Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1972, p. 14

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PAGE 14-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1972 HELPING PAWS Delegates £ Alternates to the National Nominating Convention - 16th Congesslonol Dlst. Q 1^ °' symphony orchestra are shown practicing for i^jJTXIjriOTlj Brahms "Requiem" to be presented in the Crystal Lake high school auditorium March 26. Front left, first row, are Dr. Willis Brown, Lisa In Rehearsal Gieske. Ileide Dunham. Harriet Wilkens and Eloise Childress; second row, Van Jollie, Norman MacDonald,Susan Morrow, Cindy White, Mrs. Peg Griffith, director, Karen Sorensen, Gale Jewett and Margaret Bradv. The McHenry County college chorus and symphony or chestra. assisted by the Nor­ thern Illinois Choral association, will perform Johannes Brahms "Requiem". Opus 45. in a concert at the Crystal Lake Community high school auditorium Palm Sunday. March 26. at 8 p.m. According to Mrs Russell T (Peg) Griffith. MCC music director, eighty-five persons will perform in the chorus, and the MCC symphony will play the full score She said, "There is tremendous interest in Brahms "Requiem", which will be sung in English so that everyone in both audience and chorus will understand and will relate better to its inspiring message " Tickets will be available at the door. 4-H News SMILE CLUB The 4-H Smile club of McHenry held their March 8 meeting at Mrs. Rasmussen's home. Due to the absence of President Joan Lingeman, the meeting was conducted by Vice-President Daureen Parenti. Under old business, a discussion was held on our Issue Tickets The following tickets were issued by the McHenry Police department: Michael J. Mogdans, 310 E. Crystal Lake, Crystal Lake, speeding 62 in a 35 m.p.h. zone. Thomas D. Cullotta, 1601 Woodlawn, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. Martin F. Koleno, Sr., 3501 W. Beach, McHenry, speeding 42 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. James F. Irvin, 105 Hilldale, Fox Lake, speeding 42 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. Burdie A. Ketron, 4301 W. Prairie. McHenry, improper starting. Anna L. Bolton, 1318 Beach, Crystal Lake, speeding 45 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. Mvron D. Barnhill, 1232 N. trips. It was decided to visit the bakery and Haegger's Pottery. The following demon­ strations and talks were given by members: Dawn McKim, ceramics demonstration; Darrin Jaburek, safety discussion; Sue Kane, stitchery talk; Charlynda Johnson, health discussion and Linda Miyaki, candle demonstration. The meeting was adjourned, followed by games and refresh­ ments. Cassy Markovic, Scribe LaSalle, Chicago, driving while license is suspended or revoked and driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Richard A Woolwine, 3907 John, McHenry, speeding 40 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. Herman J. Jacobson, Jr., 4212 Ponca, McHenry, driving under the influence of liquor. Terry Harvey, 3613 W. Idyll Dell road, McHenry, speeding 45 in a 25 m.p.h. zone. LANDSCAPING COURSE The public is invited to enroll in the Landscaping course to be offered by the University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service. It will be held at the Farm Bureau auditorium in Woodstock March 14, 21 and April 4 and 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. on each of the five days. Ray Nicholas, University of Illinois Extension specialist, will conduct the