AUTOS 1964 MG Midget, new tires, new studded snow tires $600. 385-5060 6-30/7-5 1972^ PONTIAC Grand Prix, $6500.00 list-private party wants $5,000 must see 385- 0869. 6-30/7-7 AUTOS 1971 Camaro, under warrantee hard top, auto, trans. 18,000 * miles, good cond. Must Sell, best offer after 5:00 p.m. 385-4852 7-5-72 '63 FORD Galaxie air condi tioned; '64 Corvair convert ible. 385-1861. 6-30/7-5 1967 Pontiac GTO good condi tion $1,000 or best offer.385- 4081. 7/5-7/7 AUTOS 1961 Chrysler, fully equipped, good condition, asking $100.00 or best offer. Contact R. Glos Jr. after 5:00p.m. at 385-1864. 7/5 TF1-2 AUTOS TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES « U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS f B & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC. IV2 miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 385-2034 7/5TF12 COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY For Your Automotive Needs -- 5 Qualified^ Counter Men To Serve You-- HOURS: Daily - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday • 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed ^road gravel, grade 9 for drive ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand,etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. i 7/5TF12 ' LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm .damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask t for Lee. 0 7/5TF12 .HIGH PRICES paid for copper, 'brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. •ttto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., iMcHenry. Call 385-6236. v 7/5TF12 ^TAW^MOWERS"! and GARDEN TRACTORS JADAMS REPAIR SH0P| f| 3102 N. Chapel Hill • McHenry, III. 385-0434 7/5TF12 -- B & G's SEAL COATING DRIVEWAYS - PARKING AREAS $10 and up Free estimates Call 385-4017 6-28TF12 t K i I ft I t A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right.. Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5 :00 on Weekdays. l TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 5-24TF1-2 FOR SALE MUST SELL P.G.A. Aluminum shaft custom golf clubs. E&g, wood covers included. 3 woods, 9 irons $99.00. 385-4807. . 6-30/7-5 I CARPET remnants arid roll erids. New name brands available. Buy direct, from carpet installer & save; Call Larry 815-653-4581/ 1 6-28/7-7 Nine-four foot flourescent fix tures, each with two bulbs. $5.00 each. Call Wonder Lake 653-3786 after 6:00 p.m. 7/5 TF BUSINESS SERVICES BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING •REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, IIL 815-385-0159 * 7/5TF12 CRYSTAL LAKE PAVING SUMMER SPECIAL ON Driveways, Parking Lots and Seal Coating 25% to 40% cheaper than any other contractor, free estimates 24 Hour Service. Call now and save. 459-5757 7-5/7-7-72 PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TGM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 7/5TF12 MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Tilling • Lawn Cutting • Power Vacuuming •Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 7/5TF12 NEED IMPROVEMENT! jlN YOUR HOME I Interior or Exterior Painting FREE ESTIMATES Call 385-6173 or 1385-7144 after 5:30 p.m.* PMMHIHMIIIII BUSINESS SERVICES MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALS(rPATCHING. SEAL COATING. TAR ft CHIPPING. , 20% DISCOUNT. CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 ? Grayslake Serving your area. 7/5TF12 VWWWWjl 815-385-5843 r=i i l Free Estimates St NWSIDE GAR AGE-DOOR • r SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE Of All work Guaranteed 6/28-8/9 vwww WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING SERVING YOUR AREA - .20 Years Experience I We I" * | We are now taking orders Residential & j I Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! j P-.ll («. CDCC CCTIUATC ^ | I I -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 7/5TF12 J HONDA 50 motorcycle, excel lent condition. 1,100 miles. Elec. starter. Good tires. 