PAGE 14-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1972 get the lob done 1 mmmmmmm PHONE.3&M120 I 0 0 0 BUSINESS SERVICES CARD OF THANKS BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE AUTOS may we help you lower your Auto Premium? Quotes with- dut obligation. Sunderlage In surance Agency. 815-338-3328. 7/21 66 Cadillac, Fleetwood, _ roughan, leather interior, full power, Stereo AM/FM radio, •$imate control, 37,000original iles. Priced at $1,695.00 Call 5-678-7861. 7/21 1966 Cadillac 4 dr. Sedan De Ville, white with black interior foil power, air conditioned. •1,450. 385-6546. 5 7/21 $970 OPEL GT, redwithblack '^rinyl sports top, chrome lug gage carrier, 9,000 act- laal miles, mint condition, tnust sell. $2,300.00. 385- 3C415. 7-19/7-21 AUTOS AUTOS 1967, 2 dr., Pontiac Catalina, Excellent condition. Call 385- 4400. _ 7/21/26 PICK UP TRUCK 1954, Ford y2 ton, good running condition. 385-4859. 7-19/7-21 1971 PLYMOUTH Duster, 6 cylinder 3 speed on column, must sell, drafted, $1600. 385-2803. 7-19/7-21 1969 PONTIAC TEMrtST, $1200. Call after 6: P.M. 385-7964. 7-19/7-21 327 Chevy ENGINE, rebuilt, 2500 miles, $125.00 drives it away. 385-7899. 7/14-7/21 1965 10 passenger Ford Country Squire station wagon, air con ditioned, good condition. $650. 385-3019. 7/21-26 1965 International pick up, 4 cyl., 6* bed, ladder rack, 2 studded snow tires, runs good. $350.00 385-7179. 7/21 CORVETTE Hardtop, will fit a '63 to '67, $150 or best offer, 385-8921. 7-19/7-21 '67 MUSTANG, excellent con dition, best offer. 385-1441. TF12 AUTOS iCOMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY For Your Automotive Needs -- 5 Qualified Counter Men To Serve You-- HOURS: Daily - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ~ Friday - 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 5-24TF1-2 TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES » U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS B & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC. miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 3&J-2034 7/5TF12 r I BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed * road gravel, grade 9 for drive ls ways. Black dirt for lawns, %pea gravel and sand, etc. John •Z Ficken, Jr. Call 385*4835. y 7/5TF12 % r.Is your Hospitalization Insur ance Adequate? Let us help you preview your program. No ob ligation of course. Sunderlage ^Insurance Agency. 815-338- £*3328. t" , 7/21 t ?; Horses Hauled. 815-385-2847 *',and 815-385-0457. g ' 7/21-8/2 / LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask for Lee. 7/5TF12 > HIGH PRICES paid for copper, y brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. '* Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., *' McHenry. Call 385-6236. 7/5TF12 NEED A RIDE? for your grocery shopping, doctors, dentist, hairdres ser apt, etc.?? Special weekly rates to and from work, train or school.Spe cializing in O*Hare Airport service. For courteous, helpful, dependable ser vice. CALL McHENRY YELLOW CAB CO. 385-6100 Serving all of McHenry . ' County 7/7TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES • SEA WALLS • BOAT PROPS REPAIRING • TRAILER HITCHES • WROUGHT IRON • PORTABLE WELDING All types of welding and repairs. FREE ESTIMATES Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE Route 120 (Vz mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 7/7TF2; F"™" SmSSc"11'! GEORGE'S TREE SERVICE Cut & Trirrt Trees Free Etimates 815-385-3068 McHENRY COUNTY 312-526-6482 LAKE COUNTY ^7^2j McHENRY TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 385-0258 385-8020 • 24-Hour Answer Service • Polite, Efficient, Person* alized (No Recorded Voices) • Special Rates for "On- Call" Airline Pilots • Mimeo & Secretarial Service • Western Union Telegraph 3509 W Pearl Street McHenry, III. 7/7TF2 BUSINESS SERVICES CRYSTAL LAKE PAVING SUMMER SPECIAL ON Driveways, Parking Lots and Seal Coating 25% to 40% cheaper than any other contractor, free estimates 24 Hour Service. Call now and save. 459-5757 7-19/8-4 A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right. Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 *Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5:00 on Weekdays. K0TTKE ENTERPRISE LANDSCAPING SN0WPL0WING 815-385-4160 VACATION LAWN CARE L. _____ 7-19/8-11 BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING •REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, IIL 815-3854)159 7/5TF12 ADDITIONS REMODELING HOME IMPROVEMENTS IWORCO 815-38^8541 7-14/7-21: B & G's SEAL COATING DRIVEWAYS - PARKING AREAS $10 and up Free estimates Call 385-4017 6-28TF12 A1 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE McHENRY, ILL. Excellent Service with a SMILE. For Business men, Doctors etc. Rea sonable Rates. 