OUR NEW ON-THE-AIR PHONE NUMBER.... 1220 State Farm is there. For help with all your insurance needs see STRICTLY FOR FUN! YOU'LL NEVER HAVE A DULL MOMENT IN ONE OF THESE FASHIONABLE KNIT SHIRTS. GREAT FIT! EXCITING COLORS! SOLIDS AND STRIPES....MACHINE WASH ABLE IN COTTON AND DACRON & COTTON. ALL FAMOUS NAME BRANDS.... •JANTZEN •McGREGOR • VAN HEUSEN •JOCKEY ...WERE FROM $4.00 to $10.00 NOW REDUCED TO NEARLY 1 Vi PRICE 5TORE for MEN Open Daily 1245 N. Green St.-f Mc Henry, til. 8:3u a-m- * 6:00 P-f™- Phone 385-0047 * I LOSI 1) SUM^A^YS*' MEN NEEDED in this area to train aa LIVESTOCK BUYERS LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP at sal* barna, faad lota and ranchaa. Wa prafar to train man with livaatock axpari- anca. For local interview, wrlta age, phona, address A background to: NATIONAL MEAT PACKERS TRAINING 3435 Broadway Kanaas City, Mo. 64111 ATTN: Papt. I_L-228 % SUNDAY S A SERMON You Can Do It! Tired of the same old you? Tired of putting off changing your life for the better? You can do it. Surely not in all things, but you can change in the areas where you need improvement. If you feel your faith is slip ping, it is not hard to attend church more often and feel your faith renewed. When you are in church look for something more to believe in, latch on to the new meanings you find in the service or sermon. CROSSWORD PUZZLE STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home Offices Bloommgton, Illinois NOW IS THE TIME TO VISIT "ARVIDSON SWIM CENTER" hfh - N0.1 WITH THE WET SET... from the water scientists at Olin II you're a member ol the pool-loving Wet Set. probably you use HTH* Pool Care Prod ucts. Because HTH is No. 1 with The Wet Set. The reason is, pool owners trust HTH. They know that when HTH is in the pool, it stays clean, healthy, sparkling. Controls germs or viruses, algae, odors or slimy pool bottoms They can concentrat^orT^having pool fun instead of havin»-t6worry abqut pool problems' HTH-NpMwith The Wet Set, from the water scientists at Olin. 10 Years Of Exppmte In The Designing And Building Of Above & Below Ground Pools Complete And Competent Service • Chemicals • Supplies • Equipment aToys aGames Hen AiAudUo*i & Sand Rt. 31 between Crystal Lake and McHenry Phone 815-459-06&0 iSST f VT 3315 West Elm Street McHenry 385-7111 STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS DENNIS CONWAY Pops Concert Art Show At West Campus PAGE 19-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1972 YOUNG TRADESMEN -- Walter Scott, West campus Building Trades class instructor, is shown standing, at left, with students who have just completed a three-bedroom home at 1409 Eastwood lane, Eastwood Manor. Open house will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21, from 1 to 5 p.m. In front row, from left, are Ben Mennella, Phil Voight, Paul Rodgers, Tom Barger, Tom Giacomo, Mike Burkhart and Neil Roberts; second row, Walter Scott, Jim Dimopolous, Ken Bott, Dan Umbarger, Robert Wickenkamp, Chester Grandt, Mike Stark, Marty Jesski, Ed Hettermann and Dave Walter; third row, George Nixon, Eric Mikkelson, Mark Bentz, Ron Belpedio, Matt Oik, Guy Justen and Mike Rodgers. PLAINDEALER PHOTO The fourth annual MCHS pops concert and art show will be held in the West campus cafeteria Saturday and Sunday nights, May 20 and 21, at 8 p.m. A general admis&on charge will be shared by the two departments. Selected art works will be on display in the commons. The concert will have an informal atmosphere. Included will be selections from "Fid dler on the Roof" by the combined choruses and a special arrangement for stage band by the director, John Leighty, as an accompaniment. The girls' chorus will include among selections, "Scarlet Ribbons", "Hurt So Bad", "For All We Know" and "Traces". The mixed chorus will be heard in "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Honey Come Back" and "We've Only Just Begun". The stage band will be featured in three John Higgins works of very contemporary big band spectaculars. A special segment of the program will include a potpourri of solos and small ensembles in top hits of the day, such as " The Summer Knows", "The Godfather" theme and "Carol King Favorites". The entire group of musicians will conclude the program with three selections from the movie, "Goodbye, Mr. Chips" also in special arrangements. The doors will open at 7 p.m. for viewing the art work. The music will start at 8. The public is invited to attend this very popular annual presentation. WILLIAM TOALSON William Toalson, music director at McHenry East high school cdmpus, will be guest cornet soloist with the concert band of McHenry Junior high school at the annual spring concert. The program is scheduled Tuesday, May 23, at 7:30 in the Junior high school. The program will include the seventh and eighth grade school band, sixth grade band, the combined beginning band from all schools within District 15, and the Junior high school chorus. The chorus will be heard in "Let Me Entertain You", "Talk to the Animals", "Impossible Dream", "He Ain't Heavy He's my Brother", "Sound of Silence" and "Pollution". The seventh and eight grade band will play "Pacific