Rash Of Burglaries, Thefts In Community Investigated Bicycle, Auto Crashes o * ' • In Area Investigated Approximately $200 in currency and change was stolen from the Bavaria Haus tavern, 2405 Johnsburg road, Johnsburg, sometime Monday night. The building, which is presently being remodeled, was entered by climbing scaffolding that had been erected to construct a chimney. The offender then threw a brick through the living room window which allowed him to reach inside and unlock the door. After removing a television set from the living room, he went to the barrom area, where he removed money from the cash register, the juke box and a bowling machine. Several one and five dollar bills were also removed from a wall on the back bar where they had been hung as mementos. Numerous boats along the Fox river were entered sometime Monday night and various items were stolen from the crafts. Harold Padgitt of 1208 W. Old Bay road, McHenry, told of ficials that during the night, his boat was entered by tearing the stern canvas. A portable television was removed. Lois Weber of 1218 W. Old Bay road, McHenry, stated that her boat was entered the same night by removing side cur tains. Taken were a fire ex tinguisher, two boat cushions, one pair of oars and several personal items removed from the glove compartment. Sounds were heard coming from the area where the boat was docked at about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning. A boat owned by Richard Husted of 1204 W. Bay road, McHenry, was entered sometime Monday night but it appeared nothing was missing from the craft. Evidence in dicated that offenders had used matches to illuminate the in terior of the craft while sear ching for loot. Gary Scheller of 1104 W. Bay road, McHenry, informed county deputies that a tape player, two speakers and a fire extinguisher were removed from his boat Monday night while it was docked behind his home. A fire extinguisher was taken from the boat of Ervin Gall of 2619 Wooded Lane, McHenry, *Jie same evening. Five other boats docked in the same area were also entered but iden tification of the boat owners was not immediately deter mined. Investigation is con tinuing. Deputies were called to in vestigate the burglary of two autos on Woodland drive, McHenry, Tuesday evening. Margaret M. Inerney of 5611 Woodland, reported that sometime Monday night, her locked auto had been entered and an 8-track tape player and two speakers were removed. Robert Hurckes of 5605 Woodland, reported that his auto had been entered in the same manner. An 8-track tape player was also removed from his vehicle. Grace Krueger of 1211 S. Broadway McHenry, informed officers that sometime Thur sday night, her home had been entered and her purse, which had been left in the living room, was taken. The purse contained $65 and personal identification papers. A burglary at the summer home of Monroe Guiver, 309 Glenwood, McHenry, was discovered by a neightbor who had been looking after the home. Entry had been gained by cutting the screen and breaking a bathroom window. The home indicated con siderable vandalism had been done. Tissue paper and shaving cream were scattered about the premises, holes were broken in the walls of two rooms, the front door had been sprung and the glass window broken. It was not determined if anything was taken. It was believed the vandalism occurred sometime Friday night as the home had been in good order that mor ning. An 8-track tape player was stolen from the auto of Claude LOSE UGLY FAT You can start losing weight today. MONADEX is a tiny tablet and aasy to take. MONADEX will help curb your desire for excess food. Eat lass- weigh less. Contains no dangerous drugs and will not make you nervous. No strenuous excerciM. Change your ^ life . . start today. MONADEX costs ^ $3.00 for a 20 day supply. Lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded with no questions asked. MONADEX is sold with this guarantee by: r BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 North Green Street Owens of 704 Country Club drive, McHenry. Owens reported that sometime since June 5, the tape player was torn from its mountings while the auto was parked in the driveway of his home. An aluminum ladder with two 8-foot extensions was stolen last week from an advertising sign at the Skyline Drive-in theatre, Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads, McHenry. The ladder had been chained and locked to the sign when the theft occurred. Fred Haubold of 5811 N. Fc Lake road, McHenry, informed deputies that two hubcaps were removed from his auto while it was parked in the driveway of his home. The theft occurred Sunday or Monday night. Dennis Friedel of 12002 Novean parkway, Woodstock, reported the theft of his boat which had been stored in the garage at Cooper Kiddie college. 