SECTION 2-PAGE 5-PLAIN DEALER-MAY 31, 1972 Craig C. Roby Cheryl Lm Setter Rosemary Skli Paul Tiggemann JeH Thelen Daniel L. Umbarger Timothy Michael Van Fleet Dirk Allen Voorhees Jeffery L. Weick Jim Weingart Sharon Mary Schmltt Susan Shirley Schreader Ray Watkins William H. Walker II James Joseph Walker David L. Walter Linda Jans Wahl David M. Wagner Kevin W. Schulti Cheryl Lee Smith Richard W. Smith Linda Jean Smith Michael Stark Laura Lee Smith Stacy Steinhorst Michael Glenn Stephens John Robert Weichmann II Greta Eileen Widen WURCW FAMILY NIGHT Address your letter to Louisa, P.O. ^ox 532 Orangeburg, S.C.29115 Diane L. Voight Anita M. Zelvis Nancy Lynn Van Kanagan Laurene Norma Vycital Melissa Kay Wilkins Janey Marie Ziszik J«ne Carey Zieman Commencement Exercises Friday, June 2, 1972 8:00 P.M. -- a weekly message relating the world of today to the lessons of Faith and Church . . . Nancy Jean Stetter Mark Andrew Steinsdoerfer Reinette A. Strumidlowski David Edward Sturm Douglas J. Sund Daniel J. Sund Kathleen Marie Sayles Janice Kay Steadman Sherrie Lee Swetman Sandra Ruth Sveen Richard Robert Swanson Nancy Ann Zumski LOUISA'S LETTER 15 tV Pfi* 'ir Dear Louisa, I am 15 years old and I have been going with a boy four months and have broke up twice in the last two weeks over him riding other gir ls around, but he says they're just his fr iends. I know he cares a lot about me because he has told me over and over. I would give anything to go back with him. I have tr ied other boys but I s t i l l care about him. What am I suppose to do9 Troubled--Tenn. P.S.He said we would get back together. Answer: At your age i t is nice to have someone you l ike a great deal and a person you enjoy being with, also one on whom you can depend for special dates such as school socials , etc. , as a steady. But i t is a different mat ter at that age, to insist that such a fr iend have no asso ciat ion whatever with the other sex except yourself . I t wil l be several years be fore you are old enough to accept the responsibil i t ies of a home and family or be fore you real ly know what y o u d e s i r e i n a h u s b a n d . Very often the boy we adore at your present age wil l not at tract us at al l as we be come more mature. I real ly think i t is a good idea to have group get- to gethers at your age and let al l of the boys and gir ls enjoy dancing and associ at ing with one another. If the only thing that wor r ies you is the fact that he occasionally takes other gir ls for a r ide you would do well to tak '^ i t calmly--go for a ride with someone your self--and greet your fr iend pleasantly when he comes around. More couples "break up" because one of them is too possessive than for any other reason. We can squeeze the love out of anything if we hold i t too t ightly. Louisa. 1 ^ *LAFF OF THE WEEK k ^ ^ A .. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" The things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. -- 2 Corinthians IV, 18 The strongest house may fall before the wind, go up in Mnoke. or crumble with the passing of time. The visible monuments to man's ingenuity and industry are not so permanent as the sea. nor so strong as the mighty mountain, (iod is eternal and the source of man's hope for now and for all time. MOON PLAQUE . . . This is the stainless steel plaque that was left on the moon by the Apollo 16 crew to commemor ate their visit. The plaque, en graved with the names of the crew and their landing date, was affixed to the lunar mod ule front landing gear. "N