PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JULY 7 , 1972 Deaths KENNETH R. LeBEAU A long illness ended Monday evening, July 3, in the death of Kenneth R. LeBeau, 26, % former McHenry resident. Survivors are his wife, Kathnrn^ (O'Brien); his parents, Ernest and Ruth LeBeau of McHenry; grand parents, Stewart and Ruth McLean of Franklin Park. The deceased was a member of the Chicago Independent Truck Drivers. The body rests at the Wauconda funeral home, 235 N. Main street, Wauconda, where visitation was held Wednesday and Thursday. Services will be conducted at noon Friday at St. Matthew Lutheran church, Old McHenry road, Lake Zurich. Interment will be in Wauconda cemetery. JOSEPH R. DATTOMO A Wonder Lake resident, Joseph R. Dattomo, 72, of 4620 N. Osage road, was dead on arrival at McHenry hospital July 3.. Mr. Dattomo was born June 6, 1900, in Modugno, Italy. He came to United States in 1922 and was a summer resident at Wonder Lake for 20 years, living there permanently for the past 2 years. He was a retired grocer. Among his survivors are his wife, Susie, nee D'Ambrosio. whom he married 39 years ago; two daughters, Mrs. Donald (Annette) Jones and Mary Christine, both of Wonder Lake; a son, Joseph R. Jr., of Wood Dale; five grand children; a brother, Michelle; two sisters, Antonia and Anna, all of Italy. A funeral Mass will be of fered at 11 o'clock Friday at - Christ the King church, Wonder Lake, with burial in the church cemetery. The body rested at tiie Peter M. J us ten and son funeral home until time of last rites. ARTHUR F. EDSTROM Arthur F. Edstrom, 1105 N. Front street, died July 3 at McHenry hospital at the age of 76. Mr. Edstrom was born in „ Goettenberg, Sweden, April 12, 1896r A resident of this city for over 50 years, he was employed during that time at Overton Motor Sales. Survivors include his wife, Catherine; two daughters, Mrs. William (Betty Jean) Ungenfelter, McHenry, and Mrs. Allan Brenner (Eleanore), Chicago; a son, Daniel, of Chicago; five grandchildren f three step-sons, James, Thomas, Lloyd Simon, Jr.; and a stepdaughter, Ellen Berent, McHenry. His first wife Leona Campbell Edstrom, passed away July 1, 1953. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home where services will be held Thursday morning af10:30 with burial in Oakridge cemetery, Hillside. JERRY JOHN LaMARCHE Jerry John LaMarche, 61,415 Lily Lake road, Lilymoor, died Wednesday, July 5, at McHenry hospital, j. Bom in Stambaugh, Mich., April 4, 1911, Mr. LaMarche came to Wonder Lake 2. years ago from Chicago and moved to the Lilymoor area 2 months ago. He was a retired' gas station attendant in Chicago. Among his survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Eug^ne(Irene) Crago, and a son, Wilfred, both of Lilymoor; two . grand children; a sister, Ethel Davidson, Chicago. His wife, Laura Jane, preceded him in death Oct. 30, 1969. Visitation was held after 7 o'clock Thursday evening at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home. A funeral Mass will be offered Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake, witlwjburial in church cemetery. ARNOLD F. SCHAETTGEN McHenry friends will learn with regret of the death of Arnold F. Schaettgen Monday, July 3, at the Morton F. Plant hospital, Clearwater, Fla. He was 80 years of age. spurgeons WE HAVE MARKED DOWN PRICES THINGS YOU NEED. BE HERE DRASTICALLY ON ALL SORTS OF WHEN OUR DOORS OPEN. SALE STARTS JULY 7 . . MDMS TO ROMANTIC --PLACES Jet tours »o Europe, latim America, Hawaii, and Around the World. See us for swift travel to vacationlandi every where. We »ell lickett for oil major oirlinei a* official ratev '•4rn CHAI NO-LAKES TRAVEL SERVICE 3405 West I Im Street McHenry. Illinois Phone 815-385-7500 SPORTSWEAR ' SAVE UP TO 20% SHORTS fteg. 259 2 00 BODY SHIRTS Reg 4 99 400 SKIRTS Reg. 5.99 50 9°° •SWIM SUITS Dei 1199 Hundreds of garments on sale! GIGANTIC DRAPERY CLEARANCE Ail • I Knee High? (Not By A Frost Bite) Knee high by the Fourth of July will normally produce a good corn crop. But 1972 is not a normal year, and June frosts prevented young corn from making its usual strides. One of the farmers hardest hit a month ago was John Hogan of Ringwood,'»3hown above as he checked two of his fields on Independence day. On the right he is shoulder deep in corn behind his farm on Barnard Mill road, which was planted in late May. It's a different story with the twenty-five acres down the road which was badly frost bitten June 11. The crop was disced and the land replanted. A sample of the new crop is held by Mr. Hogan at left above. The Hogans have decided to use the replanted corn for silage which they hope to har- vpet in October STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD • Fiboglass prints or solid colors. Reg. 5.49 to 5.99. - 48 x 63 size. • Fiberglass prints and solids. C17 Reg. 6.49 and 6.99 \ ** pr, PLUS MANY DISCONTINUED LUMBERS AT SAVINGS UP TO % OFF THE ORIGINAL PRICES. Mr. Schaettgen, a resident of this area for many years, was born in Dubuque, Iowa. He and his late wife, Marie, left this community to make their home in the St. Petersburg- Clearwater area in 1967. Mrs. Schaettgen died in February of 1971. He is sur vived by a brother, Harry J., of St. Petersburg; a sister, Mrs. Fred A. (Edna) Hoerner of Chicago and a nephew, Louis R. Berton. Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 10:30 a.m. from the Moss funeral home, Clearwater, Fla., by Dr. Earl E. Wolf, minister of visitation, Peace Memorial Presbyterian church, Clearwater. Burial will be at Sylvan Abbey Memorial park, Clearwater. EDWARD G. BULGER, JR. • Edward G. Bulger, Jr., 24, of 906 Totem Trail, McHenp', formerly of Hickory Hills, died unexpectedly July 4 in the malfunction of an aerial rocket during a fireworks display in Wauconda. Survivors are his parents, Edward G. and Evelyn Cooley Bulger; two sisters, Mrs. Daniel (Vickie) Rejnoand Jean Bulger, the maternal grand father, Silas Cooley; two nieces and one nephew. Funeral services will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning at the McPhee funeral home, 7133 S. Western, Chicago. In terment will be in Evergreen cemetery, Evergreen Park, 111. MARRIAGE LICENSE Edwin L. Qplan, 579 Coun- tryway, North Scituate, Mass., and Penelope L. Reynolds, 7707 Wooded Shore drive, Wonder Lake. PANTY HOSE CLEARANCE Your Choice of four styles in Panty Hose including Petite Jr. Miss Sizes. Al l Regular * * . QQt 1.00 and '1.19 Values OO pair L &000000€r00000000000000000000000000000°00000f » NOTICE The office of Dr. John T.^Gray, Optometrist 1260 N. Green St. McHenry, III. will be closed_jor_ annual vacation from June 16th to July 18th FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 385-0186 . >00000000000000000000000^00* <taoooooooooooooooo< COSTUME JEWELRY Clearance of summer jewelry in pins, earrings, ropes. SAVE 50% or more- REG. 1.00 2 <« 1.00 THE "NEW WHARF 0 CHILDRENS DRESSES Clearance of all childrens dresses in 7 to 14 size range. Check tags for savings. SAVE 25% and more f v SAT. JULY announcing DINING & COCKTAILS In A Casual Comfortable Atmosphere Overlooking^ Beautiful Wonder Lake. Wednesdays LADIES NIGHT Starting July 12,h Cocktails 14 Price Relax during dinner to the beautiful "Singing Keys" of Gordon Fossum at the Organ, Steaks Seafood \ j BRIEFS - PANTY GIRDLES - REG. GIRDLES...PRETTY PUCKERS BY FLEXKNIT. Comfortable, cool, long wearing body shapers. Regular and extra sizes. 3.50 Values 2.50 Values • 2 for 3.99 2 for 5.99 DISCONTINUED LUGGAGE Choose from TOTE, VANITY CASE, 21" OVERNITE or 26" PULLMAN. Blue, gold or green. Reg. 3.49 to 11.49 Pieces y3 OFF Reg. prices SUMMER DRESSER Hundreds-of dresses and ^oant suits * in easy care summer blends. All sizes but not in all styles. - Reg. 4.99 Reg. 6.99 Reg. 8.99 4°° 500 -J 00 Reg, 10.99 8 0 0 ' Reg. 13.99 1 100 and 14.99 * 4 BIG TOWEL CLEARANCE Slight irregulars of thick, tiirsty Pepperell towels. Modern jacquard or screen printed designs. Matching 1 H a n d 7 A * •• Tnuuol m King Size Bath Matching Wash Cloth 34* Towel Values to 2.50 if perfect. Stock up now! SUMMER WIG SALE Two and three styles in Modacrylic pre-styled wigs. These wigs formerly sold from 5.97 to 12.88 397 SUMMER HANDBAGS > Eveq( Summer bag reduced. Straws, vinyls, whites in all styes. Reg. 2.99 197 . Reg. 997 Reg. Q9 1 3.99 L 5.99 3 SAVE ON YARNS •WOOL YARN Reg. 1.09 4 oz. 84* •ORLON SAYELLE Reg. 1.34 1.12 • RAYON YARN Reg. 1.00 - 86* •AFGHAN KITS Reg. 10.59 8.88 INFANTS AND KIDDIES PLAYWEAR In 9 to 24 months and 3 ,to 6x. KNIT SETS, CRAWLERS, PANT SUITS. Most Perma-press. VALUES TO 3.99 joo 200 300 Tuesdays - Chicken & Beer Night Starting July 11th - AU You Can Eat $1.95 10</ beers from 7:00 til 1:00 am m • Fridays - Starting July 14th Fish Fry $1.95 All You Can Eat SUMMER FABRICS • Dotted Swiss, Perma-press 127 in prints. Reg. ^.59 1 yd Solid colors Reg. 1.19-Now 88* yd. • Polyester and cqtton knits. -- a ' Those great fabrics - Save y*' 1.02 yd. Reg. 3.99 . yd. MCHENRY MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER 4400 WEST ROUTE 120, McHENRY m l • t l i U * STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 9-8:30 Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-4:30 BEAUTY SALON HOURS: Mon.-Wed. 9-6 Thurs. - Fri. 9- 8:30 Saturday 9 to 6 /