6610 W. Route 120, McHenry. The craft was last inspected in March of 1971 and had since disappeared. The boat was described as a white fibreglass day cabin boat equipped with a 50-horsepower electric start motor, mounted on a homemade trailer. Tuesday afternoon about 3 o'clock, county officials in vestigated vandalism which occurred at the summer home of Melvin Kasper of 208 W. Friendly avenue, Lakemoor. Kasper had not visited the home since last December. When he arrived Tuesday, he discovered several windows of Nancy L. Kraymer, 20, of 1324 W. Bay road, McHenry, was slightly injured when the bicycle she was riding was struck by a car Tuesday morning about 10 o'clock on Weingart road, just north of Acre lane, Pistakee Bay. Driver of the auto, Robert B. Moore of 1415 River Terrace, McHepry, was ticketed by sheriff's deputies for improper passing. Moore stated he was driving behind another auto and as this car passed the girl on the bike, she swerved slightly. As his vehicle approached her, she swerved again and then sud denly made a right angle turn. Moore swerved sharply but was unable to avoid hitting the bike with the right rear of his auto. His car then traveled into a ditch. MmsKraymer said that when she saw the car approaching, she started to cross the road because she wanted to get on the correct side. Officers noted the bike rider did not know she was on the right side of the road before she crossed over. The Moore auto the home had been broken, garbage had been strewn about Uie inside of the house, fur niture damaged and other parts of the home severely damaged. left 85 feet of skid marks prior to impact. Steven J. VanKanegan of 7104 Mohawk drive, Wonder Lake, was cited for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident after he struck the rear of an auto driven by William T. Foley of 3803 Richmond road, McHenry. The mishap occurred Monday afternoon about 3:10 at the intersection of Route 120 and Front Royal drive. Foley told officers he was west-bound on the highway and had stopped in traffic waiting for the vehicle in front of him to make a left turn when his auto was struck in the rear. VanKanegan stated he didn't notice the other car stopped in traffic until it was too late to avoid contact. A ticket for failure to yield right of way was issued to Shirley A. May of 104 Delaware, Crystal Lake, after her auto collided with another driven by Charles J. Lienhard of 1618 Meadow, McHenry, at the intersection of Route 120 and Industrial drive, McHenry. Both drivers were taken to McHenry hospital by the McHenry Rescue squad. Lienhard stated he was west bound on the highway and as he approached Industrial drive, he noticed a line of cars pulling out onto the roadway. He slowed down when he observed the May auto trying to make a left turn onto the highway. He thought the driver intended to stop at the corner but she pulled out directly in front of him. Mrs. May said she didn't see any traffic approaching so she continued to pull out onto the roadway. That was all she could remember. Officers noted the Lienhard auto left about 20 feet of skid marks prior to impact. Wendy J. Micheletto of i 19 W. Acre lane, McHenry, and Kathleen E Weyland of 1104 W. Northeast Shore drive, McHenry, were transported by the Johnsburg Rescue squad to McHenry hospital following a two-car accident Monday af ternoon about 5 o'clock at the corner of Bay and Weingart roads, Pistakee Bay. Miss Micheletto said she was stopped in the east-bound lane of Bay road with her turn signals in operation, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear when she was struck in the rear by the Weyland auto. The other driver stated she was east-bound on Bay road when she suddenly realized the Micheletto auto was stopped in traffic. Miss Weyland, who said she was unable to stop in time to avoid the collision, was PAG E 7- PLAIND EA LE R- ticketed for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Carolee T. Wilson of 2602 S. Holiday, McHenry, was ticketed for failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident following a two-car accident Monday morning