Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1972, p. 3

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Church Women United MR. AND MRS. RICKEY UNDLEY A wedding of interest was solemnized in Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry, Saturday, April 22, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Roger W. Schneider officiated at the marriage of Miss Donna Catherine Mitchell and Mr. Rickey Allen Lindley. Miss Mitchell is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mit­ chell of 4017 N. Wilmot road, McHenry. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lindley of 1709 N. Kimball avenue, Chicago. Attending the couple were Mary Malzenski of Chicago and Bill Robertson of Crystal Lake. A reception followed the ceremony at the bride's home. Bishop O'Neill To Offer Mass For NAIM Bishop t $ur J. O'Neill will concelebra«e a Mass for members and guests of NAIM conference, an organization for the widowed, Sunday, May 7, at 4:30 in St. Mary church, Aurora. Following Mass, a dinner will be served in the K. of C. hall, with Bishop O'Neill as guest of honor. A social hour will precede the dinner. The NAIM movement started fifteen years ago in Chicago and organized in the Rockford diocese eight years ago with the formation of the pilot chapter, St. Paula of Elgin. Three more chapters have been formed, St. Marcella of Aurora, St. Joseph of Rockford and St. Margaret of McHenry. NAIM is an organization for the Catholic widow and widower anji the non-Catholic spouse of a member. It is dedicated to providing a new social and spiritual life for the "fifth" wheel segment of society. Reservations may be made by contacting Elvina Latimer, 385-2835, or Jeanne Driscoll, 385-1105. Ladies Club To Serve Spaghetti Dinner On May 7 Sunday, May 7, will be the second annual spaghetti dinner sponsored by the LeVilla Vaupell Ladies club. Dinner will be served from 1 to 6 p.m. in the McHenry Moose Lodge, Rt. 120, east of McHenry. The meal will include salad, Italian bread and homemade baked goods. Surprises will be offered by the committee. Tickets may be obtained from any of the members or ticket chairman, Mrs. William Hauschild or Mrs. Kenneth Losch. Tickets may also be purchased at the door. WEEKENDER 00 pw P#«. dbl. occ. DEPARTS EVERY THURSDAY $185' LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Woman's Club Enjoys Program, Tour In April At the last monthly meeting of the McHenry Woman's club, the usual business was con­ ducted by the president, Mrs. Christopher Quinn. Following the business meeting, a group of student dancers performed. The "something special", directed by Eleanor Wildhagen, was a piano solo by Dorothy Weber. Mrs. Carlton Smith, contralto, sang two selections, "Born Free" and "On a Clear Day", accompanied by Mrs. Weber. A group of thirty-five members of the same club spent a pleasant day April 20 touring Haeger Potteries, Inc., in Dundee. The tour guide explained the complex operations required to convert clay into the lovely items on display. After a luncheon, the ladies returned to the plant for a demonstration of fresh flower arrangements, one of which was worn by the program chairman, Mrs. Leonard Nelson. Mrs. Morris Crouch organized the tour. . "Old Fashion Beer Garden" Dance May 13 The St. Patrick's Ladies guild will meet Monday, May 1, at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Plans will be completed for the "Old Fashion Beer Garden" dance to be held May 13 at 9 p.m. in the V.F.W. hall. Mrs.Pat Coughlin is the dance chairman. The meeting will be followed by a social hour with cards. Refreshment co-chairmen are Ruth Roach and June Mueller. MAY FELLOWSHIP DAY PROGRAM All women in the area are cordially invited to join the Lake Region unit of Church Women United in the May Fellowship observance to be held May 5 (Friday) at St. Thomas Catholic church (Rte. 176) in Crystal Lake. Mrs. Harry Stinespring, III, chairman of this event, an­ nounces that a pot-luck salad luncheon will be served at noon and babysitters will be provided (mothers are asked to please bring a sack lunch for each child). Mrs. William (Leona) Rinn, Jr., would ap­ preciate your reservations by Wednesday, May 3, or to avoid toll calls you may call an area chairman before May 3 and she, in turn, will relay reser­ vations to Crystal Lake. In McHenry call Mrs. M. David (Wyn) Cain. As announced in the Plain- dealer last week, the program tbpic will be "Behold the Woman". Mrs. Stinespring has engaged Mrs. Virginia Matson, author, educator, world- traveler and founder of the Grove school for handicapped children, Lake Forest, to focus upon the problem of recognizing and developing the untapped human resources of all people. Inasmuch as May Fellowship day coincides with the annual call for blankets and clothing for World Service and local churches respond to this call, you may bring these items to St. Thomas (with 25 cents per blanket and 10 cents per pound 'of clothing to cover cost of processing). This is the second year for the Lake Region unit of CWU to observe Fellowship day. Last year the host church was in Ridgefield with Mrs. David Frisbie, general chairman. Many, many women will attest to the fact that Fellowship day is richly rewarding...don't miss the day this year. N//A/RE/E TV&A/S TO S p R i u G , O F