Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1972, p. 4

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PAGE4-PIAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1?72 I Wonder Lake Miry Jean Huff 653 9167 list Names Of Candidates For Band Association The nominating committee of the HlffTison School Band Parents Association will present the following names before the membership at the April meeting as a slate for new officers for the coming year President: George Christof- ferson. Vice-President Diane Hodgers. Secretary: Judy Anderson, Treasurer: Minnie I>arr. Candidates may also be nominated from the floor All members arc encouraged to be present and vote A reminder to any music lovers in Wonder lAke that membership in the Association is not limited to persons with children in the hand There are only four business meetings each year Also, remember to set aside those useful items for the auction on Sunday. April 30 The auction will be held on the school grounds with Mike Wieser, auctioneer Refresh ments will be available and the band will entertain NEW SON Christopher Michael Faucher is the name chosen by Mr and Mrs Raymond Faucher. 8612 Ramble Road. Wonder Lake, for their new son Christopher was born on March 7 in Memorial HospnaT^WQodstock. and weighed 7 lbs!7^15 ozs. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Luther Watson. McHenry, and paternal grandmother is Mrs. Eleanor Faucher. Richmond. Me SPRING WNNER DANCE On Saturday, April 8. the Highland Shores Property Owner's Association will sponsor a spring dinner dance at the Timbers Restaurant, Route 47 and By-pass 14 in Woodstock. The evening will begin with cocktails at 7:30 p.m. and dancing at 9 p.m. For tickets or more information, please call Mrs. Lon Storey, 653-9685 or Mrs Bernard Heimos 653-9514 SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE The newly formed Social Action Committee of Christ the King church states that its * owerw blooming with Easter Florai Specials Easter Bouquets Arrangement of Spring Flowers Especially Designed for Easter AT A VERY SPECIAL LOW PRICE . something very special at 2 - G I F T S - I N 1 1 cwervvcc< (1) A Flowerwood Easter Corsage (2 orchids) (2)1 lb. box of Fannie May Candy (assorted chocolates) theFTD $ 6,s A delightful Easter Basket for big girls Available only from your FTD Florist. The perfect Easter gift . colorful, fresh spring ^ flowers professionally arranged in a re usable wicker basket. For fun we added a happy, blue-eyed bunny and three bright Easter eggs Flowerwood can send the FTD Happy Nest" almost anywhere in the country For a really special treat, why not send it early? Just stop in or give us a call / and we'll do the rest flowering Plants Bring Easter Joy • Traditional Lilies • Vivid Azaleas •Colorful Hydrangeas • Radiant Tulips •Fragrant Gardenias PLEASE ORDER EARLY TO ASSURE DELIVERY Use Your ... Master Charge or BankAmericard K>» iAm ttcMENVY ELGIN Flowerwood s Floral Arrangements and Plants are Delivered Daily to oodstock, Elgin, McHenry, ( aryy Harrington and many more area cities Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Friday 'til 5:30 p.m. £ Every Thursday til 8: 30 p.m. M I V Saturday & Sunday 9a.m. 'til5p.m. --llowcrwooc! I Route 14 at 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois • 815-459-6200 A M P L E F R E E P A R K I N G purpose is to make HjeJ^^fcToP God heard in the church something lived in the street outside It concerns itself with all members of the community and will work with (1) The Sick and the Elderly, (2) Welcome of Newcomers. (3) The Poor and the Needy, (4) Minority Croups and Race Relations, (5) Environmental Pollution, (6) Youth Problems; Drugs, Drinking. Pornography Any interested persons who would like to work on one of these sub­ committees are asked to call Mary Yager at 653-9614 or Pat Moeiler at 653-9112. Teens are welcome NEW ARRIVAL A s6n«Robert Patrick, was born to iVlr and Mrs. Ered Thornton, 4508 Seneca Drive, Wonder I>ake, in Memorial Hospital, Woodstock, on March 17 Robert weighed 7 lbs , at birth Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Tuttle and Mrs. Theresa McNett, Woodstock and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thornton and Mrs. L. Gravenstuk, McHenry CHURCH NEWS The Nativity Lutheran church will have a make up date for pictures to be taken for the church directory on Sun­ day, April 9, from 12 to 3 p.m. Mrs. Betty Gabel or Mrs. Lorraine Murphy can be contacted for more in­ formation Holy Week Worship Services at the church will be: Maundy Thursday Holy Communion at 8 p.m.; Good Eriday, 8 p.m.; Easter Sunday, 7 a m and 10:30 a.m. with no church school. Reservations for Easter breakfast served from 8 a m to io a m can be made in the narthex of the church. HAYES SON Mr and Mrs. Richard Earl Hayes. 