PAGE 4-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, J U N E 2 , 1 9 7 2 Holiday Hills. Bonnie Kellen Marge Conned 385-6344 385-3756 Local Youths Inducted Into Honor Society Every parent hopes that his off-spring will some day grow up to be a successful adult, no matter what career or path of life they follow. On Monday night. May 22, at the West Campus of McHenry high school, the parents of two of our Holiday Hills teen-agers were assured that their hopes and dreams wodld come true as they watched Janet Harper, daughter of Jim and Phyllis Harper and Gary Connell, son of Jack and Marge Connell be inducted into the National Honor Society. This is the highest honor a student can achieve at McHenry high school. The National Honor Society originated in 1922 with fourteen chapters and has grown to 11.000 chapters at the present time. It is divided into four categories. Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character and a student s eligiblitv is based on his record in school from the day he starts as a freshman.Five percent of the entire Junior class are accepted and fifteen percent of the Seniors. In the scholarship category, they must have a 3.0 average or higher to even qualify for this honor. Leadership is based on their classroom behavior and initiative. Service includes their willingness to help and their attitude; and character is based on their neatness, honesty, trustworthiness and punctuality. The election is faculty voted and then the student is notified of his ad mittance into the society. Gold membership pins and cards were presented to Janet and Gary, and Janet being a senior, also received a gold tassle which she will wear on her cap graduation night to distinguish her as a part of this organization. Sincere congratulations are extended to these two teenagers and their families. They are outstanding students, and asset to their community and all of us in Holiday Hills should be extremely proud of them TOWNSHIP MEETING JUNE 6 Of urgent interest to all residents of Holiday Hills, and several surrounding sub divisions, is next Tuesday night's meeting of Nunda Township For many, many years, our subdivision has been without governmental help in maintaining our roads - in fact. SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP Gifts for Home & Garden • Indoor and Outdoor Furniture * Weather Vanes and Name Plates * Mail Box Stands * Unique Gifts for All Occasions 815-385-0950 1713 South Route 31, McHenry, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. as long as Holiday Hills has been in existence. We now have a chance to 'rectify this situation. We need everybody's support in this effort. We must show our elected officials just how badly we want this road maintenance. Hie meeting will be at 8 p.m. in North School in Crystal Lake. Perhaps if you have a teenager in the family, he or she could volunteer his or her time to babysit for a mother who could not otherwise attend. This could be our youth's part in helping our drive for roads. Ail residents will be receiving a letter from Association president Bob Powell this week to further explain in detail just what this meeting will be about and what our intentions are. Please make every possible effort to be there, and to talk to all your neighbors about coming, too SWIMMING LESSONS TO BEGIN Swimming lessons will be starting next Monday, June 5, at the beach. The lessons are sponsored by the Holiday Hills Women's Club, and are open to any children from Holiday Hills. During the time the lessons are in session, the beach will be closed to all other swimmers and sun bathers. Please take note of this now, so that you are not disappointed when you go there all prepared to swim, and then find that the beach is closed. Pat Lonergan is in charge of the lessons, and you can call her if you wish further information. OUR NEW RAFT Orchids to Craig Stackhouse, and anyone who helped him, for the fine new raft we have at the beach. Many hours of hard work went into the building of this fine raft. With some care from all users of this raft, it should last for several seasons. Speaking of the beach, there are several things to keep in mind. Dogs are not allowed on the beach, for sanitary as well as safety reasons. It seems as if most children ride ther bikes to the beach. Please remind your children to park their bikes by the fence, away from the gate entrance. If you've ever tried to walk through the maze of bicycles lying all which way, especially with several small children in tow, you know how difficult this can be. If you" bring food along, please take your left-overs home, and don't leave garbage lying around on the beach. Especially hazar dous are pop bottles. PICNIC AT THE KELLENS The weather was beautiful, and so was the company. Last Sunday, Bonnie and Bob Kellen were entertaining several of Bonnie's high school chums and their families. Marge and Ed Truscke, and their children, Mike and Peter, were here for the day from Ridgefield, Coin. Vicki and