PAGE 4-PAUNDEALER-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1972 McCullom Lake Mildred Watson 385-3585 Tops Country Music Sale Hallmark Farms, I,pa wood, Kas., represented by manager Marvin Smith, selected this Nor thern Pump Co.-bred bull to top the sale at the recent Country Music Hereford sale on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry, Nashville. Paying $5,000 to own NP Regulator 020, a junior yearling son of NP Regulator 3176, topped the sale. Shown, from left, aie Dewey Rounds, Missouri-Kansas representative of the American Hereford association-American Hereford Journal; Marvin Smith, manager, Hallmark Farms; Leroy Van Dyke, country music singer and the evening's entertainer; Brad Scott, manager. Northern Pump Co., McHenry, and Spence Byrum, herd sman, Northern Pump Co. Incorporation Of Village Began In April 1955 The month of April is a special one for the village erf McCullom Lake It was in April 1955 when the village was in corpora ted. The first election of officers was held the following May. JR. (Jake) Levesque was elected president and held that office for 10years. Sharing the honors of holding office for 10 years was Mrs Emma Pyritz the village clerk. The other members of the Village Board of Trustees were William Cruetz, Fred Mat- thesius, Willard Schultz, John Boyle, Otto Ebert and Alan McKim Police Magistrate was Victor Howe and the attorney for the village was Karl Koch Our next village president was Arthur Stuhlfier, Mr. Stuhlfier died in office in 1967, John Boyle was appointed to fill the vacancy in 1968. Other mem bers of the board in 1968 were Harry Lock, Donald Parenti, Virginia Alto, Gene Huff and Ray Lary (by appointment) Earl Murray became chief of ILLAGE OPEN ARKET formerly Russ' Food & liquors 4405 E. Wonder Lake Rd, Wonder Lake. Illinois EVERYDAY 7am.-11 Pim. SALE DATES.. .APRIL 5th thru APRIL 8th PRODUCE SPECIALS While They Last CARROTS 288 Pkgs. RADISHES 100 Pkgs. LETTUCE 336 Heads MEAT SPECIALS USDA Choice not Round Steak 33 Lb Boneless ti IR Rump Roast^X Lt USDA Choice $1 25 Cube Steaks American Beauty SPAGHETTI FRFF W j t h A N Y Meat Purchase Ml AIM I. ( 01 TON DUBUQUE COUNTRY MAID BACON Flav-0-Rite CORN 07T Margarine 25* t American Beauty SPAGHETTI Mama Mia PANTY HOSE PABST BEER 6-12 oz. 99* Prices Are Coming Down!! More Everyday Low Prices Every Week!! SHOP & COMPARE Tally Ho ICE CREAM 79* Gal. Colonial Fairmaid BREAD 4/89* MIRACLE WHIP 59* 32 oz. Gerber BABY FOOD ir Dean's JELL0 \v Vi & lA 33' Extra Lean GROUND BEEF 75* K00L AID 5* Extra Lean BOILED HAM 89' W Lb. COMING SOON -HOME MADE BAKERY SALE! W A T C H F 0 R We Appreciate Your Business ! Police, and Roland Herrmann was the attorney. Still serving on the board is Alan McKim Gene Huff, John Boyle, Ray I^ary and Police Chief Earl Murray. Dedicated men they are EASTER HAPPENINGS Happy Easter greetings abound in the windows of the Oaker residence on East lane. It brings a cheery mood to all who see these clever decorations. How about that giant 7 foot egg on Hickory Drive? Three enterprising young people worked long and hard to con struct this mast unusual Easter decoration for the youngsters. Credit for this wonderful idea goes to Lisa Fauto, John Or ton and Lori Knaack. Good work. Since the egg was made of snow I do hope many children saw it before the thaw. If there ever is one that is. CONDOLENCES The people of the village extend their deepest sympathy to the family of Mrs. Adelaide Patzke who passed away, Wednesday, March 30, in Chicago Mrs. Patzke and her husband lived at 5109 W. Fountain Lane for 10 years. Walter and Adelaide Patzke worked with retarded children and were active in many community projects. Beside her husband, Walter, she is survived by two sons and five grandchildren LADIES OF THE LAKE Don't forget the Krazy Hat meeung on April 13. The time is 8 p.m. at the beach-house. It will be an important meeting so please try to be there. To be discussed is the bake sale coming up soon. