Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1972, p. 3

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\ Grandma Sez . Some thin' I heard on the radio, 'tother day, about family togetherness comin' back in style, made me feel purty good Along wi' a lot o* folks, who've lived a few years, this grandma kntws how important it is fer civilizations all o'er the world, in fact, t' have their social structures united in promotin' good government fer the people. In order t' find men an' women wi' regard fer human rights an' privileges, in the pursuito' happiness, freedom t' worship in a manner suited' to their needs, t' live in peace an' harmony, wi 'out fear a n' terror in the heart, we have t' produce •em. They come from families, united in the endeavor o' "Family Togetherness," happy, peaceful existence in the family unit. A family can't exist together, w'out lovin' consideration on the' part o' each member. Parents need t' realize that one o' the important things, t' in­ clude in the rearin' o' the off­ spring, is respect fer the rights, an' properties, o' the other members o' the family. YaungurK need t' learn this from infancy. It's too late, t' leave it until they're old enough t' go t' school. By then, they've formed purty good idees about what they ken git away wi , an' it puts a load on a teacher, who runs up agin the problem o' puttin' the right idees inter little heads. One o' the most worrisome problems, these days, is that o' individuals who dare t' intrude inter private properties, takin' what-60-ever they want, wi'out qualms o' conscience, ap­ parently. Seems t' me, that they weren't impressed, as they developed, by the right teachin'. Neglect o' parents, t' instill in young minds, the idees, necessary t' maintain a sane an' safe society, seems almost criminal, itself, t' the mind o' we elders, who've lived t' see the times change, where we can't feel safe in our own homes. When younguns 're taught, right in the home, from in­ fancy, the important human consideration o' the othe*l*"% members o' the family, seems t' me that they ain't a goin't' grow up wi' inconsideration o' others, when they git out inter the world, on their own. There's been a breakdown o' family togetherness, like ne'er existed afore. Twas right shockin', t' us older folks, who'd been brought up in closeness o' family livin', t' see the family mealtime disappearin'. That used t' be the time fer family com­ munication. Folks used t' find it pleasurable t' sit about the table, after the meal was o'er, an' discuss the problems o' the day. Seems t' me that the "Tube" *s had a lot t'-do wi' breakin' up •the family circle, as we used t' know it. That commodity ^ responsible fer a lot o' things we don't cotton to, in our society o't'day, seems t' me. It* had a greater influence on us than some folks care t' realize, an' it hain't all been good,by a long shot. Seems that we've produced a different breed o' younguns since that media came inter existence. But it does me heart good, when I hear, cm the redio, an' read the writing o' wise men an'women, bringin't'attention the need fer more wisdom an' better judgment, in puttin' afore the young minds the informative material they absorb, by sittin' in front o' the most impressive source o' learnin' the world has ever known. The term, "Brain-washin"', sends a chill through the veins, but it's accomplished so easily, an' wi'out pain, every day, an' ifsgittin'a bit late t' repair the damage done, already, fer many a lad 'r lass. Seems t' a lot o' us "Old-fashioned thinkers" that young parents better be on their guard, an' take the important steps t' pertect their babes from the contamination o' materials, which ken poison the mind, an' ruin an entire lifetime. Grandma Radtke Chocolate Cream Pudding 1% c milk scalded 2 T cocoa lA t salt 4 T sugar 1Yi T cornstarch 1 egg well beaten l/4 c cold milk 1/8 t almond flavoring Yt t vanilla extract Yi c cream whipped Combine cocoa, 2 table­ spoons sugar and cornstarch. Mix smooth with V* cup cold milk. Add to scalded milk, stir-, ring constantly. Cook over boiling water, stirring, until smooth and thickened. Com­ bine beaten egg and 2 table­ spoons sugar; slpwly add cocoa mixture. Return to double boiler and cook, stir­ ring all the time--about 3 minutes. Cool. Add flavor­ ings, then half of whipped c r e a m . T u r n i n t o s e r v i n g dished. Top with remaining cream. Chill until serving time. Coming Events >«0»PoooBPOOOftttnrioci»ui APRIL 7 McHenry Senior Citizens Club - Card Games - Land­ mark School - 7 p.m. APRIL 8 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meetii« - First United Methodist Church Dining Room - 6 p.m. JS>RIL9 Annual General Meeting -- Lakeland Park Property Owners Association - 2 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive - Election Of Board Members. Kiwanis Blood Bank Drawing - Legion Home - 11 a.m. to l p.m. APRIL 10 Chain Of Lakes Covenant Church, 4815 N. Wilmot Road - "Windgate House" - Speaker Mr. Mariacher - 7:30 p.m. - Public Invited. