Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1972, p. 10

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PAGE IQ-HAINDEALEFR-FRLDAY, MAY 19, 1972 a o Y PHONE-385 FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES SITUATION WANTED * AUTOS 1963 CHEVY, 6, stick. $100. firm. 497-3046. 5/19 1966 VW Volkswagen. Fastback. Good running condition. 385- 6873. 5/19 1967 CHEVROLETConv.,super sport 327, 4 spd., buckets, like new, also 1966 Honda, 150 CC less than 6,000 miles, very claan, both adult driven. Best offer. 385-7490. 5-19 1969 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Su­ per Sport, green with black vinyl roof. Power steering and brakes $1950.00 or best offer. Call 385-5397. TF12 AUTOS Volkswagen, car top carrier, package shelf, one set snowtires and wheels, like new 385-1882 5-17-5-19 1966 CHEVY 3/4 ton pick up truck with side tool boxes. Best offer. Call Friday, Saturday or Sunday. 385-4554. 5/12TF12 »71 PLYMOUTH Satalite, red with black vinyl top, excellent condition, 385-5822. 5-17/19 '68 CHEVELL SS, 3%, 4 spd. Posi, 411 New engine Cam, solids, $1,600. Call 653-9264. 5/17-19 Replacement Parts For Cars COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Accessories and Seat Covers Route 120 1 blk east of the River Bridge HOURS DAILY: 8 A.M. to6P.M. Friday 8a.m. to9p.m. Sunday9a m to 1 p.m. 5/3TF12 AUTOS AUTOS AUTO PARTS V A L V E S G R O U N D H E A D S & F L Y W H E E L S R E S U R F A C E D B & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY IN 1719 West Rte. 120 McHen 385-2034 5/3TF12 B U S I N E S S S F R V I C E S DO YOU OWN A Cycle - Boat - or Camper? Check our rates Lay up credits allowed. Quotes without obligation. Sunder lage Insurance Agency. 815-338- 3328. 5/19 GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive­ ways. Black dirt for lawns, paa gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 5/3TF12 COMPLETE Lawn Maintenance and Lawn Roto-tilling.' Bob Schneider - 385-8672 until 5: p.m. 5/5-5/31 BEDDING PLANTS - Flowers and vegetables. Geraniums, mums, clematis and potted roses. Schlesser's Greenhouse. 211 E. Rt. 120, McHenry. East of Lake moor. 5-3TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for capper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 5/3TF12 LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask f- I^ee. 5/3TF12 • SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON • PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES S85-4929 or S85-5920 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog St Suds) 5-5TF2 NEED RIDE? for your grocery shopping, doctors, dentist, hairdres­ ser apt, etc.?? Special weekly rates to and from work, train or school.Spe­ cializing in C Hare Airport service. For courteous, helpful, dependable ser­ vice. CALL McHENRY YELLOW CAB CO. 385-6100 Serving all of McHenry County 4/28TF2 BUSINESS SERVIl.ES WETTELAND PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR PA PER HANGING Estimates Cheerfully Given. 4808 Jeffery - McHenry, III. 497-3900 5-5TF2 MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE New driveways and parking lots installed. Also patch­ ing and seal coating. Call anytime. 312-223-2031 Serving your area. 5/17TF12 '"""KOTTKE""! ENTERPRISE LANDSCAPING •LAWN MAINTENANCE I •POWER RAKING •FERTILIZING •Special low price on fertilizing. FREE ESTIMATES. 815-385-4160 ••••••J ESTIS TELEVISION SERVICE Expert color & Black & white service. 25 yrs. experience Servicing All Major Brands Phone 385-3646 5-5TF2 D0BYNS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES OPEN HOURS: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. | Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Other days by chance or I appointment. 1202N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois [815-385-0263 5/17-5/26I BUSINESS SERVICES Home Owners Special Protect Your Home While at work or play With A Low Cost 24 Hour StCURITY PATROL Business ana Vacation Service Available. Summer Home Specialist SUNNYSIDE PATROL GUARD 385-6870 385-6871 bJ>^12-6^23 fTAwTYMowFR'N and GARDEN TRACTORS I ADAMS REPAIR SH0P| | 3102 N. Chapel Hill | I McHenry, I I I . 385-0434 5/3TF12 • A NEW ROOF? art. it done Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5:00 on Weekdays. SERVICES OFFERED - House- cleaning, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Experienced, refer­ ences. Call Mrs. Peters. 385- 8615. 