Nationally Advertised SOUTHERN COMFORT 100 Proof ̂ liqueur Hi HALF GALLON £ High performance basket ball oxfords with smart sport stripes. Cushioned insoles, arch support and muscle-tough, sure gripping outer soles. An outstanding, quality made value. SIZES 2V2-6 6H-11 HORNSBYS ^ f a m i l y c e n t e r s MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. Route 120, McHenry, III. Daily 9 to 9 Sundays 9 to 6 INCOME TAX SERVICE SINCE 1955 DAILY 9 to 9 385-4410 •Fast and efficient service •Year around assistance •Computerized Returns •Individually Verified We have been doing tax service work in this area for 16 years, with a full * time staff, working year around to assist our clients. Paul A.Schwegel&Co. 4410 W. ROUTE 120 385-4410 McHENRY . $2.99 Kindergarten Legal Notice Registration In Johnsburg Kindergarten registration for the 1972-73 school year will be held in the Johnsburg elementary school multipur pose room Wednesday, April 12, and Thursday, April 13, 8:30 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. All children entering kin dergarten in September of 1972 must be 5 years of age on or before Dec. 1, 1972. A legal birth certificate must be presented at the time of registration. Birth certificates may be obtained from the Bureau of Vital Statistics, County Courthouse of the county in which the child was born. Hospital certificates cannot be accepted. At the time of registration, parents will receive a health examination blank which must be completed by the family physician and dentist before entering school in the fall These forms should be com pie ted at the time the fees are collected, Aug. 16 and 17, when classes are set up and bus routes established. Requests for a.m. or p.m kindergarten classes will be honored on a first come basis, and only until class size per mits. Any children who will attend first grade in the school year 1972-73 and who are not currently enrolled in kin dergarten should register April 12 or 13. In order to enter first grade next fall, the child must be six years of age on or before Dec 1, 1972. Again, a legal birth certificate is required. First grade students who are not currently enrolled in kin dergarten will also receive health examination forms to be completed by Aug. 16 and 17. NOTICE Pre-annexation hearing held March 23, 1972 will resume April 10, 1972 at 8 P.M. The meeting having been adjourned to that date in the Council Room, llll N. Green St. Earl R. Walsh, City Clerk of the City of McHenry (Pub. April 5,1972) Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE OPPORTUNITY FOR A 1 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given to all interested persons that a public hearing will be held concerning the improvement of Illinois Route 120 from west of the Ringwood-Draper Road to the east of the intersection of Illinois Route 31 (a distance of 2.06 miles) providing requests for such a hearing are directed to Sigmund C. Ziejewski, Regional Transportation Engineer, Northeast Region. Illinois Division of Highways, 595 South State Street, Elgin, Illinois - 60120 on or before April 19th, 1972. * The construction of the irak* provement is tentatively' scheduled for the fall of 1972 and consists of converting the existing two-lane roadway into a four-lane facility, chan nelization of major in tersections, and any other incidental work, such as seeding, sodding, etc., necessary to complete the improvement. Additional right-of-way will be required for construction of this improvement at some locations. However, no residences or business will be displaced as a direct result of the construction of this im provement. The purchase of additional property required for construction of the im- TEENS 'N WOMEN'S BEADED VAMP CAMP M0CS s< c provement is tentatively scheduled for the spring and summer of 1972. Maps, drawings and other information developed by the Illinois Division of Highways and written views received as a result of coordination with other agencies are available for public inspection and copying at the Regional Office of the Illinois Division of Highways located at 595 South State Street, Elgin, Illinois, Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. SIGMUND C. ZIEJEWSKI REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER NORTHEAST REGION ILLINOIS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS (Pub. March 29, & April 5, 1972) Legal Notice CITY OF MCHENRY, ILLINOIS 1. Time and Place of Opening Bids. Sealed Proposals for the construction of the Boone Creek Piling Wall for the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, will be received by the City Council at the City Hall, MlN. preen Street, McHenry, Illinois, until 8:00 P.M., April 24,1972 and at that time will be publicly opened and read. 2. Description of Work. The proposed construction consists of the construction of 150 feet more or less of steel sheet piling retaining wall along Bowie Creek behind the City Hall. 3. Instructions to Bidders. All pertinent documents may be examined at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works, City of McHenry, llll N. Green Street, McHenry, Illinois, 60050. Copies of the Plans, Specifications, proposal, Contract and Bond forms may be obtained from the Superintendent of Public Works on payment of $5.00, non refundable. Not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the City of McHenry or the Department of Labor or determined by the court on review shall be paid to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under this contract. All proposals must be ac companied by a Bidder's Bond, Certified Check, Bank Cashier's Check or Bank Draft payable to the City of McHenry for ten percent (10 per cent) of the amount of the bid as provided in the Instructions to Bidders. Flexible soft soles mean quiet and comfor table steps inside or out. Lightly beaded and tasseled vamp complete the attractive stiched moccasin look. SIZES 5-10 should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. March 29, April 5,12, 1972) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF Earle E. Monear Deceased, FILE NO. 72-P-91 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters TESTAMENTARY were issued on March 20, 1972, to Nancyetta Monear, 5705 South St., Richmond, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Hugh A. Deneen, Woodstock, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. March 29, April 5 & 12, 1972) Proclamation On the occasion of the fif teenth annual nation-wide observance