PAGE 8-PLAINDFALER-WEnNFSDAY. MARCH 29. 1972 NO LIMIT - BUY ALL YOU WANTI PARK & TILFORD Imported SCOTCH ** WHISKY Nationally Advertised & S P O T L I T E SPECIAL OLD FORESTER FULL QUARTS 99 P\MKiT , KfcAIVH 86 Proof GALLO COLD DUCK GRANT'S 8 Year Old IMPORTED SCOTCH 29 STRAIGHT BOURBONl AND J CHAMPAGNES large bottle EQUAL TO 3.60 A 5TH FLEISCHMANNS PREFERRED Blended Whiskey HALF GALLON SOUTHERN COMFORT 100 Proof Liqueur S P O T L I T E S P E C I A L MOGEN DAVID KOSHER WINES Concord, Cherry Rose, Blackberry DUJARDIN Imported GERMAN BRANDY PEBBLE-FORD 86 Proof Straight Bourbon MEISTER BRAU COCA-COLA McHenry Store Only REGULAR, DRAFT or BOCK Service News 3 •V THE OLD TIMBM A SERVICE OF LOVE - Mrs. Beverly MkMlebroom of Woodstock, speech correcttonist and audiologist at the county wide Easter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock, is shown helping Chris Bracas, 4 years old, who has an articulation difficulty. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bracas of Crystal Lake. Mrs. Beverly D. Mid- dlebroom of Woodstock, speech cofrectionist and audiologist at the Easter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock, has a B.A. in speech and a certificate in audiology from the University of Iowa. Speech therapy is one of the programs offered by the McHenry County Easter Seal society, to help children with speech defects. A speech problem is early detected by a parent or a school teacher and special training to overcome this problem should follow. This training is available at the Easter Seal Therapy center in Woodstock and help may be secured by contacting the center for an appointment with the speech therapist. Other important programs offered by Easter Seal include the summer swimming supervised by experts, as well as the certified summer camp and swim program in Lake county, where each year the McHenry county Easter Seal finances youngsters who can attend. This year two will go to receive this benefit, Kevin Neeley, 8, of Cary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neeley, who has a spastic quadreplegia condition, and Marianne Bean, 15, of Woodstock, who has been treated at the Easter Seal Therapy center as a result of polio. She is the daughter of Jack Beam. PVT. JACK RITTER Pvt. Jack Ritter, son of Mrs. Anna Ritter, 1205 N. Clover lane, McHenry, and the jlate Alfred Ritter, graduated Prom jump school at Fort Bending, Ga. He is now stationed at f'ort Bragg, N.C., for further training. Pvt. Ritter, who entered service in November of 1971, is a member of the 82nd airborne. From Nonabelle Wllloughby, Radcliff, Ky.: What ever happen ed to the long winter nights, *hen supper wasn't eaten until father was in from feeding and milking at the barn? After the kitchen was put in order, every one retired to the front room around a cozy fire in the "red hot" heating stove. Neighbors would come in to stay "till bed time." Then we would hear some chilling "haunted stories from the past." After those stories, we children were afraid to even get a drink of water by ourselves. When we were in bed, every small sound or shadow was a ghostly being from the unknown. I remember on some cold nights father would bring from the corn crib a "real good trent" - ears of Hickory King corn. They were shelled into a large iron skillet with a little "grease" and salt When the skillet was put on the stove, each kernell would swell and turn a golden brown. It was a real treat for good sound teeth. Father said it warded off stomach trouble. (Send contribution! to thil column to Tito Old Timor, Box 439, Frankfort, Xy. 40601.) TURN ONS Jean Story Jean sales in the United States account for one-fourth to three- quarters of all pants sales, de pending on the type of store in volved Paderewski, the world- famous musician, was also the first premier of the Republic of Poland! WHY PiP THE / NAME you &ILL ? aecAuse x CAME ON THE FIRST OF "THE MONTH. *• < < 12 PAK 1 89 CANS SCHLITZ 816 - oz. HQUART BOTTLES None Sold To Minors VAN MERRITT fese of 12 No-Deposit Bottles 12 PAK CANS 2 09 -4s*--A\ S P O T L i n \ S P E C I A L GUILD 80 Proof California BRANDY FULL QUART GUSH ( CARRY SPECIALS THRU MDRESMV APRIL 5th Advertised Beer & Beverages not iced. • Plus deposit 4 GREAT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER ranMMWcagi ika-edisou pmk-uncoln n rims* r7 *810 w; ROUTE 120 ttmnr west of rte. 31 Some unrehearsed, unbiased, unusual, unruffled and unexpected comments about Touch^one" phones. From Hank, Joshua, Jennifer, Khrishna and Jean-Pierre. We u.LiJ Ar' Linkletter to talk to some youngsters about pushbutton phones. Here's what they had to say. Art: What kind of phone do you have at your house? Jennifer: One with a dial. Joshua: We have Touch-Tone phones. Hank: We don't have any diala- phones. We only have pushbuttons, be cause my mother would get mixed up. She'd get her finger in the wrong hole, and get the wrong number, and she doesn't like that. Art: Joshua, what does your mother like best about Touch-Tone phones? Joshua: Now she can call anybody without messing up her manicure. Art: What do the Touch-Tone sounds remind you of? Jean Pierre: Beep, boop -- like a com puter. Joshua: Violins in the orchestra. Jennifer: Beeping -- like traffic. Khrishna: Beep, boop, beep, bffpptz. Art: What color would you like best? Khrishna: Pink. Jean-Pierre: Blue--it's for boys. Joshua: Green --it's my favorite color. Hank: I'll take a yellow. Just plain yellow. Art: We have eleven colors, you know. Hank: Eleven colors! Woo, that's nice. Art: How much do you think Touch- Tone service costs a month for all the phones in your hom^. Khrishna: $40. Jennifer: $100. Hank: Around $50 a month. Art: What if I told you that it was only $1.50 a month extra? Hank: I would die. I'd give out. Don't give out--it's true. You can have the speed and convenience of Touch-Tone service for only pennies a day. Just call your Illinois Bell Service Representative. Illinois Bell Kids say the darndest things...aboutTouch3one phones. Available in most communities. An extra monthly charge applies to Trirnline® phones. Ask your Service Representative ahovt other monthly or one-time charges that might apply. i