course in order that you may learn how to beautify your home with trees, shrubs, and flowers. The course will teach you: 1. How to design your public area 2. Proper design of your private home area 3. Plants and materials you can use for home landscaping 4. Buying, planting, and care of the variety of plants. Enroll now by calling 338-3737 or 338-4747, or be present at the March 7 meeitng. By Julie Ann Boelter 815-653-6922 This adorable male Collie mixed dog is waiting for a home. He is exceptionally friendly, 6-8 months old with a white body, brown spots and head. Won't you please bring h»m into your home? He is temporarily staying at Dr. Kugler's in Woodstock, 338- 0132, or call Helping Paws at 459-2641. Helping Paws is in need of volunteers to work in the office. The job consists of answering the phone and filling out cards. For those who enjoy animals, what better way to help them is there? Please call 459-2641 and donate two hours a week of your time. The runt of a litter more often than not turns out to be the best dog. Here we have a Collie- Cocker, 4 months old female, black and white with tan markings at 385-6538. Anyone wishing a black puppy with medium length hair call 338-4095 and pick from 3 females and 1 male There is a female spayed mostly German Shepherd at 385-2275. She is good with children and housebroken. She also has had her rabies shot so there are a few problems solved. A 3 year old purebred Poodle is waiting your call at 639-4310. She is greyish color, has papers and must be given up because her owners are moving. For those who prefer a dog for guarding purposes or one that will stay among adults, we have a beautiful German Shepherd, housebroken, black and tan, 3 years old, and has all shots, at 381-5775. SCftfE Using the McHenry Service Center GET ATTENTION . . . ! ' ! ! (>\1- 3H5-1)17(1 . . . l l R E L L I R A D I A L T I R E S F O R ALL CARS |Eu ropa Mo to rs Inc 3 3 1 8 W P e a r l 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 0 7 0 0 f-arm Equipment | George P. ! Freund,Inc, I I ( a sc - New I lo l l and I 4 1 (12 U . ( rys ta I I ake I 'd . I M R L ! I \ \ H V j ! Bus. 3850420 !_ Res. 385-0227 | insurance & Real Estate jEARL R.WALSH A JAC K WALSH I L i fe I i re ' Auto Homeowners | Liabi l i ty P la te Glass Bonds Mar ine . Workmen 's Accident and ( ompensat ion Heal th I Off ice 385-3300 11429 \V. Kim St ree t McHenry, I l l inois 60050 ir RADIATORS • Cool ing System Special ists if AIR CONDITIONING • Trai ler Hi tches Fabr icat ion it STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental I ron • Frozen Pipe Thawing am JLu l'LLLLii ADAMS BROS. n. ( !e inci hw'K- Jim Thompson's Elm Street Service t omple le 1 ube W a s h I i r e Kepai r Same j jooct i ;as . same l r iendl . \ management . . . s ince l i i 'v i" . 385-9749 3603 W. KI M - McllKNin ED'S STANDARD (STANDARD SERVICE I \ I ' l l ; I H \ L - I I ' VI I \S I i res . Kat tcnes , Accessor ie Ol M in \ men c an < >i 1 I ' nn l iu ; s PH. 385-0720 3K17 W. KI M STHKKT U K ( ( ) \ 1 ) H I O N I N G SAI i s \ si i:\ K i U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMIM I I I \ I I OMOI I \ I \ I KM ( K HI IWliMMi AI v < A ( . \S W KLI>i \ ( . Guettler Service, Inc. SIS \ . I ront S t ree t 385 9831 S.& *•>! • > H* 14 W •uft mi • Garages • Enclosed porches • Gutters repaired • Roof repaired or replaced ANDERSON'S Resident ia l and Commercia l Maintenance-Sandy Anderson Ph. 385-1573 17 ,yrs . Local pot want arts Qua TO WORK FOR YOU FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 111 IS 16 17 18 19 to ?1 23 2U TOTAL DELSGATFS (R) (elect two) 4t 34 211 25 un JOHN B. AMDERSOH (KDCON) So /Of 3! 