385-5839. after 5 p.m. TF .22 WESTERNFIELD semi automatic. Like new cond. Call 815-678-7081 between 9 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill Jr. TF12 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 7/5TF12 TYPE BALLS for IBM Com poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc Henry Plaindeale/s 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry.wllinois 60050, 5/3TF12 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 7/5TF12 MALE HELP WANTED MEN WANTED to run early morning motor route in Mc Henry and Cary area. Con tact Island Lake News Agen cy. 312-526-2468. 6-28/7-7 I FOREMAN To run excavating Screws for constructing L r golf course. 6>II 312-966-6900 6/28-7/7 K FULL TIME MECHANIC With service station ex perience. Salary plus insurance. 312-639-7913 6/30-7/7 MALE HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED MOLDING MAN Must be able to set up, operate and supervise day shift. APPLY TO PERSONNEL: Singer Control Co. of America 110 W. Woodstock Street Crystal Lake, III. 60014 815-459-3200 An equal opportunity employer. 7/5TF12 FITIMI-PRESS-OPERATORI NIGHT SHIFT * Set up & operate own press. Must be | able to handle heavy material and dyes. APPLY TO: . j Singer Controls Company 110 W. Woodstock Crystal Lake , III. 815-459-3200 • mi •••••• M •! r work gGENERAL MAINTENANCE MECHANIC § i ^ Able to wire 220-440 single and three phase motors. A Must be capable of handling all types of maintenance I' Experience necessary. Apply to personnel office. Singer Controls Company 110 W. Woodstock St. ^Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-3200 ^ An P^qual Opportunity Employer. 7/5TF12 ^ SET UP MAN AND ASSISTANT FOREMAN FOR ASSEMBLY DEPARTMENT To set up riveting, spot welding, light assem-' bly and packaging operations. Permanent job. Many employee benefits. APPLY 7:30 A.M, to 4: P,m7~ - JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III' Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond, ju^t past State Line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterlirtg Parkway. 7/5-7/7 INVENTORY CONTROL MANAGER To supervise inventory control and production control. Must be familiar with metal fabrication process in cluding stamping, welding, painting and assembly. Must be capable of directing the establishment and im provement of inventory and production control proce dures. We have a standard line of products and do not manufacture to order. This is not just a cler ical job, but requires real know-how and judgement. Apply 9:00 a.m; to 4:00 'p.m. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2031 Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway, 7/5-7/7 MALE HEP WANTED MEN WANTED full time and part time. 25 years or old er. Sunnyside Security and Patrol. 385-6870. 6-28TF12 DRAG LINE OPERATOR For work in Vob area. For information Call 312-966-6900 r 6/28-7 /J YOUNG MAN AUTOMOTIVE General shop work for Buick service depart ment. No experience ne cessary. Apply in person io Service Manager. MR. GEORGE DETTERBECK Baber-Buick-Opel 91 S. Rte. 12 Fox Lake, III. g/30 PERSONALS NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts but my own, as of June 21st, 1972. " ; JOHN P. BARNES 6/28-7/28 Preserve your garden flowers. Enjoy your flowers for years to come. Send 35 cents plus 8 cents postage for illustrated instructions showing three Thethods of preserving flowers and foliages. COOK'S CRAFTS 202 North Ct. Dixon Illinois - 61021. 6/30.-7/7 FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED waitress for week ends only. Isabelles, Richmond, Illinois. 815-678- 7451. 6-30/7-7 LADY WANTED to take care of 2 small children from 7: .m. to 4: p.m. Call after , 385-3924. 6-30/7-7 ^"""cHETRT"^ WONDER, LAKE Ladies delight. Pick your | hours, full or part time. • From your own home. • Very profitable family I business. Cajl 815-385-3754 I for appointment or write: I BOX No. 425 I c/o McHenry Plaindealer I 6/30-6/30-7/14 1 \mtmnm PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES at the Vincent Strawberry Farm Daily 7 a.m.