PAGE4-PIAINDEAIER-FRIDAY, MARCH24, 1972 Lakeland Park DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Cub Scouts Win Blue Ribbon For Sea Display Cub Scout Pack S51 proudly brought home a blue ribbon for its display at Scout-O-Rama Saturday. March 18. Cub- master. Dave Nylander. ac cepted the ribbon on behalf of the Pack The theme for the prize winning booth was "The Bottom of the Sea". The viewers were given a fish eye view of the ocean bottom complete with scuba diver, a variety of plant and animal life, rocks, fish, a cave and even an octopus The booth was set up by Bill Weber. Jerry Sharp. Dave Nylander. Frank and Cass Rhtxie. Al and Marlene Smith and Vy West Each den made a project for the display At Scout-O Rama the booth was manned by scouts and leaders who made cutout bookmarks in the shapes of fish. Also on display were a large number of articles which were made from materials gathered from the sea Each den took its turn working in the booth Those who helped at Scout-O-Rama are Mrs Joann V-Andrew. Mrs Joan Bauer. D» . .d Bauer. Michael Eisely, James McAndrew, Jeff Schaefer. Ryan Bradley. Mrs Marlene Smith. Mrs Vy West. Mark and Victor Betencourt, Paul Knapik. Donald Smith. Dennis Straumann, Richard West. John Ganske, Mrs Mary Schaan, Thomas Creutz. Joseph Johnson. Kenneth George. Chris Nylander. Myron Schaan. Jamie Koch, Mrs Ruth Roads, Keith Belzer, Mike Marino, Jeff Nylander. Ray Roach. Mike Leon. Greg Ernst, Mrs Karen Geis. Mrs Maria Tonyan, Joseph Doherty. John Gies, Thomas Sharp. Robert Tonyan. Thomas Weber, Mrs Pat Miller. Mrs Marge Boro. John Boro, Dan THANK YOU Republican voters of Precinct No. 15 for your support in the Election March 21st. ALBERT A. ADAMS Republican Committee Precint No. 15 and Larry Coughlin, Mike Miller, Tony McAndrew, Mrs. Cass Rhode. John Arm on. Scott Rehberg. Jeff Rhode, Bill Slater, Larry and Walter Turner. Mr. Bill Weber. Paul Carlson, Dennis Adams. Ken Bottari. Paul Carlson, Dave Schaan. Ted Weber. Mark Lawrence and Tim Sabatka Pack 351 was well represented at Scout-O-Rama At the end of the day the job of cleaning up was done by Dave Nylander, Frank and Cass Rhode. Bill Weber. Mike Sabatka. Jerry Sharp and Al Smith It was a long day for the faithful workers but they came home wean, and happy too Pack 351 will have its next pack meeting Thursday. March 30. at St Patrick s church hall The time for this meeting is 7 p.m. sharp All boys are to check in with Mr Creutz prior to the meeting GIRL SCOUTS NEED MOTHERS HELP The Scouts of Troop 320 started their meeting March 8 by welcoming to the troop, eight new girls Mary Land- burg. Terry Landburg. Wendy Muller. Annette Ernest, and Theresa Dolenski. Tammy Krug. Debbie Gibson, and Theresa Branham will be joining in the activities of the troop The scouts divided into groups again The groups are sewing, cooking and health The cooking group worked on their note book, the health group worked on skits, and the sewing group worked on the types of stitches At the March 15 troop meeting the girls again divided into groups to work on their projects The big news for Troop 320 is that they are planning a day camp The help of three mothers is urgently needed to make it possible for the girls to go to camp It would really be a shame for these girls to be disappointed For more in formation about the day camp please call Mrs. Pat Schooley at 385-0533. ASSOCIATION GENERAL MEETING As many of you know, the Lakeland Park Property Owners association general meeting will take place Sun day. April 9. at 2 P-Pl at the Lakeland Park ptfmmunity house. 