PAGE9-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 1972 McCLORY REPORTS From ^ Washington IP ^ J Wonder Lake Mary Jean Huff 728-0267 One of President Nixon's principal domestic programs - reorganization of the Executive branch - has been effectively stalled by the Democratic Majority in the U.S. House and Senate. Howeverthe merit of the President's reorganization program is evidenced by the favorable action taken recently by the House Government Operations committee in ap- proving'the .establishment of a new Department of Community Development. The proposed new department would coor dinate the planning and development of urban and rural areas wider a comprehensive fuunction-oriented system. Community development in cludes such essential elements as housing,/transportation, business and industrial ex pansion, and provision for social welfare needs. Under the present Executive department hodgepodge, a community' can develop or expand only by dealing with at least five federal departments and as many as twenty relatively autonomous agen cies. The growth and rapid movement of population -- coupled with the deterioration of many*tfrban areas, where more than 85 percent of the population now resides -- require coordinated planning and cooperation. This means that a myriad of activities - including (a) housing and other community planning measures from the Department of Housing and Urban Develop ment, (b) highway and urban mass transportation services from the Department of Transportation, (c) public works and regional planning assistance as administered by the Department of Commerce, (d) various functions now administered by the Depart ment of Agriculture, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and other Federal agencies - must all be coordinated. Under the leadership of Rep. Chet Holifield, Democrat of California and chairman of the House Government Operations committee, the new Depart ment of Community Development has been recommended overwhelmingly to the U.S. House of Representatives. The measure, backed vigorously by President Nixon and supported by Secretaries Romney, Volpe and Butz, is expected to receive a favorable vote soon by the House of Representatives. General opposition to change, as well as fear of job losses, are threatening final enactment of this legislation. As described originally by the President, however, his program for reorganization of the Executive Branch is designed to meet the Women's Club Swim Program Is Successful Possibly one of the most successful summer projects at Wonder Lake this year was the swimming program sponsored by the Women's club. The ladies of the club who worked needs of the people and not to perpetuate outmoded agencies of government. It contemplates an improved restructuring of Federal activities, not a diminution of them. It seems clear that creation of the Department of Com munity Development would reduce substantially the overlapping of functions in the federal bureaucracy and render far more efficient those federal programs which assist state and local governments in the enhancement of community services. The first major test of the capacity of Congress to ac- c o m p l i s h e f f e c t i v e reorganization of the Executive branch of the government is about to take place. If the Department of Community Development act is passed, we can expect it to be followed by bills establishing a Department of Natural Resources and Department of Human Resources, as well as a Department of Economic Development. Such an overall reorganization package would streamline our federal system in such a way that there would be fewer opportunities for continued attacks upon "the establishment". on this project deserve much credit a£ well as the excellent instructors and their dedicated helpers. Not only will our youngsters who participated in this activity enjoy swimming more this summer because they now know how, but the fact that each one has learned safety skills including artificial respiration, should insure a safer summer. FIREMEN'S DANCE Polish up those dancing shoes! The second annual firemen's dance is coming up on August 26 at the McHenry Legion. DEAN'S LIST The dean's list at McHenry County college for the spring semester included the names of these Wonder Lake residents: Jacqueline Walker, Lafern Kuntz, Gordon Anderson, Kenneth Banner, Donald Blair, Brian McCafferty, Thomas Mrozek, Gary Reymann, Kendal Lewis and Leonard Wirkus. VISITS FRIEND Debbie Maris, the traveling daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Maris of Oakwood Shores visited with an old friend last week. She stayed with Carolyn Ehredt, daughter of Phyllis and Ward Ehredt and Carolyn's brother, Mark, who are former .Wonder Lakers, at their home \in Pittsfield, 111. YOUN0 AT HEARTS ig At Hearts Club enjoyrecent lunch .and matinee at Shady Lan£T At a meeting on last Wed nesday plans were completed for a picnic on Aug. 1 to be.held RECALL SCHOOL bAYS - The class of 1952 of McHenry high school earlier this month enjoyed a reunion at the McHenry Country club., Pictured above, front row, are Charlotte Hogan Thompson, Audrey Aiblreas Smith, Dorothy Johnson Schilling, Valeria Johnson Lyman, Doris Justen Rosing, Joan Scholz Freund, Renee Kalsch Freund and Kenneth Crook; second row, Sam Buenzli, Charlene Dowe Kraus, Rosemarie Schmitt Michels, Esther Stelnle Olson. Barbara Smale Belpedio, Jean Schmitt Vogel, Don Arvidson, Don Thiel and Ronald Transberg; third row. Bill Carroll, Arnold Peterson, Les Schilling, Jim Strom, Jerry Cristy, Bud Milinac, Bernie Buss and Jack Pepping. in the Woodstock park. Plans were also discussed about a trip to Milton and Janesville, Wis., in September. The trip will include - visits historical sights. to many WOMEN'S CLUB g Wonder Woods Woman's auxiliary met at the home of Marie Robinson to complete plats for the Wonder Woods subdivision picnic at Beach 1 on Sunday, Sept. 13. Coffee and cake were served. The next meeting will be Aug. 17. Two Died Breaking Record Three French balloonists set an altitude record of 28,000 feet on April 15, 1875. Two died from lack of oxygen, but Gaston Tis- sandier regained consciousness as the balloon descended and landed safely. BUMPER STICKERS ' TO SUCCEED. MAKE t" mistake:* vVH^N \ NO 0ME IS LOOKiMGr. \ CHECK ON SAVINGS SERVICE SPECIALS MOTOR TUNE-UP GM CARS WITH AIR Includes: Points plugs, cotfcienser, PCV valve, fuel filter, air filter, and labor. , (Cars with resistor plugs, add $3.75) 39 95 SUMMER AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE Includes: Adjust compressor belts, inspect system for leaks, clean condenser, and add freon. (Freon Extra) 10 00 k AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE 095 Includes: Drain transmission, replace oil, oil screen and pan gasket. (Plus parts & Oil) 8 HORNSBYS f ami ly cen te rs ^ brother 104.90 value Hornsby Low Price Model Sew 'N Save For School & Fall Fashions . . Charger Zig-Zag Sewing Machine with decorator case Get all these features and more: • Embroiders • Monograms 0 Sews On Buttons • Makes .Button Holes • Built in Light • Auto Darner • Auto Bobbin Winder. No stitch it cannot do .. . and with amazing speed, ease and perfection. Ultra modern design. Highly versatile. Price Iridudes Tote-Sew Case . . . High fashion, revolutionary new slim line plastic case. Rewarding projects for Thrifty, Do-lt-Yourselfers BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL 28" Includes: Relive Brakes, Clean and Inspect System. (Parts & Drum Turning Extra) i i ' i. •* i % h -v.rJ EMBROtt) OVERTON PONTIAC 1112 JV. Front St. Phone 385-3700 McHenry, III. Assorted J 4" Pillow Kits our reg. 2.86 1.87. Kit includes back and fringe. Fits a 14" pillow form. Choice of as sorted lovely designs. 4400 W. Rte. 120 McHenry Browse Thru Our Ifrge ARTS & CRAFTS DEPARTMENTS Complete selections of • Craft Fur • Mac rami • Candle Making • Styrofoam • Beads^ e • Sequins 42 x 32 Stamped Pillow Tubing Hornsby Low Price 1.11 HORNSBYS f a m i l y c c n n Choice of hemstitched and pearl edged. Many delightful patterns ... all stamped, ready to em broider. Daily 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 6