HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE PERSON » Full Time Employment I Available. Please write ^ ' - | f McHENRY PLAINDEALER f | Box No. 423 k f McHenry, III. 60050 f 5/26TF2 | HELP WANTED WANTED Janitorial Help (16 yrs. or older) for work in nursing home] on Pistakee Bay near Mc Henry. Phone 385-0461 6-2 HELP WANTED PRODUCTION CONTROL EXPEDITER To keep records and follow customer orders through the factory. Must have knowledge of factory opera tions; to keep proper records. Permanent job with good opportunity for advancement. MANY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. APPLY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III. Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond, just past State Line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 6/2 COST CLERK To compile labor and material costs on our line of hardware and boat trailers. Will take data from time cards and purchase records and prepare piece part costs and complete cost summaries. Should have some knowledge of shop operations, and be ac customed to working accurately with figures. Modern Plant. Good Wages. Many Employee Benefits. APPLY 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. JOHN STERUNG CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III. Phone 815-678-2031 Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond, just past State Line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 5/31-6/2 HELP WANTED WANTED experienced broiler and grill man. Apply in per son, Timbers Restaurant, route 47 and 14 by pass, Woodstock. 6/2-6/7-72 COOK Must be experienced Apply in person THE GREEN PEARL > 3425 W. Pearl McHenry, III. 385-3130 16/2-6/7m FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON WANTS YOU, if you want to make extra money, if you like people, if you can spare some of your free hours sell ing our famous products. It's easy-and fun! Call: 815-385- 8020. 6/2TF12 BABY SITTER to care for 3 children, 5 days a week. 385- 6757. 6/2-6/9 SALES CLERK & TELEPHONE SOLICITATION FULL or PART TIME Interview Tuesday afternoon June 6th. Time: 1-4 p.m. McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 Main St. McHenry, 111. 6/2 It pays to advertise Phone 385-0170 FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN Apply in person The Pin Curl 1330 N. Riverside Drive 385-7112 <>r 385-1356 Evenings 6/2-6/7 • PART TIME I SECRETARY I I I I I 1 Experienced, must be ac curate typist. Some simple bookkeeping. 3 or 4 days a week. Apply by letter giving resume of education and experience. McHENRY PLAINDEALER Box No. 422 McHenry, III. 60050 _ w 5-26TF2^| PART TIME WAITRESS Call 385-1488 or apply in person HARMONY RESORT 614 Bald Knob Rd McHenry, III. FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED OFFICE CLERKS For Several Office Departments Jobs require judgment and willingness to assume re sponsibility. Must be good typists and accurate with figures. Some telephone work involved. These are not strictly repetitive clerical jobs. MANY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. APPLY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III. Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond, just past State Line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 5/31 - 6/2 FOR RENT 1 BEDROOM HOUSE complete ly furnished, will show now for occupancy Oct. 15th, 385-1328. 5-26/6-2-72 t 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in ' Richmond, near schools, and •r shopping. Call after 3:30. 815- 678^4031. 5/31-6/2 FOR RENT FURNISHED 3 room apartment. All utilities included. No pets No children, June .1st oc cupancy. 385-0176. 6/2 ROOM & bath home - Com pletely furnished, utilities in cluded for employed mature man only. $40 per week. June 1st to Oct. 1st. 815-385-5958. 6-2 COZY 3 room modern furnished apt. for middle age gentleman, very reasonable. Call 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m. 385-3338. 6-2 FOR RENT Large 2 bedroom house with garage on river. $110.00 month Available July 15th, 1 year lease. 312-439-5290 after 3:00 P.M. 5/31-6/2 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt., in town. Immediate occupancy Lease and references required. 385-2260. 6/2TF12 FOR RENT CARPETS a fright? Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre. Reni electric sham- pooer. $1. Nye Drugs. 6/2 SLEEPING room. Kitchen and house privileges. Yard and pier. Air conditioning. Young or middle age woman or young man in early 20's. Must be reliable. 312-497-3812. 6/2 FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM apt. in Crystal Lake. Air conditioned. Heat & water furnished. No chil dren. $185. Call 385-1327. 