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria. Program by McHenry Choral Club - 7:30 p.m. APRIL 11 McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club -- Business Meeting and Guest Speaker - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - 8 p.m. McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club -- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church -- Guest Speaker - "Indian Af­ fairs" - 8 p.m. APRIL 12 Annual Spring Luncheon and Card Party -- Lakeland Park Women's Club - St. Patrick's Parish Hall v 3500 W. Washington Street - 11:30 a.m. McHenry County Federation of Women's Club - Spring Meeting - Martinetti's Restaurant - Coffee & Rolls, 9:30 a.m. Following Business Meeting - Luncheon 12 Noon. Annual April Tea -- Rich­ mond Community Church - Women Of All Churches Invited - 1:30 p.m. APRIL 13 Panel Of American Women Discussion On Personal Ex­ periences On Discrimination - Sponsored By Ladies Guild, St. Patrick's Hall - Free Will Offering -- 8 p.m. APRIL 14 McHenry Woman's Club - Fish Fr 5 un ry Friday til 9 P.M. Public Always Welcome Fresh Ocean Perch Golden French Fries Tangy Cole Slaw Also Serving Chicken and Steak Pistakee Country Club 815 W. Bay Road iooooooooi Business Meeting -- White Elephant Sale « V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour, 12 to l p.m. APRIL 14 & 15 Job's Daughters Rummage Sale - Acacia Hall, 1309 N. Court Street, Friday hours, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 Noon. Rummage Sale - United Methodist Church - Friday, 8 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. APRIL 15 Spaghetti Dinner - Chain Of Lakes Covenant Church -- 4815 N. Wilmot Road -- Serving -- 5,6 and 7 p.m. APRIL 17 Pi Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority -- Home Of Mrs. Leonard Siatta -- 8 p.m. Pi Alpha Chapter -- Beta Sigma Phi Sorority -- Rush Model Meeting -- Home Of Mrs. Leonard Siatta, 8 p.m. APRIL 18 Riverview Camp. 6818 Royal Neighbors of America -- In­ stallation Of Officers - K. of C. Hall - 8 p.m. APRIL 19 P i s t a k e e H k g h l a n d s Women's Club - Spring Lun­ cheon & Card Party - V.F.W. Hall - 12 Noon. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot -- 8:45 a.m. APRIL 20 CD. of A. Joyce Kilmer Court - Spring Card Party and Social - K.C. Hall - 8 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club - Haeger Pottery Tour - Public Invited -- Bus Leaves V.F.W. Parking Lot 9:15 a.m. ~ For reservations Call 385-3480. APRIL 21 Rummage Sale Zion The Crowning Touch POET'S CORNER "I WASN'T THERE" It wasn't I that day "O LORD" Who nailed You to a Cross. Who pierced Your hands with iron SPIKES For a sinful world so lost. Lord You know I wasn't there that day When with thorns they crowned Your head. Or, when they handed to You a cup of gall When You asked for water instead. I didn't stone You with stones O' Lord Or cause You a burden to bear. It WAS SOME ONE ELSE WHO DID THESE THINGS For Lord I wasn't there. I wasn't one of the crowd on the road Who mocked and taunted You. Butitseems I heard, when You whispered these words 'They know not what they do." You paid the price as we all know On a cross of suffering and shame. Who of us can look upon Your face And say I am not to blame. It is the same today, as it was even then In my heart O'Lord I have lied. Iwas in the crowd thatwatched thatday When You were so crucified. For today I admit, thatlama poorsinner, Forgiveness is just now my plea. I did make mock and taunt You LORD In that far dff GALILLEE. It was my hand that stoned You LORD Your CROSS should have been my load. I did drive the spikes into Your heart From which Your Life's blood flowed I did drive the nails into Your poor hands And I caused You anguish and pain. But I'll try my best, from this day forth To show that You died not in vain. Estelle Harmon Baldwin 1308 North Court street Long a favorite fruit of British royalty, cherries are the per­ fect crowning touch to Cherry Breeze Pie. A golden corn flake crumbs crust is swirled with a satin srnooth mixture of whipped cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk and bottled lemon Juice, then topped with ruby red prepared cherry pie filling. This refreshing dessert is a "breeze" to prepare, a pleasure to serve. CHERRY BREEZE PIE 1 cup packaged corn flake 2 tablespoons sugp.r crumbs </3 cup regular margarine or butter, melted 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 15-oz. can sweetened condensed milk Y2 cup bottled lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring 1 l ib. 5-oz. can prepared cherry pie filling, chilled 1. Measure corn flake crumbs, sugar and melted margarine into 9 inch pie pan; mix well. With back of tablespoon press crumbs evenly and firmly in bottom and around sides of pie pan to form crust. Chill. 