CROWN MISS WC5NDER LAKE_ (C ohttnaed frompage 1) Pretty, 18-year-old Kathy Kroncke became Wonder Lake's newest queen last Saturday night when she was crowned in a ceremony con cluding the 1972 beauty pageant. Miss Kroncke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Dreyer of 2015 Balsam drive, t First runner-up few the title was Susan Marie Ohlrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ohlrich of 4103 Seneca drive, and second runner-up was Barbara Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Church of 8617 Memory Trail. The ceremony took place at Christ the King church hall, sponsored by the Woman's Club of Wonder Lake. The new queen was crowned by Lorrie DeWerdt, 1971 title holder. Miss Kroncke, a 1972 MCHS graduate, is 5 feet 5 inches tall, with light brown hair and green eyes. She was a runner-up for the title last year. The pretty new queen was a member of the swimming team at school and also belonged to the American Field Service chapter and Girls Athletic association. Her hobbies are water skiing, dancing and drawing. A five-year resident at Wonder Lake, Miss Kroncke hopes her future will include either a career as an airline stewardess or in the business world. Announcement of the winner of the Miss.Congeniality award - selected by the contestants themselves -- brought Brendia Scruggs to the stage to receive her award. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Scruggs. Miss Scruggs was crowned by Mickey Dusthimer, 1971 first runner-up for the Miss Wonder Lake title. SILVER BEAVER SCOUT AWARD TO HUGH KIRK (Continued from page l; the Kirk property near McHenry, in 1916. He was a very small boy, too young for the scouting program, when his uncle, a scoutmaster, brought a troop from Chicago to camp out during Scout Week. He still remembers the thrill of meeting Chief White Wing, an Indian handicraft counselor who stayed at the Kirk home mat week. Together they dove for clams in the river. Later that year, he skated with the troop down the DesPlaines river from that city to Toughy road and then hiked to Park Ridge. The love for Scouting had settled within this small boy. He carried on an active interest in the Lone Scouts, organized in rural areas where there were not enough boys for a troop. In recognition of his new honor, McHenry Cub Pack 131 presented him with a silver maple tree and planted it for him, with help from Cub mothers and the Cubmaster. The Blackhawk Area council extends from Island Lake to the Mississippi river on the west and into Wisconsin. Only once before has a McHenry man received this award. He is M.L. Schoenholtz, who was presented with the Silver Beaver in the 'forties. Kirk is institutional representative of the Methodist church in McHenry. His scouting duties have included, in addition to assistant scoutmaster, neighborhood commissioner, institutional representative and district committee member. He took part in many civic projects, especially those related to conservation. Kirk was in his forty-third year with the Chicago public school system when he retired last year. For more than twenty years he operated Kirk's Kabins summer resort wi the river. NEW COUNTY FAIR BOOK LISTS ACTIVITIES FOR '72 (Continued from page 1) Thie fair committees include Bill Davidson and Don Barrett, livestock superintendents; LOCAL DRIVERS INVOLVED IN Kathy. Kopsell and Connie "Stenen, home economics superintendents; Dorothy Schultz and Marie Slater, fair book; Henry Edgerton, Don Peasley, Richard Walrath and Jack Hayes, publicity; Harold Beth and Jack Hayes, finance; Joe Conerty, Jr., and Richard Walrath, legal committee; Pomona Grange, Roy Nylander and Lyle Given, tickets and gate; Jim Pedersen, parking and security; Richard Walrath and Jack Hayes, carnival; Henry Edgerton, Ervin Walters, Jim Pedersen and Joe Thiede, commercial exhibits; Dick Walters, grandstand; Dorothy Kleckner and Sharon Nye, queen contest; Ervin Walters, president of 4-H town; Pat Sullivan, home advisor; Louis Englebrecht, AG adviser; Sue Ross, assistant home ad viser; Don Arnold, assistant AG adviser. VOCALIST WILL APPEAR WITH STAGE BAND (Continued from page 1) Selections by the band will include Theme from "Love Story", "Tribute to Brown", "I Left My Heart in San Fran cisco", "Light My Fire", "Dear Heart", "Intermission Riff", "Sunny", "Quiet Village", "Cecilia", "Your Cheatin' Heart", "GOin' Out of my Head" and "One O'clock Jump". r WE USi AND RECOMMEND RK PRODUCTS You CAN Tell The Difference. JANE'S Styling For Men By Appointment 385-7771 ILLAGE im\ARKET OPEN EVERYDAY formerly Russ' Food & Liquors 4405 E. Wonder Lake Rd. Wonder Lake, Illinois 7am.- 11 pirn. PRODUCE SPECIALS Cello I nt CARROTS AU Giant CUCUMBERS 10* ea NECTARINES 29* lb Whole WATERMELON 6* lb. 3 Pints QUALITY vnniDT ~vMEAT SPECIALS T U u U K I \ C e n t e r - C u t | Pork Chops 89* ib Loin End Roast 69* ib. Loin Half 79" lb . 