PAGE 20'PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1972 Twice Told Tales $24'750 Raised For loia igies )972 March of Djmes FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 23, 1932) A quiet wedding took place at Spring Grove June 20 when Miss Eva Weber of Spring Grove and Charles Freund of McHenry were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed at St. Peter's church with Father Weidekamp of- ficating Effective July 6, 1932, first class mail matter now being mailed at 2 cents per ounce or fraction thereof will require beginning July 6. 3 cents per ounce or fraction thereof. Drop letters will require 1 cent per ounce or fraction thereof when mailed at offices not having village or city delivery service A plate glass window is being put into the north side of Regner's grocery and market on Green street and also an outside stairway has been built Members and friends of the McHenry M.E. church are looking forward to a big day June 26, when they with their families will hold what is known as "Church Day". They will attend services at 11 o'clock after which they will go to Harrison s woods at Wonder l^ake for a picnic dinner The McHenry Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star will hold a quilt exhibit in their hall The public is invited to exhibit their quilts and prizes will be awarded for the prettiest, best workmanship and the oldest person exhibiting a quilt. Friends here have recently received a letter from Mr and Mrs J A Brown, former proprietors of the Royal Blue Store here. They are now living at Swae City, Iowa. They are running a variety store there. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 26. 1947) On Sunday, June 22, Mr and Mrs William Wright celebrated their golden wed ding anniversary at their home near Burton's Bridge According to an an nouncement received this week from St. Patrick's church Mass will be offered for the first time at Wonder Lake on Sunday morning, June 29. Mass will be said in the school building until a temporary building can be built. Father J.A. Vanderpool will offer Mssesat9 and 11 a.m. Diane Tony an, Mary Ann and Virginia Williams and Carol Diedrich were among those who took part in a dance recital presented June 24, at the Masonic Temple in Elgin. They are pupils of Miss Olive Swanson. Herbert Roeske, 18 years old, a 1947 graduate of the local high school was injured severely early Saturday morning when the automobile he was riding in overturned in a ditch after a collision with a greyhound bus near Lily I^ake. Local fire fighters were again victorious last weekend when they came out first in com petition with seven ne teams at a three day tour nament held in conjunction with the Legion carnival at Algonquin Captained by Eddie Justen the McHenry team won on both Friday and Saturday nights in preliminary fights and defeated Crystal Lake for the championship on Sunday TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of June 28. 1962) Sister Mary Henry, B.V.M., the former Anna Bolger of McHenry, will observe the fiftieth anniversary of her entrance into the convent when a Mass is read in her Hbnor at St Patrick's Catholic church Monday morning, July 2. Twenty-one pretty young ladies became candidates for Fiesta Day queen this past week Philip Zahn, a seven year old boy at McHenry, escaped serious injuries when he was struck by a car while riding on Lily Lake road on his bicycle. Miss Ellen Walsh, auditor at the McHenry State Bank for several years, died early Monday morning, June 25, in Billings hospital, Chicago, where she had been confined for two months. Miss Mary Therese Tonyan of McHenry was married to Mr. Girard Toussaint of McHenry in a pretty wedding which took place June 23 at St. Mary's church. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the nuptial rite. A number of trophies and ribbons were won by local riders in the McHenry County Saddle club horse show held June 24. Donna Schiller, Draper road, McHenry, won the Handy Horse class, the Five Keg Reining and the Trail class with her horse, Rebel Prince. She placed sixth in the ladies barrel race making 18 points to win the women's high point trophy. Top home run hitters from the Pony League are Ken Frost, Giants. 4; Jim Meyer, Receipts for the 1972 March of Dimes Campaign have been tabulated. Ed Drayer, cam paign director, is happy to announce that $24,750 was collected in McHenry county during the January fund drive. This is an increase of $1,750 over 1971 and can be attributed to the diligent work of the various community chairmen and their volunteers. Receipts by community are as follows: Algonquin, Ed Hepfinger, $719; Cary, Mary Rossi, $1219; Crystal Lake, Ed Drayer, $7,202; Fox River Grove, Marie Anderson, $483; Harvard, Duncan Lanum, $1,039; Hebron, Louella Hollenbeck, $464; Huntley, Judy Hanson, $419; Marengo, Rudy Johnson, $923; McHenry, Albert Vales, $2,864; Rich mond, Ray Anderson, $433; Union, Mike Yerke, $228; Wonder Lake, Pat Dusthimer, $530 and Woodstock, Gert Korst, $3,105. The annual dance sponsored by the Teen Action program of McHenry county raised $2,612 and the McHenry County Liquor Dealers raised $2,510. Funds raised