about 8 o'clock, at the intersection of River road and Route 176, east of Crystal Lake. Driver of the other auto. Ann M. Skroch of 410S. Venice road, McHenry. stated she was stopped behind another vehicle at the stop sign at the in tersection when her auto was struck Mrs. Wilson told officers she didn't notice that traffic in front of her was stopped and was unable to halt in time to avoid impact. TWO FIRES The McHenry Fire depart ment was summoned Tuesday evening about 8:30, to ex tinguish a bonfire near the corner of Euclid and Beach. West Shore Beach subdivision Sunday afternoon about 2:30, a fire was reported in the John Barnes residence, 813 Althoff, Whispering Hills subdivision It is believed the fire was caused by a three-year-old boy who was playing with matches in a closet FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1972 Wonder Lake Man Victim Of Imposter Monday evening about 9:45, a resident of Memory Trail, Wonder Lake, reported to sheriff's deputies that he believed he had been vic timized by an imposter. He stated that during the month of April, he received literature offering extended insurance at a reduced rate through the Boiler Makers Union He responded by returning a postal card to secure more in formation June 7. a man who identified himself as a representative of the insurance company, ap peared at the complainant's home and a contract was issued and payment was made for the insurance. June 12. another man came to his home with the proper credentials and produced the postal card he had previously sent inquiring about further information It is believed the first man was an imposter as the insurance agency has no knowledge of him Further investigation is being made. SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all Makes Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER 1 HAT0 RACING AT THE LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY | EVERY SAT. NIGHT "You'll Recognize Some "Late" Faces In Our Sportsmans Group Sportsman • Spectator - Go-Karts Time Trials 7:00 p.m. Races 8:00 usaceoKossooo Sheriff Pronto makes an outstanding picnic-partner. / challenge any other Chicken . . . North, East or South to even come dose in flavor or tenderness to my deeelicious Western Style Fried Chicken. - Sheriff Pronto *2 PC. CHICKEN SNAK PAK* *3 PC. CHICKEN DINNER* 10 PC. CHICKEN FAMILY PAK* *15 PC. CHICKEN TUB* *21 PC. CHICKEN PARTY PAK* mcneils more fun than... In Woodstock on Clay Street In McHenry in the Market Place i SEE WHITE'S TO MAKE YOUR FATHER LOOK LIKE A i SIR GALA-DAD yaw* KNIT SHIRTS For Golf or Sportswear Shirts 100% Dacron Polyester. No-Snag Banlon, Orion & Cotton. Figured patterns & plain colors. New colors, new styles & new fabrics. Wear them in or out. Sizes Small-Medium-Large & Extra Large. *5°° *12 00 SUITS Double Knit, Dacron & Wool Plain colors, stripes & figured designs, I many with flared pants. Sizes 36 to 48. *60™ *95 to 00 TERRY ROBES White, Gold & Blue. Small, Medium, Large $~M Q 95 and Ex Large. JL NECKWEAR by Regal and Arrow Large selection in new colors, new patterns in wide widths, many are Wash and Wear. Also White on White and Plain Colors. *250,„ *6 so SHIRTS by Arrow Short Sleeves for Dress & Casual Wear. Double knits, Dacron & Cotton, all are Perma-lron. Figured designs, stripes & plain colors. Large selection of patterns & colors. New collar styles & new patterns. Sizes 14̂ to W/i *5°\ *12 OO SWEATERS... Lightweight, cardigan style, Blue, Gold, Green, Yellow & Brown 915.00 SPECIAL SWIM SUIT for FATHER The Magic Underlining makes you look better, leaner, younger and more athletic. Blue, Maroon, Gray and Tan. 113 OO MEN'S SHOP STORE HOURS: Daily: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm Fridays until 9:00 pm Sundays: 9:00 am to 12 Noon 1214 N. Green Street 385-0019 W SPORT COATS Double Knit, Dacron & Wool J Plain colors, Navy, Brown & Red, also Checks and Figured Designs. Regular, Long and Short sizes. *35°°, *65 OO SLACKS Double Knit, Wool, Wool & Rayon Plain colors & Geometric designs. In regular and Flairs. New Plain colors & Patterns. Sizes 29 to 44. *129S *2495 UNDERWEAR by Jockey Briefs 3 for $4.50 T-Shirts 3 for $4.50 Slim-Low Rise Briefs *1.75 Boxer Shorts, Decton, 2 for *3.50 Jockey T-Shirts, Gold & Navy Blue *2.50 Matching Briefs. $2.00 ¥ \ HANDKERCHIEFS Linen Handerkerchiefs by ARROW •1.00 Dacron & Perma iron. King size 3 in box '2.50 Sheer designed box of handkerchiefs for Father's Day gift. *1.50