2. Place softened cream cheese in mixer bowl; beat until fluffy. Gradually add sweetened condensed milk; beat until thoroughly combined. Mix in bottled lemon juice and vanilla. Spread in chilled crumbs crust. Refrigerate 2 - 3 hours, or until firm. 3. Spread chilled prepared cherry pie filling over top of pie just before cutting into wedges to serve. Yield: 1 9-inch pie, 8 servings. FRANKLIN WILL BE OPEN Monday Evenings Til 8:30 p.m. OPEN Friday Evenings Til 9:00 p.m. Phone 385-9854 Your Friendly Fashion Store FRAN KLIIM Big Enough To Be Complete Small Enough To Give You Service APRIL 30 C D.A. Joyce Kilmer Court - Communion Sunday -- St. Patrick's Church, Followed By Breakfast - 9:45 a.m. MAY 3 McHenry Grams -- Regular Meeting - Cit£, Hall - 12:30 p.m. - New Members & Guests Welcome. MAY 6-7 McHenry Choral Club Annual Spring Program -- West Campus Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. - McHenry Viscounts, Sponsors. First Annual Commerce and Industry Exposition Parkland Junior High School, Ringwood Road and Rt. 120 - McHenry - Noon to 8 p.m. May 6; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 7 - Sponsored by MHenry Chamber of Commerce. • o « o * o * o c o « o * o « o * o O • • THE WORLD OF o •ENTERTAINMENT o o • • o » o « o » o # o ® o » o « o » o TO FIND A HAN We view this f i lm with some humor but mostly deep compassion for these young­ sters (so typical of today's y o u t h ) w h o , u n d e r n o r m a l situations, would find grow­ ing up a big enough job without having to embrace adult problems. T o Find A Man" handles the situation in a fashion you forget i t 's just acting- it can be any-town U .S.A. ma{ Lutheran Church, 4206 W. Rt. 120 - Sponsored By Ladies Aid - - 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. APRIL 22 McHenry Grams Semi- Annual Bake Sale - McHenry State Bank - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. APRIL 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Spring Smorgasbord Dinner For Members--6:30 p.m - - East Campus Cafeteria. APRIL 27, 28,29, & 30 "Of Thee I Sing" - West Campus Players -- West Campus - 8 p.m. Here, 17-year-old Rosalind ( P a m e l a M a r t i n ) r e a l i z e s she's not sio sophisticated when she finds herself preg­ nant. Immediately she thinks of an abortion as the easy way out. That can be more trying than she wants to admit. Andy (Darren O'Conner), only sixteen, attempts to make the right contacts but this sensit ive boy experi­ ences great stress when faced with this adult prob­ lem. Rosalind's parents, play­ ed by Phyll is Newman and Lloyd Bridges, aren't exact­ ly the concerned parents. B u t t h e p h y s i c i a n ( T o m Ewell) and druggest (Tom Bosley) are well placed in their parts. In seeing this "GP-rated f i lm" the very young should realize sex is best saved until they're more mature. It 's a fi lm that is honest, humorous and a bit sad--all in the right places. PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1972 THE EXTtMutu-FttOiNO lawn fertilize* ...with GREEN POWER • the lawn beautifying fertilizer that makes • your lawn vibrantly green and thick. , m Slow release formula provides extended • feeding. • NEW LOW PRICES $ 4 9 6 $ 84K $ H 8 B Squirrels are fond of let­ tuce. Greenfield?.. ask somebody who knows! BROOKWOOD jGARDEN CENTE I V 4505 W. Rte. 120 Phone 3854949 (Across from Foremost Liquors) I I I I I I I I I I I I I spurqeons BEAUTY SALON HERE COMES GREET SPRING WITH A NEW PERMANENT FROM SPURGEONS. . . April 7th thru April 21st! Free Can of Hair Spray with each Permanent Call 385-4520 For Appointment ROSEANNE STROJNY DIANE CICCHINI CHRIS RIO TINA TOPP SANDY HETZ i - .And You Can Charge It At Spurgeon s Beauty Salon Hours: MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 W. RTE. 120 Monday-Wednesday 9-6 Thursday-Friday 9-8:30 Saturday 9 to 6

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