F E & T H E F A M I t V I C E P T E A O R H O T TEA , " T H E W E A 1 H E B P I C T A T E S . g O T H A R E ( Z E F f Z e S H I » J 6 W A Y 5 T < ? p e A l T H E 5 E A 5 O W ' S ( J U P R E D I C T A B L Y p A L M Y A M P C M I L L I W 6 C H A W 6 C 5 O F P A C E . Parent Classes In Preparation At Area Hospital A reminder to prospective parents comes from Mrs. Carolyn Schmidt, R.N., director of nurses at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock. Mrs. Schmidt says the next "Preparation for Parenthood" free instructional course - a two-evening session -- will be held May 1 and May 8. The informational program will be held at 8 p.m. in the hospital dining room on both May 1 and May 8, as a free community service program of Memorial t hospital. Prospective parents are asked to obtain the routine permission slip from their doctors. Both husbands and wives are welcome at this meeting and many men do attend, judging by attendance at previous quarterly meetings in this series. Staff doctors and nurses assist in presenting the program, aided by movies provided by funds obtained from the Woman's auxiliary. Messel Baby Baptized In Sunday Rite The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Messel, Jr., of 4706 N. Wilmot road, McHenry, was christened Walter Richard in a baptismal ceremony held Sunday, April 23, in St. John the Baptist Catholic church. The baby, their first child, was born April 10 in St. Therese hospital, Waukegan Sponsors for Walter Richard were Leonie Schneider of Sunnyside, an aunt ot the baby, and James Messel of Pistakee Highlands, an uncle. A gathering of twenty-five followed at the Messel home. Special guest was the great- grandmother, Ann Schneider, of Sunnyside. Mrs. Messel is the former Bernadette Schneider. Club Sponsors Card Party, Fashion Show The Sunnyside Estates Woman's club is sponsoring a "Happiness Is - Handbags and Glad Rags" fashion show and card party Thursday, May 4, at the Johnsburg community club at 7:30 p.m. Narrator will be Mrs. Jerome Olsen. There will be prizes for each table of cards. The public is invited. Klotz Infant Is Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Klotz, Jr., was christened Raymond Lester by Father Bartel in St. John the Baptist Catholic church recently. Sponsors were Fran Klotz and Gerald Thelen. Prior to the baptismal service, dinner {Am\ TfteVBHWAM WW \ 1\HB SflUSflOEXS/CMEESe Hfliw/ 3412 W. Elm Street " McHenry ' 385-6349 • HOME MADE SAUSAGE • IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CHEESE Bring this ad with you for 50</ off on a pound of Roast Beef or Baked Ham. While you're here, Register for our free flight to Germany. -CATERING & PARTY TRAYS- was served for the grand­ parents and godparents. The baby was born March 5. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Klotz, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Thelen, all of Johnsburg. A second celebration in the family was held April 20, honoring Raymond's twin sisters, Karen and Connie, on their fourth birthday. Dinner PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1972 was enjoyed by the grand­ parents, the godparents of the youngsters, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thelen, and an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rice. Two Centuries It would take about 200 years to produce a pound of Californ­ ium 252, an isotope of a rare man made element heavier than Plu­ tonium STAR0USTBUDGET TOUR 5 Days 4 Niyhts pert. dbl. occ AY Includes tax & gratuities CHAIN-0-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 JUUI DOfiEEN, JO ANNE AVi? 9u<SAN 1hIEV £TART IN ANP THEY DON'T LISTEN TO ME Oo •» i -- i THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I am 14 years old and I have three younger sisters - ages 10, 8, and 5Vi. I have been baby sitting for a long time, and for almost every body on the block They all like me and recommend me to other people. But my problem is at home when I baby sit, Doreen, JoAnne and Susan all start in and they won't listen to me. How should I handle this? OUR REPLY: Level with your parents about their behavior. Your parents might be able to come up with a good solution to this problem. Remember, when you are baby sitting at home, try not to be too bossy. Be strict, but don't be stricter than your parents would be in he same situation. Also, family rules should apply to each of your sisters and to you - just because you are the oldest and are watching the others doesn't mean that you should be allowed to break any rules or have any extra privileges Once again, we think your parents are the people to see to solve your problems. If you hov# a tiano«< probUm y*v want to ditcutt or on ot»«rvotion to maks, md-drut your Utter to FOR AND AIOUT TEEN­ AGERS, COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICE, FRANKFORT, *Y. 40401. MR. AND MRS KENNETH C. VOSS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Voss of 2275 S. Walkup avenue, Crystal Lake, well known in McHenry, will celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, with an open house at their home, Sunday, April 30. The hours are from 2 to 5 p.m. The open house is being arranged by their daughter, Miss Dawn Voss, of Palatine. Kenneth C. Voss and Luella Linneman were married May 3,1947, in Immanuel Lutheran