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to Marie Howe on April 24, and to Barbara Peiter on April 24, a happy birthday to Irene Johnson on April 26. VILLAGE BOARD The village board meets on the first and third Monday of the month The time 8 p.m. at the beach-house. McCULLOM LAKE BOYS LEAGUE Election of officers was held Thursday, March 30. We still are not getting the support of you parents. Are your boys planning on playing baseball? Why is it you have to be cor nered before yon come for ward9 We have the officers, managers coaches and volunteers, now you can come out of hiding, get the boys registered. We would like to give all cf you the benefit of a doubt that you don't realize it does take some planning before the league season can start. Please get your boys registered either at the Mayer residence 4720 Parkview, 385- 3635, or the Jensen residence, 4904 Parkview, 385-3461. Registration deadline is April 9, registration fee need not be paid now, but will be required before your boy can start to play Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated. County Invests $92,096 In E-H Bonds McHenry county residents purchased a total of $192,0% in Series E and H United States savings bonds in February, 1972, according to Donald J. Still, Woodstock, volunteer county chairman of the Savings Bonds committee. Sales in the state of Illinois are $34,081,323 according to Clarence S. Sochowski, North Central market director for the Treasury's Savings Bonds Teachers of District is are shown above as they prepare for new educational programs for Hilltop and Valley View elementary schools. Seated, in front, are Connie Breshanan and Sue Danko. Standing, from left, are John Nilles, Karl Stueben, Mary Kay Coonrad, Darlene Considine, Carolyn Bertacchi, Bill Hempel, Kay Reese and Cris Elliott^ Continuity With Progress In District 15 Twice Told Tales Exciting, challenging, in novating and hard work are the words used to describe the two new educational programs designed for Hilltop and Valley View elementary schools. The programs will feature multi- age grouping (6 and 7 year olds) at Valley View and (9 and 10 year olds) at Hilltop. Educators have known for a long time that skills and age are not synonymous, and that the different developmental stages of students cannot be predicted by chronological age alone. This simply means that some students develop slower or faster in different areas than do others of the same age. The school feels that effective educational programs must take the student where he is in development regardless of his age, which means that in struction must be keyed to accommodate the slow, the average and the bright. With this concept in mind, the two new programs in District 15 will provide the students with instruction and materials that fit their ability so that they may develop steadily toward their individual potential or capacity. Invite Young Men To Consider US,Army Airborne The U.S. Army Airborne is an army in itself - a completely separate fighting unit with its own support equipment that starts with eight weeks of basic training and continues with eight more weeks of advanced training. This is just the beginning of the conditioner for Jump school which is twenty - one days cf tough physical training. Because the Airborne is an army in itself, there are many chances for the airborne soldier to specialize in related fields like electronics, automotive mechanics, heavy equipment operation and maintenance, surveying, construction, \law enforcement, medical, and administration to name a few. On completion of Airborne training, the airborne soldier receives an extra $55 a month. Anyone interested should see his local recruiter, Sgt. Mc- Claskey, at the new Armed Forces recruiting station at 144 Washington street, Woodstock, or call 338-2974. division. This is 22.4 percent greater than sales for February 1971. Illinois sales represented 6.3 percent of the national total of $537,000,000 and 20 percent of the state's annual quota of $351,100,000 was achieved in the first two months. As of Feb. 29, $55.3billion in E. and H savings bonds and freedom shares was held by Americans. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 14, 1932) The men of the M.E. Loyalty club will serve a plate dinner at the M.E. church this Saturday beginning at 5 o'clock at 35 cents a plate. Menu, roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas, salad, rolls, coffee and pie. Lowell Nye of this city, who is attending school at DeKalb, took a prominent part in the all college play put on by the Alpha Psi Omega honorary dramatic fraternity of the Northern Illinois Teachers college at the beautiful Egyptian theater at DeKalb. The play entitled, "Such a little Queen," has a historical setting and portrayed the difficulties of dethroned rulers who are sent into exile. John Deefe, 70 years old, died at his home at Spring Grove on Aphl 9. He was born in this vicinity where he lived all his life. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Keefe. School election was a quiet affair Saturday with only 50 votes cast on the grade school elec tion while at the high school election 90 votes were cast. Members of the Emerald Bridge club were entertained by Mrs. Thomas Wilson at the home cf her daughter, Mrs. John Stilling. A big blaze destroyed several buildings on the John S. Freund farm, east of McHenry, tenanted by Peter Weingart. The hired man was working on the tractor when it backfired setting fire to the tractor shed. The flames spread to other nearby buildings arid the horse barn, large chicken house, milk house and large hog house were destroyed. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 17, 1947) A meeting of the McHenry county council, Legion auxiliary was held Friday evening in McHenry at which time members voted to sponsor a magazine sale, to purchase an incubator for premature babies as the project for this year. In past years a resuscitator was purchased and is now housed at the sheriff's effice, a polio hot pack machine is being used in Woodstock hospital also a project of the organization. Congratulations are offered to Mrs. Henry Williams of Ring wood who last Tuesday, April 15, celebrated her eightieth birthday anniversary. Mrs. Rose Buehler, 75, a long time summer resident of Pistakee Bay, died at Michael Reese hospital, April 15. A ladies county bowling meeting was held April 8 at Ju- Al's Beauty shop. An election of officers resulted in the following: Gert Barbian, president, Pauline Pries, vice- president, Vivian Tryon, secretary, Phyllis Kunde, treasurer and Imogene Ruckstuhle, sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Barbian's election to the presidency marked the sixth which she has been chosen to fill this important position. After twenty-seven year absence from her home in Oslo, Norway, Mrs. Carl Berg of McCullom Lake, sailed for that country on March 22 to enjoy a four months visit with her relatives. Robert Nell of Woodstock was injured in an auto accident which occurred early Sunday morning near Al's White House. Several others were also reported hurt. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 19, 1962) William Flabo, 39, of Chicago accidentally shot himself in the knee with a 22 calibre revolver while practicing at his summer home in Hickory Grange. Falbo is a well known comedian. The Lecture Luncheon club will present Ann Varese in her interpretation of the Broadway musical comedy hit. "The Unsinkable Molly Brown", April 25, at Shady Lane theatre in Marengo. Gretchen Sayler, who recently pledged Kappa Delta sorority, has just been chosen as a candidate for May Fete queen at Northern Illinois university. Miss Sayler was selected by the men of Delta Phi Beta fraternity. On April 14, a cold and windy Saturday, the McHenry Warriors took two games from the Libertyville Wildcats. Both games were no-hitters by McHenry pitchers. In the first game Morenz was die win ner and in the sec ond game Bill DeCicco was the no hit pitcher. Acting Postmaster Leroy M. Smith cf McHenry pos toff ice was one of thirteen from the state of Illinois to recently attend Phase I of postmaster's orientation training for new postmasters at Chicago. Acting Postmaster Smith spent five days in Chicago at the regional headquarters learning first hand the further details of his job. ART AUCTION About 125 works of art by internationally famous artists will be exhibited at an art auction sponsored by the Rotary club of Woodstock Sunday, April 9, at 8p.m. in the Marian Central high school auditorium. The art work will be on display from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and for one hour prior to the auction. Admission covers both afternoon and evening showings and evening refreshments. ON HONORS LIST A total of 1,009 Eastern Illinois university students received academic honors for the winter quarter. Among them was Thomas A. Burton of McHenry. A grade point average cf between 3.40 and 3.75 is necessary for honors. Coming Soon To Carey Appliance.... ROOM AIR CONDITIONER 7th ANNUAL "COOL USB" "!•"» y' " '» * ? ' > " " " •P •#-*- sssl < , Sale April 10th thru April 23rd. • Save $5 to $50!! '•Small downpayment will hold air conditioner until installation date CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 iV. Green Street McHenry Phone 385-5500 GBEEN STREET MALI TTT