for the March of Dimes provide help for more than 100 medical service programs across the country. Throughout the year, it sup ports research, care, education, and community service projects. In cooperation with the County Health department, it launched the Rubella immunization drive and gave $2,000 in scholarships to seniors entering the health fields this year. Elgin Hospital Patients Will Present Show Suggestions made last March by several Elgin State hospital patients will result in the first patient-sponsored theatrical production in the hospital's recent history. On June 25, the production of "Doin' Our Thing," a presentation of music and "expressive rhythmics" will be put on by nearly forty adult mentally retarded ESH patients. The show will be open to the public without charge in the hospital assembly hall at 2 p.m. While the all-patient cast has been practicing and rehearsing the show for some two months, its origin stems from suggestions made before Easter to an ESH staff mem ber. "They've learned they can do something for somebody, and that's what has made this thing go," explains Mrs. Nanette Thielen, music instructor at the hospital. "They're confident. This is their thing, and they've taken the incentive and responsibility for this show better than many 'normal' people would." Mrs. Thielen and two aides are the only hospital staff Cards, 3; Rich Soda, Sox, 3; John Meyer, Giants, 3; Chuck Schottman, Braves, 2; Rich Greenly, Braves, 2; Ron Parks, Braves, 2; Dave Smith, Cards, 2. members working with the patients to organize the show, and patients have assumed much of the responsibility for training other patients to carry their roles in the production. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF JOSEPH SCH- WEBL Deceased, FILE NO. 72- P-155 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on May 22, 1972, to Dorothy M. Schwebl, 1120 S. Black Partridge, McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Joslyn and Green, 116 Benton St., Woodstock, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. May 31, June 7 & 14,1972) Much presidential timber winds up being only kindliig. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF LEO C. KARLS Deceased, FILE NO. 72-P-152 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on May 22, 1972, to Beulah M. Karls, 5502 Kenosha, Richmond, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Leroy J. Welter, 1303 N. Richmond Rd., McHenry, Illinois. Claims, may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. May 31, June 7,14,1972) Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ANITA M. SCH WAB Deceased, FILE NO. 72- P-157 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on May 25, 1972, to Thomas Richard Schwab, 820 Green St., McHenry, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Richard S. Finn, 33 N. County St., Waukegan, Illinois. Claims may be filed within 7 months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or delivered to saidtegal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Coiirt (Pub. May 31, Junet), 14, 1972) Goodwill To Visit Wonder Lake, McHenry Every householder can help the handicapped to help themselves by contributing clothing, shoes,housewares and other items to Goodwill In dustries. The Goodwill Industries truck will be in Wonder Lake and McHenry Friday, June 23, to collect materials for the sheltered workshop, according to Mrs. Nick (Agnes) Adams, local Goodwill representative. The repairable household goods and clothing you no longer need are needed by non profit Goodwill Industries and a call to Mrs. Adams will bring the Goodwill truck to your door. Goodwill Industries long ago proved what many are now coming to realize, that after evaluation, training and work conditioning in Goodwill workshops, handicapped people actually make the best workers. They have less ab senteeism and more job dedication. By contributing surplus items to Goodwill, you can help this agency to perform such valuable service to the area. Goodwill both helps people and produces productive, self- supporting workers for com merce and industry. For complete information about the service of Goodwill Industries, call the local representative. The agency also provides a full club program of no charge. BARLN TO RISE: youR &o£<=> our , WITH OTHER &UVS. COOL IT... WITH Westinghouse AC055N7D--Deluxe Compact 5000 BTU Room Air Conditioner • Operates on 115 volts, 7.5 amps. • Adjustable 2-way directional louvers • Eleven-position thermostat • Vent control exhausts or circulates room air • Decorator Quick-Mount Kit--installs in windows to 40" wide Other features the same as previous model. OTHER MODELS TO FIT EXISTING SLEEVES AVAILABLE (14"x24" & larger) oKEENSHEETMflJl CAREY Appliance TTT 1241 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 385-5500 Don't Come Up Short! The Sure, Safe Way To Have Money When You Need It. Is-To Make Regular Deposits Every Pay-Day In A Savings Account With Us! We Help It Grow By Adding Liberal Interest. Start Now! Maxium Interest Paid Quarterly & Compounded Daily The Bank Of People And Performance McHenry State Bank 3510 West Elm Street as McHenry SSBBBBB Phone 385-1040