church, Palatine, by the Rev. Wilbur Koester. The entire wedding party will attend the open house. They in­ clude Mrs. William Low of Palatine, and Mrs. Edward Skalla of North Chicago; also Mrs. Jack Donovan of Normal, Mrs. Robert Piotrowski of DesPalines, who were flower girls. Other attendants were Lester Damler of Carpentersville and Kent Locke of Hoffman Estates, groomsmen. Harvey Voss, Jr., of Tucson, Ariz., was ring bearer. Usherettes were Mrs. Lester Dember and Mrs. Robert Albricht. Make A Note . . . Sandy Hetz has just joined o u r s t a f f . . . . Sandy comes to us with 6 years experience in all aspects of hair care. STOP IN & SEE HER. For Appointment Phone 385-7112 1330 N. Riverside Dr Theft* Curl McHenry "The Unusual In Womens Apparel" The Fashion Shoppe Step into Spring.... .in exciting sportswear lively knits in turned-on colors and carefree fabrics that keep their shape. Step into our shop soon to see our wide selection... right for this Spring I juniors...misses..J/2 Sizes (12*- 24+) 1007 N. Front St. (Rte. 31), McHenry Phone 385-7747 FREE PARKING KORELL PLUS-SIZES FIT YOU PERFECTLY alterations if you're V S" or undc T h e b e a u t i f u l , s u i t a b l e 1 0 0 % P o l \ p a n t s u i t . T h e l o p h a s s h o r t s i f r o n t b a n d , a n d t i e s a s h T h e p a n t s t r a i g h t l e a I t ' s m a c h i n e w a s h up... 534.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES Use our Layaway Plan Welcomed Here! C O L O R S B l u e . P i n k S I Z E S : 1 2 p l u s McHenry State Bank Founded in 1906 - McHenry County's Largest Financial Institution Statement of Conditions Report of conditions of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Illinois 60050 CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Illinois 60050 And Foreign and Domestic Subsidiaries, a member of the Federal Reserve System, at the close of business on April 18, 1972, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Bank of this district pursuant of the provisions to the Federal Reserve Act. A S S E T S L Cash and due from banks 5,792,699.06 2. U.S. Treasury securities 10,308,608.73 3. Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations •• 7,100,125.00 4. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 2,434,477.67 5. Other securities (including $54000 corporate stocks) * 54,000.00 8. Other loans 29,011.885.78 9. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets rep- resenting bank premises 493,093.05 13. Other assets 412,257.70 14. TOTAL ASSETS 55,607,146.99 L I A B I L I T I E S 15. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 11,503,130.97 16. Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 35,718,521.93 17. Deposits of United States Government 309,133.90 18. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 2,069,169.37 21. Certified and officers' checks, etc 582,156.56 22. TOTAL DEPOSITS 50,182,112.73 (a) Total demand deposits 13,307,355.08 (b) Total time and savings deposits 36,874,757.65 27. Other liabilities 913,263.22 28. TOTAL LIABILITIES 51,095,375.95 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 30. Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS rulings) 553,172.22 32. Reserves on securities 200.000.000 33. TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES 753.172.22 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 35. Equity capital, total (sum of Items 36 to 40 below) 3,758,598.82 37. Common stock-total par value 800,000.00 (No. shares authorized 80,000) (No. shares outstanding 80,000) 06. Surplus 1,000,000.00 39. Undivided profits 1,958,598.82 41. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS (sum of Items 34 and 35 above) 3,758,598.82 42. TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS (sum of Items 28, 29, 33 & 41 above) 55,607,146.99 MEMORANDA 1. Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date... 49,891,441.35 2. Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date.... 30,549,194.52 --> I, Thomas F. Bolger, Vice President and Cashier of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of conditions is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of conditions and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. W.A. NYE. M.D. ROBERT L. WEBER RICHARD J. ZIEMAN Directors State of Illinois County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of April, 1972. v My commission expires 9 27,1974. Lenora E. Frisby, Notary Public Official Publication fi TJ Sr (•" ,1U DIRECTORS Gerald J. Carey William A. Nye, M.D. Robert L. Weber Thomas F. Bolger Richard J. Zieman William J. Cowlin OFFICERS WILLIAM A. NYE, M.D. Chairman of the Board GERALD J. CAREY President ROBERT L. WEBER Executive Vice President and Trust Officer THOMAS F. BOLGER Vice President & Cashier JAMES E. LARKIN Vice President RICHARD J. ZIEMAN Vice President and Trust Officer LENORA E. FRISBY Trust Officer RONALD J. VACULA Assistant Vice President RICHARD A. LANE Assistant Vice President ORMEL J. PRUST \ssistant Vice President EDWIN J. BECKER, JR. Assistant Vice President and Auditor DONALD WATTLES Assistant Cashier LILLIAN CAIRNS Assistant Cashier ALBERT G. VALES Assistant Cashier DONALD H. MEYER Assistant Cashier CAROL SOMPEL Assistant Auditor | FREDERICK C. KUPSTIS Assistant Cashier 1

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