6/2 QUIET ROOM for employed ma ture man, references. 385-4398 5-24TF12 1 BEDROOM apartment. Good location in center of town. Air conditioned. $135. Call 385- 1327. 6/2 f # S I FOR RENT iii# f * * * * * # * * # * # 4 * # S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS nice place to live" a •Wall to Wall Carpeting •Stove, Refrigerator •Disposal, Air Conditioning •Private Decks •Laundry Facilities •Storage •Walking Distance to Shopping, Business, Hospital and C. & N.W. Bdrm. $175 & $180 MODEL OPEN * Bdrm. $205 DAILY 12:00-6:00p.m. £ CALL LEE J. C00NEY AT 385-4345 810 N. McHenry * Front v v v v v " r * T ' , T ' , r , l ' v < T , < r , r , T « m henry u 6/2TF12 jjfe «•» «*• «•» NOTICE NOTICE Fox River Valley Carpenters Apprenticeship Program announces open enroll ment for carpenter ap prentices. Applications may be obtained from May 22, 1972 until June 26,1972 from 8: a.m. un til 12 at 181 S. Grove Ave., Elgin or call 312- 695-6115 for further in formation. FOX RIVER VALLEY CARPENTERS Apprenticeship committee Paul - 5/24-6/16 WANTED TO RENT A HOUSE, a farm or 2 family home. 1-11 year old child, 1 - dog and 2 parents. 385- 6971. 6/2-6/7 SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM & 1 BEDROOM APARTMENTS with private patio, electric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861 5/24TF12 1 BEDROOM & 2 BEDROOM DELUXE APARTMENTS with fireplace. Available July 1. Swimming pool, patio, all deluxe ap pliances. 385-6757 6/2-6/9 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT F"ully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included. Rental $185. Bayshore Realty :1440 W. Elm McHenry :iK5-:i620 and 385-7508 6/2TF12 PAGE 11-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1972 FOR RENT ORCHARD APARTMENTS 126 W. Washington Round Lake, III. (East of Eagle Shopping Center) 2 bedrooms, de luxe appliances, carpeted,! all utilities except elec tricity, beginning $175.00.1 Open House Saturday and Sunday 11-6. V 312-328-6674 6:fe,.( _ 6-2/6-9 TMJMTUIwshFDI APARTMENT Heat, electric and gas fur- ! nished. Carpeted. 1 bed- • room, living room and kit- | chen, large bath. 2nd floor • in Genoa City, Wisconsin. ! Ideal for elderly person I or couple. Call 414-279-3100 for appointment 4/28-5/3-TF2" REAL ESTATE BY OWNER, 2 or 3 bedroom house, living room w/fireplace cathedral ceiling, knotty pine panelling and wall to wall car peting, full bath with ceramic tile, kitchen and separate din ing room. 1 block from beach 100 rft. x 120 ft. lot. $15,900. Calf 815-653-3548. 6-2 FOR SALE. 4 bedroom house with 3 acres in Genoa City. Wisconsin. Phone: 414-279- 6641. 6-2 PHONE 385-0170 WANTED TO RENT ROOMS, ARTS. & HOUSES IN McHENRY AREA. FOR RESPONSIBLE EMPLOY EES BEING TRANSFERRED FROM CHICAGO TO Mc HENRY JULY 1ST. L1JL BEST REFERENCES ILLINOIS COIL SPRING CO. McHenry Division (815) 385-1090 W. J. Meyee NOTICE NOTICE Our new dining room now open. Seating accommodations for 75 people. The Home of the Belly Buster breakfast. DORKIE'S BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. Rte. 120 HOURS DAILY: 6:A.M. - 7: P.M. SUNDAY: 6: A.M. - 2: P.M. FREE PARKING IN REAR. 6/2-6/7 ATTENTION Antique Lovers OPENING JUNE 4th THE HAPPY HOUSE ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES Located in the heart of Richmond, the antique hub of Northern Illinois. A town of the past now celebrating it's centennial year. PROPRIETORS Peter & Janet Heitz Grandma Johnson 5604 Broadway Just off Route 12 Richmond, III. 6/2 SCHOOLEY'S STANDARD IS NOW GIVING DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS Richmond & Elm McHenry, III, 385-9832 6/2-6/16 5/31-6/2 WILL TRADE 2 story 4 bed- house in Spring Grove for va cant land or Real Estate in McHenry area. Write McHenry Plaindealer, Box420, McHenry. Illinois. 6/2TF12 BRICK building consisting of 2-3% and 1-3 room cozy fur nished apartments. For quick Sale, $28,500.00. Leaving City, Write P.O. Box 19, McHenry Illinois. 6/2 LOT 80x155, Pistakee Hills, Call evenings or Sunday after noons. 815-497-3588. 