1717 North Sunset Drive. A list of nominees to the board of directors has been prepared by the nominating committee In accordance with the LPPOA By-Laws the names are listed in alphabetical order. The nominees are Louis Arroyo, Mrs. Victoria Bottari, Edward Druml, Lester Eckhart, Mrs. Patricia Lasko, Rudy Lense, Mrs. Cecilia Oak- ford. Mrs. Lyda Radisch and Mr Kenneth Volz. If you are going to be out of town on April 9 and unable to attend the annual general meeting, you can secure an absentee ballot from Clerk, Mrs. Helen Strandquist, 5119 W. Shore Drive. (385-1921) Ab sentee ballots will be available from April 1 to April 8. Please call Mrs. Strandquist to make sure she is home before making a trip over there. However, on Saturday, April 8, you can pick up a ballot between the hours of 10 a m. and 8 p.m. Mrs. Strandquist will be home during that time for that purpose Absentee ballots must be returned in a sealed en velope to Mrs. Strandquist no later than 8 p.m. on April 8. CANDLE OCCASIONS Michael Linnane and Renee Nickels start out the birthday week by celebrating on March 24 Steve George and John Mueller will add another candle on March 25. On March 27, John Licastro and Edgar Oswald will have cause for a celebration. March 28 is that sepcial day for Christine Tiffany, Greg Bartos, Mary Theresa Sweeney, Frank Sweeney and Al De Miller. Florence Piasecki and Stephen Joseph Hutt have a circle around March 29. Stephen will be five years old. Mrs Dorothy Belshaw and Denise Catherine Druml have a Complete LUMBER & CAULKING WW fev NOW! # # is the time to tcork & remodel inside WS •Millicork • Pre-hung Door •Kitchen Cabinets •Plywood DOTATION •Floor Tile •Wallboard •Plaster Board •Doors •Cement •Structural Lumber CEILING TILE PAINTERS Wide Selection All Top Brand Names 10% A Square Foot And Up Full 4x8' Sheets PACESETTER LAUAN PANELING 4 Decorator (Mors $2«9 Per Sheet -iti'l ** k!|!s || fit? If ROOFERS Full 4'x8' Sheet BOISE CASCADE VINTAGE SERIES Good Selection To Choose From 9 Decorator Colors & Grain $4 19 TO $498 iiliiii f|l| Jj{4j;J| | ff|f; ll ̂ I w nil: 1^" 'Iiliiii^ J jfffr: |h ill M i jf ||H - • | ; CEILING TILE Per Sheet Hi m f| 5? •St.* -V. lexander Lumber 909 North Front 385-1424 red letter day on March 30. Denise will be celebrating her third birthday. SPRING LUNCHEON AND CARD PARTY We are all waiting anxiously few the approaching spring luncheon and card party which is sponsored by the Lakeland Park Women's club. The luncheon will be held Wed nesday, April 12. Serving will begin at 11:30 a.m. at St. Patrick's parish hall, 3500 W. Washington Street, McHenry. The women of the Lakeland Park Women's Club are hard at work gathering prizes and planning food for this very enjoyable occasion. There will be good food, prizes and cards. Tickets are available from dub members, as well as from Mrs. Beverly Walinski, ways and means chairman (385-6526) and Mrs. Lyda Radisch, ticket chairman (385-2754). Tickets will also be sold at the door on the day of the luncheon COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE Here are the bookings for our community house as of now. All bookings and cancellations are to be made by calling Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Monday - March 27 - 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. - Booked. Tuesday, March 28 - Boy Scouts 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday - March 29 - Girl Scouts - 3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and booked - 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday - March 30 - 9 a m to 12 noon - booked Easter Seal Chapter Employs Physical Therapist Mrs. Richard Dunbrook of McHenry has been employed by the Easter Seal board of directors as a part time physical therapist at the Easter Seal Therapy center, a county- wide operation located at 708 Washington street, Woodstock. Mrs. Dunbrook received her physical therapy training at the Watson school that is affiliated with the University of Pitt sburgh. She has worked at Mercy hospital at Hamilton, Ohio; Children's hospital at Akron, Ohio, and Memorial hospital at Kansas City, Mo. She took over her