6/19 Tally Ho Lean Ground Beef 75* ib. Oscar Mayer % Weiners 79 ib ICE CREAM^l 6y 7Q* I Bacon ib * Gal. S FRESH DONUTS DAILY DISCOUNT DRUG DEPT. ^ AMERICAN BEAUTY ^ BUTTERNUT Homestyle J ELB0-R0NI a NOODLES 24 - 10 oz. 19 Buckhorn fcEERj •69 Swansdown Gettleman /I 12 Pack THREE CRASHES (Continued from page 1) drive, Wonder Lake. The mishap, which occur: *d Saturday night about 11:15, disrupted power in the area for about two hours. After treatment at the hospital, Branham was taken to the McHenry County Sheriff's department, where he was charged with driving while intoxicated. Branham told officers he was proceeding northwest on Wonder Lake road and could not remember what happened. Officers noted that the Branham pick-up truck was south-bound on the roadway. As it rounded a curve, the vehicle left the road, traveled down a 6- foot embankment, proceeded south 92 feet, where it ran into a utility pole head on. There were no visible skid marks at the scene. I YOUTH HURT IN FALL FROM MOTOR BIKE RAMP _ (Continued from page 1) Deja, had been riding their motor bikes in the field and had constructed a homemade ramp. While traveling over the ramp, Michael fell and was unconscious when the other boy found him. Inform Publk On Referendum For Health Unit The McHenry County Health department invites the public to an open meeting Wednesday, June 14. at 8 p.m. in the cafeteria of Marian Central high school in Woodstock. The purpose of this meeting is to provide information to in terested citizens on the plans of the department to seek a referendum at the November election which would provide McHenry county with an ex panded "total care" Health department During the meeting, mem bers of the Board of Health and the Health department will be available to explain the various functions of the Health department Also present will be a representative of the State Health department to express the state's opinion on the ad- PAGE 17-PLAINDEALER-WFDNESnAY, JUNE 14, 1972 visability of seeking a referendum. All persons are encouraged to attend this meeting so that they may be informed of the ac tivities and needs of the Department of Health before the Nov. 7 election. Trudy Palys Earns Degree At Sangamon Mrs. Trudy Palys of Springfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oonk of Ringwood, graduated June 10 from Sangamon university, Springfield. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree. Mr. and Mrs. Oonk and Mrs. Palys' husband, Dennis, at tended the commencement program. The new graduate plans a teaching career. CLASS VALEDICTORIAN Scot Louis Beckenbaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Beckenbaugh, has graduated as valedictorian of his high school class at Bettendorf, Iowa. Mrs. Beckenbaugh will be remembered as the former Anita Althoff. God made the world full of trees and flowers and birds But nicer yet are those kind and gentle words. Float Application for Marine Festival Parade Sunday, July 23,1972 Please state name of entry, address and phone number. Three Classifications [ original Beautiful ( omical 1 Headline for entering float is June 15. Return float application or contact Frank Low, 1320 N. Riverside drive. McHenry, phone 385-6541. Deaths VINCENT SCHIAVONE Vincent Schiavone, 43, of 519 S. Park road, McHenry, died Monday, June 12, in McHenry hospital. Mr. Schiavone was born Dec. 13, 1928, in Chicago but had lived most of his life in this community. The deceased was employed by a dress manufacturing company. He is survived by his widow, Dolores (Rakow) and five children, Karen, 20, Vincent, 19, Michael, 18, John, 15, and Rick, 13. Visitation at the George R. Justen & Son chapel will be held until the time of the funeral Mass at 10 o'clock Wednesday in St. Patrick's Catholic church. Burial will be in Ringwood cemetery. Townships, if the electors so choose, may now create gar bage collection districts in unincorporated areas of townships and establish rules for garbage collection in those areas. The authorization is included in the Township Refuse Collection and Disposal Act recently approved by Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie. The governor also signed House Bills 3709-15 amending various tax acts, such as retailers' occupation, cigarette, public utilities revenue, etc., to permit sharing confidential in formation with the Illinois auditor when requested. JOB PLACEMENT New jobs were started by 855 public aid clients between April 1 and May 5 in a job placement program initiated by the public aid department, according to Director Edward T. Weaver. Weaver said the "new job6-' represent not only a savings of more than $125,000 for April and