5/31-6/2 FOR FREE ESTIMATES For your Custom Built Home By: BTPUCTION Phone: 385-6757 REAL ESTATE I VAL MAR ESTATES DM iftii TO) li! 3 BEDROOMS 2% baths, family room, fireplace, intercom, gas air conditioning, carpeting, 3/4 acre lot. $54,900.00 I I I I I I I I •VAL MAR ESTATES 4 BEDROOMS 2% baths, family room, fireplace, intercom, gas air conditioning, carpeting, 3/4 acre lot. $55,900.00 On Lincoln Road - Vi mile East of Chapel Hill Rd. PHONE: 815-385-0457 6/2TF2 REAL ESTATE RESORT FOR SALE On beautiful Butternut Lake.... 3 year round cabins. Living quarters. Dining Room and Cocktail in the Lodge. Going Business. Write MILTON J. TICHY Rte. 1, Box 130 Butternut, Wisconsin - 54515 5/26 & FAIRWAY GREEN REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES 1st NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 3814 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 385-6660 NEW CONSTRUCTION Available July 1st. In Fair way Green, overlooking the 4th fairway of the McHenry Country Club. Brick & ce dar ranch with over 2000 sq. ft. of living area, has 3 Ige. BR's. kitchen, liv ing room, 2%bathtf, dining room, fireplace, extra large family room, patio, full basement, concrete driveway and central air cond., with humidifier. Easy access to schools, churches, etc. City wa ter & sewer, curb, all un derground utilities, gas street lights and private access to golf course. Call now for an appointment. 10: A.M. - 8:30 P.M. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW * IN TOWN Ideal for starter or re tired oouple. Handyman can make this worth over $20,000. On large wood ed lot 70x160. $14,300. Office space for rent. 1st National Bank Bldg. 500 sq. ft. New panelling and ceiling. Plenty of parking. Vacant lot. On the Fox River. 70 x 170. Don't pass this one for only $5,500. gj2 REAL ESTATE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TILL DARK T.P.MATHEWSl WONDER LAKE Attractive modern Amer ican 3 bedroom ranch, big kitchen, dining area, large living room 60x125 site, 1 block to private beach. A buy $21,000 Neat clean older home on nice corner lot, with fenced yard. 3bedrooms, full bath, gas heat, near private lake, last years price $14,000 Handyman? Carpenter? Mister Fixit, we have two homes that need a good hand. 1 for $7,000, 1 for $14,000 both with lake rights call for details. Summer or year round home on extra large tree shaded site with lake view, 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, gas heat, ready to go. $18,900 T.P. MATHEWS McHENRY McHenry Country Club area, 1300 sq. ft. living area in this year round home with 15x24 family room, fireplace, oversized 2 car garage. 60 x 250 shaded, fenced lot across road from river. Interior completely remodeled, ex terior needs work. Must see! $22,500 Just listed and priced for fast sale, 3 bedroom home, situated near private lake with lake rights $9,000 Handyman special 3 bed room home, modern kit chen, lake rights, double lot. $15,500 See Our Ads Daily and Sunday in the Tribune T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake, 111. 815-385-6341 815-653-2061 REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR LIVING FAMILY LIVING Everything you could want in this large 3 bedroom, 2Yi bath ranch - Outdoor heated swimming pool with rust remover and filter; family room overlooking patio and pool; living room with fireplace; paneled rec. room with a beautiful bar; central air conditioning; new car peting; oven/range & refrigerator; 1 car attached garage; city water & sewer; beautifully landscapped site! _____ $49,900 LAKE RIGHTS - LOW PRICE Newly remodeled 3 bedroom frame ranch. Kitchen with dining area and a paneled utility room. Oven/ range, refrigerator, dryer & carpeting included. Out door fireplace grill. Ranch fence "Western Motif" front yard. New septic and well. Water rights on a private lake. Only $19 900. IN TOWN LOCATION Frame Ranch with a FULL basement!! 3 bedrooms with loads of closet space, 2 full baths, large living room with a fireplace, separate dining room, family room, plus a huge paneled rec. room in the basement. All appliances, carpeting, draperies included. Work shop in basement also. Beautifully landscaped lot. City water & sewer. $33,50,0. - ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING Just a short walk to the beach and pier on the Fox River. 2 bedroom home with 2 full ceramic tile baths, newly carpeted living & dining room with a crab orchard fireplace in the living room. Brand new kitchen that boasts a new double oven/range & twin door refriger ator. Washer & dryer also included. Large family room that can be used as a third bedrrom. 1 car attached garage. $26,900. WATERFRONT 118 ft. on the Fox River, with a depth of approximately 370 ft. Living/dining room combination. 3 bedrooms & a family room. 1 car attached garage. Large patio with outdoor fireplace. $42,500. 3815 W. Elm St. McHenrv. Ul.VComer Rt.l20& Rt.31 ( OPEN EVERYDAY - CALL ANYTIME 8 1 5 - 3 8 b - 2 3 4 0 Member txclusive Listing Sf Listing Service in Crystal Woodstock, III. National i V M c H e n r y , A s s o c i a t e d A Multi List Service in '_ist .Service Nationwide