Don Gobboney, and their children, Jimmy and Elizabeth, were here from Fraser, Mich., and Becky and Gerry Linnemann. along with John and Ruth came from Wheeling. With eight small children, the day was hectic, but well worth the planning to get everybody together again. Two of the gals hadn't seen each other since the days they were wed seven years ago. For them, the trip back home to Illinois was well worth every penny spent. LITTLE PINK BUNDLE OF JOY After bringing three husky boys, Mr. Stork decided it was finally time to drop a little "pink" bundle of joy into the household of Harold and Betty Hoff of Sunset Drive and little Karen Elizabeth arrived at McHenry hospital on May 12 weighing in at 7 lbs., 5Vfe ozs. The new parents are thrilled beyond words with their first daughter and Karen's three brothers, Calvin, Kenneth and Keith, are all taking turns spoiling her now that she's home from the hospital. Congratulations to all the Hoffs on their new addition to the family. GAA SPRING BANQUET Friday night, May 19, was an exciting night for our "Gal" athletes from McHenry high MITCHELL BUICK & OLDSMOBILE SALES, Inc. 903 North Front St. McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 OPEL Phone 385-7200 TRUCKS B U I C K OLOSMOBUE Good News About, Your Car FREE! No Obligation 10 WHEN? Thursday, June/#>vFriday, Jun^5 and Saturday, June WHERE? MITCHELL BUICK & OLDSMOBILE SALES, INC. 903 Front Street, McHenry, Illinois TIME? Thursday and Friday, June 8 & 9, 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, June 10, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. BUCK FACTORY SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES will operate this Service Clinic to help you protect the good health of your car. Let us check your car....from bumper to bumper...examine every important point, and give you a complete, written report on its condition...and at no obligation to you. All of us associated with Buick, together with thousands of Illinois and McHenry residents, are convinced that a Buick is evidence in action that--"When Better Automobiles are Built, Buick Will Build Them." We are confident that the quality of our product is unsurpassed in the automotive field, and never hesitate to tell everyone of Buick's mile-after-mile reliability. Come in anytime during the above hours. For information call 815-385-7200. We are looking forward to seeing >ou. Sincerely, HAROLD KAIN Service Manager P.S. Any and all makes included in Service Clinic school as it was the GAA annual spring banquet held at West Campus. It was Mother- Daughter "pot luck" dinner and attending from Holiday Hills was Mary Ann Mahon and her daughter, Debbie. Following the delicious dinner, many awards were presented and we are happy to announce that Debbie received her initiation pin, her "74" numerals and a basketball pin for being a member of the sophomore team. A program followed entiUed "Remerpber When", more or less reminiscing over the years at McHenry high school which was very entertaining and our congratulations go to Debbie for awards that she earned. ENTERTAINS VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM The Karafa home was overflowing with "boys" Wednesday night, May 24, when Guy Karafa entertained the entire varsity baseball team from McHenry high school following their last conference game. Coach Swanson was also present, and Joyc% served a delicious "lasagne" supper to all of them. MCC VARSITY BASEBALL BANQUET Steak dinner with all the trimmings was the menu served at the McHenry County Junior College varsity baseball banquet which was held on Wednesday night, May 24, at the Crystal Lake Country Club. Following the dinner, James Davis, president of the College gave a welcoming speech. Robert Popovich, head coach of the baseball team, then presented the awards. One of our students, John Connell, Jr., received a beautiful varsity pin for being a member of the baseball team. Highlight of the evening was the presence of guest, Rick Talley, Sports Editor for one of the Chicago papers. Robert Franz, the athletic director, closed the program and it was a very pleasant evening for all the team members. SPRING CAMPOREE Driving to McHenry recently as you looked out into the woodlands, you probably noticed many tents pitched on the hills with the American Flag flying high. The occasion was the Blackhawk Area Council May 1972 Spring Camporee. It all started on Friday night, May 19, and concluded on Sunday morning, May 21, just before noon time. More than 300 scouts participated in this annual event and three of the boys from our subdivision were among them. Mark Jende and Keith Teuber from Troop 260 and Ricky Connell from Troop 162. The boys camped in patrols and earned points for their patrol by participating in the many different events. Some of these were the 40 foot hand over-hand rope climb; the Tarzan swing; the Compass test; lighting a match with an ax; and tripod making. Emergency preparedness was also taught as the boys learned