Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1972, p. 4

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6 PAGE4-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1972 Tots 'n Teens will all join in the fun at Fair Diddley's funny-face make-up booth, one of the many special fair attractions planned for the children Sunday, May 21, in Woodstock's Square. Giving a preview showing of the funny-faces in store for fairgoers are, from left, top, Randy Trench and (•regg Strobob, Woodstock; center, Beth Misulonas, Woodstock; Amy Honning, McHenry; and Tommy Dodge. Crystal Lake; bottom, Jeff Misulonas, Woodstock. Fair Diddley is the major fund- raising effort of the Women's auxiliary of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic for McHenry Countv. Tots 4n Teens Join In Fun At Make-Up Booth Be sure to bring all the kids to Woodstock's City Square Sunday, May 21. Fair Diddley will be back again with loads of special events to keep them well entertained, amused, happy and safe- while Moms and Dads browse and shop through an exciting assortment of handicraft, resale, flower and baked goods booths LynnNorris, the poular funny-face artist, will be back ^t the "Tots *n Teens Make- Up" booth, one of last year's biggest attractions. Children are invited to come in costume; they don't have to be elaborate, just something different, festive and fun. At noon look for the big line-up when all join in the Kiddie Costume parade Led by a live band, children will march around the square playing whatever instrument they may care to bring, from pots and spoons, to wash­ boards, kazoos, cymbals, drums, horns -- anything! Girls and boys will toot around town in their own mini- train, another Fair Diddley favorite. There will be a lollipop tree, a fishing pond, and more challenging game booths for older children. Guess how many jelly beans there are in the jar - those who come closest win wonderful prizes. During the day there will be supervised contests and games for the children: an old- fashioned cake walk, musical statues, and the first annual egg-and-spoon derby. There will be lots and lots of prizes and many free things to do and see _ Live entertainment from the bandstand will start when the fair does--at noon-and continue until dusk. Clowns will be selling balloons that sail away if you don't hold tight. And nearly all the refreshment stands, there will be picnic tables set up for those who would like to sit and relax, and watch the fun. Fair Diddley is sponsored annually by the Women's auxiliary of the McHenry County Family Service and Mental Health Clinic. All proceeds from the event are donated to the clinic. In case of rain, the fair will be held the following Sunday, May 28. "The Unusual In Women's Apparel' The Fashion Shoppe J/?'jolher DO* if (J TT ori n V? i jot f 14 It would be our pleasure to help you select some thing just right for m o t h e r . . . . . J THE FASHION SHOPPE 1007 N. Front St. (Rte. 31), McHenry Phone 385-7747 FREE PARKING Shirts for pants and skir ts are colorful this season. Printed ones of cotton and others of s i lk are being fea­ tured. Some have t iny patch pockets and others feature padded shoulders. Sleeves may be long or short . Red, white and blue con­ t inue to be a popular color combination for sport clothes. An unusual jacket worn over shir t and pants is made of quil ted material . I t may be s leeveless or have cap sleeves. "Crystal Craze" Rush Party For Pi Alpha Group An interesting program entitled, "Your Past, Present and Future", was presented at the "Crystal Craze" rush party of Pi Alpha chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held last week at the home of Mrs. Frank Mazzone, Jr. The subject was "Tea Leaves and Palmistry". Chapter President Mrs: Dale Sprouse welcomed rush guests, Mesdames Frank Colomer, John Beam, Garry DeVries and Dan Russell. Mrs. William Haddick, in­ coming president, presented Mrs. Sprouse outgoing president, with the sorority gavel pin symbolizing her successful year as president. Following the program, crazy cards were played and prizes were won by Mrs. John Beam and Mrs. Craig Stackhouse. The special prize was awarded to Mrs. Leonard Siatta. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mesdames William Boyle, Carl Grinstead, William Haddick, Pearce Konold, Leonard Siatta, Dale S p r o u s e , J i m B a s a k , R u s s Parker, Lee Andress, Craig Stackhouse, Harry Powers and guests, Mesdames Frank Colomer, John Beam, Garry DeVries and Dan Russell. AES Student Speaks For Garden Club Foreign exchange student Deneval Filho of Brazil presented a program at the April meeting of the McHenry Garden club held in the home of Mrs. Charles Wagner. Slides were shown, followed by a question and answer period. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. L. Alt and Mrs. A. Goddin. The committee in charge of plans for Arbor Day reported that 600 seedlings had been purchased and distributed to each fourth grade student in the public and parochial schools. They were given a pine tree to take home to plant and care for. The club hopes to encourage the young people to appreciate nature and promote beautification. A presentation to the Pionedf' center will be made in the forin of plantings for the new building. The installation of officers will take place at the May 25 meeting in the home of Mrs. Ernest Bartz, 810 W. River Terrace. Coming Events MAY 10 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bowling Banquet - The Timbers, Woodstock - 5:30 p.m. McHenry Woman's Club Spring Luncheon - McHenry Country Club -- For Reser­ vations Call 385-7348. MAY 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Concert Trip - F r a n k l i n M a c C o r m a c k Memorial Concert Auditorium Theatre, Chicago. Bus Leaves East Campus Parking Lot - 6 p.m. MAY 13 "Old Fashion Beer Garden Dance" - Sponsored By St. Patrick's Ladies Guild -- V.F.W. Hall - 9 p.m. The Friendship Club Pot- uck Dinner and Meeting - Dining Room, First United Methodist Church -- 6 j).m. McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club "Clean Stream Clean-Up" Work Day - West Shore Beach 9:30 a.m. V, MAY 15 Pi Alpha Chapter - Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Preferential Tea - 8 p.m. Home of Mrs. William Haddick. Church Women United - Lake Region Observance of May Fellowship Day - 12:30 Luncheon -- St. Thomas Church, Crystal Lake. Mother's Day Banquet, St. Patrick Hall - C D. of A. - 6:30 p.m. McHenry Garden Club Plant Sale - McHenry Roller Rink, Rt. 31. - 10 a.m. Public Invited. Business & Professional Women's Club - Meeting - Andre's Steak House, Rich­ mond - 6:30 p.m. MAY 16 Luncheon, Card Party, Bazaar - Community Center, Pistakee Highlands - 12 noon - Sponsored by Mt. Hope W.S.C.S. MAY 17 Luncheon - Sponsored By St. Patrick's Ladies Guild - Church Hall - By Reservations Only - 12:30 p.m. - McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Kitchen Band" - First Meeting- 6:45p.m. Landmark School. PLANT-FLOWER SALE A perennial plant and flower sale will be conducted by the McHenry Garden club at the local roller rink on Front street Monday, May 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Proceeds will be used in the many beautifying p r o j e c t s u n d e r t a k e n throughout the McHenry community by the club. Strange Bird New Zealand's flightless chick en-size kiwis are unique in that the nostrils are at the tips of their beaks. No other bird is so constructed. APPOINTMENTS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN OUR ULTRA MODERN SALON. Call Now At 385-4520 BEAUTY SALON spurgoons About Your Wedding .... In order to better serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer sends wedding forms to all those whose engagements havebeenan- nounced on our society page and carry a definite date. We ask that these com­ pleted forms be returned three days prior to the wed­ ding. Complete details will appear only during the week following wedding except in the case of out -of-state weddings, where an addi­ tional week is allowed. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding information the first week if they accom­ pany the story. If your engagement an - nouncement has not been published, or if the date of wedding was not known at that time, please call our office and request that a marriage form be sent. MAY 18,19,20 Home and Hearth Unit Of The McHenry County Ex­ tension Service - Garage Sale - 1716 W. Lakewood Ave., Lakeland Park -- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Proceeds Benefit 0»f McHenry Rescue Squad. MAY 18 McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House. C.D. of A. - Regular Business Meeting - Followed By May Flowers Social -- 8 p.m. MAY 19 Church Women United - Lake Region Board Meeting - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church - 9:30 a.m. MAY 20 Valley View PTO - Fun Fair - - 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -- Valley View School, 6515 W. Rt. 120. Teen Dance -- Community Center, Pistakee Highlands - 8 to 11 p.m. ~ Mt. Hope M.Y.F. MAY 21 "Fair Diddley" - Wood­ stock's Square -- Noon Until Dusk - Woman's Auxiliary of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic For McHenry County - Rain Date May 28. MAY 22 McHenry Woman's Club -- Board Meeting - City Hall ~ 9:30 a.m. , /SMAY 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot - 8:45 a.m. MAY 25 Lakeland Park Women's Club Bus-Luncheon Trip To Fine Arts Guild, Chicago - Bus Leaves Lakeland Park Com­ munity House Parking Lot at 8:15 a.m. sharp. McHenry Garden Club Meeting - Home Of Mrs. Er­ nest Bartz, 810 W. River Terrace - 1 p.m. CARYN SUE PETERSON TELL WEDDING PLANS - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peterson of 910 N. Center street, McHenry, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Caryn Sue, to John Valek of 1210 S. Hilltop blvd^, McHenry Shores. They will be married June 24. Caryn will graduate June 9 from the Milwaukee County General Hospital School of Nursing, Milwaukee, Wis. John is presently attending Michigan Technological university, Houghton, Mich. Hypnotist To Give Lecture For PWP Chapter On May 12, Crystal -Lake Chapter 189 of Parents Without Partners will hold a general meeting at 8:30 p.m. in the Yacht club room at the Crystal Bowl, Routes 31 and 176, Crystal Lake. Orientation for non-members interested in learning about the chapter and PWP will be held at 8 p.m. Fred Rodey, Elmhurst hypnotist, will give a lecture TRY IT- YOU'LL LIKE IT! - This is the promise of St. Patrick's Ladies guild planning the seventh annual dance, "Old Fashion Beer Garden". It will be held Saturday, May 13, at the V.F.W. clubhouse, starting at 9 o'clock. An old fashion sing-along will be one of the features of the evening. There will be free circus peanuts ind prizes, according to Mrs. Pat Coughlin, pictured above, chairman of the event. She added that the type of dress worn is optional. PLAINDEALER PHOTO _ NOTHING COULD^MM^^ f ^ L0NGH0RN SPECIALS M Chicken Cordon Bleu 4.25 . Roast Prime Ribs of Beef 4.95 WW Long Island Duckling 4.50 . . . .also serving our regular menu PHONE: 385-9869 FOR RESERVATIONS BILL 2ELSD0RF ON THE C0RD0V0X EVERY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY Wit irDttgltoni 2V2 Miles East Of McHenry On Rte. 120 Day For Mother's ... give an FTD Sweet Surprise in our exclusive, hand-painted Italian water­ ing pitcher. Choose either a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers or a delightful green planter accented with fresh flowers. The watering pitcher can be re-used as a container for fresh flowers or re-planted with greens Mom chooses. We can send your Mom an FTD Sweet Surprise almost anywhere in the country. Just give us a call or stop in. And order it early to arrive early. Sweet Surprise #1, Fresh Flower Arrangement $12.50 & $15 Sweet Surprise #2, Green planter $10 & $12.50 Locker s Flowers 1213 N. Third St. McHenry Ph. 815-385-2300 OPEN Sunday noon mums wp O n t h e N o r t h S h o r e o f L o n g L a k e | R O L L I N S i » O A D P O IngleSlde Illinois 7VW/ /Vou' , vs " Wednesdays Prepared in the Prepared Old World .Tradition WjTilui v 9 I'MBrW V--in 1 B E 1 i a i , I | | A II6HT jl ITALTlifflj ill t i t ft a a n; ft mi i illI Every Wednesday May thru Aug. 30th Every Friday Sept. 8th thru Nov. 19th Featuring The Alpine Seranaders Per person.... $3.95 • -r Children (under 10) $2.50 and demonstration. Rodey is serving his second term in office as president of the Chicago Association to Ad­ vance Ethical Hypnosis which has a membership of 100 professional hypnotists. Scheduled events for the chapter include a family picnic, birthday party, coffee and conversation, adult bowling, kids' kite flying contest and amigos. Further information con­ cerning PWP may be obtained by writing P.O Box 165. Crystal Lake. La Leche League Invites Mothers To May Meeting The monthly meeting of the McHenry chapter of La Leche League will meet Thursday, May 11, at 8 p.m. La Leche League is an organization which is dedicated to helping theii mothers breastfeed their babies. A series of four monthly meetings includes: 1) Ad­ vantages of breastfeeding to mother and baby ; 2) The art of breastfeeding and overcoming difficulties; 3) Labor and delivery, the family and the breastfed baby; 4) Nutrition and weaning. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend the meetings. Pregnant women will find it very helpful to at­ tend before the baby arrives. Nurising mothers are en­ couraged to bring their babies with them to the meetings. Those who are interested in attending the meeting or who may have further questions may call Mrs. Robert Hum­ phreys. MARRIAGE LICENSES Eugene C. Crago, 7205 Seminole, Wonder Lake, and Irene M. LaMarchi, 2789 Walnut, Wonder Lake. Guy Walter Erbin, 5802 N. Agatha, McHenry, and Joanne E. Zenner, 503 W. Burr, McHenry. David V. Sherman, 5301 May, Richmond, and Colette F. Wronski, 3717 State Line road, Richmond. Otto J. Mergl, 3711 Waukegan, McHenry, and Cheryl A. Fitze, 4018 Kane, McHenry. Alan A. Johnson, 2209 N. Ringwood, McHenry, and Christine M. Gliva, 4311 Ames, Crystal Lake. Heavy? Jupiter is 1,000 times larger than Earth and has more than twice the mass of all the other planets in the solar system com bined. DC 10 JUMBO JET Group STARDUST WEEKENDER $18500 ZZ. DEPARTS EVERY THURSDAY STARDUST BUDGET TOUR $180°° per pm. dbl occ. DEPARTS EVERY SUN0AY Includes tax & gratuities CHAIN-0-LAKES 5 w. fcJm McHenry, Illinois 60050 i

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