22 *2 C3 U If L3 Ct 41 cc n si IZ4- 111 io 35 62 to 4t 34 211 25 un JVT,r H. RH HARD SOU (NIXON) S/ 165 5! !\ 41 51 u 11 U (A J1 C3 IS 55 IZI III SI 34 63 SC SI 32 209 21 IS*. DUSOATES (D) (elect si*) 34 zi C31 A'lTI LAURENCF (unCOWTTTED) n 40 11 23 21 2i 24 ti­ ZI Zi zi 42 34 31 30 So 4S 4o /0 H 5 IS 34 zi C31 R09-"RT McOAW (UNCOMMITTED) 13 Si 22 12 ZZ zi 11 ll 22 24 11 3C 3S, ZC zt si 54 42. f !2. 7 \1 30 24- 594 AI.VIN H. BIMM (UWCOMMITTEE) l3 iS 24- IC Z3 11 14 IS ZI 14 3Z 21 23 ZC 35 35 32 1 II 4 II 32 ZC So4 WILLIAM J. BOWER (MUSKIE) 32 IOC no zs Zi 3» 33 39 21 35 3> 123 no d 4t 79 121 I2f II 31 15 3/ Cl "41 I35& TiMERT E, TAYtOR (McOOVEFN) 16 34 12 11 )4 zi 11 11 1 21 13 zi 31 H 21 31 30 31 C 21 S u 30 24 411 ERINCTS C. BAR'it,? (McCOVERN) IC 2.1 H /? I3 20 It It ID If 13 20 22 IZ ,1 34 31 23 1 20 5 12 2! 20 441 ROGER B. HFLMF.R (McGOVERN) u 21 9 li il 21 It n 9 20 IC 23 ZC 1 If 21 31 ZZ 7 Zo 1 t 32 21 430 PAMELA M. OODFRKT (McGOVERN) 12 14 II 13 li 15 IC it II IS 14 23 2/ 9 13 25 21 25 C 20 5 10 22 It jfi ROBERT HLIVILTE (McGOVERN) 9 20 13 9 II li IS IS S IC II 23 24 12 11 23 23 IC C 20 5 9 20 IS 351 DOUGLAS R. AURAND (MUFKIE) Hi 30 zo li 24 11 zt 11 zi 11 4 C V- 35 zt U 10 SI s zo / it 41 30 1H JANE MA'JDRGOC (MUSKIE) //, 50 2J 21 14 22 IC 24 20 Zt 23 5l 50 34 24 cs CC CI 9 19 7 IC 40 21 133 FV'BFRT r.. BRINKKEIER (MUSKIZ) 7 U II 5 S II 5 13 1 IZ II 20 Si II 1 3/ 2J 41 3 12 7 L IS / 355 RICHARD W. DURKES (MUSKIE) 7 n C> 4- 1 i U IC 1 13 10 n C2 14 II it 2C 43 I 9 5 1 IS 7 33C JrAF.RN PFTTA (MUSKIE) 7 /f L Z 1 5 4 14 t 4 9 zi 41 H 10 14 ZI 3S Z 9 / 5 ! f 212 ./ATTFR F. GIT.L 10AN ("KCOFF'ITTED) 4 / / 5 5 7 7 4 3 ! 3 C n 21 S i 10 19 IC J 3 Z 2 10 7 1 It AMI.FY T. ROS7KCWSKI (MUSKIE) 9 /0 L C, 4 7 4 10 z 13 1 is 41 10 4 2C 23 20 I 9 3 3 12 6 250 "Tl.TH! I/IWiSTROt' (UWOWMTTTFD) 0 1 4 ! 7 C 4 2 s 4 u /o iC ! 9 )3 21. 12 2 5 2 5 IC C 113 R.'.roWTi "ORGAN (UNCOMMITTED) 2 7 Z 6 4 3 3 Z 4 Z s ! 10 2 ! 1 14 10 I 4 2 2 5 z f i b o»vrr> M. KOCH (UNCOMMITTED) 1 j J C L * Z 2 I 2 4 f 7 Z 7 5 10 3 L C 3 4 1 9fc i->A,ric X. "AHO'JEY (KENNEDY) f li 9 I I 13 5 4 4 3 I 10 22 C J 9 II 4 I 1 3 L 4 tc ll> f ALAN G. HARDFRSFN (UNCOMMITTED) Z L 5 5 L 3 3 1 0 4- 3 C ! Z 1 6 10 9 3 C I I 3 Z IOC AI.T-RNATTT (R) (elect two 201 ZC 151C MARY B. BUSHNFLI. (NTXON) AL 95 3C 11 So 59 si 73 SI 31 Lz 11 57 IIS H5 si 3C Co 52 4i 33 201 ZC 151C R'L.AMD A. HERRMANN (NIXON) 4f 101 tt AS L5 d U u C1 43 cs ,1 CC IZI Hi sz 36 63 CC 50 3C 2/0 *9 IC43 ALTERNATE.', (D) (elect three) 9/9 1PW V ?,. BELT. (MUSKIE.) Z4- CO 24- n ZO 21 21 4o 21 34- Zi 55 12 44 Si SI ts l/l 9 24 14 11 5/ 33 9/9 W. LW7S "EYLOR (KENNEDY) 15 2J 13 20 IC 21 IS 15 14- 20 11 3i 45 IC 24- 24 39 23 S IC C / 25 20 4/4 MT1VIN C. BOSSAN (UNCOMMITTED) /o 41 IZ 2L 22 32 19 IL IC 24 11 33 21 20 31 32 42 31 1 2o J 10 It 23 £53 ANCELO N. C.A7IANO (UNCOMMITTED) ! 31 13 21 n 3i '9 IS IC 23 IC Zi 24 11 ZI 21 3C 30 1 U c 10 i! 14 4t3 THOMAS J. HATiAHAN (MUSKIE) J-5 15 13 2L 33 21 41 2U 34 43 114 121 53 Ss 103 131 112. 