Summing Up Baseball Action At McHenry CC New Federal Regulations Under Boating Safety Act PAGE 7-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1972 Summing up the baseball action thus far at McHenry County College, Coach Popovich reported, "It takes a while for a baseball team to put it all together. Our first three games with Amundsen, Har per, and Morton showed we had a way to go as we lost all three. Our progress is beginning to show as we've now won our last two against Elgin and Waubonsee." Coach Popovich says that the third week of the season in which the Scots face Oakton, Lake, and Triton will be crucial in determining the seriousness of their bid for a conference championship. He stated, "Our players want to win, but there are still several areas in which we've got to improve in order to take at least two out of three." Stand-out hitters thus far are Joe Dehn (McHenry) hitting .500, Jim Smith (Woodstock) .400, Jim Mulvenna (Harvard) and Randy Schultz (Harvard) at .333. Rich Kinter (Crystal Lake) carries a 0.4; earned run average in conference pitching. Team captains are John Pitzen (McHenry), Jim Dannehy (Crystal Lake), Jim Mulvenna (Harvard), and Rich Kinter (Crystal Lake). Assistant coach is Bruce Harbecke of McHenry. Individual averages for the first five games follow: Stilling Toth Zintl Pitching Kinter Mulvenna Stilling Toth 0 0 0 w 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 L 1 1 . 0 1 MCC Team Bielski Connell Dannehy Dehn Kinter Mulvenna Munn Palmer Pitzen Robinett Schultz Smith ab 14 9 18 14 8 12 5 0 16 15 6 10 McHenry Country Club Frosh-Soph Tennis Team 2-1 For Week The winners in the first round of the two man aggregate tournament were: D. Freund- R. Collins; G. Adams - D. Birmingham , H. Zwissler - E. Schuler;- Doc Sturm - M. Hoffman, E. Cepulis - H. Reihansperger; D. Weber - T. Bolger; W. Jacobs - T. Burke; R. Waytula - T. Evans. Also L. Consago - K. Holmes; J. Falcon - R. Turner; B. Chelini - R. Schmaling; J. Busscher - R. Newkirk; R. Andrews - E. Simon; B. Boaters are reminded that the Boating Safety Act of Aug. 10, 1971 means that there are new Federal Regulations going into effect. They should watch the news closely for an nouncements or contact their local Coast Guard office. The Fox Lake Boating Safety Detachment will commence the season's patrols this coming Elbersen - J. Nolan; G. Horn - F. Koehler; D. Wattles - W. Weber. * Low net winners for the day were: Class A: 1. R. Freund, 2. W. Jacobs, 3. B. Winn. Class B: 1. E. Simon, 2. E. Brown, and R. Warfield tied. Class C: 1. R. Newkirk 2. T. Burke and P. Fidler tied. weekend. Some of the things they will be stopping boats for are: 1 Negligent operation. 2 Unsafe boating practices. 3 Improper or insufficient safety equipment. 4 Improper or insufficient lighting. 5 Improper number display, most boaters don't realize their registration numbers are improperly displayed, (a) they must be displayed forward of amidships clearly visible from each side at 100 ft. b) they must be permanently affixed and read from left to right (c) they must be 3" in height, block characters, solid color in good contrast to solid color backgrond (d) they must be properly spaced between the letter groups and the number group there should be a space wide enough to fit the letter "M". The spacing should ap pear as: I L 1 2 3 4 A B To ensure a maximum amount of safety for the boater, the Coast Guard will periodically utilize four other Boating Safety Detachments, in the Northern Illinois area, during heavy traffic times allowing them to examine more boats. This will help insure compliance with federal safety regulatioas. This means more boats will be examinied this year, than ever , before The best way for the boaters to avoid a costly "notice of violation" is: 1 Contact the Coast Guafd Auxiliary for a courtestv safety examination free to the bdater and no reports of deficiency are made to any law enforcement agencies 2. Contact the Coast Guard information center in Fox "UNREAL?? Robots in hard hats and traffic- vests wave flags on New Jersey highway projects I^ke Write or Visit Officer in charge, Coast Guard Bosdet 09- 1, 17 S. Rt. 12, Fox Lake, Illinois, or call ^312-587-6135. T0PS0IL LAWN GRADING Call Ed Jackson 338-4739 Woodstock Warrior Soph Tennis men highlighted last week's com petition with a 5-0 victory over North Chicago's Warhawks. The Warriors also beat Dundee 3-2 and fell to Elgin by a score of 3-2. Results: April 28. McHenry, 3. Dundee, 2. FROSH-SOPH Andy Hansen (McH) lost to Dave Thiel (D) Set 1, 7-9, set 2, 6-4, set 3, 4-6; Brian Rohrer (McH) defeated George Lowrey (D). Set 1 10-6; Ted Hollander (McH) defeated Steve Tofanelli (D) Set 1 10-10, Set 2 8-3. Doubles: Gary Swanson-Rick Rupp (McH) lost to Tim Bolger-Ed. Fenser (D) Set 1, 10-7; Clay Patzke-Nick Diedrich (McH) lost to Andy Snow-Paul