Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1972, p. 2

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PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1972 PLAN SUMMER SOCIAL - Shown above ire chairmen of committees discussing plans with their pastor, the Rev. John Kilduff, of St. Peter's parish, Spring Grove. The date set for the summer social is Sunday, June 25, with a chicken dinner served from noon to 3 p.m. There will be games, prizes, refreshment bar and pony £ art rides. The public is invited. Everybody is welcome to spend an af­ ternoon visiting with old and new friends. Pictured seated from left to right are Magdalen Miller and Beverly Schmitt, dinner chairmen; Eva Freund, publicity chairman; Dori Schaitz, general chairman; Father Kilduff; Beraadette Cummings and Louise Reynolds, hostesses; standing, Jack Schmitt, refreshment chairman and George Reynolds, games chairman. MR. AND MRS. VINCENT JOHN FREUND BRIDAL COUPLE - Susan Leanore Senke was a pretty bride as she walked down the aisle to meet her bridegroom at the altar of St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg, Saturday, May 20. They repeated their nuptial vows before Rev. Leo Bartel at the 3 o'clock afternoon services. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Senke of 6911 State Park road. Spring Grove, and Vincent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Freund of 6316 N. Spring Grove road, McHenry. Both young people are 1966 graduates of Richmond- Burton Community high school. They will make their home at 1303 Fairview drive, McHenry. Block Neighbors Enjoy Luau On Cagnoni Lawn Block neighbors in Dutch Creek Woodlands -- the Cahils, Cagnonis, Fenzels, Jorgensens, Thiels and Schafers - enjoyed a Memorial holiday weekend luau on the Cagnoni lawn. Later, the party concluded with a campfire at the Fenzel home. Others in attendance were Bill Jorgensen and friend, Chris and Nancy Young, Joyce and Glenn Benham, Diane Olney and their families. Ideal weather conditions prevailed to assure a successful luau complete with pineapple mai tai, etc The annual event was held earlier than usual this year because the Schafers will be visiting the New England states over the July Fourth holiday. dSb'Mfatn Croton Truss INSTANT fULLtTIUf AOJUSTMCNT- NO LACES! LaLeche League Meeting Set For This Thursday The McHenry chapter of La Leche League will hold its monthly meeting Thursday, June 8, at 8 p.m. La Leche League is an organization which is dedicated to helping mothers breastfeed their babies. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend the meeting. Pregnant women will find it helpful to attend before the baby arrives. Nursing mothers are encouraged to bring their babies with them. Those interested in attending or who may have further questions may call Mrs. Robert (Roberta) Humphries. 112.93 pMON Hwn ruoor grow pic r»ooeo leg (trap. No fitting. For reducible mgumsl SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all MakeS* Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Eight County Girls To Vie For Dairy Crown Eight dairy farmers' daughters will vie in the McHenry County Dairy Princess contest, sponsored for the nineteenth year by the McHenry County Dairy Promotion council. Candidates are vying for the crown worn by Sherry Vogt, who will relinquish her title at the annual Dairy Banquet June 28. First appearance of the Dairy Princess aspirants took place at the Harvard Milk Day parade. The candidates, with some information about them: Terry Cristy, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cristy, Wonder Lake. Sponsored by AMPI. Terry is 5-2 and has blonde hair and blue yes. Joan Finzel, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Finzel, Huntley. Sponsored by Federal Land Bank. Joan is 5-7 tall and has brown hair and green eyes. Joanne Groell, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Groell, Harvard. Sponsored by Genoa Co-Op. Joanne is 5-3 tall and has light brown hair and green eyes. Susan Hennig, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hennig, Huntley. Sponsored by McHenry County HIA. Susan is 5-4 tall and has brown hair and brown eyes. Margie Johnson, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, Hebron. Sponsored by AMPI. Margie has blonde hair and blue eyes. Barbara Rich, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rich, Harvard. Sponsored by AMPI- McHenry-Lake district. Bar­ bara is 5-2 tall and has dark brown hair and green eyes. Vanita Sherwin, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sher­ win, Harvard. Sponsored by AMPI. Vanita is 5-6 tall and has blonde hair and blue eyes. Cathy Wells, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wells, Harvard. Sponsored by Farm Bureau. Cathy is 5-8 tall and has medium brown hair and green eyes. Several of the candidates own dairy animals themselves. Most were, or still are, in 4-H. Tickets for the annual dairy banquet will go on sale this week. The banquet will be held this year at Crystal Lake. Day Of Recollection For Court Joyce Kilmer Install Garden Club Officers Installation of officers was conducted by Mrs. G.T. Snivley at the regular monthly meeting of the McHenry Garden club held in the home of