Grandeur" overture, highlights from "My Fair Lady", "A Trumpeter's Lullaby" and "American Heritage, Suite for Band". RESISTS OFFICER Ronald Vidovich of 8720 W. Sunset, Wonder Lake, was arrested by sheriff's police for resisting or obstructing a police officer after a disturbance Sunday afternoon in Wonder Lake. Bond was set at $1,000. His court date is May 25. Public Notice is hereby given that on May 5th, A.D. 1972, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as SPORT-N-FUN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, located at 1326 NORTH R I V E R S I D E D R I V E , McHENRY, ILL. 60050. Dated this 5th day of May, A.D. 1972. Vernon W. Kays County Clerk. (Pub. May 12,19& 26,1972) Take time to pray - not plea - if you have doubts. Let your prayer be a message of thanks. If something or someone bothers you 'urn your thoughts around.-Be loierant, forgive and forget. Your pride may feel some pain but you will be a better per son for it. Let God be the center of all things in your life. Then you will discover you are on the way to a full and happy life. You can do it! Arrested Driver Is Charged With Drug Possession Robert Kitzerow, 22, of 1717 Hickory Knoll, Deerfield, was arrested for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, driving too fast for conditions and possession of cannabis, following a traffic accident on Route 12, north of Fox Lake. Bond was set at $1,500 with court appearance scheduled for May 25. Deputies responded to the report of an accident Saturday morning about 4:25 near Spring Grove. It was reported there were injured persons at the scene. Upon arrival, a Fox Lake police department unit was standing by and the Fox Lake Rescue squad was ad ministering first aid to the driver, determined to be Kit zerow. He was transported to McHenry hospital, where he was treated and released. While investigating the ac cident, three plastic bags were found near the Kitzerow vehicle. A witness informed officers that Kitzerow had thrown the bags from his car. Examination of the contents proved it to be cannabis with a total weight of 16.9 grams. Blame Driver For Collision Of Two Autos Daniel S. Nosal of 3203 W. Skyway, McHenry, was ticketed by city police for vehicle entering a stop or yield intersection at the corner of Main street and Crystal Lake road Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Nosal said he was stopped at the intersection on Main street when he noticed a car driven by Cyrus V. Houts, Sr., of 4504 Garden Quarter, McHenry, traveling on Crystal Lake road with his right turn signals in operation. Nosal started to make his left turn when contact was made to the left side of his car. Houts stated he was north bound on Crystal Lake road when Nosal pulled out in front of him and they collided Legal Notice ACROSS 1. Peruvian city 4. Mop 8. One kind of boss 10. Present 11. African desert 12. Girl s name 13 . Burrows 14. Scottish county 16. Concealed 17. Sandy's vocabulary 18. Bond of kinship 19. King (Sp.) 20. A check 22. Not once 24. One of Nelson Eddy's hits 26. Moslem faith 27 . out (supple mented) 30. Statute 31. Empty talk (slang) 33. Crete mountain 34. Man's nickname 35 . Arbor, Michigan 36. Insect 37. Andy's pal 39. Flock of geese 41. Encounter 42. Obliterate 43. Exclusively 44. Ribbed fabric REIGN OVER PROM - Carey Fenner and Sue Vycital enjoy the first dance at last Saturday night's junior-senior prom after learning they had been selected to reign over the annual event. The 1972 prom was held at Burlingshire Resort, Burlington, Wis., on Brown s lake. Sue is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vycital of 2809 N. Spring road, and Carey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fenner of 1200 N. Clover, all of McHenry. About 140 couples attended. PLAINDEALER PHOTO 4-H News McHENRY MOUNTIES The McHenry Mounties held their 4-H meeting at the home of the leader, Harry Dowell, Thursday, April 27. Twelve members were in attendance. Suzy Jones gave a talk and demonstration on the Pug dog breed. Discussion was also held on the picnic to be held at the Kagel farm for children at the Woodstock Children's home. After the meeting was ad journed, movies were shown from a horse show in which 4-H m e m b e r s p a r t i c i p a t e d . Refreshments were also ser ved. Loriann Dowell, Scribe DOWN 1. David's chief officer 2. 200 milligrams, in jewelry 3. Christmas carol (4 wds.) 4. That girl 5. Christmas carol (3 wds.) 6. More esthetically phony 7. Small and glittering 8. Sword, British style VISION TESTER ... A sim ple and accurate vision testing device has been developed at NASA's Ames Research Cen ter. Dr. Richard F. Haines ad justs the device for Ames em ployee Noelie Hall. The vision tester is expected to be useful in diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of disorders which affect vision. T o d a y ' s A n s w e r 9. Christ mas carol (3 wda.) 11. Euro pean river 15. Whirl 21. Cam bodia's Lon The ostrich is the only bird from which we get leather. 23. Contend 25. Prose narra tive 26. Victims of refrig eration 28. Roman magis trate girl 30. Texas shrine 32. Kind of drum 38. Eyelid blister 40. Generation A