Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1972, p. 13

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FEMALE HELP WANTED BE AN • AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-385-8020 6/14-7/26 SELL NEW HOMES PART TIME IN WONDER LAKE Call for information 312-529-3900 B&K CONSTRUCTION 6-14/6-16 FULL TIME EXPERIENCED TYPIST Some shorthand and filing, Knowledge of General Office Procedure Salary open Benefits Call Mr.Mack for interview. 815459-9513 C R V ELECTRONICS CORPORATION Needs LIGHT ASSEMBLERS at 913 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL 6/14-6/16 MALE HELP WANTED SEMI DRIVER wanted, Die­ sel .Minimum age 25. *KP-' ply to Box 424, c/o McHen- ry Plaindealer stating ex­ perience and qualifications. 6/9-6/16 EXPERIENCED Broiler and Grill man, or will train a serious minded person. Apply in person. Timbers Restau­ rant, Rte. 47 & 14 I.ypass, Woodstock. III., or phone for appointment. 815-338-3500. 6/14-6/16 FEMALE HELP WANTED •SECRETARY •CLERK TYPISTS • BILLING TYPISTS Permanent job open­ ings, currently exist in several departments for the above listed positions. Full range of company-paid ben­ efits. Apply to personnel OAK Matlrirx Inc. SWITCH DIVISION 'crystal LAKC tUUiNOf* *•• •••• *ooc. • B0014 an equal opportunity emplo>rr. JEWELS BY PARK LANE INC. Now opening in Chicago and surrounding areas. Party Plan Managers, we pay guaranteed salaries from $100 to $500 per week plus top over ides, offer extensive expense acc­ ounts, cash bonuses and profit sharing. No territory restrictions. We pay 50% commission to demon­ strators plus. Absolutely no investment of any kind, no delivering and no col­ lecting. Quality product at reasonalbe prices. Be on the ground floor with a stable, established com­ pany. All information kept confidential. Experienced party plan people may call collect. Nancy Lockwood, secre­ tary to the president. 312-777-1550 from 9 am to 9 pm. Others may write 6610 Irving Park Chicago, Illinois 60634 jlitiilkll INSTRUCTIONS PIANO LESSONS: Would like a few more pupils. Begin­ ners only. 385-5235. 6/14-6/16 DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Starting June 26 7 p.m. Beginners, Intermediate and Open. Qualified Instructor. PHONE MRS. CEJPULIA 385-0272 6/14-6/16 & 6/23 HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED ti GENERAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC S Able to wire 220-440 single and three phase motors. 9 Must be capable of handling all types of maintenance work. Experience necessary. Apply to personnel office. Singer Controls Company 110 W. Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-3200 An Equal Opportunity Employer. 6/7TF12 ^ [ mTD"""" EXPERIENCED MOLDING MAN Must be able to set up, operate and supervise day shift. APPLY TO PERSONNEL: Singer Control Co. of America 110 W. Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, 111. 60014 815-459-3200 An equal opportunity employer. 6/9TF12 TITjj PETS FOR SALE BORDER COLLIE Shepherd puppies, $5.00 medium build and height, mama dog insists on good homes for her beau­ tiful pups. Call 385-4038. 6/14-6/16-72 Male Schnauzer, 6 weeks old. A.K.C. Registered. All shots. Call after 6 P.M., 385-2395. 6/14-6/16 BEAUTIFUL Lab, Pointer pups, with good hunting po­ tential. Children a must. $5.00. A meager sum for a life long friend. 312-497- 4198. 6/9-6/14 AKC German Shepherd pup­ pies, 5 weeks old, 5 male, 3 female. Call 385-4388. 6/14-6/16 COLLJE PUPPIES, female, sable & white, 3 months old, A.K.C. registered, partly housebroken. 385-2770. 6/9-6/16 WANTED TO RENT WOMAN with four children, school age, needs 3 to 4 bed­ room house. Can supply se­ curity deposit immediately. Maximum rent $225.00. 385- 3021. 6/9-6/14 Psycologisfs small family needs 3 bedroom home. Ex­ cellent local references. 385- 1593. 6/14-6/16 Classifieds get the job done. FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT, wooded site in Pistakee Bay, 2 br. stove and refrigerator includ­ ed, full bath, carpeted living room, utility room, 1%car ga­ rage $200 month. Referen­ ces requested. 815-653-6546. 6-14-72 5 ROOM, 2 1 edroom home in Wonder Woods area $210 per month. Available Sept. 5th, Elderly couple preferred. 312-456-0620. 