9205 Oriole Trail, Wonder Lake, announce the birth of a son on March 16, in Memorial Hospital, Woodstock. Daniel Earl weighed 7 lbs., 15 ozs at birth and has a sister, Lon Anne, 3. Maternal grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Kreher and maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Edith Spruell. all of Dahlgren. Mrs. Iris Hayes May, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hayes, Sr., and Mrs. Augusta Barva of Mount Vernon are paternal grand­ parents. GOODFRIDA\\ SERVICE J The Wonder Lake Bible church will conduct a Good Friday Meditation and Com­ munion Service on March 31 at 7:30p.m. The regular midweek prayer and praise service, a family night with prayer groups for all ages, is Wed­ nesday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m Senior choir practice follows at 8 :25 p .m. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Birthday greetings on March 28 to Jay Cristy who spends many a "leisure" hour working to make Wonder Lake a better community for our youth. And sharing the same day is one of Spring Grove's finer citizens, Earl Miller Happy days to you both McHenry Country Club Easter Sunday Gourmet Champagne Brunch! 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. $475 Child. Under 12. . .$1.50 £ Easter Egg Hunt For The Kids! Easter Dinner! Served 1:30 to 8:00 p.m. NEW GRANDPARENTS Brand new grandparents in Wonder Lake are Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Norton, Sr:^ daughter was born to Mr. an^ Mrs. Reuben W. Norton, 5^1 E. Jackson St., Woodstock, orW March 8, in Memorial Hospital, Woodstock. Sherrj Anne weighed 6 lbs., 13 ozs., and has a big sister at home, Kay Lynn, 4 SMALL FRY BIRTHDAYS Baby John Liggett, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Liggett, will be one year old on March 29 and eager to get outside and discover what this big world is all about. Also on the twenty- ninth, pretty little Christine Mogdans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Mogdans, blows out two big candles. And the old timer of the bunch, Jennifer Draffkorn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Draffkorn, will be three years old on March 30. We understand Jennifer has quite a sense of humor for a three year old. SPRING How Do I Know It's Spring... ... the first neighborhood fight. (Memo - call T P. and see if he has a large lot for sale in a remote, deserted area). ... the extra box of band aids now tucked away in the medicint chest ... the acres of mud-from one end of the house to the other. (Memo-order another gross of vacuum cleaner bags). ... the first spurt of tulips in the garden - Joy to the World! ... the bicycles - infants in seats, wheeled by their moms, tricycles, bicycles, mini bikes, motorcycles. Bikes are "in". ... the bells. We hear bells calling children home from play. Cow bells, yard bells, whistles, gongs, horns - each sound signalling a child to "shake a leg" and get home. When we were kids the mothers just hollered. There was one mom three blocks away and every night at 6 p.m. we could hear her call her son - DOUGLAS! With a mom you could hear from three blocks away, you can bet that kid moved fast. ... we notice the sad fact that the passing of the snow has uncovered more than just tulips. As we drive along the Wonder Lake blacktop to Route 120 we notice that either side of the road is littered with many, many cans and other garbage. Too bad so many people think the world is their garbage can, because if they continue to litter it soon will be. But taking the good with the bad, we still say it, sing it, shout it - Welcome, Spring! Gems, Mineral Club Welcomes New Members A new organization, the Hiawatha Gems and Mineral club, has been formed recently in the McHenry area for per­ sons interested in earth sciences--Lapidary, Artifacts, Archaeology, Paleontology, Petrography, Petroglyph, etc. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at McHenry high school West campus, second floor cafeteria, at 7:30 p.m. Displays are presented at each meeting, followed by refreshments and fellowship. The club which organized last November began with five interested persons and now numbers fourteen. Programs on Petroglyphics, solar salt making and volcanos, have been presented at previous meetings. Interested persons are in­ vited to attend the next meeting April 4 at the high school. "Clear Air Caravan" In County April 4-5 A "clean air caravan" vehicle for testing exhaust emissions of autos will be sponsored by the DuPage- M c H e n r y T u b e r c u l o s i s association Tuesday, April 4, in Woodstock and Wednesday, April 5, in Crystal Lake. Evelyn Williams, of the McHenry county office in Woodstock, said that drivers are urged to bring the family car to either one of the locations during the hours of 9 a.m. to noon or 1 to 4 p.m., and spend about fifteen minutes to have tests that determine if the car is emitting gases too high in hydro-carbons or carbon monoxide. In Woodstock the caravan will be located at the Eagle shopping center and in Crystal Lake the testing will be done in the Plaza parking lot on Route 14. "During the past year, the TB association has had numerous requests from adult groups and students, for help in learning more about today's air pollution problems," Mrs Williams said. "Now here is a chance for individual citizens to make a contribution to eliminating part of the pollution in the atmosphere." Moving vehicles are responsible for about 50 percent of air pollutants and these tests can reveal that only a minor adjustment on the car would be needed to correct the situation. The auto tests are free. Here & There In BUSINESS PROMOTED ROBERT J . MEYER Robert J. Meyer, McHenry, has been promoted to the position of general foreman, responsible for the management of the Research and Development Shop and Shop office. Meyer started with Hough division in February, 1967, as an engineering field service analyst and progressed to foreman, experimental assembly, which he held until assuming his new position. H^ is currently enrolled in the IMI program at Lake Forest college. SETW WHAT? THIS WEEK'S PATTERN S BV AUDREY LANE fir i Washable This skim with the pleat f lared front has that tenty" look No 3259 comes in sixes 10 to 18 Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2? /? yards of 44 inch fabr ic wi th 1 yard of ruf f l ing--tr im is opt ional SVeU friends ^ * Onets Stiver JbeOtberisGold sss CtOSS STTTCH Old fashioned sampler is worked in cross stitch Hot iron transfer No 558 measures about 8 by 10 inches Send 50* tor each dress pattern, 30t for each needlenrork pattern Iadd 15< for each dress pattern, 10t for each needlework pattern for moil­ ing and handlingI to AUDREY IANE BUREAU, Morr is Plains, New Jersey 07950 S U B S I D E 4216 N. Wilmot Road VILLAGE of SUNNYSIDE Phone 385-9780 •Health and Beauty Items *Beer & Liquor •Housewares * Produce Open for your convenience and Shopping Pleasure 7 ,*Frozen Foods _ *Ice Cream days a week. »jce VALUES *pet Supplies •Expanded Deli •Fresh Bakery EXPANDED, MODERN AND COMPLETE FOOD STORE *&£ of "0'̂ VG„ Monday thru Saturd&y- 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. MEAT DEPARTMENT FINEST QUALITY MEAT CUT TO YOUR ORDER WHILE YOU SHOP -CUSTOM CUT MEATS- EflSTER SPECIALS OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE 303 REG. 33' 27* DOLE PINEAPPLE O /1 00 No. 2 REG. 45' 0/ 1 TALL TALE MAN . . .PFC John P. Nipps, a 6-foot 8-inch U.S. Army Reservist from Warren, Ohio, interviews 4' foot, 9-inch Capt. Richard J. Flaherty, Stamford, Conn, is with Public Information De­ tachment at Columbus, Ohio; Flaherty is a Green Beret of­ ficer at Ft. Devens, Mass. USDA Choice Ground Beef USDA Choice Beef Liver USDA Pork Steak 69'» 59*» 75* ib DOMINO SUGAR 1 Lb. Light or Dark Brown Jean History Jeans originally were made for the miners to wear while panning for gold during the California gold rush of 1848 -DELI SPECIALS- „ct Summer Sausage Reg 85* v2 ib. 75 2 ib. Oscar Mayer Bologna 39* % ib. -PACKAGED LUNCH MEAT SPECIALS- Oscar Mayer Joqq Ham 3 Ib. Can Reg. $4.79 *0 Oscar Mayer Weiners i ib. Reg. 95' 79 Oscar Mayer O O Bacon 1 lb. Reg. 1.09 -DAIRY SPECIALS- DEAN'S V 2 & % p t 29* DEAN'S WHIPCREAM '» « 29' CENTRELLA FRUIT COCKTAIL 30 oz. REG. 49* SILVER CUP CATSUP 20 oz. REG. 33* ROYAL TASTE HERRING CREAM or WINE REG. 63' KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP Quart REG. 79' scon TISSUE SINGLE ROLL REG. 20* Sunnyside Foods SAVE 20* 2 LB. CAN NIGER'S COFFEE p With Coupon l49 Without Coupon c»»t» value 1 ?0 of 1C j«l A A April 2, 1972 I us nil Patio Model PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 30--APRIL 2 We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical errors HE3I Set it down. For use on existing patios, sun decks, or beside swim ming pools Anchor it down Can be bolted to the deck or patio surtace (Illustrated with new G 22 Cast Iron* Patio Base ) HAVE FUN GAS GRILLS Division of Tom Huemann Water Conditioners 3601 Chapel Hill Rd. Johnsburg - McHenry 385-3093

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