Mrs. Ernest Bartz. Officers installed were Mrs. Ernest Bartz, president; Mrs. Herbert Rothering, vice- president; Mrs. Lester Smith, recording secretary; Mrs. Erik Braenne, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Edward Cepulis, treasurer. Board of directors are Mrs. Charles Wagner, Mrs. G.T. Snively and Mrs. CarlRieteselMrs. Edward Cepulis was appointed Ways and Means chairman by the president. A special appreciation was extended the Beautification committee, namely Mrs. M.L. Ward and Mrs. Charles Wagner, for the lovely floral plantings at the public library and the Mental Health center. Mrs. Lester Smith and her committee of junior gardeners were commended for their colorful display of plantings in the urns on Green street. These projects are sponsored by the Garden club each year and add greatly to the city's beauty. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. M.L. Ward, 805 Allen avenue, June 22 at 1 o'clock. Alumni Night For PWP Chapter In Crystal Lake Friday night, June 9, is alumni night for Crystal Lake Chapter 189 of Parents Without Partners. The general meeting will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the Yacht club room of the Crystal Bowl, Rtes. 31 and 176, Crystal Lake. Orientation for non-members interested in learning more about the chapter and PWP will be held at 8 o'clock. Dave Methlie, vice-president of activities, will be the moderator for the special panel discussion with the panel being made up of chapter re- marrieds. Chapter activities planned for the month of June are family bus trip, family trip to Hiawatha Indian pageant, theatre party, family Fathers Day picnic, coffee and con­ versation and amigos pot-luck. Parents Without Partners was organized in New York in 1958. There are presently over 500 chapters. Crystal Lake chapter is a member of Midwest Regional council and meets the second and fourth Friday of every month. For further information write P.O. Box 165, Crystal Lake. The next meeting of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, at 8 p.m. in the K. C. hall, 1304 N. Park. Following the business meeting, there will be a patriotic social. Chairmen for the evening are Elsie Winkel and Susan Mar­ shall. The Committee members are Alvina Walsh, Kay Mahoney, Margaret Weber, Dorothy Adams and Elizabeth Weber. The Day of Recollection will be held Wednesday, June 21, at the Bishop Lane Retreat house in Rockford. Mass will be celebrated by Father Ur- baniak, formerly of St. Mary's of McHenry. He will also conduct the Day of Recollection. Bus service has been arranged. Members in­ terested are to call Mrs., Hilary M. (Ann Rodenkirch,) before June 12. Regent Mary Jean Lahs and Vice- Regent Bertilla Freund recently attended the state convention in Belleville, HI., and brought back two awards for the court in the Sevenfold Involvement program. The following state officers will serve for the next 2 years: Catherine Wiegman, regent, Vivian Clarke, vice-regent; Josephine Vocht, second vice- regent; Madeline Schroeder, secretary and Bernice Denzler, treasurer. Among the seven delegates elected to the national convention to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey in July, was Florence Shaw of Court Aurora of the Rockford diocese. Announcement was made that Sunday, Oct. 15, is National Catholic Daughters Day this year. Group insurance and hospitalization is being studied for the Catholic Daughters. The next state convention in 1974 will be in Rockford diocese, of which Court Joyce Kilmer is a part. Highlights of the convention was the Mass at the Cathedral, with the diocesan choir singing, and a visit to the Shrine of our Lady of the Snows with its grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Angelus Bells and the talking stations of the cross which were most impressive. Tiffany Luerssen Baptized At Zion Lutheran Church The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luerssen of McHenry was baptized Tiffany Lyn, Sunday, May 27, at Zion Lutheran church with Rev. Herman Graef officiating. Sponsors were Thea Volz of Algonquin and Douglas Dykstra of Palatine. A supper was served at the Luerssen home for relatives and friends. Among the guests were the paternal grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Luerssen of Palatine, the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mr.s Emil Jeeninga, of Algonquin and the baby's brother, Robert, 3 years old. JOINS HONOR SOCIETY Susan Voorhees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voorhees, 6210 Mason Hill, McHenry, is a new member of the Hope college chapter of Alpha Ep- silon Delta, international premedical honor society. Miss Voorhees, a sophomore at Hope, is a 1970 graduate of McHenry Community high school. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen, McHenry, are parents of a daughter bom June 2 at Sherman hospital, Elgin. She weighed 7 lbs., 14 ozs., and has been named Kimberly Ruth. The new baby has two sisters, Colleen, 7, and Pauline, 5, for playmates. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk, Ringwood. The paternal ones are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mullen, Sr., of McHenry. The new mother is the former Deanna Oonk. i ti fv ^0, put He \HEVjlBWERfcNP STEAMEP MY KiGSEP you GLASSES TWO VET? || 11 MEG. • CONFIRMATION CLASS - Confirmands at Nativity Lutheran church. Wonder Lake, include this group of fourteen, shown with the Rev. Roger H. Olson, Pastor (back right), following lasi month's Rite of Confirmation. From left, front; Kim Nielson, Bonnie Wenk, Kathy Pittman, Diane Eschner, Teina Englehardt and Valerie Bach. Back; Charles Crowell, William Johnson, Joseph Hansen, Robert Goetz, Daniel McCafferty, Ronald Gabel, Keith Schaedel, Tony LaGreca and the Rev. Olson. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) AOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Coming Events OOOOCfe >o~i New Arrivals McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Jr., of Streamwood, announce the birth of a son, Robert, the third, on May 23. He weighed 8 lbs., 5V4 ozs., and his maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. McGee of Carpentersville, former residents of Johnsburg. This is the first grandchild for the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Sr., of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Coffman are parents of a daughter June 3. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shanahan became parents of a daughter June 4. P Mothers! --I I Have peace of mnd this summer. Day camp f in McHenry for girls, ages 6 to 12. Swimming, crafts, games. » CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS. $15.00 Fantasy Farm 385-2499 per week I I I OPEN Sunday noon O n t h e N o r t h S h o r e o f L o n g L R O L L I N S p O I n g f e ^ l d e I l l i n o i s (Situt ( t ^ou A 11 Wednesdays Prepared in the Old World Tradition --r $ y I. OlM a * « m t m j -- i n i m a i l i t • , , a A II6BT il imTPt linn * a WWi IIIIIIIII Every Wednesday May thru Aug. 30th Every Friday Sept. 8th thru Nov. 19th Featuring The Alpine Seranaders Per person •••• $3.95 Children (under 10) $2.50 , i Htooggliiff IF®or [Food JUNE 9-10-11 Townsquare Plavers Present "Annie Get Your Gun" Woodstock Opera House -- Sunday, 6:30 p.m. -- Others, 8:30 p.m. JUNE 10 The Friendship Club Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - First United Methodist Church Dining Room.k JUNE 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. JUNE 13 McHenry Town & Country Newcomers Club -- Ladies Luncheon and Tour At Long Grove - 1 p.m. - Mrs. Jack Douglass Chairman. JUNE 15 Court Joyce Kilmer, C D. of A., Business Meeting and Patriotic Social - K. of C. Hall - - 8 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves East Campus Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. McCullom Lake Con­ servation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. - Election of Officers. JUNE 21 Court Joyce Kilmer, C D. of A. - Day of Recollection. JUNE 22 McHenry Garden Club - Meeting -- Home Of Mrs. M.L. Ward, 805 Allen Avenue - l p.m. JUNE 24 Tag Day - Benefit American Field Service International Scholarship Fund. JUNE 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. An­ nual Hobby and Antique Show. JUNE 29 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus-Luncheon-Theater Party - Shady Lane, Marengo. Beef kabobs or pork chops de­ serve to be accompanied with a special rice. Just pop a cube of beef bouillon in the boiling water when cooking rice or use diluted canned bouillon. The soup sea­ sons the rice as well as giving it a gourmet appearance. Brighten up a summer break­ fast with a meaty sandwich. Pile slices of ham, chipped beef or browned pork sausage links be­ tween waffles hot from the grid­ dle or toaster. Halve diagonally, sandwich style, and serve plain, JULY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Picnic for Members - Veterans Acres - Crystal Lake. garnish with orange wedges or top with hot syrup or jam. Here's a delicious way to beef up eggs: Brown leftover uncook­ ed ground beef to mix with scrambled eggs or to fill an om- let. The beef may be seasoned with curry, oregano, or chili pow­ der for these egg dishes. Hot dogs are popular! During the baseball season the number of hot dogs sold at ball parks equals or exceeds attendance. Less DDT During 1972, the U.S.D.A. is looking to implement a broad program designed to help farm ers control pests more effectively and more economically, while at the same time reducing the amount of DDT and other chemi­ cal pesticides currently being used. Knits accounted for more than Mi of all apparel fabrics in 1970. 5M P R I N T E R S • * ' v PUBLISHERS 1 S T 1 8 7 5 vmk. enry C^Plat nJealer \ Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Publisher Larry E. Lund Adele Froehlich - Editor MEMBER NEWSPAPER J NMPAwl Association - Founded 1885 5 I 81 Year $7.50 1 Year .$9.00 ^ In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and | ^ County Lake County GLADSTONES GLADSTONES GtADSTONES CLAD CO CO § CD co e cO 0 5 CD CO LU 1 CO § CD CO CO 5 CD CO CO o 2 CD CO CO THURS.-FRI.-SAT.-SUN. June 8-9-10-11 SPECIAL GROUP JUNIORS KNIT TOPS Short Sleeve Branded Goods Hundreds to Choose from SM-L-XL 15% OFF LHDSTDNE 1219 N. Green St. McHenry 385-0182 CO © m CO tr> £ S CO o E a CO tr> CO CO e> S o CO CO o 5 CO curio S3Noisqvi9 S3Noisqrra s3Noisavi9

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