5-17/6-2-72 BUSINESS SERVICES LET US SPRAY Your lawn to eradicate broad leaf weeds. One ap­ plication lasts'all summer. Call: ANDERSON TREE SERVICE FOR FREE ESTIMATE 815-385-2576 5-19/5-24 HANDY MAN For Rent Let me do all those jobs| you've been putting off. Remodeling, Carpentry, I Electric, Plumbing, Heat-j ing, Roofing, Brick, Stone I & Concrete Work. Garages I & Siding. Very Compe-| tent. Very Inexpensive. 385-3526 or 653-964] McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person­ alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W Pearl Street McHenry, III. 5-5TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY FENCE CO, An answer to your fence problems. Oldest and most experienced fence builder of all types. Call 815-385-1469 2017 N. Ringwood Road McHenry, llinois • WHARTON B1ACMPP PAVING I | SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 Years Experience I We are now taking orders Residential & I Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! | r«JI CDCC CCTIUATC ADDITIONS REMODELING HOME IMPROVEMENTS WORCO 815-385-5854 BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING *REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, IIL 815-385-0159 5-3TF12 PERSONALIZED DOOR MATS FOR: HOME BUSINESS BOATS AUTOS JAYC0 PRODUCTS 1308 N. Front St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Call after 5:00 p.m. 385-6994 5-5TF2 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING TOWING 385-0258 385-5413 after p ^ 4-i REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TGM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 5/3TF12 -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 •----r 5-3TF12 J 815-385-5843 If--1 r~l lf=l SUNNYSIDE GARAGE DOOR Free Estimates • o r SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE n n n All work Guaranteed 5/12-6/23 ABC PIERS & s SEA WALLS P i l e D r i v i n g - D r e d g i n g (312) 587-7150 4/19-5/31 RUDY'S CUSTOM FENCING Specializing in all types of horse fencing *Board * Corral *Pasturc Fencing INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL Farm Fencing RUDY FICKEN, OWNER Quick, reliable installation. Number... 815-385-5556 3713 Young Street McHenry, Illinois 5/3TF12* MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE 4 Roto Tilling •Lawn Cutting • Power Vacuuming •Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 Evenings 312-639-9823 R. & R. CUSTOM FENCE Specializing in Service and all types of fencing. Financing Available. For free estimate Call: 815-653-6451 815-385-1078 4/26-6/7' FOR SALE G.E. Refrigerator, 12 cu. ft. right hand door, white, 4 shelves, vegetable drawer $47.50. Bring truck. 497- 3349. 5-19 LARGE OUTDOOR grill with rotisserie attached serving table, bird cage with stand. 385-7513. 5-19 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10. yard. 385-5636. 4/28TF12 FOR SALE FREE WALLPAPER PASTE. New wallpaper books to take home. Free paste with order and this ad, til May 27. "on the square" in Woodstock. Bohr^s Ace Hardware. 5/19 REDUCE safe and fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "wa­ ter pills" Bolger Drugs. 4/14TF2 BOAT HOIST. On river. 385- 0924. 5/17-5/19 2 SHETLAND ponies for sale. 385-3198. 5/17-5/19 NEW ALLIED water softener, never used, $200. Phone after 6 p.m. 385-8544. 5/19-5-24 1 APARTMENT SIZE stove, 4 burner oven, and broiler com­ partment. $40 Call 385-4210 after 2 p.m. 5/19 APT. SIZE gas range $15, 12 cu. ft. self defrost Coldspot $45, 9 cu. ft. Philco $20.00, Hide-A-Bed $15.00, Small 7 drawer desk $5.00, Lamp & Drum table $10, Formica Crome Dinette Set $15.00, 40 x42" wall mirror $5.00. 385- 6896. 5/19 PORTER-SCOTT Riding Lawn- mower, excellent condition $125 or best offer. Call 385- 5438. 5-19 16' TRAVEL TRAILER, self contained, must sell. Best offer over $1,000.00. 385- 6896. 5/19 WESTINGHOUSE 10 cubic re­ frigerator, runs good, $25. 7608 Brook Dr., Wonder Lake. 5-17/5-19 1968 BETHANY Camper, fiber glass pop-top, with acces­ sories, sleeps 8, like new, best offer. 815-338-4915. 5/17-19 TYPE BALLS for IBM Com­ poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will aell for $20.00. All in excellent con­ dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc­ Henry Plalndealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050, 5/3TF12 DRAFTING TABLE 3V2 ft. x 6 ft. with legs, parallel rule and brunning drafting machine $100 or best offer. Bolt action 22 rifle $25. 385-1842. 5-17/5-19 40" G.E. ELECTRIC RANGE, 2 years old. Excellent condi­ tion. $150. Phone 815-653- 9209. after 5 p.m. TF12 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 _ 5/3TF12 r i i i i 1970 WOODSMAN 17 FT. TRAVEL TRAILER > | Self contained, used6 times I I *1."0.00 ££ 653-9582 ^ after 5:30 j Carpeting 30 to50%< OFF Closing out stock of heavy duty carpeting. 