of Law day U.S.A. on May l, I call upon every citizen to join with me in recognizing this important event. Law day is a special event set aside by joint resolution of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, and by proclamation of the President and our Governor, as an oc casion for national and state remembrance of our legal heritage of individual liberty and freedom under laws. In order to fully appreciate this legacy, we must know and understand how our legal and judicial systems operate to improve and safeguard our well-being. Without laws and courts the freedoms we often take for granted - right cf free speech, press, worship, to elect public officials - would be meaningless. This is not to say that the law is perfect or that those who administer it are infallible, but that our legal and judicial system offers the best mechanism known to man for resolving social ills and sustaining individual liberty. New therefore, I Donald P. Doherty, Mayor of the City of McHenry, do hereby join in proclaiming Monday, May l, 1972 as Law day in this com munity and urge all citizens, organizations and schools to give appropriate recognition this special event. Dated at the City of McHenry this first day of April, 1972. Donald P. Doherty Mayor CANDIDATES MEETING A candidates' meeting for Woodstock Community School District 200 and the McHenry County Junior college school boards will be presented by the Woods tock-McHenry League of Women Voters Thursday, April 6, at 7:30 p.m., in the Congregational church, 221 Dean street, Woodstock. There are three candidates running for two offices in District 200 and ten candidates running for four offices on the McHenry County college board. The public is invited to attend this informative meeting. i I I Scouts Will Attend Gront Sesqulcentennial > Boy Scouts - 10,000 strong - will march down Main street In Galena, April 29, kicking off the sesquicentennial celebration of the birthdate of General Ulysses S. Grant. The Grant pilgrimage, as it is called, is an exciting day for the quiet litde town of 4,000 as it welcomes the happy army of youngsters on its annual adventure. The town cf Galena will hold its own Grant sesquicentennial celebration with a parade ajid special events May 12, 13 and 14. The two homes in which he lived - in one as a shop clerk and the other as hero and President - are open to the public. Galena itself is full of historical treasure for everyone who likes a glimpse of a town pretty much like it was a century ago. Antique shops and museums are refurbishing for the many visitors that come with the warm spring weather The Boy Scouts will enliven the pace a bit with banners and flags, high-stepping bands, Indian dancers and the joyful noise cf kids having fun. On the outskirts cf town and in nearby camping areas, tents will go up and the scent of wood smoke will mingle with the aroma of hobo stew and burning mar- shmallows. Special displays relating to Scouting are being planned and Galena citizens are bracing themselves for the biggest camp-out ever. Scout troops wishing to make reservations for the pilgrimage can contact Black hawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America, P.O. Box 4085 Rockford, Illinois 61110. Set Under Construction For Musical Many theater goers, when they see a play, do not realize that all the scenery has been made. The set crew for "Of Thee I Sing" is now in the process rf building the many sets that make up the play. The work is hard and the only reward is seeing the completed sets in use. Another fact about the members of the set crew that mast people don't know, is that they must design each set. The most any play manual has concerning the sets in that play is a sketch or basic diagram. Each of these must be worked into a regular building plan. Once this plan is made, the actual construction begins. The main problem facing the crew in the construction is the fact that each set has to be able to be moved in a very short time. Set construction is just one of the many facets of the preparation of a play. Airy one who would like to see these sets, should come to the play. "Of Thee I Sir«", by Morrie Ryskind and George S. Kaufman, with music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin, will be presented April 27, 28, 29, and 30. The curtain will rise at 8 p.m. in the McHenry high school West campus auditorium. JOIN COMMUNITY New families a t Wonder Lake include Howard H. Kidd, 7428 North Dr., Wonder Center; Frank A. Korinko, 3807 Greenwood Drive, Sunrise Ridge; Leonard Mueller, 2708 Michael street, Wonder view; Robert W. Esfcroo!:, 46CC V/. Lake Shore drive, White Oak*. Bay; FYank M. Elenz, 9015 Oriole trail, Highland Shores; Bert T. Coe, 8206 Ramble road, Highland Shores; David Sellek 7728 Beach drive, Deep Spring Woods; John Nicholson, 7705 Oedar road, Deep Spring Woods and John Connell, 4125 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Center Corduroy was first worn by ser vants as an imitation velvet. MENS AND BOYS ACTION PACKED BASKETBALL SNEAKERS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF HENRY V. SOMPEL Deceased, FILE NO. 72-P-98 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on March 23, 1972, to Joseph Sompel, 3711 N. Spring Grove Road, Johnsburg, McHenry, Illinois, whose at torney of record is Robert F. Meersman, 16 W. Northwest Hwy., Mt. Prospect, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate PAGE 8-PLAINDEALEK-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1972 S P O T L I T E S P E C I A L STILLBR00K Straight Bourbon KOUnBOM OLD THOMPSON Kentucky Blended Whiskey 98 Fifth CHATEAU La SALLE The Christian Brotheis ANYTIME Wine | OLD STYLE LAGER CASE of 24 12-ol Bottles Nationally Advertised Imported SCOTCH USHER'S GREEN STRIPE 86 Proof Imported SCOTCH FIFTHS PHILLIPS RICED PEPSI-COLA R IsPOTt/TE S P E C I A L LEJ0N California VERMOUTH Sweet or Dry 14 O*. '/a Quart « _ . , Bottles • W3|51 None sold to minors ASBACH URALT Imported Gemran BRANDY nuoin Nationally Adverfsed California BRANDY 80 Proof HALF GALLON BUDWEISER I I BLATZ S P O T L I T E S P E C I A L ST. CHRISTOPHER 10 Year Old Imported ^ (PORTUGUESE, BRANDY Case of 24 CANS 6 PAK NO-DEPOSIT BOTTLES *Cbnstof*i| Fifth I 9rajidf Legal Notice 4. Rejection of Bids. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive technicalities. Dated at McHenry, Illinois this 20th day of March, 1972. Donald P. Doherty Mayor Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. April 5,7,1972) 4