May alone, but renewed hope for families fighting dependency and depression." He said DPA job placement representatives are working in counties with large numbers of families on Aid to Families with Dependent Children. The state's AFCD caseload includes nearly 19,000 families with unemployed fathers, weaver expressed appreciation to businessmen and industrial leaders for their enthusiastic response to the program, and urged others wishing to par ticipate to call the public aid office in their county. APPROPRIATION BILLS Gov. Richard B. Ogilvie has approved appropriation bills of $129 million for public aid; $47,975 to the Judicial Inquiry Board for the current fiscal year, and $1.4 million to the Department of Business and Economic Development for development of the Rend Lake Conservancy District. The latter appropriation is to be used as the local matching share for a grant from the Economic Development ad ministration and release of the funds is contingent on availability of federal funds. A speech resembles a wheel - the longer the spoke, the greater the tire. Come VACATION with us for ONE WEEK in HAWAII We Appreciate Your Business! via United Air Lines and Sheraton Hotels ALL YOU DO IS: Open a new savings account of $50 or more, or add $50 to your present account -- and you may go along on a Savers Club trip to Hawaii at a low group air fare ^ price and many festive features to enhance your pleasure. Just look what's included in our SAVERS CLUB Trip No. 101 $ 315 * plus $15 taxes and gratuities Add $10 fer departures Julv and August. A UNITED AIRLINES ROUND TRIP JET AIR FARE TO HAWAII- leaves from O*Hare Field the Sunday of your choice and returns from Honolulu the following weekend. # USEFUL AND ATTRAC TIVE FLIGHT BAG FOR YOUR PERSONAL ITEMS ̂ In-flight-delicious meals by Trader Vic, champagne and movies £ A FRAGRANT FLOWER-LEI GREETING YOU WILL NEVER FOR GET- on arrival M Round trip transportation between airport and hotel with porterage ™ and gratuities for your luggage ^ OCEANFRONT SHEkATON-MOANA HOTEL-seven eventful days and six glamorous nights £ COCONUT GROVE LAWN PARTY with exotic Hawaiian beverages and succulent Polynesian hors cPoeuvres ^ Complinentary tour of wonderous Hononlulu, the Waikiki Beach area and fabulous Mt. Tantulus 4) TORCHLIGHT PALM PATIO LUAU- a festive island dinner party in a romantic Hawaiian setting. Q And best of all, you are free as a bird of paradise... absolutely no regimentation... yet a responsible person will always be available to assist you # ALOHA FRESH PINEAPPLE PACKAGE PRESENTED AS FAREWELL GIFT via •United Air Lines and Sheraton Hotels Everything is first class. You will recieve your tickets prior to departure, and we will meet on the Sunday of your choice at O'Hare Field, Chicago, to board a regularly scheduled United Air Line jet aircraft. While aloft, you will enjoy a delicous meal by Trader Vic champagne and a movie. Upon arrival in the Hononlulu airport, charming Hawaiians will greet you with a beautiful flower-lei, and take you and your luggage directly to one of the best oceaufront Sheraton Hotels-right on Waikiki Beach. The sightseeing tour is breathtaking, and the festive luau will be an evening of Polynesian fun. You will return to Chicago with a fresh pineapple package- a remembrance of delightful experience. SAVERS CLUB Trip No. 102 Same features as No. 101 but more deluxe accom modations at oceanfront Sheraton Waikiki Hotel $345* plus $20 taxes and gratuities. SAVERS CLUB Trip No. 103 Deluxe tour of two islands--Oahu and Maui. Stay 3 nights at Sheraton Waikiki. Fly to Maui for 3 nights at Maui Surf Hotel. Superior room $385* plus $20 taxes and gratuities. "Prices are per person based on two persons to-a room. Single room--additional. Rates apply until December 31. 1972 Add $10 for departures July and August Travelers-Cheeks, free of service charge, available to all Savers Club vacationers. TO INTRODUCE OUR EXCITING . NEW TRAVEL CLUB, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN OF CRYSTAL LAKE OFFERS THIS EASY TRAVEL CLUB ACCOUNT YOU CAN OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT FOR ASl LITTLE AS $1.00. THEN MAKE A MINIMUN! iDEPOSIT OF $25.00 PER MONTH. THAT'S1 ALL YOU HAVE TO DO TO BECOME ELI-; GIBLE FOR VACATION SAVER'S CLUB JPECLALS. WHEN YOU'RE READY TO GO- ION VACATION' YOULL HAVE THE TRAVEI 'SAVINGS TO DO IT WITH. COME IN AND JOIN FIRST FEDERAL'S TRAVEL CLUB TOD^Y! Open Your Account Soon . . . FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGSSWAN OF CRYSTAL LAKE "V Join the fun in Hawaii. Come to our office today for complete information and a vacation application. SAVE. 1 I AST CRYSTAL. lAKT AVRNUF TtLKPhorxf. <o*M400 WHERE SA VING PA YSI Established 1952 as Crystal Lake Savings and Loan Association 4