10 34 li ZC S 5 41 1344 UVWTS LF! BERGMAN (MUSKIE) u 4f 11 ZO 23 £5" 24- 33 IS 33 2i 44 V 35 2f Si 13 I l l II ZC II IC SI 29 714 The big and small we have them all. A little Chihuahua black and brown, 4 years old, housebroken, good with older children, all shots, is at 459- 7438. At 459-3217 we have a black and white female Collie. She is a little over one year, good with children and an excellent outside dog. Three Retriever mix puppies complete with puppy shots, paper trained and all black are at 459-7359, 2 female and 1 male. There is a Cockapoo 5 years old, male, brown, housebroken at 426-4912. He is used to older children. A Collie-Husky mix at 658- 4376, housebroken, black and tan 5-6 months old, excellent inside dog. One adorable Spaniel pup is left at 459-3521. Male, black and 9 weeks old. In Marengo are two dogs, one a Cocker Spaniel mix the other male a German Shepherd 5-6 months old, gentle and good with kids. At my home is a cute Beagle mixed male, small, 3-5 months old, extremely friendly, gets along well with other animals and children, named Brandy Alexander, 653-6922. Mostly Shepherd a little Collie this 8 week old dark brown female is at 568-7157. LOST DOGS AND CATS Golden-Lab-Beagle male, 9 months old, yellow, 40 lbs., short hair, had on a collar with name tag, 385-7618. White Poodle male, 13 year3 old, small standard, wearing red collar, 312-587-5021. Shepherd-Husky: gold in color 1 year male very friendly, large, wearing a collar with Wisconsin tags, from 639-4218. Alaskan Malamute years old, female, silver, about 65 Get more Flavor and more Fun out of Outdoor Cooking- with the convenience of GAS! Get a lUarm Morning gas or! Cook every kind of meat or food to perfection over the flame-kissed "Flower-Rock Coals" (they last forever) o f W a r m M o r n i n g ' s BROILMASTER Gas Grill. The new portable model BROILMASTER shown can be rolled from place to place. Permanent-post and Patio models also available. Portable Model Shown--ONLY HAVE FUN GAS GRILLS Division of Tom Huemann Water Conditioners 3601 Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg - McHenry 385-3093 lbs., brown leather collar, "Misty" from 459-1062. German Shepherd male 10-11 months old, tan with black on neck and back and little white on chest, choke collar, no tags, name "Flash", Reward, from 428-9087. Australian Shepherd female, adult, silver blue and tan, no tail, "Lady", very friendly, no collar or tags from 338-1230, Reward. Black Labrador answers to "Bo", very friendly, will go up to anyone, large young adult white spot on chest 653-6922. CATS Dark grey with touch of orange, female, 6 months, small, lost 2-29 from 459-2784. Grey striped cat with blue Siamese eyes, 1 year male, neutered, from 459-2641. Black and white male 1 year old, very large and gentle and friendly, from 459-4251 after 6 p.m. All black male 9 months old wearing yellow collar with bells on it, from 459-9207. FOUND CATS AND DOGS Tabby striped with white breast and legs, very friendly, large, mature at 438-7738. Grey and white 4-5 months old short hair at 459-1057. Shepherd Husky mix at 312- 639-3639, large thick hair 1 year or under male. AVAILABLE CATS Sealpoint Siamese female: 1- y2 years old, beautiful cat at 459-0511. Muted tortoise shell female 4 months old at 459-9426. Grey tiger with white legs, 8 months, housebroken , female, at 459-3521. Two Sealpoint Siamese at 648-4005, 3 years old, neutered male, 4 years old female, declawed, must be placed together. Black and white semi-long haired kitten at 385-1458 female, distemper shots, wormed, very good with children. At 459-6325 are 1 black and white with ocelot markings female, also black and white female, very loving. CLIP . I UmscoupoNj PHTUPS' LIQUOR STORES j WINDSOR Imported CANADIAN Whisky 29 UK FIFTH SUNDAY ONLY MARCH 26th McHENRY STORE ONLY 4610 W. RTE. 120 TORNADO TIPS