6/14-6/23 PHYSICAL THERAPIST ' REGISTERED Easter Seal Society for McHenry County Woodstock, Illinois 815-338-1707 " 6/14-6/16 HOUSEWIVES and COLLEGE STUDENTS Earn extra cash here inf our modern offices. Even- f ing hours 9 - 2 or 5 - 9. Monday through Friday. Call 385-1070 and ask for Gen HELP WANTED INTERESTING WORK WITH Excellent Pay And Benefits TALK WITH US About Job * Opportunities Now Available APPLY IN PERSON WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING DRf. ELTRA Corporation Woodstock, III. an equal opportunity employer 6-14 HELP WANTED PRODUCTION CONTROL EXPEDITER To keep records and follow customer orders through the factory. Must have knowledge of factory opera­ tions; to keep proper records. Permanent job with good opportunity for advancement. MANY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. APPLY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. JOHN STERUNG CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III. Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond, just past State Line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. 6/14-6/16 FOR RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, with full basement. Ideal for children, close to school and lake. 815- 455-0518. 6/9-6/16 TESTED and approved by mil­ lions of home-makers. Blue Lustre Carpet cleaner is tops. Ace Hardware. 6/14 IDEAL 2 bedrooms, furnished apartment, July. Year lease, extra's. Beach facilities. No cMtyren, After 6: p.m. call Wonder Lake 653-9739. 6/9 DELUXE 2 bedroom apart­ ment in town, stove and re­ frigerator furnished, lease, references and security depo­ sit required, no pets. Avail­ able July 1st. Call 385- 2260. 6/7TF12 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Fully carpeted, range and refrigerator. No pets, 1 year lease available now. Heat included. Rental $185. Bayshore Realty 3440 W. Elm McHenry 385-3620 and 385-7508 6/2TF12 SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private patio, elec­ tric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. Renting *as of July 20th See or call May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, Illinois _815^678^2861^m^ SITUATION WANTED WILL jobs. DO PAINTING or odd Call 385-5547. 6/14 TWO enterprising high school boys to do odd jobs, reason­ ably priced. Call Little Tom. 385-3427. 6/14 QUALIFIED SWIM instructor, life guard, seeks summer em­ ployment. A district 15 tea­ cher. Phone 385-3450. 6/9-6/14 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 ' [111 2 BEDROOM HOME on the lake, newly car­ peted, new drapes, new stove, fireplace and bar. $285. per month. 1 year lease, immediate posses­ sion. 312-674-8076 6/9-6/14 ORCHARD APARTMENTS 126 W. Washington Round Lake^Ill. (East of E^le Shopping Center) 2 bedrooms, de­ luxe appliances, carpeted,! all utilities except elec­ tricity, beginning $175.00.1 Open House Saturday and Sunday 2-6. 312-328-6674 6j%. 6/14-6/KT FOR RENT Q, "a nice place to live 99 SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS * £ •Wall to Wall Carpeting ^ •Stove, Refrigerator ^ •Disposal, Air Conditioning •Private Decks •Laundry Facilities •Storage •Walking Distance to Shopping, Business, Hospital and C. & N.W. & & & * * 4* Bdrm. $175 & $180 MODEL OPEN * Bdrm. $205 DAILY 12:00 6:00p.m. £ CALL LEE J. C00NEY AT 385-4345 McHenry REAL ESTATE RAISED RANCH, 3 br. I bath finished, plus 1 bath, extra Ig, rec. room br. & lg. utility room unfinished. $23,000. 385-1912. \ 6/14-6/16 3 BEDROOM bi-level, lg. rec­ reation room, laundry and fur­ nace rooms, 1500 sq. ft. $19,500. 385-1304. 6/14-6/16 Lot 80 x 155, Pistakee Hills, Call evenings or Sunday after­ noons, 815-497-3588. 6/14-6/16 IN McHenry - Older two bed- rooiti home. 1 block from stores and churches. Price upper 20's. Call 385-0495 or 385-1332. 6/9-6/14-72 MARETTA ESTATES A new residential area, located 1 mile Northeast of McHenry. Lots %acre and up. For Information Call 385-7685 6/14 WONDER LAKE AREA 5 good farm acres on Black top. Excellent terms. 