24 hour service. Write to: A-l TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE P.O. Box 5 McHenry, 111. 60050 7-21TF12 REYNOLDS for better building pnn1ml> in ALUMINUM • American Classic™ Siding • Classic Shingle-Shakes™ Roofing & Sidewalls • Gutters In Colors • Soffit & Fascia • Shutters F o r N o O b l i g a t i o n E s t i m a t e Call: McHENRY SIDING CO. 815-385-0600 _ 7/7TF12 EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING Young Man with own equipment will paint ex terior of houses. Call 385-1190 for estimates 7-21 r 1 1 1 1 UHBHESI and GARDEN TRACTORS IADAMS REPAIR SH0P| I 3102 N. Chapel Hill | McHenry, III. 385-0434 • 7/5TF12 I ESTIS TELEVISION SERVICE Expert color & Black & - white service. 25 yrs. experience Servicing All Major Brands Phone 385-3646 7/7 TF2: WETTELAND PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR PA PER HANGING Estimates Cheerfully Given. 4808 Jeffery - McHenry, III. 497-3900 7/7 TF2 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 BUSINESS SERVICES McHENRY FENCE CO An answer to your fence problems. Oldest and most experienced fence builder of all types. Call 815-385-1469 2017 It Ringwood Road McHenry, llinois 7/7TF2 • WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 Years Experience We are now taking orders Residential & Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-56347/ I -- 815-385-5843-- fr^l fr=1 fi=n SUNNYSIDE GARAGE DOOR Estimates SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE All work Guaranteed 6/28-8/9 bWWWWWWYVWVWWWWVtf; MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALSO PATCHING, SEAL COATING, TAR & CHIPPING. 20% DISCOUNT. * CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 Grayslake Serving your area. 7/5TF12 NAME & ADDRESS LABELS 1000 Name & Ad- dess Labels . $1.00 500 Christmas Labels* • • • • • $1.25 500 American Flag Labels 1.49 500 Golden Labels $2.00 Print clearly when order ing labels. Enclose 10c for handling. We pay postage. Send check or money order to: JAYC0 PRODUCTS 1308 N. Front St. * McHenry, Illinois 60050 7-21TF2 REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions # - Basements Finished Free Estimates, Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TCM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 7/5TF12 MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Tilling •Lawn Cutting • Paver Vacuuming * •Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 7/5TF12 My most sincere thanks for the many remembrances on the occasion of my 90th birthday. NETTIE B. WEBER 7/21 rwish to thank my family, re latives and friends for their cards, flowers, gifts, visits, and telephone calls while I was in""the Hospital and since I "have returned home. CLARA FREUND 7/21 I NEED I IMPROVEMENT! • IN YOUR HOME! Interior or Exterior Painting FREE ESTIMATES 1 Call 385-6173 or I I 1385-7144 after 5:30 p.m Your Dollars Get More Mileage Thru Want Ads I wish to thank my neighbors and the rescue squad for their assistance. Aspecial thanks for the flowers, cardsandtelephone calls which I received during my stay in the hospital. MATH SCHEID 7/21 WANTED WANTED; Plymouth with 6 cylinder slant motor, private, McHenry Plaindealer, Box 430, McHenry, Illinois. 7-19/7-21 FOR SALE Self propelled lawn mower $25. bicycle motor $20.; Walnut desk $25. 385-5193. 7/21 Old 3 HP riding lawnmower, reel type. Works good. $35 Arm. Call 385-4391. 7/21 I - wrought iron glass top table, 1 - vinyl reclining chair, I - 2 tier round coffee table. 385- 2032. 7/21 Combination Miller welder and 3500 watt ac power plant, $450 or best offer. 385-5367. 7/21 Oil Stove, heats 4 roorhs, $10. good condition. 385-1976. 7/21 Boats, motors, bikes, Mini- bike, guitar, Amp.,guns, school desk, oriental rugs, other items 4222 Riverdale 385-1776. i 7/21 4 H. Bonanza mini-bike, in ex cellent condition. $100.00 or iSlst offer. 385-6496 7/21 25' Owens 62 CC. SS. DF. Head with holding tank, new engine, last year camper top, much more. Slip paid in McHenry. Asking $3,500.00 312-745-9474 Weekdays or 385-9367 Week ends. 7/21-7/26 1964 Honda, 90 excellent con dition $150.00 385-5820. 7/21/26 Dressers, Twin beds, Trundle bed, odds and ends. 385-7626. 7/21 COLD SPOT air conditioner, 8000 BTU. Good condition. $85.00. 385-3889. 7-19/7-21 MINI BIKE $70, 3.5 HP. shocks, runs good. 385-1755 7-19/7-21 M 30 Kodak Super 8 Movie camera (zoom lens) with case. Used, in perfect condition. $60.00. 385-6016. 7-19/7-21 305 YAMAHA. $100.00. Honda 50 CC. $50.00. Needs work. Snow plow in excellent condi tion. $50,00. 385-6107. 7-19/7-21 1971, 8y2 ft. pick up camper, self contained, excellent con dition. $1,300.00. Call 385- 6059. 