what to do if lost in a cave; and were shown edible plants such as cattails, and the white on the bottom of blades of grass. Ribbons were awarded to the patrols with the highest points in the different categories. There was also game time, and a huge bonfire glowing on Saturday night and these boys not only learned something, but had one great weekend. TALENTED MUSICIAN Every summer when you drive through McHenry* on a Thursday night near the city park, echoing through the night air you hear beautiful sounds of music coming from the band shell as the McHenry City Band gives its weekly concerts. This summer, one of our own Holiday Hills residents, will be contributing his musical ability to this fine group. : . John Hale, Jr., is now practicing and this summer will play in the weekly con certs. He has played the trumpet for, many years and has become quite an ac complished musician. So for a musical treat, take yourself up to the city park when the concerts begin &nd enjoy an evening of beautiful music under the stars. GET WELL WISHES Get-well wishes are being sent to little Billy Bruyn, 22 months old, of Poplar Street this week. Seems little Bill was playing on a swing set and fell, fracturing three bones in his right leg. It's pretty tough for a little guy this age to be in a cast especially in the warm weather and we all hope it won't be too long before he's up and running around again. Cheery get-well wishes are also sent to Midge Teuber of Oak Lane, who is now home recuperating from surgery in Highland Park hospital.w CONFERENCE TRACK MEET Conference track meets are always very thrilling and that's just what it was at McCracken Field on Saturday, May 20, when outstanding athletes from six schools got together. Participating were students from Cary, Parkland, Montini, McHenry Junior High, Hickory Hill and Wauconda, Two Holiday Hills students were chosen by their teachers to be in this event. Tom Lundelius took part in the "running long jump" and Eileen Connell placed fourth in the "softball throw." It was an exciting day for both of them. GIRLSCOUT SKATING PARTY The organ played and the Girl Scouts swayed and it really was a fun afternoon for Troop 478 when they had their skating party at the Just For Fun Roller Rink in McHenry on Saturday, May 27. Some time ago, the girls started taking a ten week skating course at the rink and those who finished this course earned their skating badge. The last requirement was to attend a skating party and this requirement was fulfilled with their attendance at this party. Jackie Carbone, Tillie Williams and Marge Connell chaperoned the group and the scouts who attended were Dale Williams, Chrissy Connell, Kelly Wegener, Paula Carbone, Cindy Rasbaugh, Barbie Grasser, Patricia Goebel, Kris Szamlewski, Noreen DeWitt and Pricilla Kasprzyk. Following the skating party, the girls went to the Carbone home where they played soft- ball, Yatze and had refresh ments. BRIDAL SHOWER The Mahon home on Birch Street has been one busy place the past couple of weeks getting ready for the wedding of Mary Ann's brother, Frank Rach- walski, which took place last Saturday, May 27. One of the big events however before the wedding was on Sunday, May 21, when Mary Ann, her mother and Debbie attended a miscellaneous bridal shower honoring their new family member, Judy Ferrick. The shower was given by Barbara Wilson of Woodale who was one of the bridesmaids. Ap proximately fifteen ladies were in attendance and punch, open faced sandwiches and cake were served to all. Judy received many lovely gifts which will be a big help in furnishing her new home. Lakeland Park SWIMMING POOL (Above or In-ground Pools) TERMS • n/oy t h e ^ , Ky Authorized Dealer Anderson Pool Co N o w f e l l * B u m m e r w i t h o f u n - f i t l e d w o r k - f 616 Green Oak Dr. Crystal Lake, III. wt* wi l t „ tun< • f <«Ck(. I i l t t ) Uf tCt ijitt* _ «| («i,< t'lit nitiliM FREE SHOP-AT'HOME SERVICE CALL NOW 459-1810 DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Community House Badly Damaged By Vandalism It is very sad to have to report so much unhappy news lately. Sometime during the last week vandals destroyed the large canopy over the door at the Lakeland Park com munity house. They also broke the lights at the community house. Some windows in homes in the community were also shot out. A lot of these problems could be eliminated by more careful watching of the children. Perhaps it's time to tighten the reins a little bit and know where the kids are. BEACHES CLOSED Because of the unusually warm weather, for May, many people have been using the beaches. There have been some reports of people breaking out from going swimming in the lake. It is not known at this time exactly what caused the rashes. In the interest of public health, the beaches have been closed until further notice. This decision was made by the county health department. This goes for all the public beaches around McCullom Lake. The water will be tested during the