312-231-1025 6/14-7/7 By Owner for Sale or Rent with option to buy in McHenry H brick, 3 B.R. ranch home w/1% car attached heated garage, carpeted, tile bath, built-in oven & stove, disposal & utility room. 20x24 panelled family room with fire­ place. Lot 80x160 nice­ ly lands capped 2 blocks from new shopping center & school. Available July 1. Asking $28,500. Call 312-428-1351 8/MTFl MUST SELL HOME Completely, newly remo­ deled ranch home from top of roof to family room in a full basement, has bar, fireplace, 3 bed­ rooms, hardwood floors, carpeted living room and bath, kitchen with built- ins, patio, stockade fence, black top circle drive, 2V2 car garage, many ex­ tras with home. $30,000 815-385-5931 BY OWNER 6/14-6/16 Your Dollars Get More Mileage Thru Want Ads PAGE 13-PLAINEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 . HEAD VFW AUXILIARY - V.F.W. Commanderfjiect Kay Kuemmel and Ladies Auxiliary | President Ila Hogan accept gavel from Mary Kuemmel and Ralph Thoma, who have headed the two f organizations this past year. The setting was the recent joint installation of the post and auxiliary. VFW Post 4600 and the ladies auxiliary held an impressive ceremony " recently when Ray Kuemmel was installed as commander of the post and Ila Hogan was installed as president of the Ladies auxiliary for the 1972-1973 year. Installed with Kuemmel by Past 5th District Commander Paul Chromek were Martin Spoolstra, Senior vice- commander; Walter Kuck, junior vice-commander, Robert Freund, quar­ termaster; Carl Perino, judge advocate; William Abbink, chaplain; Wayne Amore, 3- year-trustee; Walter Scar- brough, 2-year-trustee; Vern Reinboldt, 1-year-trustee and Bert Delke, adjutant. Ladies auxiliary members installed with Ila Hogan were Vi Abbink, senior vice- president; Helen Spoolstra, junior vice-president; Marge Moreth, treasurer; Renee Jende, secretary; Edna Olsen, chaplain; Chris Amore, con­ ductress; Vi Schuble, patriotic instructor; Dora Krocker, guard; Mercedes Morenz, historian; Ruth Ann Garifi and Elsie Ottoson, musicians; Lucille Garifi, American flag bearer; Pearl Saunders, assistant American flag bearer; Barbara Brynarski, Banner Bearer; Nellie Hep­ burn, assistant banner bearer; Barbara Kuck, Pat Bedford, Jane Delke and Elaine Barnes*3f color team; Mary Kuemmel, 3^? 7ear-trustee; and June Sch-» munk, 1-year-trustee. Marge Moreth served as mistress of ceremonies and ' Gerry Kuck, past president of < the ladies auxiliary to Post 4600, was installing Officer for' the ladies. Distinguished guests who attended the installation were Commander Ed Arbogast and his wife, Virginia, and Pearl Kotulski, president of the fifth District ladies auxiliary to VFW. Ed Arbogast is com- > mander of 5th district VFW. Refreshments were served following the installation. From The Farm FACE-FLY POPULATIONS Face flies are appearing on cattle. Apply Ciodrin for face- fly control now to prevent the adults from laying eggs to produce the first generation this year. Early and continuous control can really cut face-fly populations. FLEA BEETLE DAMAGE Flea beetles are small black, jumping insects. The beetles leave an obvious sign when they're present: a white scratch mark on corn leaves, tomato leaves and other garden vegetables. Sometimes it is dozens of small circular areas eaten out of the surface of the leaf. Spray the plants with car- baryl (Sevin). Use 2 tablespoons of the powder per gallon of water. BAGWORMSAND SAWFLIES Bagworms and Sawflies are already eating the needles off of junipers and pine trees. Early control is a must or the worms will defoliate the trees. Use carbaryl (Sevin) as a spray. Mix 3/4 cup of the powder per 6 gallons of water or one pound per 50 gallons of water. Thoroughly spray the worms. EARLY BIRDS - These members of the Four Aces 4-H club oil Holiday Hills (assisted by younger members of their family) take a few moments of well earned rest while working for the paper drive they will hold June 23,24 and 25. A truck will be located at the. east entrance to the McHenry Market Place, Rt. 120 west, all three";* days. Part of the proceeds will be used to carry out club projects;* the remainder for charity. «2 lil , * PET CENTER J^toor A Ptr FoR PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER %ss0*> FOB THE ACTION YOU WANT A As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. HUGE very good temperament, black female dog, found at Bull Valley and Draper Rd. 385-3554. 6-14/6-16 TO BF. GIVEN AWAY FREE KITTENS, all shapes, all sizes, all colors. Cheery Valley Farm, on Mason Hill Rd., McHenry. 459-0754. 6/14 HELPHLandlord insists. Find new homes for cats and kittens. Call 385-2566 for healthy, litter trained adorable pets; all sizes, shapes, colors, ages. 6/14 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170

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