new duties this week. Mrs. Dunbrook takes the place of Elaine Batz, who has accepted a full time physical therapy position at Memorial Hospital for McHenry county in Woodstock. Ringwood News Guy Winters Wins Junior Bowling Tourney It was a mighty happy household for Bud and Marion Winters when their son, Guy, won the McHenry county junior bowling tournament at Cary in the senior division. His total score for three games was 683 with a handicap of 90. Our congratulations to you, Guy BAPTISM Little Irene Kay Olsen, daughter of Charles and Millie Olsen of Richmond, was baptized by Rev. Walker during church services last Sunday. M.Y.F. The Youth Fellowships of the parish are making plans for Easter Sunrise Services to be held at Mt. Hope United Methodist church at 6 a.m. Easter morning. The Men's Club will be serving an Easter Breakfast from 7-10 a.m. following the services. No charge will be made for the breakfast but there will be a free will offering. RLMMAGE SALE Remember folks that today, Friday, March 24, 9 to 6 fs the first day of our rurefhage sale. Ehe* come find all those little treasures that you love to look for at rummage sales. There will be coffee and too. Also Saturday March 25 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, lots of bargains: See you there. WHERE?? At the Ringwood church rummage sale of course. BUSY THREE 4-HCLUB The March meeting of the Busy Three 4-H Club was held this past Monday night at the Ringwood Methodist church with the following members giving talks: Doreen Gillespie, "What to Feed a Pony and Why"; Dorthea Gallie, "Drugs"; Charles Tonyan, "Full Cycle Engines"; Patty Christopher, "Low Humidity Robs Your Health and Purse." The members are to keep the following dates in mind: April 1 and 2 - all papers collected for recycling are to be tied in bundles and delivered to George Madden where a truck will be loaded; April 8 - County Judging to be held at DuPage County Fairgrounds; Friday, April 7,1 p.m. a horse clinic for Busy Three Club members only will be held at the home of Nancy Gillespie, 4819 Barnard Mill road, Ringwood. Club members were reminded that the County 4-H baseball competition will soon be starting. Carl Blum and Annette Mattosius served refresh ments. CAN YOU BELIEVE??? Summer is coming! Well it must be 'cause Dick and Jackie Crosby were seen out in the yard barbecuing and boy it smelled good, sort of wanted to get into the act too. Sooooo folks we've all got summer to look forward to. LEGAND LAKE WANDERERS Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington, Tom and Lee, and the Alvin Benoys and girls of McHenry all spent last weekend at Legand Lake. Wis. This is just north of Keshena, Wis. A wonderful weekend was had by all. VISITORS Jim McFarland and wife, Millie, formerly of Ringwood, stopped in and visited with the Walkington family. Jim lived on the Jepson farm with his parents when they lived in Ringwood several years ago. Jim was inquiring about old friends and neighbors he knew at that time and still remem bers. Jim and Millie are both teachers and living in the Palatine area. Millie teaches in the Palatine school district and Jim is working with the physically handicapped children. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kemp- fer, Jr., of DeKalb, recently visited his father, Frank, Sr., in the Shepard home. Mrs. Alice Frazer of Grin- nell, Iowa, and Mrs. Helen Page of McHenry visited with Mrs. Ruby Shepard last Friday. CANASTA CLUB The canasta Club met at the home of Bill and Shirley Cristy last Saturday night with high scores going to Bob and Jean Decker. ABOUT TOWN Thomas Walkington is home for a week or so for quarter break from his studies at college. Debbie Betts was also home for a couple of days for her quarter break a couple of weeks ago. Debbie goes to St. Augustana college in Rock Island. RIC MARCH 23RD THRU RPRIL 1ST THREAD.. 