week to find out what the problem is. CLEAN UP WEEK Now is the time to get rid of all the junk accumlated during the winter months. The City of McHenry has designated the weeks of June 5 to June 17 as clean-up weeks. For those living on the south side of Route 120 the pick-up will be from June 3 to June 10. For those living on the North side of Route 120, June 12 to June 17 has been set aside. The trucks will not pick up any items that two men cannot handle. Also, they will not pick up garbage. WOMEN'S CLUB VISITS LOOP The weather couldn't have been more perfect last Thursday May 25, for the Lakeland Park Women's Club trip to the Chicago loop. During the bus ride into the city, the ladies enjoyed the chance to chat with their neigh bors. Upon arriving, everyone took advantage of the chance to shop at some of the fine stores. All joined forces again at the Home Arts Guild. Luncheon was served featuring samples of many products. There was also a very nice program. The club was shown many in teresting ways to serve the products they were introduced to. After lunch there was more time for shopping and sight seeing. Also, a chance to see Chicago's famous "Picasso" and view the interesting ar chitecture. By the time the bus was ready to leave, everyone was glad for the chance to sit down BIRTHDAYSAND ANNIVERSARIES Happy birthday to John Grether on June 3, Billy Goebel and Wally Karafa on June 4, Donna Kasprzyk on June 5, Patricia Maras on June 6, Sharon Kottke and Nick Adam on June 7, Tim Cornwell on June 8, and Pam Bellon on June 9. Happy anniversary to Abbie and Jack Emerson on June 5, and to Inez and Clar Young on June 9. BUTLER FARMSTED* GARAGE $1295°° F.0J. PLANT 30' by 24' by 11' All-steel, complete with two 10' by 10' finished door openings to accom modate tall vehicles and Lite*Panl skylighting. OVERHEAD DOORS NOT INCLUDED MIDWEST AGRI- SYSTEMS INC. Capron, Illinois 61012 Phone: (office) 815-569-2164 (home) 815-569-2018 and relax for a while on the way home. CHILDREN ENJOY FIELD TRIPS The school year is winding down and spring is a perfect time to go on a field trip. Many of the students at Valley View > School did just that, last Wednesday, May 24. The pupils in first grade / journeyed to Pioneer Park in Aurora where they visited the animals and enjoyed a picnic. The first grade teachers who , went along are Mrs. Giznik, Mrs. Gilmore, Mrs. Obenauf and Miss Nash. > The fourth grade students ; visited Shamrock Farm in ; McHenry. They were shown / how cattle are readied for the market. "The most talked about part of the fourth grade trip was the whole class being weighed on the scale which is used to weigh cattle. The fourth grade, teachers included, weighed 8,514 pounds. AND STILL MORE TRIPS Ceil and Tony Serritella loaded up the kids and other supplies and headed for parts unknown, to go camping last week. After a few days of roughing it in the wilderness, they were happy to return to enjoy the Memorial Day Weekend at home. Fred and Lorraine Pike spent a week relaxing and fishing in far-away places last week. Tom and Rose Wagner journeyed from Peru, Ind., to spend the holiday weekend with Tom's parents, Lloyd and Gerry Wagner. The family celebrated Tom's birthday, Saturday, May 27. CAKES AND CANDLES Cindy "Kujak" Bailey will celebrate with a cake and candles on June 2. Judy Johnson Morrie Ketchum and Mike Ketchum share June 3 as their special day. Agnes Holas and Robert Michael Santi celebrate candle occasions on June 7. Agnes will be eight years old and Robert will be one year old. ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Grace and Chuck Campo will celebrate their wedding an niversary on June 5. This will be their twenty-fourth an niversary. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE Here is the schedule for the Lakeland Park Community House. All bookings and can cellations are to be made by calling Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 385- 2728. Friday - June 2- Webelos Meeting - 7 p.m to 8:30 p.m. Monday - June 5 - Booked - 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Tuesday - Boy Scout Meeting - 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday - June 8 - Lakeland Park 4-H Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. B.S. Degree To Lindsey Grey Lindsey Gray of 800 River s i d e d r i v e , M c H e n r y , graduated from the University of Kansas in the university's 100th annual commencement exercises held Monday, May 22. Lindsey received a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in elementary education. A total of 4,257 persons either received degrees in this 1972 K.U. commencement or were awarded degrees since the 1971 commencement. This is the largest total in the university's history. Fantastic Wet Road Handling The Road Holders ̂ II R E L L T Radial Tires For American, European and Japanese cars EUR0PA MOTORS "The Saab Place" 3318 W. Pearl St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 Ph. 385-0700 AT Mitchell SB Buick - Olds - Opel |