338-2102 obligation. Cash or Terma. 4/14-5/2 FOR SALE - Nursery Stock- 20,000 Plants dug & ready to go. •Shade Trees 'Raspberries * Ornamental •Grapes •Flowering Shrubs •Rhubarb •Fruit Trees •Asparagus •Evergreens | 50 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 5 Container grown plants for $11.00 Get our prices, see our stock before Trees you buy. WESTMAN'S 13615 S. Street Open 7 Days and Also wholesale. EVERGREEN NURSERIES Woodstock 815-338-5139 Eveninga (Clip Ad for Golden Rose) 4/19-5/31< GARAGE SALE PORCH SALE, May 17-18- 19-20, 9 till 6, 3709 W. M*in McHenry, 111. ColorT.V..B&W. T.V., electric range, clothes all sizes. Saturday, H price day. ' 5/17-5/19 porch sale, one week. Hand­ made ponchos, gifts, clothes, baby things, high chair, house­ hold, shoes. 2622 Elm Oak Road. 385-7109. 5-19 GARAGE (Moving) SALE May 20-21 Sat t, Sun. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Circ. saw, furniture, dishes, clothes, toys and odds and ends. Very Reasonable 1813 Fern wood Fernwood Sub. 385-3145 5-19 !~G7M"E"SAL"1 TILE - ALL TYPES | including wood parquet Saturdays and Sundays After Noon. Saturdays and Sundays After Noon. Il710 Vale Kent Aci», McHen rj i •!* GARAGE SALE 1215 N. Eastwood Ln. McHenry Eastwood Manor Subdivision. EVERYTHING FROM A to Z May 19-20-21 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5/17-5/19 FEMALE HELP WANTED LIKE MAKING FRIENDS? Love making money?? You can do both, as an Avon Representa­ tive. If s eaay-and fun! For details call right now. 815- 385-8020. 5-3/5-31 EXPERIENCED legal secretary needed for office of the States Attorney of McHenry County, Please call for interview 815- 338-2040, extension 68. 5/17-5/19 MATURE WOMAN for light housework, small 4 room house. 1 day a week. 385-9668. 5/17TF12 PRACTICAL NURSE-Compan­ ion Live in with elderly wo­ man, McHenry Area, re­ ferences. 312-697-1121. 5/17-5/19 BABYSITTER to live in, Mc­ Henry area. Call 815-648- 4079. 5/17-5/19 WOMAN WANTED - Full time no experience necessary. Inquire Riverside Laundry. 385-9874. 5-17-19 MOTEL CLERK CASHIER We will interview neat appearing woman for position as Motel Clerk Cashier. Duties to include s w i t c h b o a r d a n d registering guests. Call Mrs. Workowski between 12 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. at Martinetti's Motel. Call 815-459-6130 for appointment. 5/15-5/19 GARAGE SALE GARAGESALE | One day only - Fri. May S 19th, 10:00a.m. to8:00p.m. J 3105 W. Virginia S(corner I of John St.) Many wigs, | various colors and blond • hair pieces. Clothes sz. 8, 5 10-12 & 16. Sears exercycle 1 $50, other exercise! equipment, household | S items and various J childrens clothes. 5-17-5-19-72 f I GARAGE SALE Fri. & Sat. May 19th & 20th. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. W i c k e r c h a i r s , dehumidifier, ford mags, deacon benches, records, strollers, bed, 1970 Maverick, boys clothes sz. 16, womens clothes sz. 10- 12-14, mens pants w. 32, much misc. 3705 W. Timothy Ln. Edgebrook Hts. McHenry 5-17-5-19 6 FAMILY GARAGE SALE MAY 18, 19t 20 & 21 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Johnsburg, Pistakee Bay area) Golf clubs, bag & cart, misc. new fishing tackle, clothing, odds and ends, etc. Take Chapel Hill Rd. to Bay Rd. to Weingart Rd. Go 3 blocks to GOOD view St., turn right, go one Mock, turn left. First house on right. 5-17-5-19-721 WHITE GOLD wrist watch. Lost I in vicinity of Jewel-Osco. 385- j 2309. 5/19-5/24 ! • BLACK LEATHER JACKET be- i tween Woodstock and McHenry/.* Call 385-3666 after 5: pwn. \ weekdays or days Saturday and < Sunday. 5/19-5/24 1 FEMALE HELP WANTED LADY wants a lady about 40 to share her apartment rent free, must be healthy and honest, own room, sleep in.* 385-0421. 5/10- 5/19 WOMAN needed for night work^ 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. 3 days a week. Apply in person 3509 W. Pearl McHenry, III. 4-26TF12 HOUSEKEEPER to live in, must drive, for retired man. 414- 248-2498. 5-17/5-19 BEAUTY OPERATOR in Barrington EUGENE'S HAIRDRESSING SALON EXPERIENCED ONLY Call after 5:30 p.m. 312-3814499 5/19-5/24 NO EXPERIETC?-! NECESSARY. WILL TRAIN. ! NURSES AIDES ! 12 Midnight to 8 a.m. CLEANING WOMAN I for 2 or 3 Days a Week. . I Call 815-385-0461 | FEMrflE HELP WANTED LIGHT ASSEMBLERS FULL TIME , First and Second Shift Apply in person to: Personnel Office SINGER CONTROLS; CO. OF AMERltA 110 W. Woodstock St. Crystal Lake 815-459-3200 an equal opportunity employer 5-5TFI2

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