Beyer (D). Set 1 10- 6. McHenry, 5 - N. Chicago, 0. Singles: Andy Hansen, (McH) defeated S. Danowicz (N.C.) Set 1,10-4; Brian Rohrer (McH) defeated H. Jakubowski (N.C.) Set 1, 10-5. Doubles: Rick Rupp-Hugh McGowan (McH) defeated P. Robinson-C. Martin (N.C. Set 1, 10-4 ; Nick Diedrich-Dave Robel (McH) defeated D. Sinohini-D. Mateja (N.C.) Set 1 10-2. Wednesday, April 26. McHenry, 2 Elgin 3. Singles: Andy Hansen (McH) lost to Ken Harris (E). Set 1 102; Brian Rohrer (McH) lost to Scottt Samuelson (E) Set 1, 103; Clayton Patzke (McH) defeated Bill Davis (E). Set 1 106. Doubles: Rick Rupp-Hugh McGowan (McH) lost to Mark Herrmann-Ned Ryerson (E). Set 3, 103; Nick Diedrich-Dave Robel (McH) defeated Bruce Isherwood (E)-Jim Wenzel 11-9. SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all Makes Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER -SOFT WATER SOFT WATER May Is Auto Racing m and it's BIGGER and BETTER at the Lake Geneva Raceway Every Saturday Night! *Lat Models *Modifieds •Sportsmans 'Spectators Time Trials - 7:00 p.m. Rain Dates Are: Sunday Twilights Gates Open 4:00 p.m. - T.T. Races 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 4 features every ni^ht -ht - • SPORTS FANSL. ! BET I YOU I B j DIDN'T KNOW Brought To You By John Jepsen Here's one of those sp- Iorts oddities that's hard • to believe--but it's true... J I The horse that won the I ! Kentucky Derby of 1933, m | Brokers Tip, strangely e- | Inough, had never won a • race previous to the Der- m by, and never won a race I A f Uo4 t GOOD^YEAR f Your I P * c h o i c e # SERVICE STORE Ross 26" after that! j Ever wonder why the Ken- | tucky Derby is called a I"Derby"?...Well, in England, the Earl of Derby famous horse race for 3 year olds at I I land, the Earl of Derby I founded a famous horse I race for 3 year olds at • I Epsom and it was called g S "Derby's Race at Epsom" • | ...Later, it became simply, | the Epsom Derby, and when • the folks in Louisville st- • Iarted their race in 1875,1 they borrowed the name and S I called it the Kentucky Der- | I by. I Here's an oddity about • horse racing you may not J have known...Did you know I that every thoroughbred ! I race horse in the world | 5 must be able to trace its • | pedigree straight back to | one of just three horses... • Every thoroughbred that • races anywhere today is I descneded from either By- 5 lerly Turk, Darley Arabian | m Or Godolphin Arabian... • (Those three horses, from | the Middle East, and known I for their speed, were bred I I some 250 years ago to 3 | ! English mares known for • | durability--and that was | Ithe start of the breed we ~~ know today as the thoi- g oughbred. I I bet you didn't know that ! Cooper Tire has recently « I introduced the all-new Poly | • Mark IV, 4-ply polyester • | cord tire. Come on in to I IJepsen Tire Co. today and I see the newest entry into J the Quality Tire line-up I I from the "WE CARE" pe- Z ople. See our ad elsewhere | in this paper for more in- | | formation | Mark IV on the Poly- JEPSEN | TIRE COMPANY | . 3331, 3314 West Elm St. ( Phone^5^42^( o < > o < > o o <> < > < > < > < > o * > o o o o < > * > < > o o o ( » o o < > " < > < > < > o o n o '» o < > o 20 Boys' Polo Bike Hl-Rtse handlebars & deluxe saddle Sturdy 4-bar cantilever construction. Goodyear tires. Chrome-plated wheel rims and fenders. Coaster brake. Deluxe chain guard. Complete with kickstand. Flam boyant Gold finish. BOY's 3-SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT Biking is back with this 26" 3-speed lightweight bike. "333 3-speed twist grip unit, chrome rims, kickstand. front and_ rear handbrakes. Your « • Ross 26 20" Girls' Polo Bike Hi-Rise handlebars & deluxe sad/'e Sturdy 3-bar cantilever construction. Goodyear tires. Chrome-plated wheel rims and fenders. Coaster brake. Deluxe chain guard. Complete with kickstand. Flam boyant Green finish. GIRLS' 3 SPEED LIGHTWEIGHT 3 WAYS TO PAY AT GOODYEAR M Ar j ! \MARKET \ PlACIy McHENRY 4400 W. Rte. 120 815-385-7300 Mon.-Thurs. 8:00-6:00 Friday 8:00 -9:00 Saturday 8:00 • 4:00 •Extra charge for assembly. J McHENRY'S ROGER CLAYP00L THE WARRIOR'S COACHING STAFF HAS SELECTED ROGER CLAYP00L AS PLAYEf OF THE WEEK FOR HIS STEADY PLAY THROUGHOUT THE YOUNG SEASON. ROGER HAS HANDLED 35 ERRORLESS CHANCES AT CATCHER AND IS HITTING .375 IN CONFERENCE CONTESTS. 1 i nber O$(othe\ )vith the finest Let Zsa Zsa make this a special Mother's Day. With the purchase of her | Zig Zag Parfum Bath Oil at $8.50, receive as a gift from Zsa Zsa her $7.50 Parfum Spray Mist U Regular $16.00 for just $8.50 PLUS... other Mother's Day Gifts from.... MMCCS McHenry's Most Complete Cosmetic Selection Steven C A N D I E S ..And fine candies from Mrs. Voogt's. MATHERS DAY MS The very specia l vwsy to remember w Nye TRU-VALUE PHARMACY 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 385-4426