13 POLYESTER DK'S 60" Wide, Solids & Prints. Reg. $5.99 Yd. SALE$398 Yd. 100% POLYESTER WOVENS 45" Wide, Stripes & Checks Reg. $4.9S Yd. SALE$249 Yd. 100% POLYESTER KNITS 58" to 60" Wide, Spring Pastels Reg. $4.49 Yd. SAIi$249 Yd. SKINNER'S ttOADCLOTN 45" Wide, Reg $1** Yd. WMA _ A NCSS SAIE98c Yd. SKINNflt'S S0/S0 POLYESTER PIRMA PRESS 45" Wide, Reg. $1.98 Yd. SALi98c Yd. GINGHAM CHECKS (Small & Large) 45" wide, hottest thing tor spring. $1, 9 Y d . POLYESTER I COTTON KNITS 62" Wide, prints galore, spring designs. Reg. $3.98 Yd. SALI*298 Yd. ORION SAYaLI 4oz., complete color range. SALE88c WMe the Supply testa! Limit • Your McHENRY SINGER & VIKING DEALER Located at the lower level of the Fabric Patch. SINGER TOUCH & SEW $758 - *50" OFh SINGER STYLIST $416 - ^O00 OFF VIKING The only sewing machine in the world For Folcting Table CAOA that VVvv •••••••••••••« TRADE-INS ACCEPTED* £AOn that NEVER NEEDS OILING. *34*° V/tilif FRFF vUOU ••••••••••#••• ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• M* AVAL ART F ^ V1Ki"* <"30. Sewing Machine Repairs Scissor Sharpening Sign up now for Sewing Classes. HOURS: Mon.-Sat 9:00 to 5: Fri. 'til 9 SEWING CENTERS 3611 ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 385-8750 Candy Fossum is also home for a few days but she is looklhg for a place to stay. She will be doing her student teaching in the Arlington Heights school area. Good luck, Candy. Flora Carr has returned home from the sunny state of Florida. Flora went to visit relatives and just to relax. Welcome home, Flora. Graveside services were held for Emma Anderson at 3 p.m. at the Ringwood cemetery. She was a former resident of Ringwood. All gathered at the Ringwood church after the services for refreshments and visiting. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY AND HOUSEWARMING Sue Erwin and children were surprised last Sunday by family and friends. They called it a housewarming but it also honored Sue's birthday which was March 20 and also Bobby Low'8 birthday of March 8. Those attending to help make the pot-luck dinner a success were Walt and Alice Mae Wilcox of Woodstock, Bob and Sue Low and Bobby of McHenry and Lil and Frank Visconti of Ringwood and of course Sue's Mom and Dad and Ray and Tom. Also Patti and Dave Miller and boys, Lee and Scott. A beautifully decorated birthday cake and ice cream topped the afternoon off with a couple of games of Triominos. Who won Lil, you or Tom???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY March 26 finds Robbin Fossum celebrating her bir thday and on March 28 Resae Acker man and Mar ion Harrison, Margrette Sch- mitt, Ruth Ann Hogan and Darcy Hogan all share their natal day. On March 30 Diane Christopher has her day. March 31 findAudry (Andreas) Smith and Nancy Parsley share their birthday. On the first of April (All Fools Day) Mrs. Marg Samuelson and Krystal Harrison share the same. Happy birthday to all of you. CAUSES OF BLINDNESS The two leading causes of blindness in Illinois are cataract and glaucoma, ac cording to the Illinois Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Cataracts cause approximately 15 percent of the blindness in Illinois. Glaucoma accounts for about 13 percent. Cataracts can usually be corrected by surgery and glaucoma can almost always be arrested with proper medication. The society states ^that this is why it's so im portant for you to see your eye doctor once a year. SOME TH/NGS L-EARNEP &y EXPERIENCE ARENY WORTH KNOWING-. 1 I I rT""up"-T [JHISCOUPONJ i PHFLUPS' | iLIQUOR STORES! SOLD CROW: oidcrov Straight Bourbon FULL QUART 79 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • ! CLIP I I THIS COUPON ! ^ MONDAY ONLY MARCH 27th McHENRY STORE ONLY 4610 W. RTE. 120 12 BOTTLE LIMIT Limit 1 Coupon Per Customer » m--m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I P| I