7-19/7-21 .22 WESTERNFIELD semi automatic. Like new cond. Call 815-678-7081 between 9 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill Jr. TF12 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 7/5TF12 HONDA 250 (frame, etc. only, no motor) $35, Car radio $12, Bucket seat (Impala) $20, Lawn mower $15. 385-4292. 7/7TF TYPE BALLS for IBM Com poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050, 5/3TF12 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND . COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 7/5TF12 4 x 5 x 6 P l a y h o u s e $ 1 0 . 0 0 , car seat $2. youth chair $1. 385-4862 7/21 1967 Mercury outboard motor. SS-110 H.P. Short shaft. $500.00 815-653-4396 or 815-653-4196. 7/21/28 ANTIQUE ORIENTAL 1RUG / •: a Circa 1850 Recently re- braided, refringed and cleaned by experts. 9x12' By appointment only Telephone 385-7291 7-21 I WE CELEBRATE OUR I | FIRST OLD FASH- | I0NED DAY SALE j | JULY 22nd I • Jewelry, knick knacks & | lots of other things. I 20% OFF ON j I EVERYTHING I Free coffee & homemade | Italian Cookies. | OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. | THE BURRAFATO'S j ^DISCOUNT GIFT SHOPi ' 4821 W. Crystal LakeRd. J | McHenry, Illinois | 7-19/7-21 GARAGE SALE Rummage Sale. 4808 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, Illinois. Saturday & Sunday July 22 & 23. 7/21 Garage Sale, Friday, Saturday & Sunday July 21, 22 & 23. 506 E. Liberty, Wauconda, III. 7/21 Misc. clothes, records, dishes, mini-bike, twin beds, Misc. July 20 - July 23. 615 Orchid Path McHenry Shores. 7/21 !LEAVING STATE: Everything Must Go 2 yr. old G.E. 2 dr. re- frig. $65. RCA Victor stereo, Value $600 will { take $200; Mediterranean < > cocktail table, commode < and end tables $100 for < all 3; furnishings, chairs ( etc. misc. hsld. goods, < baby furn., playpen and < > crib. 5513 East Lake Shore Dr. Wonder Lake, Illinois. < > THURS. -FRI.-SAT. < 7-19/7-21 $ GARAGE SALE :! Fri Sat. & Sun * July 21, 22 &-23 < • * '4 1 Moving must sell every-, . thing. Westinghouse llOOO BTU air conditioned, white 30" electric range, cop- pertone 30" electric range, copper tone electric ref., chest freezer, formica din -j ette set, 2 leaves, 6 chairs; formica drop leaf kitche set, 4 chairs, 4-36" vinyl| swivel bar stools, sno1 blower; band saw on stand;jfr jig saw on stand; plumb-£ ing tools; other tools all kinds; other furniture *etc. everything in good ^condition and reasonable. * 7701 Brook Drive £ Wonder Lake, III. £ $ 653-4272 $ 7-19/7-21 PETS FOR SALE GERMAN Shorthair Pointer pups, to hunters only. Pure bred, no papers. $40.00 each. 385-7870. 7-19/7-21 PART WEIMER and German Shepherd puppies, 7 weeks old. $15.00. 385-3674. 7-14/7-21 To good home. Registered year old black miniature male poodle. $25.00 385-8688. 13 week old female miniature poodle puppy, has had puppy shot. No papers. $35.00 385 7855. 7/21 FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRLS who can Crochet and Embroider. Part time. 385- 3934. 7-19TF12 FILE CLERK, 5 days a week, Call 385-6400. Family Service & Mental Health Clinic for McHenry County, 3514 W. Waukegan Rd., McHenry, J1L 7-19/7-21-72 ' • ** TEENAGERS who can crochet and embroider. Train now for after school work. 385- 3934. 7-19TF12 BE AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-3854020 6/14-7/26 SECRETARY For McHenry East Cam pus High School. Full time, 12 month po sition. General Secre tarial skills desirable. Applications may be se cured at: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 3926 W. Main Street McHenry, Ili, 7/12TF12 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER -CALL- PIONEER CENTER FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL 385-3310 between 9a.m. & 4p.m. 7-1 ORDER PROCESSING CLERK Work with inside Sales. Typing and Office skills, necessary. Knowledge of data processing a plus. Ex perience preferred but will train right person. Full benefit package. Illinois Coil Spring Co. McHenry, III. For appointment Call 815-385-6760 7-21/7-26 WAITRESS I WANTED WED.-FRI.-SAT. Experience preferred Apply in person or call 815-385-7429 OLIVER'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE 17-19/7-21 J RECEPTIONIST ! I For School Dist. 156 and | the Central Administra- • tion office. 12 month • position. Must be neat, | attractive, personable, I pleasant telephone voice, • general office skills re- \ quired. Applications may be secured at: i i ADMINISTRATION I OFFICE 3926 W. Main McHenry, 111. | LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! HOW 00 I KNOW? If you are a: •SECRETARY •DICTAPHONE OPERATOR •KEYPUNCH OPERATOR •MEDICAL RECORDS LIBRARIAN •BOOKKEEPER CALL 'DONA 815-338-6980 Wells Far-Go 1212 N. Seminary (Rte. 47) Woodstock Lisc. Private )loyment Agency *