of dainty Prints, solids and d e s i g n s . S o m e with frills and lace. Select yours now while assort ment is complete. Bracks Jelly Bird Eggs our reg. 67c 53 Giant 2 lb. bag. Chocolate Marsbmallow Eggs Special 12 chocolate covered marshmallow eggs. GREEN EASTER; GRASS Cute 'N Delicious CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES Your choice as marked O SITTING RABBITS (8%" Chocolate Rabbit) O UNCLE PETERS COUNTRY COUSINS (3Vi oz. chocolate pony, rabbit, duck & lamb) e BUSY BUNNIES (Choc, bunnies with icing decorations) I 1.97 e HANDSOME HOMER (14" chocolate rabbit) e DECORATED EGG (2 02. chccw!stc) e PETER S EGG PATCH (Chocolate squirrels a rabbits)