- 1 p.m. Beginning around JUNE 15 NO CHILDREN UNDER 10 3 Miles North of Rich mond, III. on Highway P, then turn left onto High way O. Follow the Nip- persink Manor signs. Phone 414-279-669 7/5W12 uu"LrLiru-i.rirn" "• iT""' • " " " NOTICE JENNY L. WADDELL LAST KNOWN ADDRESS: 2712 MYANG AVENUE McHENRY, ILLINOIS Please take notice that the Corvair automobile which you left at2712 Myang Ave., McHenry, Illinois and which has been on said pre mises since December 15, 197f will be disposed of for storage charges of $125.00 unless said storage cha rges are paid on or before July 17, 1972, and said auto mobile removed from said premises. ARTHUR H. LUNNISS 2712 MYANG AVENUE McHENRY, ILLINOIS 7_5 WANTED WANTED a lady in McHenry wants a lady about 40 to share her apartment rent free. Own room, sleep in. 385-0421, 6-23TF12 WANTED TO BUY Homq in country on % acre or more, with 3 or *4 bedrooms. Must have a basement. 312- 381-6709. 7/5-7/7 SITUATION WANTED Retired legal secretary would like to do typing at home. Can take dictation over telephone or from dictating machine. Have good references. 385-2918 7-5-72 FEMALE HELP WANTED BE AN AVON- ^ REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-385-8020 6/14-7/26 FEMALE HELP WANTED .(< DUE TO THE EXPANSION OF OUR PRODUCTION PROGRAM WE HAVE PERMANENT POSITIONS WITH MANY FRINGE BENEFITS TO OFFER APPLY Admiral Corporation 3908 W>Elm Street McHenry, Illinois > PERSONNEL OFFICE HOURS 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 6-30/7- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 14 1 YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE THRU CLASSIFIED. REAL ESTATE HEAVILY wooded waterfront, 8 room shell house, 2 car garage, cement seawall, full lot, aprinkier pipes, large screened porch, floating foun dation, 2 kitchens and screen house. 1 mile fromtown. Ideal fun house for handy fix-it-part- ners and their families. Ask ing $12,500,00 or best offer. Easy terms. 105 N. Emerald Drive. 6-28/7-7 REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE In Wonder Lake Coral & Thompson Road SATURDAY & SUNDAY NEW HOMES G.I's. no money down. Fantastic low down on FHA terms and 5-10 per cent down on conventional loans. 3 & 4 bedroom ranches. $21,900 to $27,900 B&K CONSTRUCTION 312-529-3900 815-728-0200 ^m A§KF£R b SHARON^ 6/30-7/28 HELP WANTED YOU CAN go for with Wells Far-Go, licensed private em ployment agency. 1212 N. Hwy. 47, Woodstock, 815-338-6980. 6-28/7-26 MECHANIC No eraerience necessary, tools provided, must have driver's license, capable of passing physical examina tion and aptitude teat. Call 815-338-2974 for appoint- CLERK TYPIST TRAINEE 18 thru 26, no experience necessary, must qualify, willing to travel. Call 815- 338-2974 for appointment. -TRAINEE 2 high school graduates, 18 thru 26, capable of pas sing rigid physical exam ination and aptitude test. Call 815-338-2974 forapp- FINANCE TRAINEE 18 thru 26, capable of pas sing physical examination and aptitude test. Call 815- 338-2974 for appointment. FOOD SERVICE APPRENTICES Butchers, bakers, cooks, No experience necessary, must be willing to travel. Call 815-338-2974tbrapp ointment. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES No experience necessary. Must have driver's license and meet physical and mental and moral qualifi cations. Call 815-338-2974 for appointment. It pays to advertise Phone 385-0170 REAL ESTATE I \ l I I I I TAVERN I I I GOOD DOWNTOWN LOCATION. Includes License -- Fur- niture and Fixtures. Low Rent - Priced to Sell I $14,000 Cash 312-741-1856 312-428-1671 I I I 6-30/7-5-72 IDEAL LIVING LOCATION River Rights Close 4 LOTS - 4 LOTS $1500.00 each Idyll Dell Subdivision. 1 mile south of McHenry. West of River. OWNER 815-385-2093 8-23TFI2. Wonder Like McHenry NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH Basement, carpeting, air- conditioning. Very low down payment. Only $23,900.00. B&K CONSTRUCTION 312-529-3900 815-728-0200 ask for Sharons/30-7/28 By Owner for Sale or Rent with option to buy v in McHenry V2 brick, 3 B.R. ranch home w/1% car attached heated garage, carpeted, tile bath, built-in oven & stove, disposal & utility room. 20x24 panelled family room with fire place. Lot 80x160 nice ly landscapped 2 blocks from new shopping center & school. Available July Asking $28,500. Call 312-428-1351 7/5TF1 / •Ak