Tornadoes hit Illinois every spring leaving death and damage behind. Too many Illinois residents don't know what to do when their homes, schools, and places of work are threatened by the twisters. Illinois ranks eighth in the U.S. as the state most frequently hit by tornadoes. But our state ranks number one in deaths caused by tornadoes and second in the amount of damage. Tornadoes usually hit in March, April and May. A "tornado watch" means weather conditions are right for a tornado to develop in a specified area, usually along a line from 200 to 300 miles long. A "tornado warning" means that a funnel has been sighted in the area or detected on radar. If you hear a tornado warning or sight a funnel, head for cover immediately. If you're in open country, move away from the tornado's path, at a right angle. In cities or towns, seek inside shelter - away from windows. When possible, go to an in­ terior hallway on the lowest floor. Avoid auditoriums and If you do not find the type of dog that you are looking for please call our office. There are many other dogs and cats there but due to limited space we cannot list them all. We also have a waiting list which you can record your name on. This allows you first crack at the dog or cat of your choice. Call today 459-2641. Please remember the hours: 10-12: 1-3 p.m. only! Lost and found on weekends, call 459-8163, Mary Sigo. 12 BOTTLE LIMIT Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer Irer uubiui j CUP" J R; jjms_C0UP0N-i_ gymnasiums wilh large, poorly supported roofs. Tornadoes usually move in a northeasterly direction. .The southwest corner of your basement, toward the tornado, offers the greatest protection in your home. If you have no basement - take cover under heavy furniture in the center part of the home. Open windows on the north and east sides of your house to help equalize pressure inside the house with atmospheric pressure outside and reduce possible damage to your home. And keep a battery-operated radio tuned to a local station for the latest tornado advisory information. \ HOG FEED COSTS Have you kept track of your feed costs for swine in recent weeks? Maybe you've just shut your eyes and hoped the prices will stay high. But in the meantime, if you don't have feed records, here's a standard to go by. Assuming average litter size of about 7%pigs,1 a good feed standard, per pig marketed, is IOV2 bushels corn, 150 pounds fortified protein supplement and 30 pounds of creep feed. Apply your local costs to these figures to arrive at your feed cost for 200 pound market hogs. Feed costs will represent 60 to 65 percent of total cost if you have mostly confinement buildings. It may be 70 to 75 percent of total production cost where building investment is more modest. About a ton of ore must be processed to obtain enough gold for a wedding ring, in a good vein. ALL IN THE FAMILY - Installing officers of the 11th district Junior American Legion convention at Elgin were, from left, Bernadine Reid, installing sergeant-at-arms; Eleanoit Reid, installing officer; Noelle Reid, newly installed 11th district Junior president; and Charlene Reid, installing chaplain. Bernadine and Noelle, as well as Cindy Reid, who was unable to attend, are all McHenry unit Junior past presidents. Mrs. Reid is a past president of the Senior unit of the McHenry auxiliary. Charlene is a past Junior officer. I I i I * I I I PI OUR NEW 0N-THE-AIR PHONE NUMBER.... 1220

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